940 resultados para Femoral-neck


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The functional effect of the A>G transition at position 2756 on the MTR gene (5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase), involved in folate metabolism, may be a risk factor for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). The frequency of MTR A2756G (rs1805087) polymorphism was compared between HNSCC patients and individuals without history of neoplasias. The association of this polymorphism with clinical histopathological parameters was evaluated. A total of 705 individuals were included in the study. The polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism technique was used to genotype the polymorphism. For statistical analysis, the chi-square test (univariate analysis) was used for comparisons between groups and multiple logistic regression (multivariate analysis) was used for interactions between the polymorphism and risk factors and clinical histopathological parameters. Using univariate analysis, the results did not show significant differences in allelic or genotypic distributions. Multivariable analysis showed that tobacco and alcohol consumption (P < 0.05), AG genotype (P = 0.019) and G allele (P = 0.028) may be predictors of the disease and a higher frequency of the G polymorphic allele was detected in men with HNSCC compared to male controls (P = 0.008). The analysis of polymorphism regarding clinical histopathological parameters did not show any association with the primary site, aggressiveness, lymph node involvement or extension of the tumor. In conclusion, our data provide evidence that supports an association between the polymorphism and the risk of HNSCC.


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The association of education, tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, and interleukin-2 (IL-2 +114 and -384) and -6 (IL-6 -174) DNA polymorphisms with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) was investigated in a cohort study of 445 subjects. IL-2 and IL-6 genotypes were determined by real-time PCR. Cox regression was used to estimate hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) of disease-specific survival according to anatomical sites of the head and neck. Mean age was 56 years and most patients were males (87.6%). Subjects with 5 or more years of schooling had better survival in larynx cancer. Smoking had no effect on HNSCC survival, but alcohol consumption had a statistically significant effect on larynx cancer. IL-2 gene +114 G/T (HR = 0.52; 95%CI = 0.15-1.81) and T/T (HR = 0.22; 95%CI = 0.02-3.19) genotypes were associated with better survival in hypopharynx cancer. IL-2 +114 G/T was a predictor of poor survival in oral cavity/oropharynx cancer and larynx cancer (HR = 1.32; 95%CI = 0.61-2.85). IL-2 -384 G/T was associated with better survival in oral cavity/oropharynx cancer (HR = 0.80; 95%CI = 0.45-1.42) and hypopharynx cancer (HR = 0.68; 95%CI = 0.21-2.20), but an inverse relationship was observed for larynx cancer. IL-6 -174 G/C was associated with better survival in hypopharynx cancer (HR = 0.68; 95%CI = 0.26-1.78) and larynx cancer (HR = 0.93; 95%CI = 0.42-2.07), and C/C reduced mortality in larynx cancer. In general, our results are similar to previous reports on the value of education, smoking, alcohol consumption, and IL-2 and IL-6 genetic polymorphisms for the prognosis of HNSCC, but the risks due to these variables are small and estimates imprecise.


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Loss of Y-chromosome has been correlated with older age in males. Furthermore, current evidence indicates that Y-chromosome loss also occurs in several human tumors, including head and neck carcinomas. However, the association between Y nullisomy and the occurrence of neoplasias in elderly men has not been well established. In the present study, the association between Y-chromosome loss and head and neck carcinomas was evaluated by comparison to cells from peripheral blood lymphocytes and normal mucosa of cancer-free individuals matched for age using dual-color fluorescence in situ hybridization. Twenty-one patients ranging in age from 28 to 68 years were divided into five-year groups for comparison with 16 cancer-free individuals matched for age. The medical records of all patients were examined to obtain clinical and histopathological data. None of the patients had undergone radiotherapy or chemotherapy before surgery. In all groups, the frequency of Y-chromosome loss was higher among patients than among normal reference subjects (P < 0.0001) and was not age-dependent. These data suggest that Y-chromosome loss is a tumor-specific alteration not associated with advanced age in head and neck carcinomas.


