911 resultados para Feelings attributed by women
A number of recent studies have suggested that households in western countries are increasingly turning to paid household help to perform a range of domestic tasks formerly carried out by women at home. But while expenditure on meal services, in the form of eating out or buying take out food has undoubtedly increased in recent years, the percentage of households that employ paid help with routine everyday housework activities, such as cleaning, appears to be comparatively low in many western countries. In Australia our data indicate that only 19 per cent of couple households pay someone to do domestic work, and only 11 per cent of couple households employ paid help with routine house cleaning. In this paper we use data from the Negotiating the Life Course survey, 1997 to investigate why some households use paid help with domestic labour while others do not. We examine hypotheses relating to level of resources, level of demand and gender role attitudes. We also examine attitudes about whether paid domestic help is viewed as an efficient strategy for dealing with domestic tasks. We find that although resources, demand and gender role attitudes provide the parameters within which employing household help is made possible or desirable, beliefs about the effectiveness of this strategy are also very significant. The paper concludes that domestic outsourcing is doing little to relieve women's double burden of paid and unpaid work.
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar a mulher congregacional, sua formação pastoral no período de 1965-1975, considerado de grande desenvolvimento da Igreja. Fez-se analise dos contextos social, político, econômico e religioso para ter idéia do contexto geral do espaço em que a Igreja Evangélica Congregacional em Angola foi implantada. Falou-se da viagem dos primeiros missionários norte-americanos para o interior do país, assim como do episódio acontecido durante a implantação da Igreja no Bailundo, sede do reino na época, liderado pelo rei Ekuikui II nos primeiros anos de vida da Igreja. O desenvolvimento da igreja mereceu um olhar especial, assim como os modelos pastorais, a cooperação dos nativos na expansão do evangelho, as instituições da Igreja e sua mudança de nome. Destacaram-se as relações de gênero, a formação na cultura, o processo da formação pastoral das mulheres e os principais cursos ministrados nos centros, nas estações missionárias e no Dôndi. Os cursos eram: economia doméstica, alfabetização, educação cristã, formação feminina, formação das parteiras. A contribuição das mulheres para o desenvo lvimento da Igreja e da sociedade era diversificada, o que acontece até hoje, entretanto, destacam-se as contribuições das mulheres leigas, diaconisas, esposas dos pastores e o programa do Fogo Cristão implementado por elas. Apontei as dificuldades que as mulheres encontraram no processo da formação. Analisei a situação geral e a necessidade da formação pastoral das mulheres nos dias de hoje no Huambo e em toda Angola. O trabalho faz propostas de formação pastoral das mulheres que podem servir de ponte entre a nova e a velha geração.
O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi investigar eficácia adaptativa de mulheres que vivenciaram abortamento e freqüentam um Ambulatório de Reprodução Humana. Os objetivos específicos foram: avaliar a eficácia adaptativa; identificar as repercussões psicológicas destes abortamentos. O instrumento utilizado foi a entrevista clínica preventiva- EDAO (Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada). Participaram do estudo 10 mulheres que freqüentavam um Ambulatório especializado em Reprodução Assistida. Os resultados deste trabalho revelaram que o abortamento teve uma repercussão importante no mundo interno e externo das mulheres que participaram desta pesquisa. Os abortamentos provocados e espontâneos são relatados com intensa angústia, tristeza, culpa e sentimentos de inferioridade. No caso do abortamento espontâneo predomina o medo de perder novamente, e no caso de aborto provocado, predominam sentimentos de culpa. As pacientes, de forma geral, apresentam intensa angústia e expectativa em relação ao tratamento; porém a experiência do tratamento para engravidar, somado à experiência anterior de abortamento, intensificou as angústias dessas mulheres. A psicoterapia breve operacionalizada pode auxiliar a paciente a lidar de forma mais adequada com os conflitos vividos no tratamento. E no caso específico deste estudo, auxiliar também a elaboração das perdas anteriores. Este estudo trouxe questionamentos relevantes sobre a vivência emocional de mulheres que buscam tratamento para engravidar e já sofreram abortamento espontâneo ou provocado. A realização de outros estudos é fundamental para maior compreensão do tema.(AU)
