508 resultados para Enxerto alogêno
Avaliação clínica e radiográfica de pacientes submetidos ao levantamento da membrana do seio maxilar
Implant dentistry is a dental specialty which presents great predictability in the rehabilitation at posterior, partially edentulous maxillary areas. Early tooth loss results in significant jaw remodeling. The maxillary sinus lifting followed by implant placement is a predictable technique initially described in 1980. Since then, several different techniques have been investigated varying filling materials and the management of complications in order to provide effective guidance in the rehabilitation of these patients. The current study evaluated ten patients who underwent sinus lifting before implant placement and crown installation. First, a retrospective analysis of the medical records was conducted to obtain information about possible postoperative complications. Clinical and radiographic analyses were performed at baseline and 180 days after surgeries. The sinus lifting with immediate implant placement provided satisfactory outcomes and can be considered a safe procedure. Treatment predictability was demonstrated in 90% of patients and for 86.96% of implants placed. It is important to highlight knowledge of anatomical structures at this area, the use of delicate surgical techniques, and strict patient follow-up.
The techniques of bone reconstruction for atrophic maxillae have been improved in order to promote bone tissue growth in both height and thickness. The grafts performed with use of autogenous bone is considered the gold standard by most researchers, for demonstrating osteogenic capacity and not to promote antigenic response. However, this type of grafting is not possible to get bone tissue in large quantity for extensive renovations. In recent years, alternatives have been researched to overcome the limitations of autogenous bone. Several alternatives have been investigated to supply the disadvantages of autogenous bone grafts. In such studies, allogeneic bone grafts which are obtained from individuals with different genetic load, but from the same species have been extensively used. They can be indicated in cases of arthrosplasty, surgical knee reconstruction, and large bone defects as well as in oral and maxillofacial reconstruction. Besides showing great applicability and biocompatibility, this type of bone is available in unlimited quantities. To rehabilitate atrophic maxillae an option that has been performed with high success rate is the reconstruction with bone graft followed by osseointegrated dental implants to rehabilitate the patient aesthetics and functionally. This paper aims to show the feasibility of allogenic bone as material for reconstruction of atrophic maxilla, and subsequent rehabilitation with metal ceramic fixed prosthesis implant and dental restoration with accompanying three years through literature review and clinical case report.
Many patients seeking dental care wish to improve facial and smile aesthetics to be accepted in modern day society. In denture wearers, the physiological resorption causes atrophy mainly in the maxilla, being necessary to carry out reconstruction techniques and sometimes orthognathic surgery to improve occlusal stability and facial harmony. The aim of this study is to discuss the features related to the rehabilitation of edentulous patients with indication for reconstruction of the maxilla using bone grafts and orthognathic surgery by means of a clinical case. In the present case, after the prosthetic rehabilitation, the patient was full satisfied with obtained results and dismissed the initially proposed surgical protocol. Therefore, professionals should provide therapeutic options but the patient’s opinion should prevail provided its clinical feasibility.
Objectives: to evaluate implant survival immediately placed after tooth extraction considering different sites, prosthodontic modalities, and the need for biomaterials. Material and methods: dental records of 500 patients treated with dental implants between 2004 and 2011 were screened. Results: only 200 records (20%) corresponded to immediate implants. Reasons for tooth extraction included extensive caries, bone loss, and root fractures. From the 197 immediate dental implants, 86 were placed in the maxilla with a survival rate of 93.9% and 111 in the mandible (survival rate of 99.1%). The overall survival rate was 97.46%. Prosthodontic modalities identified were: Brånemark classic complete denture screwed prostheses (36%), overdentures (5.6%), fixed partial denture (31%), and single-tooth prostheses (27.4%). Also, it was observed that in 33% of cases there was a need for the use of grafts and/or biomaterials. Conclusion: it can be concluded that, when correctly indicated, immediate implants are an excellent choice. The anterior mandibular region, screwed and overdenture-type prostheses presented higher success rates when associated to immediate implant placement. The need for bone graft/biomaterial does not affect the clinical results.
Maxillary sinus lifting surgery is considered an excellent option for patient rehabilitation in cases of maxillary sinus pneumatization. This longitudinal study was performed in 41 patients to evaluate 51 maxillary sinus lifting procedures concomitant to autogenous bone grafted from mandibular ramus. Of the 107 implants installed, 28 were immediate fixations. Success index achieved regarding to bone graft was of 98.04%. The implants installed immediately or after bone grafting resulted in success rates of 92.86% and 94.59% respectively, with no statistically significant differences between them. Surgeries for bone grafting and immediate installation are considered a reliable treatment alternative provided that both anatomical structures and tissue physiology are kept in good conditions, with appropriate indication and techniques for good implant stability.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Objective: To present a model for research and training in multivisceral transplantation in pigs. Methods: Eight Large White pigs (four donors and four recipients) were operated. The multivisceral transplant with stomach, duodenum, pancreas, liver and intestine was performed similarly to transplantation in humans with a few differences, described below. Anastomoses were performed as follows: end-to-end from the supra-hepatic vena cava of the graft to the recipient juxta diaphragmatic vena cava; end-to-end from the infra-hepatic vena cava of the graft to the inferior (suprarenal) vena cava of the recipient; and endto-side patch of the aorta of the graft to the infrarenal aorta of the recipient plus digestive reconstruction. Results: The performance of the multivisceral transplantion was possible in all four animals. Reperfusions of the multivisceral graft led to a severe ischemia-reperfusion syndrome, despite flushing of the graft. The animals presented with hypotension and the need for high doses of vasoactive drugs, and all of them were sacrificed after discontinuing these drugs. Conclusion: Some alternatives to minimize the ischemia-reperfusion syndrome, such as the use of another vasoactive drug, use of a third pig merely for blood transfusion, presence of an anesthesia team in the operating room, and reduction of the graft, will be the next steps to enable experimental studies.
