939 resultados para FUNCTIONAL EXPRESSION


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The Wilson disease (WD) protein (ATP7B) is a copper-transporting P-type ATPase that is responsible for the efflux of hepatic copper into the bile, a process that is essential for copper homeostasis in mammals. Compared with other mammals, sheep have a variant copper phenotype and do not efficiently excrete copper via the bile, often resulting in excessive copper accumulation in the liver. To investigate the function of sheep ATP7B and its potential role in the copper-accumulation phenotype, cDNAs encoding the two forms of ovine ATP7B were transfected into immortalised fibroblast cell lines derived from a Menkes disease patient and a normal control. Both forms of ATP7B were able to correct the copper-retention phenotype of the Menkes cell line, demonstrating each to be functional copper-transporting molecules and suggesting that the accumulation of copper in the sheep liver is not due to a defect in the copper transport function of either form of sATP7B.


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The use of small interfering RNA (siRNA) molecules in animals to achieve double-stranded RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) has recently emerged as a powerful method of sequence-specific gene knockdown. As DNA-based expression of short hairpin RNA (shRNA) for RNAi may offer some advantages over chemical and in vitro synthesised siRNA, a number of vectors for expression of shRNA have been developed. These often feature polymerase III (pol. III) promoters of either mouse or human origin.
To develop a shRNA expression vector specifically for bovine RNAi applications, we identified and characterised a novel bovine U6 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) promoter from bovine sequence data. This promoter is the putative bovine homologue of the human U6-8 snRNA promoter, and features a number of functional sequence elements that are characteristic of these types of pol. III promoters. A PCR based cloning strategy was used to incorporate this promoter sequence into plasmid vectors along with shRNA sequences for RNAi. The promoter was then used to express shRNAs, which resulted in the efficient knockdown of an exogenous reporter gene and an endogenous bovine gene.
We have mined data from the bovine genome sequencing project to identify a functional bovine U6 promoter and used the promoter sequence to construct a shRNA expression vector. The use of this native bovine promoter in shRNA expression is an important component of our future development of RNAi therapeutic and transgenic applications in bovine species.


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Copper is an essential trace element necessary for normal growth and development. During pregnancy, copper is transported from the maternal circulation to the fetus by mechanisms which have not been clearly elucidated. The copper uptake protein, hCTR1 is predicted to play a role in copper transport in human placental cells. This study has examined the expression and localisation of hCTR1 in human placental tissue and Jeg-3 cells. In term placental tissue the hCTR1 protein was detected as a 105 kDa protein, consistent with the size of a trimer which may represent the functional protein. A 95 kDa band, possibly representing the glycosylated protein, was also detected. hCTR1 was localised within the syncytiotrophoblast layer and the fetal vascular endothelial cells in the placental villi and interestingly was found to be localised toward the basal plasma membrane. It did not co-localise with either the Menkes or the Wilson copper transporting ATPases. Using the placental cell line Jeg-3, it was shown that the 35 kDa monomer was absent in the extracts of cells exposed to insulin, estrogen or progesterone and in cells treated with estrogen an additional 65 kDa band was detected which may correspond to a dimeric form of the protein. The 95 kDa band was not detected in the cultured cells. These results provide novel insights indicating that hormones have a role in the formation of the active hCTR1 protein. Furthermore, insulin altered the intracellular localisation of hCTR1, suggesting a previously undescribed role of this hormone in regulating copper uptake through the endocytic pathway.


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RNA interference (RNAi) mediated by DNA-based expression of short hairpin RNA (shRNA) is a powerful method of sequence-specific gene knockdown. A number of vectors for expression of shRNA have been developed that feature promoters from RNA polymerase III (pol III)-transcribed genes of mouse or human origin. To advance the use of RNAi as a tool for functional genomic research and for future development of specific therapeutics in the bovine species, we have developed shRNA expression vectors that feature novel bovine RNA pol III promoters. We characterized two bovine U6 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) promoters (bU6-2 and bU6-3) and a bovine 7SK snRNA promoter (b7SK). We compared the efficiency of each of these promoters to express shRNA molecules. Promoter activity was measured in the context of RNAi by targeting and suppressing the reporter gene encoding enhanced green fluorescent protein. Results show that the b7SK promoter induced the greatest level of suppression in a range of cell lines. The comparison of these bovine promoters in shRNA expression is an important component for the future development of bovine-specific RNAi-based research.