O contexto batista é predominantemente marcado por lideranças masculinas, destinando às mulheres apenas lugares e comportamentos socialmente estabelecidos, como a casa, o cuidado, a maternidade, a submissão, entre outras características que enfatizam a hierarquia de gênero. Mesmo diante do desenvolvimento econômico e da ocupação que as mulheres estão conquistando no campo público, a igreja e principalmente as igrejas batistas, permanecem fundadas em alicerces que exaltam o poder masculino em detrimento do lugar que deve ser ocupado pelas mulheres, ou seja, onde elas decidirem atuar. Caso elas decidam atuar num campo predominantemente masculino, terão que lidar com a desconstrução de um pensamento socialmente permeado de dominação masculina e com a árdua construção de um pensamento que vise a igualdade de gênero. O objeto desta pesquisa é o ministério pastoral feminino no contexto batista brasileiro. O texto analisa o discurso das Pastoras Batistas do Estado de São Paulo e o discurso dos líderes da Ordem dos Pastores Batistas de São Paulo (OPBB-SP) a respeito do ministério pastoral feminino e a não filiação de mulheres na OPBB-SP. A importância deste trabalho é a de demostrar as relações de micro poder existentes entre pastores e pastoras e concomitantemente as desigualdades dentro do contexto batista com relação ao ministério pastoral feminino. Essa afirmação se consolida por meio das análises das entrevistas semiestruturadas que realizei na pesquisa de campo, com sete pastoras batistas do Estado de São Paulo, bem como com três líderes da OPPB-SP. Esta é uma pesquisa qualitativa, em que foram analisados documentos oficiais da igreja, como pautas de convenções, atas, sites institucionais, periódicos e documentos não oficiais encontrados em redes sociais, blogs, jornais online, entre outros. Posso afirmar que as pastoras batistas estão se mobilizando para cumprir sua vocação, usando argumentos transcendentes que impedem qualquer pessoa de desafiar ou duvidar de seu chamado pastoral, pois: “O vento sopra onde quer; ouve-se o ruído, mas não sabes de onde vem, nem para onde vai. Assim acontece com aquele(a) que nasceu do Espírito.” (João 3.8).
This paper provides an overview of the position of women directors in UK firms. Based on data for all UK firms with more than three directors, this data provides a comprehensive picture of the position of women in UK business leadership and contributes to our understanding of progress towards achieving greater gender balance in the boardroom. Five key points emerge. •Female directors account for around 1:4 directors in UK firms but only around 1:10 businesses in the UK are female controlled. •Only 1:226 larger firms in this category have a majority of female directors. •The overall proportion of female directors in the UK has grown in recent years but slowly. At the rate of progress achieved over the 2003-2005 period, it will be the year 2225 before gender balance in company directorships is achieved in the UK. •There are a significant and interesting group of 12, 600 sisterhood companies in the UK – those wholly owned and led by women. Although they are predominantly services, these do firms exist in all business sectors with a focus on smaller companies. These firms represent an interesting potential focus for future research. •Our analysis of board gender diversity and business growth suggests that there is a business cost to gender balance in terms of foregone growth.
In this study, we investigate crosslinguistic patterns in the alternation between UM, a hesitation marker consisting of a neutral vowel followed by a final labial nasal, and UH, a hesitation marker consisting of a neutral vowel in an open syllable. Based on a quantitative analysis of a range of spoken and written corpora, we identify clear and consistent patterns of change in the use of these forms in various Germanic languages (English, Dutch, German, Norwegian, Danish, Faroese) and dialects (American English, British English), with the use of UM increasing over time relative to the use of UH. We also find that this pattern of change is generally led by women and more educated speakers. Finally, we propose a series of possible explanations for this surprising change in hesitation marker usage that is currently taking place across Germanic languages.
