996 resultados para Fetal calf serum
Serological survey was performed to detect IgG antibodies anti-Taenia solium metacestodes in blood donors of Hemocentro Regional de Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. A total of 1133 sera from blood donors coming from four cities of Triângulo Mineiro area were analyzed by the indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT) and the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Specific IgG antibodies were found in 5.6% of the studied population, showing differences in the positive rates according to their origin: Araguari (13.5%), Tupaciguara (5.0%), Monte Alegre de Minas (4.8%) and Uberlândia (4.7%). The results indicate the probable endemicity of cysticercosis in this population.
RESUMO - O sentimento de solidão tem vindo a tornar-se cada vez mais frequente entre os indivíduos, fruto do desenvolvimento da sociedade moderna. Especificamente, ocorrendo durante a gravidez, situação que produz na mulher importantes alterações não só físicas, como também psicológicas, familiares e sociais, deve passar a ser alvo de uma atenção especial. De um ponto de vista da Saúde Mental, o desenvolvimento saudável da gravidez exige uma rede de suporte social e uma relação conjugal satisfatórias. Tais elementos devem ser considerados como factores protectores do aparecimento de sentimentos de solidão. Pelo contrário, um baixo sentido de coerência e o aparecimento de depressão durante a gravidez são factores de risco que, inevitavelmente, irão interferir na qualidade da ligação materno-fetal, com repercussões no desenvolvimento psico-social do futuro ser humano. Este protocolo de projecto propõe um estudo transversal, exploratório e de natureza quantitativa. Engloba dois sub-estudos, focando os determinantes da solidão e o impacto desta na ligação materno-fetal, e pretende identificar associações pertinentes entre as várias dimensões envolvidas. A amostra em estudo será constituída por 202 grávidas que frequentam o Centro de Saúde de Torres Vedras. As variáveis correspondentes serão operacionalizadas através de questionários estandardizados e validados para a população portuguesa, sendo eles a Escala de Solidão da UCLA, a Escala de Satisfação com o Suporte Social, a Escala de Avaliação de Áreas da Vida Conjugal, a Escala de Ligação Materno-Fetal, a Escala de Depressão Pós-Parto de Edimburgo e o Questionário de Orientação para Viver. Espera-se identificar e caracterizar as possíveis associações entre a solidão e a satisfação com o suporte social, a satisfação conjugal, a depressão durante a gravidez e o sentido de coerência, que a explicarão, e a ligação materno-fetal, que será influenciada por ela. Os questionários serão respondidos pelas grávidas seleccionadas de acordo com critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Além das descrições estatísticas iniciais, as análises de associação serão realizadas em função das distribuições encontradas, e tendo em conta dimensões do contexto sociodemográfico. Os resultados da investigação serão divulgados num relatório final. ----------------------- ABSTRACT - The feeling of loneliness is increasing as a result of developments in modern society. Specifically occurring during pregnancy, when important changes - physical, psychological and related to the family structure and interaction with society - take place, special attention should be devoted. To maintain good mental health during pregnancy it is important to have good social support and harmonious conjugal relations, both considered as factors preventing the emergence of feelings of loneliness. By contrast low sense of coherence and depression during the pregnancy are risk factors which, inevitably, will affect the quality of the maternal-fetal attachment and have repercussions on the psycho-social development of the future individual. This protocol of draft proposes a transversal exploratory study of a quantitative nature on two sub-studies, exploring the determinants of loneliness and its impact on the maternal-fetal attachment, which intends to identify some correlations between parameters. The study sample is made up of 202 pregnant women who are patients at the Health Centre of the city of Torres Vedras. They will be selected according to criteria of inclusion and exclusion. All variables will be measured through standardized and validated surveys illustrating the Portuguese population, like the Scale of Loneliness of the UCLA, Scale of Satisfaction with the Social Support, Scale of Evaluation of Areas of the Conjugal Life, Maternal-Fetal Attachment Scale, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, and Orientation To Life Questionnaire. We expect to identify correlations between loneliness and satisfaction with social support and conjugal relations, depression during pregnancy and sense of coherence, which will explain it, and the maternal-fetal attachment, which will influence it. Beyond the initial statistical descriptions, the data analysis will be executed according to the distributions found and will be carried taking into account the socio-demographic context. The results of the survey will be published in a final report.