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SEPS1 (also called selenoprotein S, SelS) plays an important role in the production of inflammatory cytokines and its expression is activated by endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. In this report, we have identified two binding sites for the nuclear factor kappa B in the human SEPS1 promoter. SEPS1 gene expression, protein levels and promoter activity were all increased 2–3-fold by TNF-α and IL-1β in HepG2 cells. We have also confirmed that the previously proposed ER stress response element GGATTTCTCCCCCGCCACG in the SEPS1 proximate promoter is fully functional and responsive to ER stress. However, concurrent treatment of HepG2 cells with IL-1β and ER stress produced no additive effect on SEPS1 gene expression. We conclude that SEPS1 is a new target gene of NF-κB. Together with our previous findings that SEPS1 may regulate cytokine production in macrophage cells, we propose a regulatory loop between cytokines and SEPS1 that plays a key role in control of the inflammatory response.


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The zebrafish is a useful model organism for developmental and genetic studies. The morphology and function of zebrafish myeloid cells were characterized. Adult zebrafish contain 2 distinct granulocytes, a heterophil and a rarer eosinophil, both of which circulate and are generated in the kidney, the adult hematopoietic organ. Heterophils show strong histochemical myeloperoxidasic activity, although weaker peroxidase activity was observed under some conditions in eosinophils and erythrocytes. Embryonic zebrafish have circulating immature heterophils by 48 hours after fertilization (hpf). A zebrafish myeloperoxidase homologue (myeloid-specific peroxidase; mpx) was isolated. Phylogenetic analysis suggested it represented a gene ancestral to the mammalian myeloperoxidase gene family. It was expressed in adult granulocytes and in embryos from 18 hpf, first diffusely in the axial intermediate cell mass and then discretely in a dispersed cell population. Comparison of hemoglobinized cell distribution, mpx gene expression, and myeloperoxidase histochemistry in wild-type and mutant embryos confirmed that the latter reliably identified a population of myeloid cells. Studies in embryos after tail transection demonstrated that mpx- and peroxidase-expressing cells were mobile and localized to a site of inflammation, indicating functional capability of these embryonic granulocytes. Embryonic macrophages removed carbon particles from the circulation by phagocytosis. Collectively, these observations have demonstrated the early onset of zebrafish granulopoiesis, have proved that granulocytes circulate by 48 hpf, and have demonstrated the functional activity of embryonic granulocytes and macrophages. These observations will facilitate the application of this genetically tractable organism to the study of myelopoiesis.


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Metallothioneins (MTs) belong to a family of cysteine-rich, metal-binding intracellular proteins, which have been linked with cell proliferation. In this study, expression levels of the 8 known MT-1 and MT-2 functional isoforms in human invasive ductal breast cancer specimens were determined by RT–PCR. The expression profiles of the MT protein and MT-2A mRNA were further evaluated in 79 cases of human invasive ductal breast carcinoma by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization, and correlated with cancer cell proliferation (determined by Ki-67 nuclear antigen immunolabeling). MT-1A, MT-1E, MT-1F, MT-1G, MT-1H, MT-1X and MT-2A but not MT-1B, were detected in breast cancer tissue samples. The MT-2A mRNA transcript was the highest among all the isoforms detected. A positive correlation was observed between MT-2A mRNA and MT protein expression with Ki-67 labeling (P = 0.0003 and P < 0.0001, respectively) but not with apoptosis (P = 0.1244 and P = 0.8189, respectively). Co-localization of the MT protein and Ki-67 nuclear antigen in breast cancer cells was demonstrated by double immunofluorescence staining. There was also significantly higher MT protein and MT-2A mRNA expression in histological grade 3 tumors than in histological grade 1 and 2 tumors. The finding that MT 2A appears to be the main isoform associated with cell proliferation in invasive ductal breast cancer tissues, may have therapeutic implications.


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The phytohormone, abscisic acid (ABA) has been shown to influence the outcome of the interactions between various hosts with biotrophic and hemibiotrophic pathogens. Susceptibility to avirulent isolates can be induced by addition of low physiological concentrations of ABA to plants. In contrast, addition of ABA biosynthesis inhibitors induced resistance following challenge of plants by virulent isolates. ABA deficient mutants of Arabidopsis, such as aba1-1, were resistant to virulent isolates of Peronospora parasitica. In interactions of Arabidopsis with avirulent isolates of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, susceptibility was induced following addition of ABA or imposition of drought stress. These results indicate a pivotal, albiet undefined, role for ABA in determining either susceptibility or resistance to pathogen attack. We have found that the production of the cell wall strengthening compound, lignin, is increased during resistant interactions of aba1-1 but suppressed in ABA induced susceptible interactions. Using RT-PCR and microarray analysis we have found down-regulation by ABA of key genes of the phenylpropanoid pathway especially of those genes involved directly in lignin biosynthesis. ABA also down-regulates a number of genes in other functional classes including those involved in defence and cell signalling.


