662 resultados para Federal aid to higher education
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este trabalho de pesquisa, intitulado Políticas de Avaliação Institucional da Educação Superior: o caso da Universidade Federal do Pará, teve como objeto central as políticas de avaliação institucional, em nível nacional, situadas no contexto do desenvolvimento do sistema capitalista, e como objetivo geral investigar como têm elas sido implementadas na educação superior brasileira e, em especial, na Universidade Federal do Pará. O estudo partiu da hipótese de que as políticas avaliativas implementadas, no Brasil, a partir da década de 1990, se fundamentam numa lógica neoliberal marcadamente quantitativa, competitiva, produtivista, fragmentada e distanciada da realidade, são por ela pautadas e seguem as determinações dos organismos multilaterais, como o Banco Mundial, sendo utilizadas como mecanismo de controle do Estado sobre a educação. Como caminho metodológico, optamos pelo estudo de caso, com base na pesquisa quanti-qualitativa. Para coletar dados e informações necessários, realizamos um estudo bibliográfico com vistas a dar sustentação à analise documental, a partir de autores que defendem a concepção da avaliação emancipatória, como Dias Sobrinho, Vasconcelos, Maués, Chaves, entre outros. No processo de construção do estudo, analisamos as políticas avaliativas implementadas, no Brasil, por meio do PAIUB, do Exame Nacional de Cursos (Provão) e do SINAES, e como elas foram materializadas, na UFPA. Em nossas aproximações conclusivas, evidenciamos que as políticas avaliativas implantadas, em nível nacional, são embasadas na concepção de avaliação neoliberal, pois servem ao processo de economização da educação superior, alterando seus princípios de qualidade e autonomia; entre outros valores e finalidades, contribuem para o controle das instituições por parte do Estado; seus resultados influenciam o relacionamento entre as instituições e ressignificam a visão de formação universitária. No caso da avaliação desenvolvida na UFPA, o estudo apontou que os modelos de avaliação, adotados em diferentes momentos, seguem a mesma concepção neoliberal, pois são desenvolvidos como instrumento de regulação e controle; descaracterizam a participação dos segmentos acadêmicos no seu processo de discussão e elaboração, são distanciados da realidade acadêmica e não avaliam a globalidade da instituição, uma vez que são fragmentados e estanques, negando o desenvolvimento autônomo da Universidade.
A reforma universitária em curso, iniciada na gestão do presidente Lula da Silva, inaugura uma nova etapa na (re)configuração das universidades públicas brasileiras que repercute diretamente na estrutura acadêmica, administrativa e política dessas instituições. O Programa de Apoio aos Planos de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Públicas - REUNI - é exemplo do atual cenário de reformas e é apresentado como uma das principais ações do governo federal, visando à ampliação de acesso e permanência nas universidades públicas. Esta dissertação resulta da pesquisa realizada no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), tendo o processo de implantação do REUNI, no Campus Universitário de Altamira, da UFPA, como objeto de estudo e, como objetivo, investigar as repercussões do Programa nos aspectos relacionados ao acesso à educação superior, ao financiamento e a gestão universitária. As concepções teórico-metodológicas se fundamentam nas contribuições do materialismo histórico-dialético. Os resultados preliminares foram obtidos por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, análise de documentos e estudo de caso, realizado no referido Campus de Altamira, e indicam que, a despeito da adesão maciça das universidades federais ao REUNI, o conjunto de indicadores pactuados no Programa, notadamente de caráter quantitativo, não vêm sendo plenamente alcançados. Na Universidade Federal do Pará, apesar da constituição de um amplo arcabouço normativo destinado a dar materialidade às ações e metas do Programa, e efetividade aos indicadores, como diplomação e ampliação da oferta no ensino de graduação; até o momento, os resultados se apresentam abaixo das metas pactuadas junto ao MEC. Além disso, observam-se importantes alterações na dinâmica da gestão da instituição universitária, cujos processos administrativos têm sido revestidos de racionalidade, flexibilidade e eficiência, em suma, tornaram-se gestão orientada por resultados. A pesquisa evidenciou, ainda, que o marco da atual conformação atribuída às universidades públicas está na ressignificação dos conceitos de público e privado e na progressiva diminuição da autonomia universitária, apontando, também, uma forma de expansão sem os correspondentes aportes financeiros e sem a garantia dos padrões de excelência acadêmica, historicamente atribuídos às universidades públicas.