In order to evaluate the potential allergenicity of Blomia tropicalis (Bt) antigen, IgE production of both specific and non-specific for Bt antigen was monitored in BALB/c mice after exposure to the antigen by nasal route. It was evidenced that B. tropicalis contains a functional allergen in its components. The allergenic components, however, when administered intranasally without any adjuvant, did not function to induce IgE response within a short period. On the other hand, intranasal inoculation of Bt antigens augmented serum IgE responses in mice pretreated by a subcutaneous priming injection of the same antigens. Inoculation of Bt antigen without subcutaneous priming injections induced IgE antibody production only when the antigen was continuously administered for a long period of over 24 weeks. Even when the priming injection was absent, the Bt antigen inoculated with cholera toxin (CT) as a mucosal adjuvant also significantly augmented the Bt antigen-specific IgE responses depending on the dose of CT co-administered. The present study also demonstrated that Bt antigen/CT-inoculated mice showed increased non-specific serum IgE level and peripheral blood eosinophil rates without noticeable elevations of the total leukocyte counts. The immunoblot analysis demonstrated 5 main antigenic components reactive to IgE antibodies induced. These components at about 44-64 kDa position were considered to be an important candidate antigen for diagnosis of the mite-related allergy.
Twenty-four whole blood and serum samples were drawn from an eight year-old heart transplant child during a 36 months follow-up. EBV serology was positive for VCA-IgM and IgG, and negative for EBNA-IgG at the age of five years old when the child presented with signs and symptoms suggestive of acute infectious mononucleosis. After 14 months, serological parameters were: positive VCA-IgG, EBNA-IgG and negative VCA-IgM. This serological pattern has been maintained since then even during episodes suggestive of EBV reactivation. PCR amplified a specific DNA fragment from the EBV gp220 (detection limit of 100 viral copies). All twenty-four whole blood samples yielded positive results by PCR, while 12 out of 24 serum samples were positive. We aimed at analyzing whether detection of EBV-DNA in serum samples by PCR was associated with overt disease as stated by the need of antiviral treatment and hospitalization. Statistical analysis showed agreement between the two parameters evidenced by the Kappa test (value 0.750; p < 0.001). We concluded that detection of EBV-DNA in serum samples of immunosuppressed patients might be used as a laboratory marker of active EBV disease when a Real-Time PCR or another quantitative method is not available.
The aim of the present study was to screen the serum of blood donors, which are apparently healthy and residing in Pondicherry or its neighboring districts of Tamil Nadu State, for specific detection of Cysticercus antigens and antibodies. A total of 216 blood samples were collected from blood donors at the Central Blood Bank, JIPMER Hospital, Pondicherry, India during January and February 2004. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to demonstrate anti-Cysticercus antibodies and the Co-agglutination (CoA) was used to detect antigen in sera. 14 (6.48 %) males were positive for either anti-Cysticercus antibodies or antigens. Of these eight sera were positive for anti-Cysticercus antibodies and six were positive for antigens. Results of the present study show that serum Cysticercus antigen detection may be a useful adjunct to antibody testing for seroprevalence studies of cysticercosis in the community. The present study is the first kind of study, carried out to determine both cysticercal antibodies as well as antigens in the serum samples collected from the healthy blood donors.