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The phytohormone, abscisic acid (ABA) has been shown to influence the outcome of the interactions between various hosts with biotrophic and hemibiotrophic pathogens. Susceptibility to avirulent isolates can be induced in plants by addition of low physiological concentrations of ABA. In contrast, addition of ABA biosynthesis inhibitors induced resistance following challenge of plants by virulent isolates. ABA deficient mutants of Arabidopsis, such as aba1-1, were resistant to virulent isolates of Peronospora parasitica. In interactions of Arabidopsis with avirulent isolates of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, susceptibility was induced following addition of ABA or imposition of drought stress. These results indicate a pivotal, albiet undefined, role for ABA in determining either susceptibility or resistance to pathogen attack. We have found that the production of the cell wall strengthening compound, lignin, is increased during resistant interactions of aba1-1 but suppressed in ABA-induced susceptible interactions. Using RT-PCR and microarray analysis we have found down-regulation by ABA of key genes of the phenylpropanoid pathway especially of those genes involved directly in lignin biosynthesis. ABA also down-regulates a number of genes in other functional classes including those involved in defence and cell signalling.


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Most severe congenital neutropenia (SCN) cases possess constitutive neutrophil elastase mutations; a smaller cohort has acquired mutations truncating the granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor (G-CSF-R). We have described a case with constitutive extracellular G-CSF-R mutation hyporesponsive to ligand. Here we report two independent acquired G-CSF-R truncation mutations and a novel constitutive neutrophil elastase mutation in this patient. Co-expression of a truncated receptor chain restored STAT5 signalling responses of the extracellular G-CSF-R mutant, while constitutively-active STAT5 enhanced its proliferative capacity. These data add to our knowledge of SCN and further highlight the importance of STAT5 in mediating proliferative responses to G-CSF.


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Proinflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-{alpha}, contribute to muscle wasting in inflammatory disorders, where TNF{alpha} acts to regulate myogenic genes. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has shown promise as an antiproliferative and antiinflammatory agent, leading to its potential as a therapeutic agent in muscle-wasting disorders. To evaluate the effect of CLA on myogenesis during inflammation, human primary muscle cells were grown in culture and exposed to varying concentrations of TNF{alpha} and the cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12 CLA isomers. Expression of myogenic genes (Myf5, MyoD, myogenin, and myostatin) and the functional genes creatine kinase (CK) and myosin heavy chain (MHC IIx) were measured by real-time PCR. TNF{alpha} significantly downregulated MyoD and myogenin expression, whereas it increased Myf5 expression. These changes corresponded with a decrease in both CK and MHC IIx expression. Both isomers of CLA mimicked the inhibitory effect of TNF{alpha} treatment on MyoD and myogenin expression, whereas myostatin expression was diminished in the presence of both isomers of CLA either alone or in combination with TNF{alpha}. Both isomers of CLA decreased CK and MHC IIx expression. These findings demonstrate that TNF{alpha} can have specific regulatory effects on myogenic genes in primary human muscle cells. A postulated antiinflammatory role of CLA in myogenesis appears more complex, with an indication that CLA may have a negative effect on this process.


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Impaired glucose uptake is associated with both cardiac hypertrophy and contractile dysfunction, but whether there are common underlying  mechanisms linking these conditions is yet to be determined. Using a ‘gene dose’ Cre-Lox GLUT4-deficient murine model, we examined the effect of suppressed glucose availability on global myocardial gene expression and glycolysis substrate bypass on the function of isolated perfused hearts. Performance of hearts from 22- to 60-week-old male GLUT4 knockout (KO, > 95% reduction in GLUT4), GLUT4 knockdown (KD, 85% reduction in cardiac GLUT4) and C57Bl/6 wild-type (WT) controls was measured ex vivo in Langendorff mode perfusion. DNA microarray was used to profile mRNA expression differences between GLUT4-KO and GLUT4-KD hearts. At 22 weeks, GLUT4-KO hearts exhibited cardiac hypertrophy and impaired contractile function ex vivo, characterized by a 40% decrease in developed pressure. At 60 weeks, dysfunction was accentuated in GLUT4-KO hearts and evident in GLUT4-KD hearts. Exogenous pyruvate (5 mM) restored systolic pressure to a level equivalent to WT (GLUT4-KO, 176.8 ± 13.2 mmHg vs. WT, 146.4 ± 9.56 mmHg) in 22-week-old GLUT4-KO hearts but not in 60-week-old GLUT4-KO hearts. In GLUT4-KO, DNA microarray analysis detected downregulation of a number of genes centrally involved in mitochondrial oxidation and upregulation of other genes indicative of a shift to cytosolic β-oxidation of long chain fatty acids. A direct link between cardiomyocyte GLUT4 deficiency, hypertrophy and contractile dysfunction is demonstrated. These data provide mechanistic insight into the myocardial metabolic adaptations associated with short and long-term insulin resistance and indicate a window of opportunity for substrate intervention and functional ‘rescue’.


