865 resultados para Feedstock Microstructure


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Tailoring specified vibration modes is a requirement for designing piezoelectric devices aimed at dynamic-type applications. A technique for designing the shape of specified vibration modes is the topology optimization method (TOM) which finds an optimum material distribution inside a design domain to obtain a structure that vibrates according to specified eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes. Nevertheless, when the TOM is applied to dynamic problems, the well-known grayscale or intermediate material problem arises which can invalidate the post-processing of the optimal result. Thus, a more natural way for solving dynamic problems using TOM is to allow intermediate material values. This idea leads to the functionally graded material (FGM) concept. In fact, FGMs are materials whose properties and microstructure continuously change along a specific direction. Therefore, in this paper, an approach is presented for tailoring user-defined vibration modes, by applying the TOM and FGM concepts to design functionally graded piezoelectric transducers (FGPT) and non-piezoelectric structures (functionally graded structures-FGS) in order to achieve maximum and/or minimum vibration amplitudes at certain points of the structure, by simultaneously finding the topology and material gradation function. The optimization problem is solved by using sequential linear programming. Two-dimensional results are presented to illustrate the method.


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Welded equipment for cryogenic applications is utilized in chemical, petrochemical, and metallurgical industries. One material suitable for cryogenic application is austenitic stainless steel, which usually doesn`t present ductile/brittle transition temperature, except in the weld metal, where the presence of ferrite and micro inclusions can promote a brittle failure, either by ferrite cleavage or dimple nucleation and growth, respectively. A 25-mm- (1-in.-) thick AISI 304 stainless steel base metal was welded with the SAW process using a 308L solid wire and two kinds of fluxes and constant voltage power sources with two types of electrical outputs: direct current electrode positive and balanced square wave alternating current. The welded joints were analyzed by chemical composition, microstructure characterization, room temperature mechanical properties, and CVN impact test at -100 degrees C (-73 degrees F). Results showed that an increase of chromium and nickel content was observed in all weld beads compared to base metal. The chromium and nickel equivalents ratio for the weld beads were always higher for welding with square wave AC for the two types of fluxes than for direct current. The modification in the Cr(eq)/Ni(eq) ratio changes the delta ferrite morphology and, consequently, modifies the weld bead toughness at lower temperatures. The oxygen content can also affect the toughness in the weld bead. The highest absorbed energy in a CVN impact test was obtained for the welding condition with square wave AC electrical output and neutral flux, followed by DC(+) electrical output and neutral flux, and square wave AC electrical output and alloyed flux.


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High-angle grain boundary migration is predicted during geometric dynamic recrystallization (GDRX) by two types of mathematical models. Both models consider the driving pressure due to curvature and a sinusoidal driving pressure owing to subgrain walls connected to the grain boundary. One model is based on the finite difference solution of a kinetic equation, and the other, on a numerical technique in which the boundary is subdivided into linear segments. The models show that an initially flat boundary becomes serrated, with the peak and valley migrating into both adjacent grains, as observed during GDRX. When the sinusoidal driving pressure amplitude is smaller than 2 pi, the boundary stops migrating, reaching an equilibrium shape. Otherwise, when the amplitude is larger than 2 pi, equilibrium is never reached and the boundary migrates indefinitely, which would cause the protrusions of two serrated parallel boundaries to impinge on each other, creating smaller equiaxed grains.


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Alpha prime formation leads to material embrittlement and deterioration of corrosion resistance. In the present study, the mechanical and corrosion behavior of super duplex stainless steel UNS S32520 aged at 475 degrees C from 0.5 h to 1,032 h was evaluated using microhardness measurements, Charpy impact tests, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and cyclic polarization curves. The sensibility of these tests to the effects of alpha prime phase was investigated. The microhardness test showed a gradual increase in hardness with aging time, whereas the impact tests revealed losses of about 80% in the energy absorption capacity for the material aged for 12 h in comparison with the solution-annealed samples. The most responsive analysis was the impact test, which indirectly revealed the presence of this deleterious phase in samples aged for 0.5 h. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and polarization tests were not highly sensitive to the alpha prime phase unless these are present in large amounts in the stainless steel.