A total of 354 serum samples from inhabitants who frequent the Clinical Laboratory in Catalão, Goiás, in the central-western region of Brazil, were collected from June to August, 2002. The samples were evaluated by indirect immunofluorescence antibody tests and an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay in order to detect anti-Taenia solium metacestode IgG antibodies. Reactive and inconclusive samples were tested by Western blotting (WB). Considering WB as a confirmation, the frequency of antibodies in the serum samples of the above population was 11.3% (CI 5.09 - 17.51). The immunodominant bands most frequently recognized in WB were 64-68 kDa (97.5%) and 47-52 kDa (80%). The percentage of seropositivity to cysticercosis was significantly higher for individuals residing in areas without sewage systems (p < 0.0001). In conclusion, the results indicate a probable endemic situation of cysticercosis in this population. These results reinforce the urgent need for control and prevention measures to be taken by the local public health services.
Anti-Toxoplasma IgG-avidity was determined in 168 serum samples from IgG- and IgM-positive pregnant women at various times during pregnancy, in order to evaluate the predictive value for risk of mother-to-child transmission in a single sample, taking the limitations of conventional serology into account. The neonatal IgM was considered the serologic marker of transmission. Fluorometric tests for IgG, IgM (immunocapture) and IgG-avidity were performed. Fifty-one of the 128 pregnant women tested gave birth in the hospital and neonatal IgM was obtained. The results showed 32 (62.75%) pregnant women having high avidity, IgM indexes between 0.6 and 2.4, and no infected newborn. Nineteen (37.25%) had low or inconclusive avidity, IgM indexes between 0.6 and 11.9, and five infected newborns and one stillbirth. In two infected newborns and the stillbirth maternal IgM indexes were low and in one infected newborn the only maternal parameter that suggested fetal risk was IgG-avidity. In the present study, IgG-avidity performed in single samples from positive IgM pregnant women helped to determine the risk of transmission at any time during pregnancy, especially when the indexes of the two tests were analysed with respect to gestational age. This model may be less expensive in developing countries where there is a high prevalence of infection than the follow-up of susceptible mothers until childbirth with monthly serology, and it creates a new perspective for the diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis.
Parvovirus B19 infection was first discovered in 1975 and it is implicated in fetal death from hydrops fetalis the world over. Diagnosis is usually made through histological identification of the intranuclear inclusion in placenta and fetal organs. However, these cells may be scarce or uncharacteristic, making definitive diagnosis difficult. We analyzed histologically placentas and fetal organs from 34 cases of non-immune hydrops fetalis, stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE) and submitted to immunohistochemistry and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Of 34 tissue samples, two (5.9%) presented typical intranuclear inclusion in circulating normoblasts seen in Hematoxylin and Eosin stained sections, confirmed by immunohistochemistry and PCR. However, PCR of fetal organs was negative in one case in which the placenta PCR was positive. We concluded that parvovirus B19 infection frequency is similar to the literature and that immunohistochemistry was the best detection method. It is highly specific and sensitive, preserves the morphology and reveals a larger number of positive cells than does HE with the advantage of showing cytoplasmic and nuclear positivity, making it more reliable. Although PCR is more specific and sensitive in fresh or ideally fixed material it is not so in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues, frequently the only one available in such cases.
Introdução: A pré-eclâmpsia (PE) é uma síndrome específica da gravidez, associado a morbimortalidade materna e perinatal. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo descritivo das 134 gestações com PE grave, seguidas na nossa instituição de 2003 a 2005, com o objectivo de avaliar as repercussões maternas e fetais desta patologia. Resultados: Na maioria dos casos houve repercussão sistémica, manifestada por sintomatogia (79%) e valores laboratoriais indicativos de gravidade clínica. Os dados ecográficos revelaram 22,7% de restrição de crescimento intra-uterino e 21,3% de fluxometria doppler patológica. Decidiu-se interromper electivamente a gravidez em 95,3% dos casos, 60,5% nas primeiras 48h, sendo a síndrome materno a principal indicação. Verificaram-se 4 abortos e 5 mortes fetais. O parto ocorreu antes das 34 semanas em 63,1% dos casos. Em 82,8% a via de parto foi cesariana. Salientam-se 4 casos de insuficiência renal aguda e 2 casos de acidente vascular cerebral hemorrágico com morte materna. 20% dos recém-nascidos eram leves para a idade gestacional e verificou-se asfixia neonatal em 7,7%. Conclusão: A pré-eclâmpsia grave continua a ser uma patologia com implicações importantes no desfecho obstétrico.