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The Arabidopsis thaliana heterotrimeric G protein complex is encoded by single canonical Galpha and Gbeta subunit genes and two Ggamma subunit genes (AGG1 and AGG2), raising the possibility that the two potential G protein complexes mediate different cellular processes. Mutants with reduced expression of one or both Ggamma genes revealed specialized roles for each Ggamma subunit. AGG1-deficient mutants, but not AGG2-deficient mutants, showed impaired resistance against necrotrophic pathogens, reduced induction of the plant defensin gene PDF1.2, and decreased sensitivity to methyl jasmonate. By contrast, both AGG1- and AGG2-deficient mutants were hypersensitive to auxin-mediated induction of lateral roots, suggesting that Gbetagamma1 and Gbetagamma2 synergistically inhibit auxin-dependent lateral root initiation. However, the involvement of each Ggamma subunit in this root response differs, with Gbetagamma1 acting within the central cylinder, attenuating acropetally transported auxin signaling, while Gbetagamma2 affects the action of basipetal auxin and graviresponsiveness within the epidermis and/or cortex. This selectivity also operates in the hypocotyl. Selectivity in Gbetagamma signaling was also found in other known AGB1-mediated pathways. agg1 mutants were hypersensitive to glucose and the osmotic agent mannitol during seed germination, while agg2 mutants were only affected by glucose. We show that both Ggamma subunits form functional Gbetagamma dimers and that each provides functional selectivity to the plant heterotrimeric G proteins, revealing a mechanism underlying the complexity of G protein-mediated signaling in plants.


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Techniques for targeted genetic disruption in Plasmodium, the causative agent of malaria, are currently intractable for those genes that are essential for blood stage development. The ability to use RNA interference (RNAi) to silence gene expression
would provide a powerful means to gain valuable insight into the pathogenic blood stages but its functionality in Plasmodium remains controversial. Here we have used various RNA-based gene silencing approaches to test the utility of RNAi in malaria
parasites and have undertaken an extensive comparative genomics search using profile hidden Markov models to clarify whether RNAi machinery
exists in malaria. These investigative approaches revealed that Plasmodium lacks the enzymology required for RNAi-based ablation of gene expression
and indeed no experimental evidence for RNAi was observed. In its absence, the most likely explanations for previously reported RNAi-mediated knockdown are either the general toxicity of introduced RNA (with global down-regulation of gene expression) or a specific antisense effect mechanistically distinct from RNAi, which will need systematic
analysis if it is to be of use as a molecular genetic tool for malaria parasites.


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Dopamine is a key neurotransmitter of the mesolimbic reward pathway in the human brain, and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) is the rate-limiting enzyme in dopamine biosynthesis. Consequently, the gene encoding TH is a strong candidate for involvement in the genetic component of addiction. The importance of this gene in nicotine dependence is supported by many studies showing a link between nicotine administration and TH expression. A functional tetranucleotide repeat polymorphism within intron 1 of the TH gene (HUMTH01-VNTR) has been shown to modify tobacco use in two independent Caucasian samples from the USA and Australia. Using information drawn from an eight-wave Australian population-based longitudinal study of adolescent health, we tested the effect of the HUMTH01-VNTR on nicotine dependence. Comparisons were made between dependent smokers and non-dependent smokers. These data provide further support for a protective association between the K4 allele and dependent smoking (odds ratio 0.54, 95% confidence interval 0.28-1.0). No associations were observed at any of three other common TH polymorphisms (rs6356, rs6357 and HUMTH01-PstI). Including these data, three independent studies, two of which use identical phenotypes, have now identified a protective relationship between the K4 allele of the functional HUMTH01-VNTR polymorphism and high-level smoking.