946 resultados para Etnisk segregation
Un fet clau pel coneixement de la població immigrant i el disseny de polítiques d’acollida és la seva distribució territorial. Els indicadors de segregació residencial són una eina molt útil. En aquest article es proposen mesures contrastades internacionalment i s’apliquen al cas osonenc considerant Osona com a conjunt i també estudiant per separat el casos de Vic i Manlleu. Tot i ser una comarca amb un percentatge rellevant de població immigrant no es donen situacions segregatives que sí es troben en l’àmbit metropolità.
La segregación residencial en una ciudad indica el nivel de desigualdad de la distribución de la población entre las diferentes zonas. Es interesante obtener una visión cuantitativa de la segregación residencial para prever y actuar sobre los territorios más afectados por este proceso. En este artículo se propone medir la segregación de los colectivos de inmigrantes desde diferentes ópticas, utilizando la estadística espacial y los sistemas de información geográfica. Con estas herramientas se realiza un estudio sobre la distribución de la población inmigrante para la ciudad de Barcelona. Los resultados apuntan a una disminución en la segregación entre 1996 y 2001. Aunque se aprecian diferencias significativas según la procedencia de cada grupo estudiado.
Given the importance of immigrant population growth in Spain, it would be interesting to study its distribution throughout the urban area. The field of statistics suggests different indicators that have a long tradition and permit the quantification of segregation of minority population groups. Through the application of these tools in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona, this paper demonstrates the utility of analyzing segregation patterns within a city and detecting local patterns of this phenomenon. A new perspective of segregation can be obtained with the use of indicators designed for spatial statistics. The combination of these measures represents a useful procedure for the analysis of the distribution of the immigrant population in urban areas and its extension to different areas such as sociology, economics, urban studies, and housing policy.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the possibility of obtaining recombinant inbred wheat lines more resistant to preharvest sprouting, independently of colour genes, in three red-grained Brazilian wheat populations. The results showed statistical significance among lines within all populations, which presented a normal distribution and transgressive segregation for preharvest sprouting. The normal distribution of the lines from all red-grained populations suggests that sprouting, excluding the genes expressing seed coat pigmentation, is, probably, controlled by many genes. These findings also indicate that it may be possible to improve resistance to preharvest sprouting, independently of the colour genes.
Résumé L'influence des hormones reproductives sur le développement du cancer du sein a été établie au travers de nombreuse études épidémiologiques. Nous avons précédemment démontré que le gène Wnt-4 est un médiateur essentiel de la progestérone dans le développement lobulo-alvéolaire de l'épithélium mammaire. De plus, le rôle de la voie de signalisation Wnt dans la tumorigénèse de la glande mammaire mutine est largement établi. Pour comprendre sa fonction dans le cancer du sein, nous avons activée cette voie en surexprimant le gène Wnt-1 dans des cellules épithéliales primaires de sein, au moyen d'un rétrovirus. Ceci a conduit à la transformation oncogénique de ces cellules et à l'obtention d'un modèle de carcinogénèse du sein dénommé Wnt-1 HMEC. L'analyse de l'expression des gènes induits par la surexpression de Wnt-1 dans ces cellules, a permis d'identifier les gènes BMP4 et 7. Alors que des analyses de RT-PCR ont montré leur forte expression dans les cellules Wnt-1-HMECs, la présence d'une grande quantité de la protéine BMP7 a été constatée dans les tumeurs dérivées de ces cellules. L'importante phosphorylation des Smad 1, 5, S dans les Wnt-1 HMECs indique l'activation de la voie BMP, possiblement due à la stimulation ce celle-ci par BMP7. L'activation de la voie Wnt par la ß-Caténine, conduit à la transcription de BMP7, identifiant ainsi ce gène comme un gène cible de la voie canonique. La pertinence de nos observations a par ailleurs été confirmée par le fait que BMP7 est surexprimé dans les tumeurs de seins