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Human papillomavirus (HPV)-related head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is considered to be a distinct clinical entity with better prognosis than the classical tobacco- and alcohol-associated tumors. The increasing incidence of this neoplasia during the last decades highlights the need to better understand the role of HPV in the development of these cancers. Although the proportion of HNSCC attributed to HPV varies considerably according to anatomical site, overall approximately 25% of all HNSCC are HPV-DNA positive, and HPV-16 is by far the most prevalent type. In this review we discuss the existing evidence for a causal association between HPV infection and HNSCC at diverse anatomical head and neck subsites.


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A simple experimental protocol applying a quantitative ultrasound (QUS) pulse-echo technique was used to measure the acoustic parameters of healthy femoral diaphyses of Wistar rats in vivo. Five quantitative parameters [apparent integrated backscatter (AIB), frequency slope of apparent backscatter (FSAB), time slope of apparent backscatter (TSAB), integrated reflection coefficient (IRC), and frequency slope of integrated reflection (FSIR)] were calculated using the echoes from cortical and trabecular bone in the femurs of 14 Wistar rats. Signal acquisition was performed three times in each rat, with the ultrasound signal acquired along the femur's central region from three positions 1 mm apart from each other. The parameters estimated for the three positions were averaged to represent the femur diaphysis. The results showed that AIB, FSAB, TSAB, and IRC values were statistically similar, but the FSIR values from Experiments 1 and 3 were different. Furthermore, Pearson's correlation coefficient showed, in general, strong correlations among the parameters. The proposed protocol and calculated parameters demonstrated the potential to characterize the femur diaphysis of rats in vivo. The results are relevant because rats have a bone structure very similar to humans, and thus are an important step toward preclinical trials and subsequent application of QUS in humans.


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Pain is a common symptom in patients with cancer, including those with head and neck cancer (HNC). While studies suggest an association between chronic inflammation and pain, levels of inflammatory cytokines, such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), have not been correlated with pain in HNC patients who are not currently undergoing anticancer treatment. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between these inflammatory markers and perceived pain in HNC patients prior to anticancer therapy. The study group consisted of 127 HNC patients and 9 healthy controls. Pain was assessed using the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI), and serum levels of CRP and TNF-α were determined using the particle-enhanced turbidimetric immunoassay (PETIA) and ELISA techniques, respectively. Patients experiencing pain had significantly higher levels of CRP (P<0.01) and TNF-α (P<0.05) compared with controls and with patients reporting no pain. There were significantly positive associations between pain, CRP level, and tumor stage. This is the first study to report a positive association between perceived pain and CRP in HNC patients at the time of diagnosis. The current findings suggest important associations between pain and inflammatory processes in HNC patients, with potential implications for future treatment strategies.


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Tesis (Master of Science in Electrical Engineering) UANL, 2014.