BACKGROUND: To optimize the noninvasive evaluation of bone remodeling, we evaluated, besides routine serum markers, serum levels of several cytokines involved in bone turnover. METHODS: A transiliac bone biopsy was performed in 47 hemodialysis patients. Serum levels of intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH; 1-84), total alkaline phosphatases (tAP), calcium, phosphate and aluminum (Al) were measured. Circulating levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) and soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6r) were determined using ELISA. Circulating IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12p70 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) were simultaneously quantified by flow cytometric immunoassay. RESULTS: Patients with low/normal bone formation rate (L/N-BFR) had significantly lower serum iPTH (p<0.001) and tAP (p<0.008) and significantly higher Al (p<0.025) than patients with high BFR. Serum calcium and phosphorus, however, did not differ (p=NS). An iPTH >300 pg/mL in association with tAP >120 U/L showed low sensitivity (58.8%) and low negative predictive value (44.0%) for the diagnosis of high BFR disease. An iPTH <300 pg/mL in association with normal or low tAP, <120 U/L, was associated with low sensitivity (66.7%) but high specificity (97.1%) for the diagnosis of L/N-BFR. Serum IL-1, IL-6, IL-12p70 and TNF-alpha were positively correlated with BFR, serum IL1-Ra and IL-10 with bone area, and by multiple regression analysis, tAP and IL-6 were independently predictive of BFR. CONCLUSIONS: Significant associations were found between several circulating cytokines and bone histomorphometry in dialysis patients. The usefulness of these determinations in the noninvasive evaluation of bone remodeling needs to be confirmed in larger dialysis populations.
The present study reports the production of the rabbit anti-Leishmania (L.) chagasi hyperimmune serum, the standardization of the immunohistochemistry (IHC) technique and the evaluation of its employment in cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) lesions diagnosed by Leishmania sp. culture isolation. Thirty fragments of active CL lesions were examined as well as 10 fragments of cutaneous mycosis lesions as control group. IHC proved more sensitive in detecting amastigotes than conventional hematoxylin-eosin (HE) stained slides: the former was positive in 24 (80%) biopsies whereas the latter, in 16 (53%) (p = 0.028). The reaction stained different fungus species causing cutaneous mycosis. Besides, positive reaction was noticed in mononuclear and endothelial cells. Nevertheless, this finding was present in the control group biopsies. It is concluded that IHC showed good sensitivity in detecting amastigotes.
Introdução: A malformação congénita mais frequente é a cardíaca, afectando cerca de 5-8 recém-nascidos/mil nados vivos. Actualmente é possível obter um diagnóstico pré-natal destas anomalias através do ecocardiograma fetal (EcoF), porém, porque os recursos em Saúde são limitados, este exame deve ser pedido de acordo com os critérios estabelecidos pela Direcção Geral de Saúde (DGS). Objectivos: Avaliar a importância dos critérios de referenciação propostos pela DGS para detecção de anomalias cardíacas. Determinar as taxas de prevalência e mortalidade nos fetos com doença cardíaca. Material e Métodos: Revisão casuística de uma amostra de 733 fetos aos quais foi realizado EcoF em consulta de Cardiologia Pré-natal num centro terciário de Cardiologia Pediátrica, no período de 2006 a 2008. Foram avaliados dados demográficos, motivo de referenciação (MR), resultados da EcoF e evolução. Classificámos os MR em dois grupos: (I) concordantes com as indicações da DGS- causas major (familiar, materna, fetal) e causas minor (outras situações); (II) não concordantes. Resultados: Realizaram-se 871 EcoF a 705 grávidas. A mediana da idade materna foi de 32 anos (15-45 anos) e a média da idade gestacional foi de 26 semanas (±4 sem). O grupo I incluiu 89% das grávidas. Identificaram-se 52 fetos (7%) com anomalias cardíacas: 42 estruturais, 8 de ritmo