996 resultados para Earth Day


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Nesta pesquisa foi analisado um ritual religioso com particularidades relevantes ao campo da ciência geográfica. A investigação procurou compreender como o Sagrado se manifesta em seu território, considerando a particularidade do objeto de pesquisa. A partir do aprofundamento conceitual em tela, as perspectivas acerca da acepção de território, apoiadas em um embasamento sócio-antropológico, buscam descrever, analisar e classificar, dentro da Geografia Humana, especificamente da Geografia Cultural Renovada, uma performance ritualística cultural e religiosa de grande expressividade demográfica e ainda pouco divulgada. Portanto, o conhecimento deste ritual islâmico agrega, de maneira abrangente e oportuna, novas possibilidades de interpretar o lugar e o território, ampliando seu significado e propondo novas formas de apropriação dos conceitos, ultrapassando assim, o recorte espacial da pesquisa, a cidade de São Paulo, e adentrando na subjetividade com a territorialidade móvel através da Terra Imaginalis. Os geossímbolos exponenciados em sua representatividade como alicerce e estandarte de um aparato ideológico, ganham nesta pesquisa, foco e relevância. Através dessa nova construção territorial observam-se novos desdobramentos de grande impacto social, como as construções de novas identidades e a manutenção de uma comunidade oriunda de uma grande massa migratória pós 1880, e que hoje, compõe a sociedade brasileira em contínuo processo de assimilação. Para um maior aprofundamento da prática religiosa da comunidade islâmica analisada, fez-se necessário e adequado o método etnográfico de coleta e análise de dados. Dessa forma o material audiovisual e fotográfico coletado serviram de substrato para um melhor embasamento da pesquisa bibliográfica. As conclusões parciais observadas até então, nos induzem à continuidade da pesquisa e á constatação inequívoca da plasticidade profícua e necessária às ciências humanas em geral, e especificamente, à Geografia Cultural, visto que as possibilidades de reinterpretar os conceitos geográficos á luz dos fenômenos religiosos são infinitas


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The California market squid (Loligo opalescens Berry), also known as the opalescent inshore squid (FAO), plays a central role in the nearshore ecological communities of the west coast of the United States (Morejohn et al., 1978; Hixon, 1983) and it is also a prime focus of California fisheries, ranking first in dollar value and tons landed in recent years (Vojkovich, 1998). The life span of this species is only 7−10 months after hatching, as ascertained by aging statoliths (Butler et al., 1999; Jackson, 1994; Jackson and Domier, 2003) and mariculture trials (Yang, et al., 1986). Thus, annual recruitment is required to sustain the population. The spawning season ranges from April to November and spawning peaks from May to June. In some years there can be a smaller second peak in November. In Monterey Bay, the squids are fished directly on the egg beds, and the consequences of this practice for conservation and fisheries management are unknown but of some concern (Hanlon, 1998). Beginning in April 2000, we began a study of the in situ spawning behavior of L. opalescens in the southern Monterey Bay fishing area.


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Nearly 100 participants attended the eleventh annual PACLIM workshop at the Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, California, on April 19-22, 1994. A one-day theme session of ten 45-minute talks was followed by sessions of 20-minute presentations. In addition, 19 presenters gave 1- to 2-minute introductions to their posters, which were displayed throughout the meeting.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): This report shows that the mean wintertime polar-front jet stream structure consists of three long waves. Prominent ridges in the jet stream flow occur near the longitudes of India, eastern Pacific/west coast of North America, and eastern Atlantic/British Isles; prominent troughs occur near the longitudes of the Middle East, western Pacific, and western Atlantic/east coast of North America. ... One of the climatological ridges occurs along the west coast of North America ... just off the central Oregon coast. The position of the jet stream at this location appears to be the main reason most Pacific storms pass to the north of California. Sustained rainfall in northern and central California occurs only when the storm track is displaced southward of this climatological position.


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The Twelfth Annual PACLIM Workshop was held at the Asilomar Conference Center on May 2-5, 1995. The workshop included 32 talks and 26 poster presentations. The talks consisted of a 1-day theme session of nine 45-minute talks and two featured evening talks. Throughout the remainder of the meeting were over 20 shorter 20-minute presentations. Poster presenters gave a 1-2 minute introduction to their posters, which were displayed during the entire meeting. About 100 participants were registered at the workshop.


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The Thirteenth Annual PACLIM Workshop was held at the Asilomar Conference Center on April 14-17, 1996. Attended by about 100 registered participants, the workshop included 27 talks and 26 poster presentations. The talks consisted of a one-day theme session of seven 45-minute talks and two featured evening talks. Throughout the remainder of the meeting were nearly 20 shorter, 20-minute presentations. Poster presenters gave a short 1-2 minute introduction to their posters, which were displayed during the entire meeting. All presenters were invited to expand their abstracts into a manuscript for inclusion in the Proceedings volume, and nearly all presentations are included in manuscript or abstract form. In this Proceedings volume, manuscripts are presented first, and abstracts of talks and then posters follow.


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The stock size and biology of Johnius glaucus (Day) resource off the northwest coast of India were studied for 1982-83 and 1983-84. The total length at the end of 6, 12, 18, 24 and 26 months was 121 mm, 183 mm, 237 mm, 261 mm and 264 mm respectively. The length growth parameters were: L∞=300 mm, K=0.0807 (monthly) and t(sub)0=-0.51 month. The weight growth parameters were: W∞= 317g, K=0.0762 (monthly) and t(sub)0= -0.41 month. The exploited stock mainly composed of 1/2 + and 1+ age groups. The annual Z, M and F were 2.34, 1.49 and 0.85 respectively. The l(sub)b, t(sub)b, l(sub)r, t(sub)r and selection factor K were 155 mm, 0.75 year, 65 mm, 0.25 year and 3.875 respectively. The Yw/R was optimum at the exploitation rate (E) of 0.75 and coded mesh size of 37 mm. The total stock for 1982-83 and 1983-84 was 14,624 and 26,190 tons respectively. The standing stock of 1982-83 and 1983-84 was 5,645 and 10,110 tons respectively. The MSY for 1982-83 and 1983-84 was 6,623 and 11,788 tons respectively. The F and Z were lowest in 0+ age group and highest in 1+ age group.