Calorie restriction is a dietary intervention known to improve redox state, glucose tolerance, and animal life span. Other interventions have been adopted as study models for caloric restriction, including nonsupplemented food restriction and intermittent, every-other-day feedings. We compared the short- and long-term effects of these interventions to ad libitum protocols and found that, although all restricted diets decrease body weight, intermittent feeding did not decrease intra-abdominal adiposity. Short-term calorie restriction and intermittent feeding presented similar results relative to glucose tolerance. Surprisingly, long-term intermittent feeding promoted glucose intolerance, without a loss in insulin receptor phosphorylation. Intermittent feeding substantially increased insulin receptor nitration in both intra-abdominal adipose tissue and muscle, a modification associated with receptor inactivation. All restricted diets enhanced nitric oxide synthase levels in the insulin-responsive adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. However, whereas calorie restriction improved tissue redox state, food restriction and intermittent feedings did not. In fact, long-term intermittent feeding resulted in largely enhanced tissue release of oxidants. Overall, our results show that restricted diets are significantly different in their effects on glucose tolerance and redox state when adopted long-term. Furthermore, we show that intermittent feeding can lead to oxidative insulin receptor inactivation and glucose intolerance. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Spodoptera frugiperda beta-1,3-glucanase (SLam) was purified from larval midgut. It has a molecular mass of 37.5 kDa, an alkaline optimum pH of 9.0, is active against beta-1,3-glucan (laminarin), but cannot hydrolyze yeast beta-1,3-1,6-glucan or other polysaccharides. The enzyme is an endoglucanase with low processivity (0.4), and is not inhibited by high concentrations of substrate. In contrast to other digestive beta-1,3-glucanases from insects, SLam is unable to lyse Saccharomyces cerevisae cells. The cDNA encoding SLam was cloned and sequenced, showing that the protein belongs to glycosyl hydrolase family 16 as other insect glucanases and glucan-binding proteins. Multiple sequence alignment of beta-1,3-glucanases and beta-glucan-binding protein supports the assumption that the beta-1,3-glucanase gene duplicated in the ancestor of mollusks and arthropods. One copy originated the derived beta-1,3-glucanases by the loss of an extended N-terminal region and the beta-glucan-binding proteins by the loss of the catalytic residues. SLam homology modeling suggests that E228 may affect the ionization of the catalytic residues, thus displacing the enzyme pH optimum. SLam antiserum reacts with a single protein in the insect midgut. Immunocytolocalization shows that the enzyme is present in secretory vesicles and glycocalyx from columnar cells. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Trehalase (EC hydrolyzes only alpha, alpha`- trehalose and is present in a variety of organisms, but is most important in insects and fungi. Crystallographic data showed that bacterial trehalase has 0312 and E496 as the catalytical residues and three Arg residues in the active site. Those residues have homologous in all family 37 trehalases including Spodoptera frugiperda trehalase (0322, E520, R169, R227, R287). To test the role of these residues, mutants of trehalase were produced. All mutants were at least four orders of magnitude less active than wild type trehalase and no structural difference between these mutants and wild type enzyme were discernible by circular dichroism. D322A and E520 pH-activity profile lacked the alkaline arm and the acid arm, respectively, suggesting that D322 is the acid and E520 the basic catalyst. Azide increases E520A activity three times, confirming its action as the basic catalyst. Taking into account the decrease in activity after substitution for alanine residue, the three arginine residues are as important as the catalytical ones to trehalase activity. This clarifies the previous misidentification of an Arg residue as the acid catalyst. As far as we know, this is the first report on the functional identification residues important for trehalase activity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Both soluble (SfTre1) and membrane-bound (SfTre2) trehalases occur along the midgut of Spodoptera frugiperda larvae. Released SfTre2 was purified as a 67 kDa protein. Its K(m) (1.6 mM) and thermal stability (half life 10 min at 62 degrees C) are different from the previously isolated soluble trehalase (K(m) = 0.47 mM; 100% stable at 62 degrees C). Two cDNAs coding for S. frugiperda trehalases have been cloned using primers based on consensus sequences of trehalases and having as templates a cDNA library prepared from total polyA-containing RNA extracted from midguts. One cDNA codes for a trehalase that has a predicted transmembrane sequence and was defined as SfTre2. The other, after being cloned and expressed, results in a recombinant trehalase with a K(m) value and thermal stability like those of native soluble trehalase. This enzyme was defined as SfTre1 and, after it was used to generate antibodies, it was immunolocalized at the secretory vesicles and at the glycocalyx of columnar cells. Escherichia coli trehalase 3D structure and sequence alignment with SfTre1 support a proposal regarding the residue modulating the pKa value of the proton donor.
