792 resultados para Ethics in Dentistry


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Apresentam-se os resultados de uma pesquisa sobre a construção de conceitos de Física Moderna e sobre a natureza da Ciência com o apoio da hipermídia, que envolveu a produção e avaliação de um software educacional. A proposta didática fundamentou-se na Teoria da Aprendizagem de Ausubel, em orientações para a implementação de sistemas hipermídia educacionais e em abordagens derivadas da pesquisa em Ensino de Ciências, dentre as quais o enfoque Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade, ponderações quanto à importância pedagógica da História e Filosofia da Ciência e considerações sobre a inserção de Física Moderna no Ensino Médio. O programa foi avaliado por pesquisadores de Ensino de Física e licenciandos de Física e, após a incorporação de algumas sugestões realizadas, foi testado por estudantes do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio de uma escola pública. Obtiveram-se indícios de que o uso do computador foi fator de motivação dos estudantes; a diversidade de elementos de mídia auxiliou-os a fixar a atenção sobre o conteúdo e favoreceu a visualização e interpretação dos fenômenos, facilitando ainda o raciocínio; o hipertexto estruturado em conformidade com princípios ausubelianos contribuiu para a percepção da relação entre os conceitos e ajudou no desenvolvimento de subsunçores para apoiar a aprendizagem subseqüente. Constatou-se que a proposta didática avaliada favoreceu a evolução das concepções da maior parte dos estudantes quanto ao conceito de equivalência massa-energia e suas implicações; às relações entre Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade, incluindo aspectos ambientais e políticos; ao papel da Ética no desenvolvimento e aplicação dos conhecimentos científicos; ao progresso da Ciência ao longo do tempo.


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O texto trata das novas demandas à formação em odontologia e dos desafios da profissionalização da atividade docente. Investigam-se as concepções de qualidade do ensino de 13 coordenadores de cursos de graduação em odontologia do Estado de São Paulo, procurando indicadores que contribuam para a elaboração de propostas de formação docente, numa perspectiva crítica e reflexiva sobre qualidade e sobre problemas da realidade brasileira na área. A partir de depoimentos colhidos por questionário e entrevistas, busca-se compreender e analisar dados relativos à dimensão político-estrutural da profissão. Os resultados apontam para a crise da odontologia nos aspectos de número de escolas, exaustão do modelo de atendimento, dilema ético dos profissionais e diminuição de prestígio, com visível crise destatus. Conclui-se que a transformação da crise em projeto político-pedagógico cria espaço para mudanças curriculares das faculdades de odontologia e acentua desafios quanto a orientações pedagógicas e competências da função docente.


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A prescrição abusiva de medicamentos na odontologia constitui um desafio aos programas de saúde pública que visam corrigir a prescrição inadequada de fármacos. Os anti-inflamatórios não esteróides (AINE) podem alteram a eficácia dos anti-hipertensivos, elevando a pressão arterial, sobretudo em pacientes idosos e/ou com hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS). O objetivo foi avaliar o nível de conhecimentos dos cirurgiões-dentistas (CD) da rede pública da saúde da Prefeitura Municipal de São José dos Campos (PMSJC) sobre a prescrição de AINE a pacientes com HAS. Trata-se de estudo descritivo, realizado por meio de questionário aplicado aos 92 CD da PMSJC. Os resultados foram analisados estatisticamente utilizando-se os testes de Wald e de Fisher. A associação entre as variáveis foi estudada por meio da razão de chances (OR) com p-valor<0,05. Os resultados mostraram que o nível de conhecimento para a prescrição de AINE para pacientes com HAS foi insuficiente e as interações medicamentosas entre AINE e anti-hipertensivos são desconhecidas pela quase totalidade da amostra. Concluiu-se que os cursos de atualização em odontologia não estão suprindo as necessidades dos CD no âmbito da farmacoterapia.


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Após considerações gerais sobre a ética na pesquisa envolvendo seres humanos, focaliza-se a possibilidade de ocorrências de injustiças, sob a égide de diversas formas de poder. Exemplificam-se situações concretas. Enfatiza-se a análise das possíveis injustiças à luz da Bioética, com destaque para multi e transdisciplinaridade. O autor se posiciona quanto às características atuais da Bioética, cuja ótica levou à elaboração das Diretrizes éticas para a pesquisa envolvendo seres humanos, no Brasil (Resolução 196/96 e complementares do Conselho Nacional de Saúde). Descreve-se a sistemática das atividades do Grupo Executivo de Trabalho - GET, designado pelo Conselho Nacional de Saúde (órgão de controle social na área da saúde), para elaborar as Diretrizes. É dado destaque à participação dos diversos segmentos da sociedade, evidenciando multi e transdiciplinaridade, sob a coordenação do GET, do qual o autor foi Presidente. Comentam-se os principais tópicos das Diretrizes brasileiras, enfocando-se a sua relação com o tema de poder e injustiça. Salienta-se o papel dos Comitês de Ética em Pesquisa - CEP e da Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa - CONEP.