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Introduction: Le gène O6-méthylguanine-ADN méthyltransferase (MGMT) code pour une enzyme spécifique réparatrice de l’ADN qui protège les cellules de la toxicité des agents alkylants. Ainsi, l’activité du MGMT est un mécanisme majeur de résistance aux agents alkylants. Il a été démontré qu’une diminution de l’expression du gène MGMT par une hyperméthylation du promoteur résulte en une amélioration de la survie chez les patients avec certains types de tumeurs qui sont traitées avec des agents chimiothérapeuthique alkylants. Objectifs: Déterminer la prévalence de la méthylation du gène MGMT chez des patients avec des cancers épidermoïdes localement avancés de la sphère ORL traités avec chimioradiothérapie et évaluer l’impact de cette méthylation sur la survie. Méthodes: Sur 428 patients consécutifs, traités avec chimioradiothérapie à notre institution et suivis pour un période médiane de 37 mois, 199 spécimens chirurgicaux paraffinés ont été récupérés. L’ADN était extrait et modifié par le traitement au bisulfite. Une réaction en chaîne de la polymérase, spécifique à la méthylation était entreprise pour évaluer l’état de méthylation du promoteur du gène du MGMT. Les résultats de laboratoire étaient corrélés avec la réponse clinique. L’analyse statistique était exécutée à l’aide du test de Fisher pour les données catégoriques et à l’aide des courbes de Kaplan-Meier pour les échecs au traitement. Résultats : Des 199 extraits d’ADN initiaux, 173 (87%) étaient modifiés au bisulfite avec succès. Des ces spécimens modifiés, 71 (41%) ont démontré une hyperméthylation du MGMT. Pour les cas de méthylation et nonméthylation du MGMT, les caractéristiques des patients n’étaient pas significativement différentes. Les taux de réponse étaient 71 et 73% (p=NS) respectivement. Le contrôle locorégional était respectivement 87 et 77% (p=0.26), la survie sans maladie était 80 et 60% (p=0.38), la survie sans métastase à distance était 92 et 78% (p=0.08) et la survie globale était 64 et 62% (p=0.99) à 3 ans. Conclusions : L’état de méthylation du MGMT est fortement prévalent (41%) et semble avoir un possible impact bénéfique sur la survie quand la chimioradiothérapie est administrée aux patients avec des stades avancés de cancers tête et cou.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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BACKGROUND: Acute liver failure (ALF) is characterized haemodynamically by a progressive hyperdynamic circulation. The pathophysiological mechanism is unknown, but impaired contractility of vascular smooth muscle may play an important role. The aim of this study was to evaluate the vascular response to stimulation with norepinephrine and angiotensin II in endothelium-denuded femoral artery rings. METHODS: Norwegian Landrace pigs weighing 27.1 +/- 0.5 kg (mean +/- sx (standard error of the mean)) were used. ALF was induced by performing a portacaval shunt followed by ligation of the hepatic arteries (n = 6). Sham-operated animals served as controls (n = 5). Cumulative isometric concentration contraction curves were obtained after in vitro stimulation of the femoral artery rings with either angiotensin II (10(-13) - 10(-5) mol/L) or norepinephrine (10(-13) - 10(-3) mol/L). RESULTS: Pigs suffering from ALF developed a hyperdynamic circulation with an increased cardiac index (P = 0.017) and decreased systemic vascular resistance index (P = 0.015). Studies of the hind leg revealed a decreased vascular resistance index and increased blood flow compared to sham-operated controls (P = 0.003 and P = 0.01, respectively). Angiotensin II caused a concentration-dependent contraction of the arterial segments, with no significant differences in vascular responses between the two groups. Maximum force generated did not differ (55 +/- 7 versus 56 +/- 7 mN, P = 0.95). Furthermore, there were no differences for norepinephrine in the cumulative concentration-response curves and the maximum contractile force was not significantly different (87 +/- 8 versus 93 +/- 16 mN, P = 0.55). CONCLUSIONS: This study documents for the first time that there are no signs of endothelium-independent peripheral vascular hyporesponsiveness to angiotensin II and norepinephrine in pigs with ALF.


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Travail créatif / Creative Work


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Objetivo: Determinar si la canulación arterial axilar para perfusión selectiva anterograda cerebral (PSAC) con hipotermia moderada reduce la morbilidad, mortalidad y el pronóstico neurológico en pacientes llevados a cirugía del arco aórtico. Pacientes y métodos: Se hace una revisión retrospectiva de 2 cohortes de pacientes a quienes se les realizo cirugía del arco aórtico urgente o electiva, para comparar dos técnicas de canulación arterial diferente; la canulación axilar para perfusión selectiva anterograda cerebral con hipotermia moderada y la canulación femoral con hipotermia profunda, en un periodo de tiempo comprendido entre Diciembre del 2002 y Agosto del 2008 en el servicio de cirugía cardiovascular de la Fundación Cardioinfantil Instituto de Cardiología. Resultados: 68 pacientes, 50 hombres y 18 mujeres fueron llevados a cirugía de arco aórtico 19 pacientes (27%) con diagnóstico de aneurisma de aorta ascendente y arco aórtico y 49 pacientes (72%) con disección aortica tipo A aguda o crónica. A 55 pacientes (80.9%) se les hizo canulación axilar y a 13 pacientes (19,1%) se les hizo canulación femoral. No se encontraron diferencias en las variables preoperatorias entre los dos grupos. La mortalidad global fue de 13,2% (9 pacientes), todas las muertes se presentaron en pacientes con diagnóstico de disección aortica tipo A. El 55% de los pacientes (38/68) se operaron de urgencia. No se presentaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la mortalidad entre el grupo de canulación axilar, 8 muertes (14,5%) y el grupo de canulación femoral 1 muerte (7,7%) con (p=0.5). No se encontraron diferencias en la incidencia de déficit neurológico permanente entre los dos grupos, presentándose solamente dos pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular ambos en el grupo de canulación axilar (P=0.48). Conclusiones: la canulación axilar con perfusión cerebral selectiva anterograda en hipotermia moderada representa un método seguro de protección cerebral, con una mortalidad aceptable y una incidencia baja de complicaciones neurológicas permanentes, no encontramos diferencias en la mortalidad o la aparición de eventos neurológicos, cuando se comparo con la técnica de canulación arterial femoral. No se presentaron complicaciones asociadas al sitio de canulación en ninguno de los dos grupos.


