470 resultados para Exponents


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Interfaces are studied in an inhomogeneous critical state where boundary pinning is compensated with a ramped force. Sandpiles driven off the self-organized critical point provide an example of this ensemble in the Edwards-Wilkinson (EW) model of kinetic roughening. A crossover from quenched to thermal noise violates spatial and temporal translational invariances. The bulk temporal correlation functions have the effective exponents β1D∼0.88±0.03 and β2D∼0.52±0.05, while at the boundaries βb,1D/2D∼0.47±0.05. The bulk β1D is shown to be reproduced in a randomly kicked thermal EW model.


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Interfaces are studied in an inhomogeneous critical state where boundary pinning is compensated with a ramped force. Sandpiles driven off the self-organized critical point provide an example of this ensemble in the Edwards-Wilkinson (EW) model of kinetic roughening. A crossover from quenched to thermal noise violates spatial and temporal translational invariances. The bulk temporal correlation functions have the effective exponents β1D∼0.88±0.03 and β2D∼0.52±0.05, while at the boundaries βb,1D/2D∼0.47±0.05. The bulk β1D is shown to be reproduced in a randomly kicked thermal EW model.


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Mechanisms of fatigue crack growth have been studied for a range of PM steels at relative densities of 0.90 and 1.0, for which strength, fracture toughness, and microstructural information was also available. It is shown that the Paris exponents for steady state crack growth are between 8 and 18 when ρr is approximately 0.9 but when ρr is approximately 1.0 the exponents are between 2.6 and 4.0, i.e in the range typical of wrought steels (2-4). At both densities, threshold stress intensities are between 5.5 and 10.8 MPa m1/2 when R = 0.1. Combinations of these thresholds and yield strengths are comparable with those for wrought steels. When R = 0.8, reductions in threshold to between 2.7 and 5 MPa m1/2 are attributed to crack closure effects. At ρr = 0.90, Fe-0.5C fails by progressive rupture of sinter necks. Astaloy A, with 0.2%C and 0.6%C, and Distaloy AB-0.6C have smaller plastic zone sizes and the cracks follow more difficult paths through particles as well as necks. When ρr is approximately 1.0, fracture is partially by true fatigue modes and partly by cleavage, the bursts of cleavage being more noticeable when Kmax is high.


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Fatigue crack propagation, tensile and fracture toughness data for four aeroengine bearing steels are reported. The steels involved are the through-hardened tool steels 18-4-1 (T1) and M50, and two similar carburized steels, RBD and Volvic. Crack growth data have been obtained at 20 °C and 280 °C to cover the range of oil temperatures experienced in aeroengine bearing operations. At 20 °C threshold ΔK values (ΔKth) ranged between 3.5 and 4.5 MPa √m with Paris exponents (m) of between 2.0 and 3.5. The lowest m-values were seen in the carburizing steels, which also exhibited lower Paris regime crack growth rates than M50 and 18-4-1. For all the steels, growth rates were higher at 280 °C,than 20 °C, although there was a slight tendency for ΔKth to increase, probably associated with oxide-induced closure at 280 °C. The effects of primary carbides, strength and toughness on fatigue crack growth behaviour are discussed, in relation to the importance of static-mode cracking. © 1990.


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Starting from a continuum description, we study the nonequilibrium roughening of a thermal re-emission model for etching in one and two spatial dimensions. Using standard analytical techniques, we map our problem to a generalized version of an earlier nonlocal KPZ (Kardar-Parisi-Zhang) model. In 2 + 1 dimensions, the values of the roughness and the dynamic exponents calculated from our theory go like α ≈ z ≈ 1 and in 1 + 1 dimensions, the exponents resemble the KPZ values for low vapor pressure, supporting experimental results. Interestingly, Galilean invariance is maintained throughout.