humains. Afin d'élucider la fonction de la voie BMP dans le sein, nous avons utilisé le modèle mutin. L'expression du gène BMP7 dans les souris transgéniques MMTV Wnt-1 s'est avérée élevée, démontrant qu'il est aussi un gène cible de la voie Wnt in-vivo. L'expression de l'ARN messager .codant pour la protéine BMP7 est induite lors du développement lobulo-alvéolaire, qui se fait sous l'influence de la progestérone et de Wnt-4. Ensemble, ces observations corroborent le fait qu'une stimulation avec de la progestérone suffit à induire la transcription du gène dans les 24h. Nos résultats coïncident d'autre part avec le fait que BMP7 est exprimé dans la couche myoépithéliale de l'épithélium où la voie Wnt est activée. L'analyse de souris reportrices de l'activité de la voie BMP, suggère une activation dans la couche luminale de l'épithélium durant tout le développement de la glande mammaire. Curieusement, cette même voie est active dans le mésenchyme lors de la mammogénèse embryonnaire. Finalement, nos analyses d'immunofluorescence démontrent la capacité de prolifération des cellules ayant activé BMP, ainsi que leur nette ségrégation d'avec les cellules exprimant le récepteur à la progestérone. Nos résultats démontrent que le gène BMP7 est un gène cible de la voie Wnt canonique dans le sein. Son expression dans la couche myoépitheliale est induite par Wnt-4, lui-même sécrété par les cellules luminales sensibles à la progestérone. La sécrétion de la protéine BMP7 conduit finalement à l'activation de la voie BMP dans les cellules négatives pour le récepteur à la progestérone. Abstract Epidemiological studies highlight the repetitive exposure to circulating progesterone as a major risk in the development of breast cancer. Work in our laboratory showed that Wnt-4 is an essential mediator of progesterone-driven side-branch formation, while Wnt signaling has long been established as strongly oncogenic in the mouse mammary gland. To address the role of Wnt in breast tumorigenesis we activated the pathway in primary human breast epithelial cells by means of refroviral Wnt-1 expression. This resulted in a Wnt1-induced breast carcinogenesis model, being referred to as Wnt-1-HMECs. Gene expression profiling revealed the Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 and 7 (BMP4 and 7) a mong the most upregulated gene by ectopic Wnt-1 expression in primary HMECs. RT-PCR analysis confirmed elevated BMP4 and 7 mRNA levels in Wnt-1-infected HMECs, as well as strong BMP7 expression in the tumors derived from these cells. Smad 1, 5, 8 phosphorylation was high in Wnt-1HMECs whereas below detection limit in primary HMECs suggesting that the increased expression of BMP-7 results in activation of downstream signaling. Ectopic expressíon of a stabilized form of ßcatenin in primary HMECs resulted in increased transcription of BMP-7 suggesting that it is a target of canonical Wnt signaling. The clinical relevance of our observations was confirmed by the finding of BMP7 being upregulated in human breast tumor samples. To elucidate the role of BMP ligands in the breast in-vivo, we made use of the mouse model. Expression of the BMP7 gene was found to be increased in MMTV-Wnt-1 transgenic animals, suggesting that BMP7 may also be a Wnt 1 target gene in vivo. Expression of BMP7 was upregulated in mid-pregnancy which coincides with progesterone/Wnt induced side branching. BMP7 was induced within 24 hours by progesterone. Consistent with it being a target of canonical Wnt signaling, we demonstrated preferential expression of this ligand in the myoepithelial cells, the target cells of Wnt signals. In-vivo analysis of BMP signaling using a reporter mouse revealed the activation of the pathway in the luminal layer of the epithelium throughout postnatal development. Interestingly, during embryonic mammogenesis the pathway was found to be active in the mesenchyme. Immunofluorescence studies demonstrated that cells with BMP activity can proliferate. They also revealed a clear segregation between progesterone receptor positive cells and cells with active BMP signaling. Together our observations suggest that BMP-7 is a canonical Wnt signaling target both in HMECs and in the mouse mammary gland in-vivo. It is expressed in the myoepithelium possibly in response to Wnt-4, which is secreted by steroid receptor positive cells in response to progesterone. BMP-7 in turn may impinge on lumina) epithelial cells and activate BMP signaling in PR negative cells.