O presente estudo foca a temática do acesso das populações do campo à universidade pública, com base na análise do PRONERA – Programa Nacional de Educação na Reforma Agrária, do PROCAMPO – Programa de Apoio à Formação Superior em Licenciatura em Educação do Campo e do PARFOR – Plano Nacional Formação de Professores da Educação Básica, tomando como referência a Universidade Federal do Pará. A pesquisa analisa o cenário da Educação Superior e as modificações no sistema de acesso à universidade, apresenta um panorama sobre as iniciativas de acesso das populações do campo, analisando cursos, recursos financeiros, dados estatísticos e apresentando uma cartografia dos programas no Brasil e no Estado do Pará. Para alcançar o objetivo geral, que foi de analisar as formas de acesso pela população do campo à Educação Superior, no período pós Lei 9.394/96, optou-se por uma metodologia de abordagem dialética, buscamos analisar fatores sociais, políticos, econômicos e as relações estabelecidas, no contexto do acesso das populações do campo à educação superior. Convém esclarecer que não tomamos o método dialético por excelência, pois consideramos que existem muitos elementos dele que não poderão ser aplicados por nós no tempo que a pesquisa propõe, uma vez que somente essa perspectiva nos permitiria a análise da realidade em questão, buscando o apoio na exploração de bibliografias e na técnica de análises de documentos, para posterior sistematização, organização e análise dos dados estatísticos e das informações coletadas ao longo da pesquisa. Os resultados da investigação apontam para um novo eixo de análise dentro da temática Educação Superior – a Educação Superior do Campo, uma vez que o acesso das populações do campo, com metodologias diferenciadas e pautadas no referencial da Educação do Campo passou a ser uma realidade em nosso País. A pesquisa aponta ainda a ampliação do acesso às universidades públicas, com base nos princípios conquistados pela luta dos movimentos sociais e do movimento por uma educação do campo, assim como identificou outras particularidades que não condizem, a princípio, com o que seria uma política educacional voltada para o campo, como é o caso do PARFOR, que, embora não seja criado propriamente a atender estudantes do campo, tem, no Pará, contemplado uma significativa parcela de estudantes/ educadores atuantes em escolas do campo.
The growth and integration of ICTs in the global economy have created conditions that profoundly affect our society, dividing communities between those who effectively appropriate these resources and those who do not, what is called the digital divide. This exploratory study seeks to propose and validate ways of assessing this phenomenon in higher education, from the construction of a model and a comprehensive methodology that value contextual conditions, in addition to measuring access factors and motivation for use, that have been employed in previous research. To obtain indications about the behavior of this phenomenon, we developed research with students from three universities in Bogota, administering 566 surveys in four phases that would test the variables proposed in the model. The results show that the variables of the model link causally, with the strongest relations between education, attitude towards ICTs and ICT application. Although students have good access to ICTs and high levels of education, no strong relationship was found in regards to perceived impact on production. This may be explained by a superficial appropriation of ICT, due to a context that is alien to its conditions of origin (industrialism, innovation), poor quality of education and economies not centered around R&D.