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TiAlN films were deposited on AISI O1 tool steel using a triode magnetron sputtering system. The bias voltage effect on the composition, thickness, crystallography, microstructure, hardness and adhesion strength was investigated. The coatings thickness and elemental composition analyses were carried out using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) together with energy dispersive X-ray (EDS). The re-sputtering effect due to the high-energy ions bombardment on the film surface influenced the coatings thickness. The films crystallography was investigated using X-ray diffraction characterization. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) data show that TiAlN coatings were crystallized in the cubic NaCl B1 structure, with orientations in the {111}, {200} {220} and {311} crystallographic planes. The surface morphology (roughness and grain size) of TiAlN coatings was investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM). By increasing the substrate bias voltage from -40 to -150 V, hardness decreased from 32 GPa to 19 GPa. Scratch tester was used for measuring the critical loads and for measuring the adhesion. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic-martensitic steels are potential candidates for applications in future fusion power plants. High creep resistance, good oxidation resistance, reduced neutron activation and microstructural long-term stability at temperatures of about 650-700 degrees C are required in this context. In order to evaluate its thermal stability in the ferritic phase field, samples of the reduced activation ferritic-martensitic 9%Cr-ODS-Eurofer steel were cold rolled to 50% and 80% reductions and further annealed in vacuum from 300 to 800 degrees C for 1 h. The characterization in the annealed state was performed by scanning electron microscopy in the backscattered electron mode, high-resolution electron backscatter diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Results show that the fine dispersion of Y-based particles (about 10 nm in size) is effective to prevent recrystallization. The low recrystallized volume fraction (<0.1) is associated to the nuclei found at prior grain boundaries and around large M(23)C(6) particles. Static recovery was found to be the predominant softening mechanism of this steel in the investigated temperature range. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Polymer-clay nanocomposites are materials with many interesting structures, properties, and potential applications. Microstructural evaluation of a nanocomposite is not an easy task, as clay may form hierarchical structures which may look different when observed at various magnifications under a microscope, and also as the concepts of ""intercalation"" and ""exfoliation"" are not self-sufficient to describe its morphology. In this work polymer-clay nanocomposites of polystyrene and two styrene-containing block copolymers (styrene-butadiene-styrene and styrene-ethylene/butylene-styrene) were prepared using three different techniques. Clay dispersion was evaluated by a recently developed microscopy image analysis procedure, combining the analysis of optical and transmission electron micrographs, and the characterization was complemented by X-ray diffraction and rheological measurements. The results showed better clay dispersion for both block copolymers nanocomposites, mainly due to their molecular architectures. Moreover, the techniques which showed the best results involved mixing the materials in a solvent medium. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 50:257-267, 2010. (C) 2009 Society of Plastics Engineers


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The influence of Sri in Fe(2)O(3) thin films is addressed. The presence of the tin ions decreases the Fe(2)O(3) particle sizes and surface roughness decreasing of the films` surface is observed as a consequence. X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy measurements together with literature results support this phenomenon to be related to the segregation of the additive onto the surface and consequently surface energy decrease, which constitutes the driving force for the microstructure modification, similarly to results previously obtained for powders with same compositions. The effect of the anions introduced in the system as counter-ions of the precursors is also discussed.


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Duplex and superduplex stainless steels present superior mechanical and corrosion properties when compared to usual stainless steels. This superiority is based on chemical composition when in a balanced microstructure (approximately 50% of ferrite). During welding, changes may occur in both, the chemical composition and volume fraction of phases in the material, which may generate the presence of intermetallic phases and, as a consequence, modify the mechanical and corrosion properties of this group of stainless steels. The objective of this work is to apply ASTM A923- Practice A to verify the presence of intermetallic phases in welded joints of UNS 32750 su-perduplex stainless steel. Tubes of UNS 32750, with external diameters of 18 and 44 mm and a thickness of 1.5 mm, were welded using orbital GTAW, with filler metal 25Cr-10Ni-4Mo and a diameter of 0.8 mm. The metal-based and welded joints were characterized by optical and scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that there was no precipitation of the intermetallic phase, such as sigma phase, detected by ASTM A923, but the HAZ of the two tubes studied presented small regions with chromium nitrides, which can also change the properties of welded joins.


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The effects of temperature on the fast fracture behavior of aluminum nitride with 5 wt% Y(2)O(3) ceramic were investigated. Four-point flexural strength and fracture toughness were measured in air at several temperatures (30-1,300 A degrees C). The flexural strength gradually decreased with the increase of temperature up to 1,000 A degrees C due to the change in the fracture mode from transgranular to intergranular, and then became almost constant up to 1,300 A degrees C. Two main flaw types as fracture origin were identified: small surface flaw and large pores. The volume fraction of the large pores was only 0.01%; however, they limited the strength on about 50% of the specimens. The fracture toughness decreased slightly up to 800 A degrees C controlled by the elastic modulus change, and then decreased significantly at 1,000 A degrees C due to the decrease in the grain-boundary toughness. Above 1,000 A degrees C, the fracture toughness increased significantly, and at 1,300 A degrees C, its value was close to that measured at room temperature.