Background: Independent, strong and unequivocal evidence suggests that life style factors such as obesity and lack of physical activity along with certain reproductive choices can increase the risk of breast cancer. There are no studies measuring the effectiveness of guidelines from the Department of Health regarding life style choices made by women presenting to breast clinics. The aim of this audit was to study the prevalence of obesity, physical activity and reproductive factors in women referred to breast clinic. Patients and methods: All patients attending the Breast clinic as new referrals were invited to complete a life style questionnaire. The data was analysed for prevalence of various risk factors for breast cancer. Three hundred and 73 patients completed the questionnaire. Results: Final analyses of 373 patients demonstrated that 42% of women performed no exercise and only 24% of patients met Department of Health guideline of 30 minutes of exercise for 5 days a week. Overall 50% of patients were either obese or overweight and 22% of patients had BMI of > 30 kg/m. The median age of menarche was 13 and 18% of women started their period below the age 12. Twenty one percent of women were nulliparous and 14% had their first live birth after the age of 30. Fourteen percent of patients were on the hormone replacement therapy of which 57% have used hormones for more than 5 years. Twenty two percent of women smoked and 9% of women consumed alcohol 5 days a week of which 13% had more than 4 glasses of alcohol in a day. Conclusion: There is preponderance of high risk life style choices in women attending breast clinic. If these life style options are not modified, there could potentially be a significant rise in the number of breast cancer in West Midlands.
Organisations operating in the West Midlands region of the UK. Based on over fifty interviews, the key themes to emerge from this research centre upon some of the factors that draw women into management (which we term seductive elements) as well as some of the hindering practices that prevent women from progressing. Significantly, managerial careers are associated with gendered assumptions and practices (e.g. facilitating and developing people) which might contribute to construct management (as done by women) as focused on feminine aspects. However, in terms of the lived reality of doing management, such women experience contradictions and conflicting pressures.
Empirical work on micro and small firms focuses on developed countries, while existing work on developing countries is all too often based on small samples taken from ad hoc questionnaires. The census data we analyze here are fairly representative of small business structure in India. Consistent with findings from prior research on developed countries, size and age have a negative impact on firm growth in the majority of specifications. Enterprises managed by women have lower expected growth rates. Proprietary firms face lower growth on the whole, especially if they are young firms. Exporting has a positive effect on firm growth, especially for young firms and for female-owned firms. Although some small firms are able to convert know-how into commercial success, we find that many others are unable to translate it into superior growth.
This article explores the place of Spanish women poets within the Spanish cultural space at the end of the 20th century. In clear opposition to the arguments presented by the editors and many of the articles included in this volume, Raquel Medina sees in the most recent poetry written by women an evolution towards a new and independent female poetic voice which clearly fights against the supremacy of male poetic voices and their manipulative poetic language. No longer stealing the male poetic word is necessary for the last generation of Spanish women poets. On the contrary, these women poets create their own language, their own poetic universe, and demolish a long tradition of male poetry which situated the female subject as a dead object of male poetry.
Within the newly established field of Galician Studies, Feminist Theory has played a major role in revealing how women have contributed to the development of the Galician cultural polysystem. However, it is my contention that the translative facet of many women translators has not yet received enough critical attention. Therefore, within the framework of a growing interest in the roles played both by women and by translation in the development of societies, this article seeks to explore the history of translation in the context of Galicia, with a view to underscoring the contributions of women translators throughout the 20th century. The aim of the article is twofold: firstly, to offer an overview of translators such as Mercedes Vázquez Fernández Pimentel, Mari Luz Morales, Teruca Bouza Vila, María Barbeito, Amparo Alvajar, Xohana Torres, and Teresa Barro, in order to open up new areas for research so that subsequent studies can further examine their contributions in more depth. Secondly, it seeks to analyse the power relations which inform the activity of translation both from a gender and national approach.
