922 resultados para Felanitx (Balearic Islands)


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It has been well documented, within the field of landscape ecology, that terrestrial fragmentation contributes to increased heterogeneity at the landscape level. It has also been observed that elevated areas of edge habitat occur within fragmented landscapes. Spatial and temporal edge effects were investigated in four areas designated as Nature Reserve Zones within Short Hills Provincial Park, near St. Catharines, Ontario. Random sampling along exposed edges was performed on trees and saplings, at 5 and 25 ill edge depths, using the point-centred quarter method. Diameter at breast height (dbh) and distance from point measurements were used to establish relative density, dominance, frequency and importance value. One-way analyses of variance were used on dbh measurements of tree species and Chi-Square contingency tables were used on size class distributions of saplings species to determine significant differences between 5 and 25 metres. Qualitative comparisons of importance values were also used to determine differences between 5 and 25 metres as well as between trees and saplings. These statistical and qualitative comparisons suggest that a significant overall spatial edge effect is currently exhibited by fragmented wooded islands within the park. The major species of the park, Acersaccharuln, may be exhibiting a temporal edge effect. The heterogeneous nature of the park may be of importance in understanding this area as a complex, ecological system. It is possible that the remaining forest tracts of the park have been affected, and continue to be affected by previous disturbances. Based on these findings, recommendations are made to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources concerning the management of Short Hills Provincial Park in accordance with their 1990 proposed Management Plan.


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New Feature at Niagara – Clark Hill Islands (5 islands situated in the rapids of the Niagara River). These islands are currently known as Dufferin Islands, 22 ½ cm. x 15 ½ cm, n.d.


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In the present thesis the petrographic, geochemical and digenetic variability of the sediments in the islands of Kavaratti and Minicoy has been investigated .The beach profile studies show that in the Kavaratti lagoon beach, the slope is steeper in the southern and south central part than in the northern end’s marginal deposition is taking place in the northern end of the Kavaratti island, whereas a marginal erosion is observed at the southern end. In Minicoy the slope of the lagoon beach is gentle in the south and is slightly steeper at the northern part of the beach. The southern and northern beach sections show a marginal deposition. Based on the mineralogical and geochemical studies it is concluded that the main digenetic changes observed is the transformation of aragonite to LMC.The transformation takes place mainly in the vadose zone and is caused by the abundance of fresh water infiltration.


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Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have a dramatic impact on the tourism industry because they force this sector as a whole to rethink the way in which it organises its business . In the light of such rethinking within the tourism industry, this study has focussed on the Small and Medium Tourism Enterprises (SMTEs) in two island destinations, namely Mauritius and Andaman Islands, India.Suggestions. The findings conceming SMTEs in Mauritius and Andaman Islands have been compared to make some destination-specific inferences. The relevance of the findings has been discussed with reference to the SMTEs in the two destinations as well as the possible acceptability in other comparable settings. Suggestions have been made for further research in SMTEs’ use of the Internet for marketing function.


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Step bunching develops in the epitaxy of SrRuO3 on vicinal SrTiO3(001) substrates. We have investigated the formation mechanisms and we show here that step bunching forms by lateral coalescence of wedgelike three-dimensional islands that are nucleated at substrate steps. After coalescence, wedgelike islands become wider and straighter with growth, forming a self-organized network of parallel step bunches with altitudes exceeding 30 unit cells, separated by atomically flat terraces. The formation mechanism of step bunching in SrRuO3, from nucleated islands, radically differs from one-dimensional models used to describe bunching in semiconducting materials. These results illustrate that growth phenomena of complex oxides can be dramatically different to those in semiconducting or metallic systems.


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The importance of marine algae, often referred to as seaweeds, has been felt over a long time and is appreciated more and more in modern times. The economic value of marine algae is understood both indirectly and directly. The indirect benefit is due to the role of marine phytoplankton as well as the benthic macrophyte biomass along the shore and in the continental shelf, in primary production of the sea. Direct benefit includes the use of marine algae as food, feed, fertilizer and as source of various products of commercial importance such as agar and alginic acid. Hence to understand the potential resources of seaweeds, their distribution, density, standing crop and interrelated environmental parameters, a detailed study (survey and ecological work) was carried out for a period of 20 months from August 1988 to March 1990 in South Andaman, North Andaman, Middle Andaman, Havelock, Neil, Car Nicobar, Terassa, Chowra and Bumpoka islands. However in South Andaman, data were collected from five fixed stations fortnightly during this period for the purpose of modelling and system analysis.