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Glass ionomer cements (GICs) are glass and polymer composite materials. These materials currently find use in the dental field. The purpose of this work is to obtain systems based on composition 4.5SiO(2)-3Al(2)O(3)-XNb2O5-2CaO to be used in Dentistry. The systems were prepared by chemical route at 700 degrees C. The results obtained by XRD and DTA showed that all systems prepared are glasses. The structures of the obtained glasses were compared to commercial material using Al-27 and Si-29 MAS NMR. The analysis of MAS NMR spectra indicated that the systems developed and commercial material are formed by SiO4 and AlO4 linked tetrahedra. The properties of glass ionomer cements based on the glasses prepared with several niobium contents were studied. Setting and working times of the cement pastes, microhardness and diametral tensile strength were evaluated for the experimental GICs and commercial luting cements. It was concluded that setting time of the cement pastes increased with increasing niobium content of the glasses (X). The properties to the GICs such as setting time and microhardness were influenced by niobium content. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Glass ionomer cements (GICs) are largely employed in Dentistry for several applications, such as luting cements for the attachment of crowns, bridges, and orthodontic brackets as well as restorative materials. The development of new glass systems is very important in Dentistry to improve of the mechanical properties and chemical stability. The aim of this study is the preparation of two glass systems containing niobium in their compositions for use as GICs. Glass systems based on the composition SiO2,Al2O3-Nb2O5-CaO were prepared by chemical route at 700degreesC. The XRD and DTA results confirmed that the prepared materials are glasses. The structures of the obtained glasses were compared to commercial material using FTIR, Al-27 and Si-29 MAS-NMR. The analysis of FTIR and MAS-NMR spectra indicated that the systems developed and commercial material are formed by SiO4 and AlO4 linked tetrahedra. These structures are essential to get the set time control and to have cements. These results encourage further applications of the experimental glasses in the formation of GICs. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Osseointegration was an innovative treatment in dentistry during the last 3 decades. The success of osseointegration is related to factors such as material biocompatibility, adequate quality of bone tissue that allows implantation, surgical technique, and macrostructure and microstructure of implant. The osseointegrated implants are successfully applied in dental clinic including oral and facial rehabilitations mainly for patients submitted to mutilating surgeries. However, patients submitted to radiation therapy present risks to treatment with implants owing to adverse effects on bone tissue. Nowadays, the literature suggests different therapies to improve the success of osseointegration such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy that aims to prepare bone and adjacent tissues to receive the implant. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to present a literature review concerning indications, contraindications, successes, and difficulties with hyperbaric oxygen therapy associated to maxillofacial implants.


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Since 2002, which are in effect the Curriculum Guidelines for National Graduate courses in dentistry. The adequacy of the education needs of the Unified Health System is one of its main goals. As guidance, a way of achieving this goal is through supervised, which are presented as a tool for improving the academic scientific and technical, providing you know the reality of health and society in which to work. This study aims to examine the supply and distribution of supervised in graduate programs in dentistry in the state of Minas Gerais - Brazil. The material for analysis was obtained by sending letters to courses and consulting to its sites on the Internet. Were part of the study, 15 of the 23 courses in the state. It appeared that the load-hours of supervised showed variations between 315 and 975 hours, with only 20% of courses devoted 20% of the total working hours of supervised practice. There was no correlation between the total working hours of the course and working hours of supervised practice. The courses in which the supervised activities were represented only by extra muros showed a lower percentage of working hours in relation to total working hours of the course.


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Formocresol, paramonochlorophenol, and calcium hydroxide are widely used in dentistry because of their antibacterial activities in root canal disinfection. However, the results of genotoxicity studies using these materials are inconsistent in literature. The goal of this study was to examine the genotoxic potential of formocresol, paramonochlorophenol, and calcium hydroxide using mouse lymphoma cells and human fibroblasts cells in vitro by the comet assay. Data were assessed by Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric test. The results showed that all compounds tested did not cause DNA damage for the tail moment or tail intensity parameters. These findings suggest that formocresol, paramonochlorophenol, and calcium hydroxide do not promote DNA damage in mammalian cells and that the comet assay is a suitable tool to investigate genotoxicity.