The curculionid beetle Naupactus bipes (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Brachycerinae) has shown feeding preference for leaves of Piper gaudichaudianum, demonstrating an unexpected specificity for an insect considered to be a generalist. The leaves of P. gaudichaudianum contain the prenylated chromenes gaudichaudianic acid (4, major compound) and its methyl ester (5) in addition to a chromene (3) lacking one prenyl residue. In addition to 4, roots contain the chromone methyl ester (1) and methyl taboganate (2, major compound). Feeding on roots, larvae of N. bipes sequester exclusively the root-specific compounds 1 and 2. Adult beetles sequester the leaf-specific chromenes 3 and 4, but were found to also contain compounds 1 and 2 that are absent in leaves. Therefore, it is suggested that 1 and 2 are sequestered by larvae and can be found in the body of adult insects after long-term storage. In addition, 3 and 4, the major compounds in leaves were found to be associated with the eggs.
Background: Becoming a parent of a preterm baby requiring neonatal care constitutes an extraordinary life situation in which parenting begins and evolves in a medical and unfamiliar setting. Although there is increasing emphasis within maternity and neonatal care on the influence of place and space upon the experiences of staff and service users, there is a lack of research on how space and place influence relationships and care in the neonatal environment. The aim of this study was to explore, in-depth, the impact of place and space on parents’ experiences and practices related to feeding their preterm babies in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) in Sweden and England. Methods: An ethnographic approach was utilised in two NICUs in Sweden and two comparable units in England, UK. Over an eleven month period, a total of 52 mothers, 19 fathers and 102 staff were observed and interviewed. A grounded theory approach was utilised throughout data collection and analysis. Results: The core category of ‘the room as a conveyance for an attuned feeding’ was underpinned by four categories: the level of ‘ownership’ of space and place; the feeling of ‘at-homeness’; the experience of ‘the door or a shield’ against people entering, for privacy, for enabling a focus within, and for regulating socialising and the; ‘window of opportunity’. Findings showed that the construction and design of space and place was strongly influential on the developing parent-infant relationship and for experiencing a sense of connectedness and a shared awareness with the baby during feeding, an attuned feeding. Conclusions: If our proposed model is valid, it is vital that these findings are considered when developing or reconfiguring NICUs so that account is taken of the influences of spatiality upon parent’s experiences. Even without redesign there are measures that may be taken to make a positive difference for parents and their preterm babies.
Introduction: Studies have shown that having a preterm infant may cause stress and powerlessness for parents. It is important to support parents around the feeding situation, and that the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) has appropriate space and place to help the family to bond to each other. For the healthcare professionals it is important to promote skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding; particularly for preterm infants. There are many studies on parent’s experiences of NICUs and a few studies on parent’s experiences of feeding their infant in the NICU. Objective: The objective of this study was to explore parents experiences of feeding their infant in the NICU. Design: The study was conducted using an ethnographic design. Results: A global theme of ‘The journey in feeding’ was developed from four organising themes: ‘Ways of infant feeding’; ‘Environmental influences’; ‘Relationships’ and ‘Emotional factors’. These themes illustrate the challenges mothers reported with different methods of feeding. The environment had a big impact on parent’s experiences of infant feeding. Some mothers felt that breastfeeding seemed unnatural because their infant was so tiny but breastfeeding and skin-to-skin contact helped them to bond to their infant. The mothers thought it was difficult to keep up with the milk production by only pumping. Routines were not inviting parents to find their own rhythm. They also felt stressed about the weighing. Healthcare professionals had positive and negative influences on the parents. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that while all parents expressed the wish to breastfeed, their ‘journey in feeding’ was highly influenced by method of feeding, environmental, relational and emotional factors. The general focus upon routines and assessing milk intake generated anxiety and reduced relationality. Midwives and neonatal nurses need to ensure that they emphasise and support the relational aspects of parenting and avoid over-emphasising milk intake and associated progress of the infant
Background. ‘Music Therapeutic Caregiving’, defined as when caregivers’ sing for or together with persons with dementia care situations, has been shown to facilitate the caring situation, and enhance positive and decrease negative expressions in persons with dementia. No studies about singing during mealtimes have been conducted, and this project was designed to elucidate this. However, since previous studies have shown that there is a risk that persons with dementia will start to sing along with the caregiver, the caregiver in this study hummed such that the person with dementia did not sing instead of eat. Aim. To describe professional caregivers’ experiences of humming during meal time while feeding persons with dementia. Method. An intervention with caregivers humming was implemented during lunch time. Focus group interviews were conducted to fetch the caregivers experiences. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the interviews. Results. The caregivers described that humming disseminated relaxation and joy, and awakened memories about the songs hummed which encouraged the persons with the dementia to join in the songs. They also described that humming seemed to make the persons with dementia associate with mealtime and could make them eat more. However it also revealed suspiciousness and agitation from the persons with dementia. Conclusion. Humming during mealtime revealed mainly positive as well as some negative influences. More and larger studies are needed to be able to draw general conclusions.