Crohn’s disease is a chronic infl ammatory bowel disease with segmental transmural infl ammation, which complicate with formation of fi stulas and abscesses. The hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is characterized by recurrent abscesses, with a predilection for areas rich in apocrine glands such as the axillary, inguinal and perineal. The differential diagnosis between these diseases is diffi cult and may compromise treatment. Report case: C.R.M.A., 40 year-old, female, white, ileal and colonic Crohn’s disease complicated with perianal and rectovaginal fi stula for 12 years, treated with biological therapy since May 2010. In Sep/2010 presented with an abscess in the buttock D with purulent discharge refractory to the use of ciprofl oxacin and metronidazole. USG: collection of 30 cm3 in buttock D. The diagnosis was HS and the patient underwent extensive surgical removal of the affected areas (10 x 2 cm) with healing by secondary intention. Skin graft performed unsuccessfully in Dec/2010. The patient returned in jan/2011 with a new fi stula at the site of resection, consistent with Crohn’s disease. In fev/2011 underwent drainage of abscesses and placement of setons in perianal fi stulas. Currently in therapy with good biological evolution of fi stulas. The prevalence of HS varies from 0.3 to 4% of the population in general. The axilla is the region most affected and perianal lesions are associated with greater weakness. There are published reports of association between HS and Crohn’s disease sporadically and further studies are needed to assess a common pathogenesis. The differential diagnosis should be performed in all cases planning immediate treatment, avoiding complications and worsening of the patient’s quality of life.
Contexto: O tumor triquilemal proliferativo é enfermidade pouco comum que se desenvolve a partir de lesões císticas foliculares, com alguns relatos de metástases, porém raras. Relato de caso: Descrevemos o caso de uma paciente de 93 anos, que apresentava tumoração de três centímetros há seis anos em couro cabeludo, que procurou o serviço por complicação associada (infecção). Foi realizada excisão cirúrgica completa, com realização de enxerto cutâneo para fechamento. Conclusões: Essa neoplasia de células escamosas aparentemente tem comportamento intermediário, em relação à malignidade, e necessita acompanhamento a longo prazo. Ainda há necessidade de mais estudos para identificar o porquê de alguns tumores terem comportamento indolente e outros, mais agressivo.
The production of seedlings of passion fruit is done mainly with the use of seeds by most producers. It can also be propagated by cuttings, layering and in vitro tissue culture. However, even when grafting is used, it is necessary to use seeds to produce the rootstock. Nevertheless, most Passifloracea species have germination problems, making it difficult to obtain seedlings. Although several studies have been developed in an attempt to increase seed germination of passion fruit there are still difficulties in understanding the germination process and also disagreement about seed dormancy. Thus, the present study aimed to review papers related to seed germination of passion fruit emphasizing aspects such as mechanical resistance to water ingress, the need for adequate light and temperature and the use of plant growth regulators in overcoming seed dormancy. It was noticed that, in general, the passion fruit seeds are photoblastic negative and exhibit physiological dormancy, being no need of seed scarification to stimulate its germination.
Apesar da grande importância da adubação na qualidade das uvas, ainda existem poucos estudos sobre a fertirrigação em videira de vinho no Vale do Submédio São Francisco. Com o objetivo de avaliar a produção de uvas sob a influência de doses de potássio e de adubo orgânico, um experimento foi realizado na Embrapa Semiárido, em Petrolina-PE, com videiras (Vitis vinifera L.), ‘Syrah’, enxertadas sobre o porta-enxerto ‘Paulsen’ 1103 e cultivadas no espaçamento 3 x 1 m. As plantas foram irrigadas por um sistema de gotejamento, com um emissor por planta, com vazão de 2 L h¹. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de cinco doses de potássio (0, 20, 40, 80 e 160 kg ha¹) e duas doses de adubo orgânico (0 e 7,5 m³ qual o adubo orgânico constituiu as parcelas e as doses de potássio as subparcelas. Foram avaliados na colheita o número de cachos por planta, a produção total por planta, o peso médio dos cachos e o rendimento total das plantas. As diferentes doses de potássio aplicadas pelo sistema de irrigação e de adubo orgânico aplicados via solo não influenciaram significativamente as características avaliadas.