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The treatment of animals used in research or in education tests requires proper care, scientific judgment and qualified professionals to understand the needs of the animals and the special requirements of the research, tests, and educational programs. The established guidelines aim the development of knowledge necessary for the improvement of health and wellbeing of humans as well as animals to get precise and accurate results. The techniques should not be performed with inappropriate procedures that cause pain or suffering. Some principles should be considered to have an appropriate animal care and treatment.


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This paper reports on a 4-year-old male who had dyskeratosis congenita and who acquired severe aplastic anemia. The patient developed hyperpigmentation of the face, neck and chest region, arms, shoulders and legs. In addition, he had dry skin, deformed fingernails and toenails, sparse hair and eyebrows and hyperkeratosis of the dorsum of the hands and feet. Laboratory and histological analysis revealed severe pancytopenia and dyserythropoiesis of red blood cells, hypocellularity of white blood cells and decreased megakaryocytes with dysplasia. The intraoral examination identified bleeding gums; petechiae of the palate, tongue and cheek mucosa; and an atrophic, smooth and shining dorsal surface of the tongue. There were deep carious lesions in the deciduous mandibular molars and maxillary anterior teeth; as well as mobility of mandibular left canine, which had bone loss. The treatment for oral lesions included diet changes, improved oral hygiene, and extraction of the deciduous teeth destroyed by caries.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the penetration of an aggressive self-etching adhesive system at refrigerated and room temperatures into ground and unground enamel surfaces. Thirty extracted human teeth were used to measure adhesive penetration into enamel by light microscopy analysis (x400). The unground enamel surfaces were cleaned with pumice and water using a rotary dental brush. For each specimen, part of the unground enamel was manually ground and part was kept intact. A self-etch adhesive was evaluated for its ability to penetrate ground and unground enamel surfaces at room temperature (25 degrees C), at 30 minutes after removal from the refrigerator, and immediately after removal from the refrigerator (6 degrees C). Data were analyzed using variance and the Tukey test, which revealed significant differences in length of penetration of this material when applied on ground and unground enamel surfaces and between the different temperatures used (P > .05). The self-etching system used in this study had significantly lower penetration into unground enamel and at 6 degrees C (P < .05). No statistical difference was found between the interactions of these factors. It was concluded that the self-etching system produced the best penetration into ground enamel surface at room temperature (25 degrees C) and at 30 minutes after removing the specimens from the refrigerator.


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Fluoride has widely been used in Dentistry because it is a specific and effective caries prophylactic agent. However, excess fluoride may represent a hazard to human health, especially by causing injury on genetic apparatus. Genotoxicity tests constitute an important part of cancer research for risk assessment of potential carcinogens. In this study, the potential DNA damage associated with exposure to fluoride was assessed by the single cell gel (comet) assay in vitro. Mouse lymphoma and human fibroblast cells were exposed to sodium fluoride (NaF) at final concentration ranging from 7 to 100 μg/mL for 3 h at 37μC. The results pointed out that NaF in all tested concentrations did not contribute to DNA damage as depicted by the mean tail moment and tail intensity for both cellular types assessed. These findings are clinically important because they represent a valuable contribution for evaluation of the potential health risk associated with exposure to agents usually used in dental practice.


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Selection of the proper shade and color matching of restorations to natural dentition continues to be one of the most frustrating problems in dentistry and currently available shade guide presents a limited selection of colors compared to those found in natural dentition. This investigation evaluation if the composites resins shade B2 are equivalent to the Vita shade guide B2. Twelve composite resins (Renamel Microfill Super Brite- Cosmedent USA, Renamel Universal Brite- Cosmedent USA, Renamel Microfill Body- Cosmedent USA, Renamel Universal Body- Cosmedent USA, Opallis EB2-FGM, Opallis DB2-FGM, Filtek Supreme XT-3M/ESPE, Filtek Z250-3M/ESPE, Filtek Z350-3M/ESPE, Z100-3M/ESPE, 4 Seasons Dentin - Ivoclar/Vivadent, Tetric Ceram - Ivoclar/Vivadent) shade B2 were used. From each composite, two specimens were made in a steel matrix with 8.0 mm diameter and 10.0 mm different predetermined thickness (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0 mm). The specimens were 40 seconds light polymerized by LED Ultrablue (DMC). The specimens were measured 10 times each to determine the shade using a reflectance spectrophotometer (Pocket Spec). According to results was verified that not any of composites resins shade B2 evaluated in this study presented values of color difference (ΔE) equivalent to the Vita shade guide B2 and the 2 mm thickness showed the closer match to the Vita shade guide B2.