Sex work is a subject of significant contestation across academic disciplines, as well as within legal, medical, moral, feminist, political and socio-cultural discourses. A large body of research exists, but much of this focuses on the sale of sex by women to men and ignores other performances, practices, meanings and embodiments in the contemporary sex industry. A queer agenda is important in order to challenge hetero-centric gender norms and to develop new insights into how gender, sex, power, crime, work, migration, space/place, health and intimacy are understood in the context of commercial sexual encounters. Queer Sex Work explores what it might mean to 'be', 'do' and 'think' queer(ly) in the study and practice of commercial sex. It brings together a multiplicity of empirical case studies - including erotic dance venues, online sex working, pornography, grey sexual economies, and BSDM - and offers a variety of perspectives from academic scholars, policy practitioners, activists and sex workers themselves. In so doing, the book advances a queer politics of sex work that aims to disrupt heteronormative logics whilst also making space for different voices in academic and political debates about commercial sex. This unique and multidisciplinary volume will be indispensable for scholars and students of the global sex trade and of gender, sexuality, feminism and queer theory more broadly, as well as policymakers, activists and practitioners interested in the politics and practice of sex work in local, national and international contexts.
This study investigated how intrusive noises affect local university students in their communities. The Community Noise Survey solicited information about types of bothersome noises, how often these noises were bothersome, activities intruded upon by these noises, feelings elicited by noise intrusions, and what participants did to abate the noises.
This dissertation analyses, through a rhetorical framework and a literary approach, texts written in Catalan and Castilian by four Catalan female writers (Dolors Monserdà, Maria Aurèlia Capmany, Esther Tusquets, Monserrat Roig ), whose works cover from 1900 to the 1980. Utilizing this urban feminine literature, it discusses the historical-geographical vision about the changes in Catalan society during the twentieth century with its consequences for the urban space, especially the space occupied by women. It is also established that Barcelona's recovery and literary vindication by women has been done through the written text, as literary affirmation and as a matter of conscience in which the city could not be summed up as a backdrop, but rather as an active part of a literary creation, active in the double sense, as a socio-historical space in the novel and as characteristic of their works. The primary purpose of this dissertation is to demonstrate that the use of the city as a setting for the novels determines and characterizes those female writers' texts. Consequently, these writings are literary material relevant and essential to the understanding of the Barcelonian women's space. However their use of space is not arbitrary, on the contrary it corresponds to a social order established by the patriarchy where the relation of women to the world is embodied in the intentional and socially restricted space and movements of their bodies. The theoretical perspectives of this study are based on Montserrat Roig's feminist urban space theories. Her theory advocates the right to individuality, denouncing the patriarchal and hierarchical social system present in gendered space from the outside male world to the domestic feminized space. I also turn to the writings of Maria Aurèlia Capmany, who addresses cultural aspects of women's roles revealing a purposive controlled patriarchal society according to a historical-geographical analysis. This study of texts permits a new reading of the Catalan capital and demonstrates that Catalan women writers have consciously willed to give birth to a new history of the city: the history of women as protagonist citizens, producers, reproducers, and consumers of the space represented by the Catalan capital
Throughout history, women have played an important role in literature. Nevertheless, since Sappho's poetry until now, feminine voices have had to struggle for recognition of their works. Before the nineteenth century, women were almost ignored in Spanish literature. Society kept them as "ángeles de la familia," taking care of their homes, husbands, and children. Some of them, such as María de Zayas y Sotomayor in Spain and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz in Mexico, complained about their situation in their writings. However, they expressed their fight not as a generation but as individuals. In the nineteenth century, the ideas and ideals of Romanticism, were brought to Latin America from Europe. Cuba was among those countries where the new movement took roots. Initiated by Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, a group of women began to participate in literary reunions, and to found newspapers and magazines where works authored by women, dedicated to feminist ideas, were published. They indeed through literature started to live out womanhood in order to intellectually leave the ideological prisons where society had been keeping them. This study scans the literary works of all Romantic women writers in Cuba. It specifically analyzes poetry and short stories, and investigates how these authors expressed themselves in their works against the patriarchal society, where they lived and wrote their books. An eclectic critical method has been used. Findings were very revealing. Only three of the fourteen writers studied in my dissertation had been previously mentioned by major critics. Most of them had been ignored. However, the greatest discovery was that they prompted something new: For the first time they projected themselves as a group, as a collective consciousness, and this fact established a difference with former women writers in Cuban literature before Romanticism. In other words, they produced a "Renaissance" in Cuba's literature. In spite of how they lived between 1820 and 1900, their struggles for women's rights have linked them to our current times.