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Objetivo: Comparar las complicaciones del uso de Angioseal® versus compresión manual en los pacientes llevados a cateterismo cardíaco en el Servicio de Hemodinamia de la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá, del 1º de enero de 2005 al 31 de diciembre de 2010, mediante punción arterial femoral percutánea. Metodología: Se realizó un Estudio Observacional, Analítico, de tipo Cohorte Retrospectiva. Partiendo de dos grupos de personas con indicación de cateterismo cardíaco por cualquier causa, uno expuesto al procedimiento con Angioseal® y el otro con compresión manual. Resultados: Con el uso de Angioseal® versus compresión manual la aparición de complicaciones fue 7,3% vs 4,1%, estas diferencias no fueron significativas (OR 1,81 IC95 0,96-3,40; RR 1,75 IC95 0,96-3,18) . La enfermedad coronaria (OR 2,27 IC95 1,07-4,79; RR 2,18 IC95 1,06-4,46) y a la colocación de stent (OR 3,49 IC95 1,82-6,69; RR 3,25 IC95 1,75-6,02 si se relacionaron significativamente con la aparición de complicaciones menores. Conclusión: No encontramos soporte para aprobar o desaprobar el uso de Angioseal® o compresión manual como manejo de la hemostasia, con respecto a las complicaciones. Sin embargo, se encontró que la colocación de stents está fuertemente relacionada con el desarrollo de complicaciones menores, lo cual hace que estos pacientes deban ser objeto de monitorización estrecha.


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Se realizó un estudio descriptivo observacional para describir los hallazgos radiológicos pre y postoperatorios de pacientes llevados a osteotomía periacetabular tipo Ganz, según las medidas radiológicas del mismo autor, en el Instituto de Ortopedia infantil Roosevelt entre los años 2008 y 2012.


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Background: The tight junction (TJ) is one of the most important structures established during merozoite invasion of host cells and a large amount of proteins stored in Toxoplasma and Plasmodium parasites’ apical organelles are involved in forming the TJ. Plasmodium falciparum and Toxoplasma gondii apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA-1) and rhoptry neck proteins (RONs) are the two main TJ components. It has been shown that RON4 plays an essential role during merozoite and sporozoite invasion to target cells. This study has focused on characterizing a novel Plasmodium vivax rhoptry protein, RON4, which is homologous to PfRON4 and PkRON4. Methods: The ron4 gene was re-annotated in the P. vivax genome using various bioinformatics tools and taking PfRON4 and PkRON4 amino acid sequences as templates. Gene synteny, as well as identity and similarity values between open reading frames (ORFs) belonging to the three species were assessed. The gene transcription of pvron4, and the expression and localization of the encoded protein were also determined in the VCG-1 strain by molecular and immunological studies. Nucleotide and amino acid sequences obtained for pvron4 in VCG-1 were compared to those from strains coming from different geographical areas. Results: PvRON4 is a 733 amino acid long protein, which is encoded by three exons, having similar transcription and translation patterns to those reported for its homologue, PfRON4. Sequencing PvRON4 from the VCG-1 strain and comparing it to P. vivax strains from different geographical locations has shown two conserved regions separated by a low complexity variable region, possibly acting as a “smokescreen”. PvRON4 contains a predicted signal sequence, a coiled-coil α-helical motif, two tandem repeats and six conserved cysteines towards the carboxyterminus and is a soluble protein lacking predicted transmembranal domains or a GPI anchor. Indirect immunofluorescence assays have shown that PvRON4 is expressed at the apical end of schizonts and co-localizes at the rhoptry neck with PvRON2.