Spodoptera frugiperda é um inseto-praga responsável por altos níveis de desfolhamento em gramíneas cultivadas, sendo que, dentre os métodos de controle, o biológico pode vir a tornar-se uma alternativa. Foi feita uma revisão de literatura sobre parasitóides de S. frugiperda. A ocorrência de parasitóides desse inseto, em áreas de cultivo de milho da EEA/IRGA, foi avaliada em Cachoeirinha, RS. Verificou-se a presença de Chelonus sp., Cotesia sp. e Exaticolus sp. (Hym., Braconidae), Campoletis flavicincta e Ophion sp. (Hym., Ichneumonidae) e de Archytas incertus e Lespesia archippivora (Dip., Tachinidae), com predomínio de C. flavicincta. Em função da dificuldade de obtenção de fêmeas deste inseto em laboratório, foram avaliadas diferentes condições de criação. Desta forma, registrou-se uma razão sexual de 0,41 quando foram expostas lagartas de segundo ínstar de S. frugiperda, as fêmeas do parasitóide apresentavam idade entre 3 e 6 dias e os casais foram formados no momento da exposição. Por fim, aspectos referentes à interação entre C. flavicincta/S. frugiperda/B. thuringiensis aizawai, em laboratório, foram avaliados A partir de análise do consumo alimentar de folhas de milho, observou-se que lagartas parasitadas e infectadas apresentaram um menor consumo, apesar do mesmo não ter diferido daquele de lagartas apenas parasitadas. A mortalidade das lagartas parasitadas e infectadas foi superior tanto das infectadas quanto das parasitadas. Lagartas infectadas mostraram um período de alimentação que não diferiu das sadias, apesar de terem apresentado maior duração da fase larval. Indivíduos descendentes de casais que emergiram de lagartas infectadas não tiveram alteradas suas características biológicas. A análise histológica de lagartas parasitadas e infectadas indicou não ter havido alteração no ovo e larva do parasitóide, resultante da ação do bacilo. Pode-se, portanto, inferir que o uso conjunto do parasitóide e da bactéria não resulta em prejuízo para o parasitóide.
Spodoptera frugiperda, uma das principais pragas do milho, tem grande importância pelos danos e dificuldades de controle. A ausência de informações sobre seu impacto em milho doce motivou a comparação de sua biologia entre os genótipos ELISA, BR 400 (milho doce) e BR PAMPA (milho comum). Parcelas com estes genótipos foram estabelecidas em área experimental do Departamento de Fitossanidade, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, RS, de outubro-novembro/2000 e de outubro-novembro/2001. Em condições de laboratório (25±1ºC; 70±10%UR; fotofase 12 horas), lagartas foram individualizadas e alimentadas com seções de 3,14 cm2 de milho, totalizando 60 indivíduos/genótipo. Diariamente, avaliou-se a área foliar consumida, peso das lagartas, indivíduos mortos e recolheram-se as cápsulas cefálicas. As pupas foram sexadas e pesadas, computando-se os indivíduos mortos. Os adultos foram mantidos aos casais, registrando-se períodos de pré-oviposição, oviposição e pós-reprodutivo, número de posturas e de ovos/postura, período de incubação, intervalo entre oviposições e longevidade. A preferência alimentar foi avaliada quantificando-se o consumo foliar em observações de 12, 36 e 72 horas. Foram calculados índices nutricionais. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas por Tukey a 5%. Não se registrou diferença na largura das cápsulas, nos três primeiros ínstares. No quarto e quinto ínstares, as cápsulas das lagartas mantidas em BR 400 foram menores O consumo foliar, o peso das lagartas e das pupas, a duração dos ínstares e a razão sexual não diferiram entre os genótipos. A duração da fase pupal foi menor nas fêmeas mantidas em BR 400. A mortalidade foi maior, na fase larval, em ELISA e na pupal, em BR PAMPA. Na fase reprodutiva constatou-se diferença apenas no período de incubação, que em BR 400 foi mais longo. Não se observou preferência alimentar. Em relação aos índices nutricionais, somente a taxa de crescimento relativo (RGR) diferiu entre os genótipos, sendo que em BR 400 e ELISA foram observados valores superiores.