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The paper has been presented at the 12th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra, Varna, Bulgaria, June, 2006


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We study a Luttinger liquid (LL) coupled to a generic environment consisting of bosonic modes with arbitrary density-density and current-current interactions. The LL can be either in the conducting phase and perturbed by a weak scatterer or in the insulating phase and perturbed by a weak link. The environment modes can also be scattered by the imperfection in the system with arbitrary transmission and reflection amplitudes. We present a general method of calculating correlation functions under the presence of the environment and prove the duality of exponents describing the scaling of the weak scatterer and of the weak link. This duality holds true for a broad class of models and is sensitive to neither interaction nor environmental modes details, thus it shows up as the universal property. It ensures that the environment cannot generate new stable fixed points of the renormalization group flow. Thus, the LL always flows toward either conducting or insulating phase. Phases are separated by a sharp boundary which is shifted by the influence of the environment. Our results are relevant, for example, for low-energy transport in (i) an interacting quantum wire or a carbon nanotube where the electrons are coupled to the acoustic phonons scattered by the lattice defect; (ii) a mixture of interacting fermionic and bosonic cold atoms where the bosonic modes are scattered due to an abrupt local change of the interaction; (iii) mesoscopic electric circuits.


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The article analyzes the contribution of stochastic thermal fluctuations in the attachment times of the immature T-cell receptor TCR: peptide-major-histocompatibility-complex pMHC immunological synapse bond. The key question addressed here is the following: how does a synapse bond remain stabilized in the presence of high-frequency thermal noise that potentially equates to a strong detaching force? Focusing on the average time persistence of an immature synapse, we show that the high-frequency nodes accompanying large fluctuations are counterbalanced by low-frequency nodes that evolve over longer time periods, eventually leading to signaling of the immunological synapse bond primarily decided by nodes of the latter type. Our analysis shows that such a counterintuitive behavior could be easily explained from the fact that the survival probability distribution is governed by two distinct phases, corresponding to two separate time exponents, for the two different time regimes. The relatively shorter timescales correspond to the cohesion:adhesion induced immature bond formation whereas the larger time reciprocates the association:dissociation regime leading to TCR:pMHC signaling. From an estimate of the bond survival probability, we show that, at shorter timescales, this probability PΔ(τ) scales with time τ as a universal function of a rescaled noise amplitude DΔ2, such that PΔ(τ)∼τ-(ΔD+12),Δ being the distance from the mean intermembrane (T cell:Antigen Presenting Cell) separation distance. The crossover from this shorter to a longer time regime leads to a universality in the dynamics, at which point the survival probability shows a different power-law scaling compared to the one at shorter timescales. In biological terms, such a crossover indicates that the TCR:pMHC bond has a survival probability with a slower decay rate than the longer LFA-1:ICAM-1 bond justifying its stability.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 60J80, Secondary 62F12, 60G99.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B70, 41A25, 41A17, 26D10. ∗Part of the results were reported at the Conference “Pioneers of Bulgarian Mathematics”, Sofia, 2006.


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The physics of self-organization and complexity is manifested on a variety of biological scales, from large ecosystems to the molecular level. Protein molecules exhibit characteristics of complex systems in terms of their structure, dynamics, and function. Proteins have the extraordinary ability to fold to a specific functional three-dimensional shape, starting from a random coil, in a biologically relevant time. How they accomplish this is one of the secrets of life. In this work, theoretical research into understanding this remarkable behavior is discussed. Thermodynamic and statistical mechanical tools are used in order to investigate the protein folding dynamics and stability. Theoretical analyses of the results from computer simulation of the dynamics of a four-helix bundle show that the excluded volume entropic effects are very important in protein dynamics and crucial for protein stability. The dramatic effects of changing the size of sidechains imply that a strategic placement of amino acid residues with a particular size may be an important consideration in protein engineering. Another investigation deals with modeling protein structural transitions as a phase transition. Using finite size scaling theory, the nature of unfolding transition of a four-helix bundle protein was investigated and critical exponents for the transition were calculated for various hydrophobic strengths in the core. It is found that the order of the transition changes from first to higher order as the strength of the hydrophobic interaction in the core region is significantly increased. Finally, a detailed kinetic and thermodynamic analysis was carried out in a model two-helix bundle. The connection between the structural free-energy landscape and folding kinetics was quantified. I show how simple protein engineering, by changing the hydropathy of a small number of amino acids, can enhance protein folding by significantly changing the free energy landscape so that kinetic traps are removed. The results have general applicability in protein engineering as well as understanding the underlying physical mechanisms of protein folding. ^