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The customary laws of Union Territory of Lakshadweep islands are a challenge for judicial institution as well as administrative machinery. With the peculiarities of socio-legal institutions, Lakshadweep system stands apart from the mainstream of legal systems in India. How far do the charismatic modernisation trends flowing into the Lakshadweep society affect the people already protected by the uncodified laws of the past? Many are the issues at this stage. This study analyses them. It examines the growth, evolution and development of the legal system in the islands vis-a-vis the administrative mechanism imposed by the mainland ethos and culture.


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Demostrar el impacto sociocultural que ha tenido la enseñanza de la música a lo largo de la historia, especialmente en el siglo XX, en el municipio de Felanitx (Mallorca) y el papel que ha tenido la escuela de música Pare Aulí en este hecho. Muestra de documentación bibliográfica, legislativa y administrativa. Enmarcar el contexto cultural, social y económico que promovió la aparición de una escuela de música en Felanitx. Presentar las personas e instituciones, relacionadas con la enseñanza de la música, que han contribuido al enriquecimiento de la cultura musical de Felanitx. Evaluar el impacto de la creación de un conservatorio regional en Palma y reseñar cómo la escuela de música Pare Aulí se convirtió en una extensión del conservatorio. Presentar el futuro de Felanitx respecto a la música. Análisis documental y estudio de caso. Felanitx ha sido y es una ciudad de la música puesto que ha contado con diversas personas que se han dedicado en cuerpo y alma a la docencia de este arte, convirtiendo el municipio en un núcleo cultural considerable y punto de referencia para numerosos músicos. En primer lugar se presentan los antecedentes de la escuela de música Pare Aulí. En segundo lugar se comentan los inicios de esta institución, su momento de crisis y su decadencia. En tercer lugar se aborda le resurgimiento de la banda de música y de la escuela de música, gracias al impulso desarrollado por Bartomeu Artigues Febrer, y en especial se presenta su biografía y enseñanza. En cuarto lugar se aborda la expansión de la escuela, con la creación del patronato de música y la escuela, a partir del curso 1972-1973, la creación de las extensiones de S'Horta y Cas Concos, la creación de la Coral de Felanitx y del Quinteto Pare Aulí, así como acontecimientos significativos como la Semana de Música. En el siguiente capítulo se ahonda en los años ochenta, puesto que el desarrollo de la LOGSE supone una nueva dimensión para la Banda y para la Escuela Pare Aulí. Entre los años 1985 y 1990 se amplían las especialidades, se reabre la extensión de Cas Concos. En los capítulos siguientes se aborda la enseñanza musical en la LOGSE y sus consecuencias en la escuela Pare Aulí, como la creación de la extensión del conservatorio o la tutorización de las escuelas de música. Finalmente se comentan los dos libros más empleados en la escuela: El Progreso Musical, de lenguaje musical, y Arín y Fontanilla, de armonía. La Escuela de Música Pare Aulí, desde su creación en el año 1946 pero especialmente a partir de 1972, convirtió a Felanitx en un punto de referencia en la comarca y en la isla de Mallorca, sirviendo de modelo a municipios vecinos. Con la creación del quinteto Pare Aulí se consiguió divulgar la música de cámara, que entonces era poco conocida, y provocó la creación de especialidades de instrumentos de viento en el Conservatorio Profesional de Música y Danza de las Islas Baleares. En el momento de la desaparición de la matrícula libre, la escuela Pare Aulí fue una de las pioneras en luchar contra esta decisión y en buscar una solución que permitiera a los alumnos no desplazarse hasta Palma de Mallorca. La LOGSE permitió integrar los estudios musicales en el entramado de la enseñanza general no sólo a nivel administrativo y legal sino también en cuanto a los contenidos.


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Material realizado a partir del libro de Pere Xamena Fiol, Felanitx mot a mot


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La duración de la cinta de vídeo es de dieciocho minutos


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Permite ver cómo se han ido formando las islas a los largo de millones de años. Un examen a través de estudios de casos, mapas y fotografías aéreas, ilustra los efectos que los seres humanos han tenido en estos accidentes geográficos y cómo cambian. Por último se aportan datos sobre las islas más grande del mundo, las islas más densamente pobladas y las que tienen las montañas más altas. iene un glosario de apoyo lingüístico y bibliografía.