e 2 derrames pericárdicos. Estas anomalias distribuíram-se da seguinte forma: grupo I - causa familiar (3), causa materna (3), causa fetal (39), causas minor (5) e no grupo II (2). Observou-se um maior número de anomalias cardíacas no grupo I (6,8% vs 0,3%) (p> 0.05), sobretudo nos fetos referenciados por causa fetal (p<0,05). Perderam-se no controlo evolutivo 10 casos positivos, realizaram-se 3 interrupções médicas da gravidez e ocorreram 3 mortes. Mantêm-se em seguimento na consulta de Cardiologia Pediátrica 11 casos positivos. Conclusões: Na maioria dos casos cumpriram-se os critérios de referenciação da DGS, no entanto não se observou uma diferença estatisticamente significativa na prevalência de anomalias cardíacas fetais nas grávidas com e sem factores de risco. A causa fetal foi a que melhor se correlacionou com a presença de anomalia cardíaca. A prevalência destas anomalias e a taxa de mortalidade aferida na amostra pode estar subestimada por perda de casos positivos no controlo evolutivo.
BACKGROUND: The quantitation of serum HBeAg is not commonly used to monitor viral response to therapy in chronic hepatitis B. METHODS: In this study, 21 patients receiving varying therapies were followed and their viral response monitored by concomitant viral load and HBeAg quantitation in order to study the meaning and the kinetics of both parameters. RESULTS: It was possible to distinguish between three different patterns of viral response. The first was characterized by a simultaneous decrease in serum HBV DNA and HBeAg. The second pattern was characterized by a decrease in serum HBeAg but persistent detection of HBV DNA. The third pattern was characterized by undetectable HBV DNA with persistent HBeAg positivity, which points to a non-response (Pattern III-B) except when HBeAg levels showed a slow but steady drop, characterizing a "slow responder" patient (Pattern III-A). CONCLUSIONS: The first pattern is compatible with a viral response. A long-term HBeAg seropositivity with a slow and persistent decrease (Pattern III-A) is also compatible with a viral response and calls for a prolongation of anti-viral treatment.
Introduction: Toxoplasmosis is caused by Toxoplasma gondii and may be acquired from food or water contaminated with cat feces or by vertical transmission. Severe fetal complications can overcome during pregnancy. There are also rare case-reports of congenital toxoplasmosis from previously immunized pregnant women; usually these women being had prior retinal toxoplasmic lesions. Immunosuppresion is one of the risk factors which accounts for some of these cases. Case report: 30 year-old pregnant woman, OI 2002, brazilian, previously healthy, admitted in Ophtalmology Department because of sudden left eye amaurosis in June, 2010. The fundoscopy revealed retinal scars suggesting previous infections; she was treated with corticoids and spiramycin for ocular toxoplasmosis reactivation. Previous serum analysis (2008) showed immunity to T. Gondii, but in July the IgM was negative and high levels of specific IgG were found (1227UI/mL). The serologic findings were later confirmed by a more accurate laboratory technique which found the IgM to be also positive. An amniocentesis was performed and it was negative for fetal transmission. Clinical and ultrasound follow-up throughout the rest of the gestational period was normal; daily spiramycin intake was maintained. An uneventful term delivery was performed. Neither the newborn’s serum analysis nor the histopathological study of the placenta were positive for congenital infection. Conclusion: Toxoplasmosis reactivation in pregnant women without immunosuppression is rare but is more likely to occur if previous post-infectious retinal scars are present. T. gondii infection is endemic in Brazil, so the geographical origin is important. If risk factors are present, fundoscopy should be performed every three months during pregnancy and one should always be aware of any visual symptoms. If you suspect reactivation, start medical prophylaxis for fetal transmission, perform amniocentesis and regular ultrasound follow-up.