1000 resultados para Europäische Union, Wirtschafts - und Währungsunion, Asylrecht
On verso: Flint, Mich., 1920s
On verso: N.E. corner E. Washington and State Street
On verso: Photo R. Schneiderwind
Photographic print of architectural rendering. Lane, Davenport, Meyer, architects
Image mounted on linen. Sculpture also known as "Scholar." Placed above entrance of Michigan Union facing toward campus. Photographer's log identifies men in image as "Pond and Murphy."
Jenison, Edward S., architect. Left foreground is Old Law Bldg. and behind it is Natural Science Building. Chemistry Building is behind University Hall. Right background is old Observatory. Photographer's stamp on verso: G.R. Swain, 713 East University Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich.
Image creator Shaw was General Secretary of the Alumni Association, 1904-1029 and Director of the Bureau of Alumni relations, 1929 -1950. He edited and illustrated the Michigan Alumnus and Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Review.
Located behind the Michigan Union bordering on Madison and Thompson Sts. The first unit was the Allen-Rumsey House (in commemoration of John Allen and Elisha Rumsey), constructed in 1937, and designed by Lane, Davenport & Meyer to coordinate with the addition to the Union, also being constructed in 1937. West Quadrangle was added in 1939, contained seven "houses," and is connected to the Union. Upon completion in 1939, the Allen-Rumsey unit became a part of West Quad.
Judge Thomas McIntyre Cooley house. Building was renovated in 1906-1907; opened for student use in 1907; in 1912 an addition was built. In 1916 the original house was razed to make room for a new Michigan Union. The addition was moved to the north and used as a ballroom for a time. Image clipped from publication.
Building was renovated in 1906-1907; opened for student use in 1907; in 1912 an addition was built. In 1916 the original house was razed to make room for a new Michigan Union. The addition was moved to the north and used as a ballroom for a time. On verso: Mrs. Baker
Building was renovated in 1906-1907; opened for student use in 1907; in 1912 an addition was built. In 1916 the original house was razed to make room for a new Michigan Union. The addition was moved to the north and used as a ballroom for a time. Image clipped from publication
Building was renovated in 1906-1907; opened for student use in 1907; in 1912 an addition was built. In 1916 the original house was razed to make room for a new Michigan Union. The addition was moved to the north and used as a ballroom for a time. On verso: Postcard postmarked Oct. 1914 and addressed to: Miss Mildred Lehman(?) Churchville, N.Y. Text: Hello Mildred: This is the place you want to come to next year. How does school go. Write to Harold, 513 S. Division, Ann Arbor.