This text is mainly aimed to address essential aspects of teacher formation in the light of education-work relations in the higher education, from our systematic experience in higher education teaching, particularly teaching and research in the field of Didactics discipline. This formulation is justified considering our concern in seeking to situate this discussion in the context of bringing together knowledge areas and the field of teaching knowledge. Still, our choice to develop such an approach in the light of work-education relationship is due to the belief about the possibilities of seeking to overcome the requirements imposed by capitalism to our educational system, within the possible contradictions of these relationships. In this context the teachers’ formation in higher education gains social and strategic importance, taking on the task of forming individuals of “action-reflection-action” in a society established historically based on the social relations which settle in the light of capital’s multiple determinations. It appears that, in this sense, the major confrontations have been given within the discussions about what to prioritize or combine in the list of criteria and content for teacher’s formation. In Didactic, we seek to emphasize discussions that we consider with a philosophical background, referring to the orientation of teaching practice in knowledge of contemporary ideological struggle; socio-historical, referring to the possibility of formation of disciplines, among them Didactic, and curriculums and references to support its guidance in the process of teacher’s formation. This context of discussion is based on the concrete teaching practice with a view to transformation and to search for new syntheses in terms of knowledge and in terms of historical reality. Then therefore, our methodological approach grounded in the dimensions of the same unit: historical materialism as posture, method and as praxis.
Taking into account the changes in the market scenario by virtue of globalization, Institutes of Higher Education (IES) as well as other organizations seek their competitive stability. For that reason, it is up to organizations to adopt innovative models of management for their operations aimed at improving results. Company networks consist of a model that is perfect for uniting efforts through cooperation among partners in a given business, which can involve ties of different natures. This paper shows the development and the application of an auxiliary technique to analyze the intensity, nature and importance of internal and external relations in the formation of results for a company network. For such, a multiple case study was conducted at two IES in the State of São Paulo and their networks of partners and employees in order to observe their specificities and organizational strategies. The study demonstrated the existence of specific performance criteria (pillars) for each IES and its network, resulting from its competitive reality. It reveals evidence that the education pillar is strengthened in both cases, and the research pillar is growing, although it is the weakest. The outreach pillar is the most robust in the public IES and the financial sustainability pillar is relevant for the private IES, and it was only detected in this IES.
This research focused on identifying a series of successful practices relating to administrative talent management within the higher education setting. The field study included a thorough examination of seven small to mid-size private colleges and universities that have incorporated employee development strategies. These strategies were aimed at growing future leaders from within the organization in order to achieve continuity and support institutional priorities. Specifically, several focus areas were investigated including presidential vision, leadership commitment, talent management’s place among institutional priorities, program characteristics, and program evaluation. Among the commonalities that were gathered included support at the senior officer level who serve as advocates, mentors, and program facilitators, a strong connection between talent management and the institutions’ strategic plans, and a holistic approach to developing talent at all levels of the organizations. In addition, both coaching and opportunities for growth in the work environment were evident within several of the institutions. Also, academic leadership development was considered to be a part of the talent management strategy within three of the colleges and universities. The key differentiators included the incorporation of organizational and leadership competencies to provide focus toward the performance development process at two institutions, the implementation of a succession planning model at another institution, and the location of human resource generalists in departments across two of the institutions to identify learning opportunities for both individuals and work teams. Based on both the findings from the field study and the literature review, a comprehensive procedural model is introduced that serves to support human resource departments and higher education professionals, in general, who are looking to either begin or broaden their own talent management approach. However, despite the progress that has been made across several institutions noted throughout the research study, much more must be learned in terms of how the time and resources invested in talent management translates to institutional success. Advisor: James O‘Hanlon
"The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking we were at when we created them." - Albert Einstein What is higher education? It is a key tool to our gaining the level of thinking Einstein describes - the level of thinking needed to solve the problems that exist in the world today. I am not saying higher education is the only thing that prepares people to think - far from it. But higher education, if it does what it is meant to do, prepares us with a solid base of skills to think critically and analytically to deal successfully with an ever-changing world. It instills in us the desire and ability to be lifelong learners, able to grow and participate as members of both local and global communities. Learning skills, critical analysis skills, skills that allow us to deal with and be successful in the ever-changing world around us are the skills higher education must provide.