Over-consolidation is often visible as longitudinal vibrator trails in the surface of concrete pavements constructed using slip-form paving. Concrete research and practice have shown that concrete material selection and mix design can be tailored to provide a good compaction without the need for vibration. However, a challenge in developing self-consolidating concrete for slip-form paving (SF SCC) is that the new SF SCC needs to possess not only excellent self-compactibility and stability before extrusion, but also sufficient “green” strength after extrusion, while the concrete is still in a plastic state. The SF SCC to be developed will not be as fluid as the conventional SCC, but it will (1) be workable enough for machine placement, (2) be self-compacting with minimum segregation, (3) hold shape after extrusion from a paver, and (4) have performance properties (strength and durability) compatible to current pavement concrete. The overall objective of this project is to develop a new type of SCC for slip-form paving to produce more workable concrete and smoother pavements, better consolidation of the plastic concrete, and higher rates of production. Phase I demonstrated the feasibility of designing a new type of SF SCC that can not only self-consolidate, but also have sufficient green strength. In this phase, a good balance between flowability and shape stability was achieved by adopting and modifying the mix design of self-consolidating concrete to provide a high content of fine materials in the fresh concrete. It was shown that both the addition of fine particles and the modification of the type of plasticizer significantly improve fresh concrete flowability. The mixes used in this phase were also found to have very good shape stability in the fresh state. Phase II will focus on developing a SF SCC mix design in the lab and a performing a trial of the SF SCC in the field. Phase III will include field study, performance monitoring, and technology transfer.
Meiotic drive has attracted much interest because it concerns the robustness of Mendelian segregation and its genetic and evolutionary stability. We studied chromosomal meiotic drive in the common shrew (Sorex araneus, Insectivora, Mammalia), which exhibits one of the most remarkable chromosomal polymorphisms within mammalian species. The open question of the evolutionary success of metacentric chromosomes (Robertsonian fusions) versus acrocentrics in the common shrew prompted us to test whether a segregation distortion in favor of metacentrics is present in female and/or male meiosis. Performing crosses under controlled laboratory conditions with animals from natural populations, we found a clear trend toward a segregation distortion in favor of metacentrics during male meiosis, two chromosome combinations (gm and jl) being significantly preferred over their acrocentric homologs. Apart for one Robertsonian fusion (hi), this trend was absent in female meiosis. We propose a model based on recombination events between twin acrocentrics to explain the difference in transmission ratios of the same metacentric in different sexes and unequal drive of particular metacentrics in the same sex. Pooled data for female and male meiosis revealed a trend toward stronger segregation distortion for larger metacentrics. This is partially in agreement with the frequency of metacentrics occurring in natural populations of a chromosome race showing a high degree of chromosomal polymorphism.
Understanding the molecular underpinnings of evolutionary adaptations is a central focus of modern evolutionary biology. Recent studies have uncovered a panoply of complex phenotypes, including locally adapted ecotypes and cryptic morphs, divergent social behaviours in birds and insects, as well as alternative metabolic pathways in plants and fungi, that are regulated by clusters of tightly linked loci. These 'supergenes' segregate as stable polymorphisms within or between natural populations and influence ecologically relevant traits. Some supergenes may span entire chromosomes, because selection for reduced recombination between a supergene and a nearby locus providing additional benefits can lead to locus expansions with dynamics similar to those known for sex chromosomes. In addition to allowing for the co-segregation of adaptive variation within species, supergenes may facilitate the spread of complex phenotypes across species boundaries. Application of new genomic methods is likely to lead to the discovery of many additional supergenes in a broad range of organisms and reveal similar genetic architectures for convergently evolved phenotypes.
The objective of this work was to verify the existence of a lethal locus in a eucalyptus hybrid population, and to quantify the segregation distortion in the linkage group 3 of the Eucalyptus genome. A E. grandis x E. urophylla hybrid population, which segregates for rust resistance, was genotyped with 19 microsatellite markers belonging to linkage group 3 of the Eucalyptus genome. To quantify the segregation distortion, maximum likelihood (ML) models, specific to outbreeding populations, were used. These models consider the observed marker genotypes and the lethal locus viability as parameters. The ML solutions were obtained using the expectation‑maximization algorithm. A lethal locus in the linkage group 3 was verified and mapped, with high confidence, between the microssatellites EMBRA 189 e EMBRA 122. This lethal locus causes an intense gametic selection from the male side. Its map position is 25 cM from the locus which controls the rust resistance in this population.