O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos do creep-feeding no ganho de peso e comportamento ingestivo de concentrado dos terneiros e impacto no desempenho produtivo e reprodutivo de vacas primíparas (Experimento I) e de vacas multíparas (Experimento II). Os tratamentos em cada experimento foram T1: vacas amamentando terneiros em sistema creep-feeding; T2: vacas amamentando terneiras em sistema creep-feeding; T3: vacas amamentando terneiros em sistema sem creep-feeding e T4: vacas amamentando terneiras em sistema sem creep-feeding. No Experimento I, o sistema creep-feeding promoveu nas vacas peso vivo (PV) e escore de condição corporal (CC) no final do experimento mais altos (P<0,01) em relação às vacas do sistema sem creep-feeding (412 kg e 3,94 vs. 399 kg e 3,77, respectivamente). Foi observado para as vacas do sistema creep-feeding ganho de peso médio diário (GMD) mais elevados (P<0,01) em relação ao grupo de vacas onde os terneiros (as) não receberam suplementação (0,549 vs. 0,449 kg/dia). O sistema de alimentação e o sexo dos terneiros (as) não influenciaram a porcentagem de repetição de prenhez das vacas primíparas (76,5%). O sistema creep-feeding proporcionou maior peso vivo ao desmame e maior GMD (P<0,01) para terneiros (as) em comparação a estas categorias no sistema sem creep-feeding (194 kg e 0,843 kg/dia vs. 174 kg e 0,701 kg/dia, respectivamente). Na avaliação do comportamento ingestivo de concentrado se observou maior (P<0,01) tempo médio de consumo de concentrado (TCT) para os terneiros em relação as terneiras. Não se encontrou diferença (P>0,05) para número diário de acesso ao cocho (NAT) e porcentagem de terneiros (as) consumindo concentrado (PAT). No Experimento II, não se observou diferença significativa (P>0,05) para GMD e CC das vacas durante o experimento, em função do sistema de alimentação e do sexo dos terneiros (0,265 kg/dia e 3,15, respectivamente). O sistema de alimentação e o sexo dos terneiros (as) não influenciaram a porcentagem de repetição de prenhez das vacas multíparas, apresentando média de 76,5%. O sistema de alimentação e o sexo dos terneiros apresentaram diferenças significativas (P<0,01) para PV ao desmame (195, 184, 172 e 165 kg para T1, T2, T3 e T4, respectivamente) e para GMD (0,849, 0,789, 0,705 e 0,637 kg/dia para T1, T2, T3 e T4, respectivamente). Na avaliação do comportamento ingestivo de concentrado dos terneiros (as) de vacas multíparas não se observou diferença significativa (P>0,05) entre sexo para TCT, NAT E PAT.
The composition of ichthyofauna discarded by trawling shrimping, their reproductive status and feeding ecology were studied on the beaches of Basin Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Fish were collected monthly in the year of 2012. During biometrics, portions of the digestive tract and of gonads were removed, fixed in formalin 10% and Bouin, respectively, for be submitted to histological processing by the techniques of hematoxylin-eosin. Stomach content analyzes were performed using the methods of Frequency of Occurrence and Volumetric and was calculated the repletion index. Throughout the study period were recorded a total of 49 species. The fish assemblages differed between sections monitoring, with the highest abundance, biomass and indices of richness and diversity in sections B, D and C. Already the excerpt A, showed higher values for dominance and equitability. In the cluster analysis according to the faunal similarity was observed the formation of three groups: group I formed by excerpts B and D, group II by excerpt C and group III formed by excerpt A. The assessment of reproductive stage revealed that the fish assemblages discarded by trawling are composed mainly of juveniles. Regarding the feeding ecology, the species Larimus breviceps, Menticirrhus littoralis and Pomadasys corvinaeformis characterized as carnivorous with tendency to carcinofagia. Already Conodon nobilis characterized as carnivorous with tendency to piscivory, but all proved generalist-opportunistic with increase of feeding activity during drought. The dendrogram of grouping of the species developed based on the food items used shows the formation of four groups: Group I consists of species that feed mainly of "gastropod" and "sediment"; group II of "teleost fish"; the group III of "crustacea" and group IV of "echinodermata" and "bivalve". The anatomical and histological characteristics of the digestive tract were consistent with the dietary habits of the analyzed species. In this context, the Costa Branca of Rio Grande do Norte can be considered a feeding site and recruitment for juveniles, which, opportunistically, utilize resources associated with the background
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)