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Lead acid batteries are used in hybrid vehicles and telecommunications power supply. For reliable operation of these systems, an indication of state of charge of battery is essential. To determine the state of charge of battery, current integration method combined with open circuit voltage, is being implemented. To reduce the error in the current integration method the dependence of available capacity as a function of discharge current is determined. The current integration method is modified to incorporate this factor. The experimental setup built to obtain the discharge characterstics of the battery is presented.


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Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have shown great promise in modeling circuit parameters for computer aided design applications. Leakage currents, which depend on process parameters, supply voltage and temperature can be modeled accurately with ANNs. However, the complex nature of the ANN model, with the standard sigmoidal activation functions, does not allow analytical expressions for its mean and variance. We propose the use of a new activation function that allows us to derive an analytical expression for the mean and a semi-analytical expression for the variance of the ANN-based leakage model. To the best of our knowledge this is the first result in this direction. Our neural network model also includes the voltage and temperature as input parameters, thereby enabling voltage and temperature aware statistical leakage analysis (SLA). All existing SLA frameworks are closely tied to the exponential polynomial leakage model and hence fail to work with sophisticated ANN models. In this paper, we also set up an SLA framework that can efficiently work with these ANN models. Results show that the cumulative distribution function of leakage current of ISCAS'85 circuits can be predicted accurately with the error in mean and standard deviation, compared to Monte Carlo-based simulations, being less than 1% and 2% respectively across a range of voltage and temperature values.


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This study uses the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) model-generated high-resolution 10-day-long predictions for the Year of Tropical Convection (YOTC) 2008. Precipitation forecast skills of the model over the tropics are evaluated against the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) estimates. It has been shown that the model was able to capture the monthly to seasonal mean features of tropical convection reasonably. Northward propagation of convective bands over the Bay of Bengal was also forecasted realistically up to 5 days in advance, including the onset phase of the monsoon during the first half of June 2008. However, large errors exist in the daily datasets especially for longer lead times over smaller domains. For shorter lead times (less than 4-5 days), forecast errors are much smaller over the oceans than over land. Moreover, the rate of increase of errors with lead time is rapid over the oceans and is confined to the regions where observed precipitation shows large day-to-day variability. It has been shown that this rapid growth of errors over the oceans is related to the spatial pattern of near-surface air temperature. This is probably due to the one-way air-sea interaction in the atmosphere-only model used for forecasting. While the prescribed surface temperature over the oceans remain realistic at shorter lead times, the pattern and hence the gradient of the surface temperature is not altered with change in atmospheric parameters at longer lead times. It has also been shown that the ECMWF model had considerable difficulties in forecasting very low and very heavy intensity of precipitation over South Asia. The model has too few grids with ``zero'' precipitation and heavy (>40 mm day(-1)) precipitation. On the other hand, drizzle-like precipitation is too frequent in the model compared to that in the TRMM datasets. Further analysis shows that a major source of error in the ECMWF precipitation forecasts is the diurnal cycle over the South Asian monsoon region. The peak intensity of precipitation in the model forecasts over land (ocean) appear about 6 (9) h earlier than that in the observations. Moreover, the amplitude of the diurnal cycle is much higher in the model forecasts compared to that in the TRMM estimates. It has been seen that the phase error of the diurnal cycle increases with forecast lead time. The error in monthly mean 3-hourly precipitation forecasts is about 2-4 times of the error in the daily mean datasets. Thus, effort should be given to improve the phase and amplitude forecast of the diurnal cycle of precipitation from the model.


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In the present work the integral diffusion coefficients are estimated by using the diaphragm cell technique. The diffusion coefficients are measured at various compositions for two sets binary systems: one of cyclohexane and n-paraffinic alcohols and the other of methylcyclohexane and n-paraffinic alcohols. The alcohols used are seven members of homologous series of n-paraffinic alcohols from ethanol to octanol. The maximum possible error in the experimental diffusion coefficient could be 8% for both the cyclohexane-n-alkyl alcohol system and methylcyclohexane-n-alkyl alcohol system. A correlation for each of the two sets of binary systems is given. The maximum deviation in the correlations was less than 6.5 and 3.5% for cyclohexane-n-alkyl alcohols and methylcyclohexane-n-alkyl alcohols, respectively.