Rb fusions between acrocentric chromosomes leading to metacentrics tend to become fixed during the chromosomal evolution in the common shrew. Using microsatellite markers preliminary results show that populations are only slightly subdivided and genetic drift seems not to play an important role for the fixation of metacentrics. A significant segregation distortion in favour of metacentric chromosomes was found during male meiosis. This suggests that cytological factors such as facilitated fusion between acrocentric chromosomes or choice-effects at the level of gametes are more likely to play a role for the chromosomal evolution in the common shrew.
Many eukaryote organisms are polyploid. However, despite their importance, evolutionary inference of polyploid origins and modes of inheritance has been limited by a need for analyses of allele segregation at multiple loci using crosses. The increasing availability of sequence data for nonmodel species now allows the application of established approaches for the analysis of genomic data in polyploids. Here, we ask whether approximate Bayesian computation (ABC), applied to realistic traditional and next-generation sequence data, allows correct inference of the evolutionary and demographic history of polyploids. Using simulations, we evaluate the robustness of evolutionary inference by ABC for tetraploid species as a function of the number of individuals and loci sampled, and the presence or absence of an outgroup. We find that ABC adequately retrieves the recent evolutionary history of polyploid species on the basis of both old and new sequencing technologies. The application of ABC to sequence data from diploid and polyploid species of the plant genus Capsella confirms its utility. Our analysis strongly supports an allopolyploid origin of C. bursa-pastoris about 80 000 years ago. This conclusion runs contrary to previous findings based on the same data set but using an alternative approach and is in agreement with recent findings based on whole-genome sequencing. Our results indicate that ABC is a promising and powerful method for revealing the evolution of polyploid species, without the need to attribute alleles to a homeologous chromosome pair. The approach can readily be extended to more complex scenarios involving higher ploidy levels.
Sex determination can be purely genetic (as in mammals and birds), purely environmental (as in many reptiles), or genetic but reversible by environmental factors during a sensitive period in life, as in many fish and amphibians (Wallace et al. 1999; Baroiller et al. 2009a; Stelkens & Wedekind 2010). Such environmental sex reversal (ESR) can be induced, for example, by temperature changes or by exposure to hormone-active substances. ESR has long been recognized as a means to produce more profitable single-sex cultures in fish farms (Cnaani & Levavi-Sivan 2009), but we know very little about its prevalence in the wild. Obviously, induced feminization or masculinization may immediately distort population sex ratios, and distorted sex ratios are indeed reported from some amphibian and fish populations (Olsen et al. 2006; Alho et al. 2008; Brykov et al. 2008). However, sex ratios can also be skewed by, for example, segregation distorters or sex-specific mortality. Demonstrating ESR in the wild therefore requires the identification of sex-linked genetic markers (in the absence of heteromorphic sex chromosomes) followed by comparison of genotypes and phenotypes, or experimental crosses with individuals who seem sex reversed, followed by sexing of offspring after rearing under non-ESR conditions and at low mortality. In this issue, Alho et al. (2010) investigate the role of ESR in the common frog (Rana temporaria) and a population that has a distorted adult sex ratio. They developed new sex-linked microsatellite markers and tested wild-caught male and female adults for potential mismatches between phenotype and genotype. They found a significant proportion of phenotypic males with a female genotype. This suggests environmental masculinization, here with a prevalence of 9%. The authors then tested whether XX males naturally reproduce with XX females. They collected egg clutches and found that some had indeed a primary sex ratio of 100% daughters. Other clutches seemed to result from multi-male fertilizations of which at least one male had the female genotype. These results suggest that sex-reversed individuals affect the sex ratio in the following generation. But how relevant is ESR if its prevalence is rather low, and what are the implications of successful reproduction of sex-reversed individuals in the wild?
