985 resultados para Dwinell, Israel Edson, 1820-1890.
In the colonial period, the Spanish politics towards the American frontiers was oriented not only to recognition and military protection of the borders, but also to control trade in the regions. During the demarcation of the boundaries in the 18th Century, the smuggling in the borders degenerated in various conflicts between the Spanish and Portuguese authorities. However, illegal trade played an important role en la satisfaction of the provisions in the zone, making possible the establishment of local alliances. This article addresses these questions taking as object the study the border Luso-Spanish in the Amazon Valley, between captaincy of Negro River and the province of Maynas, 1780-1820.
This article studies the impacts of the independence war in the regional border of the High Negro River, taking as it’s object of analysis the existing multiples connections between the inhabitants of both sides of the imaginary boundary line. From July 1817, the independence war in Venezuela changed the coordinates: the struggles between the republican patriots and those obedient to the King (Realistas), faithful to the restoration of the Spanish monarchy of Fernando VII, managed the great border region, and influenced the political, social and local dynamics, mainly the existing cross-border relations between both, impacted the ordinary life of the local population and affected the diplomacy between the Portuguese and Spanish American authorities, those faithful to the King (Realistas) and patriots.
¿Qué le lleva a una baronesa española de finales del siglo XIX a recorrer sola, en barco, a pie y a lomo de mula, el continente americano desde Canadá hasta la Patagonia en un viaje de más de quince años, y a escribir libros enteros sobre Hispanoamérica y las mujeres hispanoamericanas? ¿Cómo acercarnos a las concepciones de Emilia Serrano (¿1834?- 1922), una viajera católica y de pensamiento conservador? ¿Cómo comprender que esta mujer se exprese en contra de la emancipación femenina por la que abogaban sus pares anglosajonas, al tiempo que apoye la educación de la mujer, su entrada en el mun do laboral y en el debate público? A través del análisis de las metáforas utilizadas por la baronesa de Wilson para describirse a sí misma, a las mujeres latinoamericanas, a las nuevas repúblicas, etc., esta investigación busca en tender las concepciones sociales implícitas en su pensamien to y las estrategias que utiliza para buscar nuevos espacios de expresión para la mujeres republicanas, sin romper con la corriente conservadora a la que se adhiere. Serra no aprovecha el imaginario alrededor de la modernidad católica para resaltar la importancia de la mujer en el ámbito republicano y negocia estratégicamente la participación de las mujeres en ciertas ocupaciones públicas, sin con tradecir la convención social hegemónica que define a la mujer como ángel del hogar doméstico, pero sí aprovechando su potencialidad.
Phosphorite-filled crustacean burrows associated with a Campanian-age omission surface in the north-western Negev are described. The phosphatic burrow casts weather out displaying scratches (bioglyphs) and two types of local swellings (chambers), which are flattened normal to the course of the burrow. The more abundant chamber type is a flattened spheroid (diameter 45-50 mm) or a flattened, highly prolate ellipsoid of larger dimensions, with bioglyphs. The other type is a flattened spheroid (diameter 45 mm), gently rounded on the upper side and flat on the base. Rings of elevations on the cast (representing moats) form interconnected circlets, each capped by about eight rounded hemispherical tubercles (4 x 4 mm) (pits on original), the whole forming a discrete network. The first type of chamber may have hosted the young (nursery chamber) and/or stored food. The second type of cast replicates a chamber with a pitted floor, which may have formed a brood chamber for 60-70 spherical eggs, each about 3 mm in diameter. Brood chambers in crustacean burrow systems were previously suspected, but only at burrow terminations. The interpreted K-type breeding strategy, brood care and associated functions require a high degree of social organization, none of which has been observed in extant crustaceans, but all occur within social insects.
A regional climate model is used to investigate changes in Israel and Jordan precipitation at the end of the 21st century on daily to monthly timescales. The model predicts that this region will get significantly drier at the peak of the rainy season, reflecting a reduction in both the frequency and duration of rainy events. These changes may be associated with a reduction in the strength of the Mediterranean storm track