Using theoretical applications, the authors present an overview of theories that highlight approaches for teaching culturally sensitive content, personal experiences as educator and colleague in a predominantly white college campus and strategies for addressing culturally insensitive experiences in and outside the classroom. Presenters focus on the recruitment and retention of people of color and stress the need for today's predominantly white institutions to become more knowledgeable, tolerant and sensitive about their environments in an effort to make them more accepting.
Statistics suggest that Latino youths are at risk for academic underachievement and withdrawal. Culturally sensitive approaches to supporting school achievement based on the needs of Latino youth and their families must be developed. In response to these needs, the Latino Research Initiative (LRI), a collaborative group with members from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) and the Hispanic Community Center (HCC) created the Latino Achievement Mentoring Program (LAMP). LAMP is a culturally appropriate mentoring program designed to promote school success and post-secondary opportunities for Latino youths. This program provides Latino youths with positive role models and information and guidance about academic life and future school success. Finally, because of the cultural significance of family members among many Latinos, LAMP activities are developed and implemented such that the mentees' family members are involved. This presentation will report the first-year activities of the initial mentor and men tee pairs, with particular emphasis on educational outreach and academic development of the program. Evaluation data will be presented for the first cohort of mentees, including academic information, teacher reports and self-measure findings. LAMP activities aimed at promoting academic success will also be presented. Finally, the experiences of the mentors will briefly be reported.
[EN]Web meetings have recently become a common tool for eLearning in higher education. But what are they used for? How well do they work? How do they fit into the pedagogical context? In this paper, the wider context of social and technological change over recent years is discussed and, in this light, the (mis)use of webinars to recreate traditional classroom dynamics online is held up to criticism. Possible future educational fits for this technology are indicated.
Human-environment interaction theory, as it specifically relates to architectural determinism, has an indispensible impact on student culture on college campuses. Under the assumptions of architectural determinism, this thesis examines the relationship between architecture and student culture on 30 American college campuses. Specifically, this thesis looks at uniformity of architectural style and color and the prevalence of traditional styles of architecture in relation to the institutions' campus cultures. The results of the study found that a significant relationship exists between student culture and uniformity of building color, but not between student culture and uniformity of style or the prevalence of traditional styles on a given campus. The thesis concludes with a discussion of the findings, limitations of the study, and suggestions for further research.
This project was stimulated by the unprecedented speed and scope of changes in Bulgarian higher education since 1989. The rapid growth of the student population and the emergence of a new private sector in higher education led to tightening governmental control and a growing criticism of autonomy and academic freedom. This raised questions about the need for diversification in the field, about the importance of recent innovations in terms of strategic choices for future development and so of how higher education governance could maintain diversity without the system deteriorating. The group first traced the extent of spontaneous processes of innovation at the level of content, of institutions, and the organisation of teaching and learning processes. They then identified the different parties in the struggle for institutionalisation and against diversification, and promising mechanisms for maintaining diversity in higher education. On this basis they outlined a basis for a wide-ranging public discussion of the issue which may serve as a corrective to the mechanisms of state control. Their work included analysis of the legislative framework laid down in the Higher Education Act, which effectively dispenses with the autonomy of universities. They then surveyed the views of both high-level executives in the field and the academics actually involved in the process, as well as of the "consumers" of the educational product, i.e. the students. In considering diversification, they focused on four different types of programmes, including those where diversification is largely limited to content level (e.g. Law), those where it operates mainly on structural levels (e.g. Industrial Management), those where it is often feigned (e.g. Social Work), and those where it is at best formal and sporadic (e.g. Mechanical Engineering). They conclude that the educational system in Bulgaria has considerable internal resources for development. The greatest need is for adequate statutory regulation of academic life which will provide incentives for responsible academic development of higher education institutions and create conditions for the institutionalisation of academic self-organisation and self-control, which will in turn limit the pathological trends in the diversification processes.