The objective of this work was to determine the inheritance of the long juvenile period trait in natural variants of the Doko, BR 9 (Savana), Davis, Embrapa 1 (IAS 5RC), and BR 16 soybean cultivars. Complete diallel crosses were made between the Doko and BR 16 cultivars and their variants. A 3:1 segregation ratio was observed in the F2 populations of the 'Doko' x Doko-18T, 'Doko' x Doko-Milionária, 'Davis' x São Carlos, and 'BR 9 (Savana)' x MABR92-836 (Savanão) crosses, indicating that the long juvenile period trait is controlled by a pair of recessive genes. The difference in late flowering between the Doko cultivar and both of its variants was caused by a recessive spontaneous mutation at the same genetic locus. However, the variants Doko-18T and Doko-Milionária are identical mutants that share a pair of genes that control the long juvenile period under short-day conditions. These mutants can be used in breeding programs to develop cultivars adapted to low-latitude tropical regions.
Kuparipinnan hapettuminen on viimevuosina ollut suosittu tutkimuskohde materiaalitieteissä kuparin laajan teollisuuskäytön vuoksi. Teollisuussovellusten, kuten suojaavien pintaoksidien kehittäminen vaatii kuitenkin syvällistä tuntemusta hapettumisprosessista ja toisaalta myös normaaliolosuhteissa materiaalissa esiintyvien hilavirheiden vaikutuksesta siihen. Tässä työssä keskitytäänkin tutkimaan juuri niitä mekanismeja, joilla erilaiset pintavirheet ja porrastettu pintarakenne vaikuttavathapen adsorptioprosessiin kuparipinnalla. Tutkimus on tehty käyttämällä laskennallisia menetelmiä sekä VASP- ja SIESTA-ohjelmistoja. Työssätutkittiin kemiallisia ja rakenteellisia virheitä Cu(100)-pinnalla, joka on reaktiivisin matalanMillerin indeksin pinta ja porrastetun pinnan tutkimuksessa käytettiin Cu(211)-pintaa, joka puolestaan on yksinkertainen, stabiili ja aiemmissa tutkimuksissa usein käytetty pintarakenne. Työssä tutkitut hilavirheet, adatomit, vähentävät molekyylin dissosiaatiota kuparipinnalla, kun taas vakanssit toimivat dissosiaation keskuksina. Kemiallisena epäpuhtautena käytetty hopeakerros ei estä kuparin hapettumista, sillä happi aiheuttaa mielenkiintoisen segregaatioilmiön, jossa hopeatyöntyy syvemmälle pinnassa jättäen kuparipinnan suojaamattomaksi. Porrastetulla pinnalla (100)-hollow on todennäköisin paikka molekyylin dissosiaatiolle, kun taas portaan bridge-paikka on suotuisin molekulaariselle adsorptiolle. Lisäksi kuparin steppipinnan todettiin olevan reaktiivisempi kuin tasaiset kuparipinnat.
The integration of information which can be gained from accessory [i.e. age (t)] and rock-forming minerals [i.e. temperature (T) and pressure (P)] requires a more profound understanding of the equilibration kinetics during metamorphic processes. This paper presents an approach comparing conventional P-T estimate from equilibrated assemblages of rock-forming minerals with temperature data derived from yttrium-garnet-monazite (YGM) and yttrium-garnet-xenotime (YGX) geothermometry. Such a comparison provides an initial indication on differences between equilibration of major and trace elements. Regarding this purpose, two migmatites, two polycyclic and one monocyclic gneiss from the Central Alps (Switzerland, northern Italy) were investigated. While the polycyclic samples exhibit trace-element equilibration between monazite and garnet grains assigned to the same metamorphic event, there are relics of monazite and garnet obviously surviving independent of their textural position. These observations suggest that surface processes dominate transport processes during equilibration of those samples. The monocyclic gneiss, on the contrary, displays rare isolated monazite with equilibration of all elements, despite comparably large transport distances. With a nearly linear crystal-size distribution of the garnet grain population, growth kinetics, related to the major elements, were likely surface-controlled in this sample. In contrast to these completely equilibrated examples, the migmatites indicate disequilibrium between garnet and monazite with a change in REE patterns on garnet transects. The cause for this disequilibrium may be related to a potential disequilibrium initiated by a changing bulk chemistry during melt segregation. While migmatite environments are expected to support high transport rates (i.e. high temperatures and melt presence), the evolution of equilibration in migmatites is additionaly related to change in chemistry. As a key finding, surface-controlled equilibration kinetics seem to dominate transport-controlled processes in the investigated samples. This may be decisive information towards the understanding of age data derived from monazite.