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Physiological processes and local-scale structural dynamics of mangroves are relatively well studied. Regional-scale processes, however, are not as well understood. Here we provide long-term data on trends in structure and forest turnover at a large scale, following hurricane damage in mangrove ecosystems of South Florida, U.S.A. Twelve mangrove vegetation plots were monitored at periodic intervals, between October 1992 and March 2005. Mangrove forests of this region are defined by a −1.5 scaling relationship between mean stem diameter and stem density, mirroring self-thinning theory for mono-specific stands. This relationship is reflected in tree size frequency scaling exponents which, through time, have exhibited trends toward a community average that is indicative of full spatial resource utilization. These trends, together with an asymptotic standing biomass accumulation, indicate that coastal mangrove ecosystems do adhere to size-structured organizing principles as described for upland tree communities. Regenerative dynamics are different between areas inside and outside of the primary wind-path of Hurricane Andrew which occurred in 1992. Forest dynamic turnover rates, however, are steady through time. This suggests that ecological, more-so than structural factors, control forest productivity. In agreement, the relative mean rate of biomass growth exhibits an inverse relationship with the seasonal range of porewater salinities. The ecosystem average in forest scaling relationships may provide a useful investigative tool of mangrove community biomass relationships, as well as offer a robust indicator of general ecosystem health for use in mangrove forest ecosystem management and restoration.


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This research aims to set whether is possible to build spatial patterns over oil fields using DFA (Detrended Fluctuation Analysis) of the following well logs: sonic, density, porosity, resistivity and gamma ray. It was employed in the analysis a set of 54 well logs from the oil field of Campos dos Namorados, RJ, Brazil. To check for spatial correlation, it was employed the Mantel test between the matrix of geographic distance and the matrix of the difference of DFA exponents of the well logs. The null hypothesis assumes the absence of spatial structures that means no correlation between the matrix of Euclidean distance and the matrix of DFA differences. Our analysis indicate that the sonic (p=0.18) and the density (p=0.26) were the profiles that show tendency to correlation, or weak correlation. A complementary analysis using contour plot also has suggested that the sonic and the density are the most suitable with geophysical quantities for the construction of spatial structures corroborating the results of Mantel test


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The pioneering work proposed by Skumanich (1972) has shown that the projected mean rotational velocity < v sini > for solar type stars follows a rotation law decreases with the time given by t −1/2 , where t is the stellar age. This relationship is consistent with the theories of the angular momentum loss through the ionized stellar wind, which in turn is coupled to the star through its magnetic field. Several authors (e.g.: Silva et al. 2013 and de Freitas et al. 2014) have analyzed the possible matches between the rotational decay and the profile of the velocity distribution. These authors came to a simple heuristic relationship, but did not build a direct path between the exponent of the rotational decay (j) and the exponent of the distribution of the rotational velocity (q). The whole theoretical scenario has been proposed using an efficient and strong statistical mechanics well known as non-extensive statistical mechanics. The present dissertation proposes effectively to close this issue by elaborating a theoretical way to modify the q-Maxwellians’ distributions into q-Maxwellians with physics links extracted from the theory of magnetic braking. In order to test our distributions we have used the GenevaCapenhagen Survey data with approximately 6000 F and G field stars limited by age. As a result, we obtained that the exponents of the decay law and distribution follow a similar relationship to that proposed by Silva et al. (2013).


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Technical and interpretative aspects of the String Quartet No. 2 Guerra-Peixe will approach this work of a composer who is considered one of the greatest exponents of Brazilian music of the twentieth century, who developed several strands in his career as a musicologist, performer, composer, arranger radio and cinema, among others. In this work, we will see in the work in question their compositional styles, pointing sources that he has been drinking and offering elements that will subsidize technical and interpretive choices for future interpreters. After the historical context and esthetics, we will make some brief remarks about the terms performance and interpretation, to support the objective of the work, which will be the interpretation of the work. For that purpose, a comparative analysis was performed between recording of important Brazilian quartets, interviews with relevant players on the national scene and trials in rehearsals and recitals, always making a Quartet bridge with other works by the composer. Concomitantly, it was held analysis of handwritten edits by the composer, culminating with its own revised edition.