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Eddy covariance (EC)-flux measurement technique is based on measurement of turbulent motions of air with accurate and fast measurement devices. For instance, in order to measure methane flux a fast methane gas analyser is needed which measures methane concentration at least ten times in a second in addition to a sonic anemometer, which measures the three wind components with the same sampling interval. Previously measurement of methane flux was almost impossible to carry out with EC-technique due to lack of fast enough gas analysers. However during the last decade new instruments have been developed and thus methane EC-flux measurements have become more common. Performance of four methane gas analysers suitable for eddy covariance measurements are assessed in this thesis. The assessment and comparison was performed by analysing EC-data obtained during summer 2010 (1.4.-26.10.) at Siikaneva fen. The four participating methane gas analysers are TGA-100A (Campbell Scientific Inc., USA), RMT-200 (Los Gatos Research, USA), G1301-f (Picarro Inc., USA) and Prototype-7700 (LI-COR Biosciences, USA). RMT-200 functioned most reliably throughout the measurement campaign and the corresponding methane flux data had the smallest random error. In addition, methane fluxes calculated from data obtained from G1301-f and RMT-200 agree remarkably well throughout the measurement campaign. The calculated cospectra and power spectra agree well with corresponding temperature spectra. Prototype-7700 functioned only slightly over one month in the beginning of the measurement campaign and thus its accuracy and long-term performance is difficult to assess.


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Energiataseen mallinnus on osa KarjaKompassi-hankkeeseen liittyvää kehitystyötä. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli kehittää lypsylehmän energiatasetta etukäteen ennustavia ja tuotoskauden aikana saatavia tietoja hyödyntäviä matemaattisia malleja. Selittävinä muuttujina olivat dieetti-, rehu-, maitotuotos-, koelypsy-, elopaino- ja kuntoluokkatiedot. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin 12 Suomessa tehdyistä 8 – 28 laktaatioviikon pituisesta ruokintakokeesta, jotka alkoivat heti poikimisen jälkeen. Mukana olleista 344 lypsylehmästä yksi neljäsosa oli friisiläis- ja loput ayshire-rotuisia. Vanhempien lehmien päätiedosto sisälsi 2647 havaintoa (koe * lehmä * laktaatioviikko) ja ensikoiden 1070. Aineisto käsiteltiin SAS-ohjelmiston Mixed-proseduuria käyttäen ja poikkeavat havainnot poistettiin Tukeyn menetelmällä. Korrelaatioanalyysillä tarkasteltiin energiataseen ja selittävien muuttujien välisiä yhteyksiä. Energiatase mallinnettiin regressioanalyysillä. Laktaatiopäivän vaikutusta energiataseeseen selitettiin viiden eri funktion avulla. Satunnaisena tekijänä mallissa oli lehmä kokeen sisällä. Mallin sopivuutta aineistoon tarkasteltiin jäännösvirheen, selitysasteen ja Bayesin informaatiokriteerin avulla. Parhaat mallit testattiin riippumattomassa aineistossa. Laktaatiopäivän vaikutusta energiataseeseen selitti hyvin Ali-Schaefferin funktio, jota käytettiin perusmallina. Kaikissa energiatasemalleissa vaihtelu kasvoi laktaatioviikosta 12. alkaen, kun havaintojen määrä väheni ja energiatase muuttui positiiviseksi. Ennen poikimista käytettävissä olevista muuttujista dieetin väkirehuosuus ja väkirehun syönti-indeksi paransivat selitysastetta ja pienensivät jäännösvirhettä. Ruokinnan onnistumista voidaan seurata maitotuotoksen, maidon rasvapitoisuuden ja rasva-valkuaissuhteen tai EKM:n sisältävillä malleilla. EKM:n vakiointi pienensi mallin jäännösvirhettä. Elopaino ja kuntoluokka olivat heikkoja selittäjiä. Malleja voidaan hyödyntää karjatason ruokinnan suunnittelussa ja seurannassa, mutta yksittäisen lehmän energiataseen ennustamiseen ne eivät sovellu.


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A state-of-the-art model of the coupled ocean-atmosphere system, the climate forecast system (CFS), from the National Centres for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), USA, has been ported onto the PARAM Padma parallel computing system at the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC), Bangalore and retrospective predictions for the summer monsoon (June-September) season of 2009 have been generated, using five initial conditions for the atmosphere and one initial condition for the ocean for May 2009. Whereas a large deficit in the Indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR; June-September) was experienced over the Indian region (with the all-India rainfall deficit by 22% of the average), the ensemble average prediction was for above-average rainfall during the summer monsoon. The retrospective predictions of ISMR with CFS from NCEP for 1981-2008 have been analysed. The retrospective predictions from NCEP for the summer monsoon of 1994 and that from CDAC for 2009 have been compared with the simulations for each of the seasons with the stand-alone atmospheric component of the model, the global forecast system (GFS), and observations. It has been shown that the simulation with GFS for 2009 showed deficit rainfall as observed. The large error in the prediction for the monsoon of 2009 can be attributed to a positive Indian Ocean Dipole event seen in the prediction from July onwards, which was not present in the observations. This suggests that the error could be reduced with improvement of the ocean model over the equatorial Indian Ocean.