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In the present work, the corrosion resistance of ferritic-martensitic EUROFER 97 and ODS-EUROFER steels was tested in solutions containing NaCl or H(2)SO(4) and KSCN, both at 25 degrees C. The results were compared to those of AISI 430 ferritic and AISI 410 martensitic conventional stainless steels. The as-received samples were tested by electrochemical techniques, specifically, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, potentiodynamic polarization curves, and double-loop electrochemical potentiokinetic reactivation tests. The surfaces were observed by scanning electron microscopy after exposure to corrosive media. The results showed that EUROFER 97 and ODS-EUROFER alloys present similar corrosion resistance but lower than ferritic AISI 430 and martensitic 410 stainless steels.


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Medium carbon steels are mostly used for simple applications; however, new applications have been developed for which good sheet metal formability is required. These types of steels have an inherent low formability. A medium-carbon hot-rolled SAE 1050 steel was selected for this study. It has been cold rolled with thickness reductions varying between 7 and 80%. The samples obtained were used to evaluate the strain hardening curve. For samples with a 50 and 80% thickness reduction, an annealing heat treatment was performed to achieve recrystallization. The material was characterized in the ""as-received"", cold rolled and annealed conditions using several methods: optical metallography, X-ray diffraction (texture), Vickers hardness, and tensile testing. For large thickness reductions, the SAE 1050 steel presented low elongation, less than 2%, and yield strength (YS) and tensile strength (TS) around 1400 MPa. Texture in the ""as-received"" condition showed strong components on the {001} plane, in the < 100 >, < 210 > and (110) directions. After cold rolling, the texture did not present any significant changes for small thickness reductions, however. It changed completely for large ones, where gamma, < 111 >//ND, alpha, < 110 > HRD, and gamma prime, < 223 >//ND, fibres were strengthened. After annealing, the microstructure of the SAE 1050 steel was characterized by recrystallized ferrite and globular cementite. There was little change in the alpha fibre for the 50% reduction, whereas for the 80% reduction, its intensity increased. Both gamma and gamma prime fibres vanished upon annealing for 50 and 80% reductions alike. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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For specific blanket and divertor applications in future fusion power reactors a replacement of presently considered reduced activation ferritic martensitic (RAFM) steels as a structural material by suitable oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic martensitic steels would allow a substantial increase of the operating temperature from similar to 823 to about 923 K. Due to this reason the RAFM-alloy ODS-Eurofer has already been developed and produced with industrial partners. In the He-cooled modular divertor concept, where temperatures above 923 K will arise, an ODS-steel with a purely ferritic matrix is advantageous, because of missing phase transitions. Due to this reason, a special ferritic ODS-steel is being manufactured as well. In this work the microstructures of these two ODS-alloy types, analysed mainly by high resolution TEM are compared, with respect to different manufacturing processes. In addition first results of high resolution EBSD scans together with determined orientation maps of the RAFM steel ODS-Eurofer will also be presented. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The paper presents the results of a complementary study including magnetic hysteresis loops B(H), magnetic Barkhausen noise (MBN) and magnetoacoustic emission (MAE) signals measurements for plastically deformed Fe-2%Si samples. The investigated samples had been plastically deformed with plastic strain level (epsilon(p)) up to 8%. The properties of B(H) loops are quantified using the coercivity H(C) and maximum differential permeability mu(rmax) as parameters. The MBN and MAE voltage signals were analysed by means of rms-like voltage (Ub and Ua, respectively) envelopes, plotted as a function of applied field strength. Integrals of the Ub and Ua voltages over half of a period of magnetization were then calculated. It has been found that He and integrals of Ub increase, while mu(rmax) decreases monotonically with increasing epsilon(p). The MAE (Ua) peak voltage at first decreases, then peaks at epsilon(p) approximate to 1.5% and finally decreases again. The integral of the Ua voltage at first increases for low epsilon(p) and then decreases for epsilon(p) > 1.5%. All those various dependence types suggest the possibility of detection of various stages of microstructure change. The above-mentioned results are discussed qualitatively in the paper. Some modelling of the discussed dependency is also presented. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Medium carbon steels are mostly used for simple applications; nevertheless new applications have been developed for which good sheet formability is required. This class of steels has an inherent low formability. A medium carbon hot rolled SAE 1050 steel has been selected for this study. It has been cold rolled with reductions in the 7-80% range. Samples have been used to assess the cold work hardening curve. For samples with a 50 and 80% thickness reduction, an annealing heat treatment has been performed to obtain recrystallization. The material has been characterized in the ""as received"", cold rolled and annealed conditions, using several methods: optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction (texture), Vickers hardness and tensile testing. The 50% cold rolled and recrystallized material has been further studied in terms of sheet metal formability and texture evolution during the actual stamping of a steel toecap that has been used to validate the finite element simulations. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.