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The source localization algorithms in the earlier works, mostly used non-planar arrays. If we consider scenarios like human-computer communication, or human-television communication where the microphones need to be placed on the computer monitor or television front panel, i.e we need to use the planar arrays. The algorithm proposed in 1], is a Linear Closed Form source localization algorithm (LCF algorithm) which is based on Time Difference of Arrivals (TDOAs) that are obtained from the data collected using the microphones. It assumes non-planar arrays. The LCF algorithm is applied to planar arrays in the current work. The relationship between the error in the source location estimate and the perturbation in the TDOAs is derived using first order perturbation analysis and validated using simulations. If the TDOAs are erroneous, both the coefficient matrix and the data matrix used for obtaining source location will be perturbed. So, the Total least squares solution for source localization is proposed in the current work. The sensitivity analysis of the source localization algorithm for planar arrays and non-planar arrays is done by introducing perturbation in the TDOAs and the microphone locations. It is shown that the error in the source location estimate is less when we use planar array instead of the particular non-planar array considered for same perturbation in the TDOAs or microphone location. The location of the reference microphone is proved to be important for getting an accurate source location estimate if we are using the LCF algorithm.


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The effect of using a spatially smoothed forward-backward covariance matrix on the performance of weighted eigen-based state space methods/ESPRIT, and weighted MUSIC for direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation is analyzed. Expressions for the mean-squared error in the estimates of the signal zeros and the DOA estimates, along with some general properties of the estimates and optimal weighting matrices, are derived. A key result is that optimally weighted MUSIC and weighted state-space methods/ESPRIT have identical asymptotic performance. Moreover, by properly choosing the number of subarrays, the performance of unweighted state space methods can be significantly improved. It is also shown that the mean-squared error in the DOA estimates is independent of the exact distribution of the source amplitudes. This results in a unified framework for dealing with DOA estimation using a uniformly spaced linear sensor array and the time series frequency estimation problems.


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This paper(1) presents novel algorithms and applications for a particular class of mixed-norm regularization based Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) formulations. The formulations assume that the given kernels are grouped and employ l(1) norm regularization for promoting sparsity within RKHS norms of each group and l(s), s >= 2 norm regularization for promoting non-sparse combinations across groups. Various sparsity levels in combining the kernels can be achieved by varying the grouping of kernels-hence we name the formulations as Variable Sparsity Kernel Learning (VSKL) formulations. While previous attempts have a non-convex formulation, here we present a convex formulation which admits efficient Mirror-Descent (MD) based solving techniques. The proposed MD based algorithm optimizes over product of simplices and has a computational complexity of O (m(2)n(tot) log n(max)/epsilon(2)) where m is no. training data points, n(max), n(tot) are the maximum no. kernels in any group, total no. kernels respectively and epsilon is the error in approximating the objective. A detailed proof of convergence of the algorithm is also presented. Experimental results show that the VSKL formulations are well-suited for multi-modal learning tasks like object categorization. Results also show that the MD based algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art MKL solvers in terms of computational efficiency.


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Flexible-link mechanisms are those linkage mechanisms (or structures) which are capable of motion by virtue of elastic deformation of one or more;links. In such mechanisms a single flexible link; can replace several rigid links and joints resulting in fewer links, fewer pin joints, reduced overall weight and reduced mechanical error. In spite of such clear advantages, contributions toward flexible-link mechanisms remain very scarce. The area of flexible-link mechanisms offers much scope for further exploration. This paper attempts to show the potential of flexible-link mechanisms in accomplishing a kinematic task like path generation. Synthesis of a four-bar mechanism with a flexible rocker for circular and straight line path generation is carried out. Displacement analysis of the structure is carried out using finite element method (FEM) and synthesis is formulated and solved as an optimization problem. Several numerical examples are presented for illustration. Based on the results obtained with these examples, the flexible-link mechanism considered shows good promise for-path generation.


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The statistical performance analysis of ESPRIT, root-MUSIC, minimum-norm methods for direction estimation, due to finite data perturbations, using the modified spatially smoothed covariance matrix, is developed. Expressions for the mean-squared error in the direction estimates are derived based on a common framework. Based on the analysis, the use of the modified smoothed covariance matrix improves the performance of the methods when the sources are fully correlated. Also, the performance is better even when the number of subarrays is large unlike in the case of the conventionally smoothed covariance matrix. However, the performance for uncorrelated sources deteriorates due to an artificial correlation introduced by the modified smoothing. The theoretical expressions are validated using extensive simulations. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Simulation is an important means of evaluating new microarchitectures. With the invention of multi-core (CMP) platforms, simulators are becoming larger and more complex. However, with the availability of CMPs with larger caches and higher operating frequency, the wall clock time required for simulating an application has become comparatively shorter. Reducing this simulation time further is a great challenge, especially in the case of multi-threaded workload due to indeterminacy introduced due to simultaneously executing various threads. In this paper, we propose a technique for speeding multi-core simulation. The model of the processor core and cache are replaced with functional models, to achieve speedup. A timed Petri net model is used to estimate the execution time of the processor and the memory access latencies are estimated using hit/miss information obtained from the functional model of the cache. This model can be used to predict performance of data parallel applications or multiprogramming workload on CMP platform with various cache hierarchies and shared bus interconnect. The error in estimation of the execution time of an application is within 6%. The speedup achieved ranges between an average of 2x--4x over the cycle accurate simulator.


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The enthalpy increments and the standard molar Gibbs energy of formation of NdFeO3(s) have been measured using a hightemperature Calvet microcalorimeter and a solid oxide galvanic cell, respectively. A lambda-type transition, related to magnetic order-disorder transformation (antiferromagnetic to paramagnetic), is apparent from the heat capacity data at similar to 687 K. Enthalpy increments, except in the vicinity of transition, can be represented by a polynomial expression: {Hdegrees(m)(T)-Hdegrees(m) (298.15 K)} /J(.)mol(-1) (+/- 0.7%)=-53625.6+146.0(T/K) +1.150 X 10(-4)(T/K)(2) +3.007 x 10(6)(T/K)(-1); (298.15 less than or equal to T/K less than or equal to 1000). The heat capacity, the first differential of {Hdegrees(m)(T)-Hdegrees(m)(298.15 K)}with respect to temperature, is given by Cdegrees(pm)/J(.)K(-1.)mol(-1)=146.0+ 2.30x10(-4) (T/K) - 3.007 X 10(6)(T/K)(-2). The reversible emf's of the cell, (-) Pt/{NdFeO3(s) +Nd2O3(s)+Fe(s)}//YDT/CSZ// Fe(s)+'FeO'(s)}/Pt(+), were measured in the temperature range from 1004 to 1208 K. It can be represented within experimental error by a linear equation: E/V=(0.1418 +/- 0.0003)-(3.890 +/- 0.023) x 10(-5)(T/K). The Gibbs energy of formation of solid NdFeO, calculated by the least-squares regression analysis of the data obtained in the present study, and data for Fe0.95O and Nd2O3 from the literature, is given by Delta(f)Gdegrees(m)(NdFeO3 s)/kJ (.) mol(-1)( +/- 2.0)=1345.9+0.2542(T/K); (1000 less than or equal to T/K less than or equal to 1650). The error in Delta(f)Gdegrees(m)(NdFeO3, s, T) includes the standard deviation in emf and the uncertainty in the data taken from the literature. Values of Delta(f)Hdegrees(m)(NdFeO3, s, 298.15 K) and Sdegrees(m) (NdFeO3 s, 298.15 K) calculated by the second law method are - 1362.5 (+/-6) kJ (.) mol(-1) and 123.9 (+/-2.5) J (.) K-1 (.) mol(-1), respectively. Based on the thermodynamic information, an oxygen potential diagram for the system Nd-Fe-O was developed at 1350 K. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).


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We present an extensive study on magnetic and transport properties of La(0.85)Sr(0.15)CoO(3) single crystals grown by a float zone method to address the issue of phase separation versus spin-glass (SG) behavior. The dc magnetization study reveals a kink in field-cooled magnetization, and the peak in the zero-field-cooling curve shifts to lower temperature at modest dc fields, indicating the SG magnetic phase. The ac susceptibility study exhibits a considerable frequency-dependent peak shift (similar to 4 K) and a time-dependent memory effect below the freezing temperature. In addition, the characteristic time scale tau(0) estimated from the frequency-dependent ac susceptibility measurement is found to be similar to 10(-13) s, which matches well with typical values observed in canonical SG systems. The transport relaxation study evidently demonstrates the time-dependent glassy phenomena. In essence, all our experimental results corroborate the existence of SG behavior in La(0.85)Sr(0.15)CoO(3) single crystals.