1000 resultados para Dose crítica de macronutrientes
This report belongs to the series of works carried out Oswaldo Cruz Ins¬titute, on the treatment of treponematosis with penicillin. The present report deals with investigations performed in order to ascer¬tain the following points: 1) the mininal curative dosis for the initial lesions of yaws; 2) the effect of reduction of the number of injections each day, to verifie the possibility of application of penicillin in the prophylaxis of yaws in rural zones; 3) reduction of the time of treatment by application of high dosis. 1) With dosis of 150 and 100 Oxford units each four hours, clinical reco¬very was obtained after 17 days of treatment. With 50 O.u. during 40 days clinical recovery was not obtained. 2) a) With 3 injections of 400 O.u. each day (6,12 and 18 hoórs clocks) clinical recovery was obtained after 14 to 16 days; b) with 2 injections of 400 O.u. each day (6 and 18 hoors clocks), clinical recovery was obtained after 16 to 23 days; c) with 1 injection of 1.600 and 3.200 each day, clinical recovery was obtained after 30 and 20 days. 3) With dosis of 33.3 and 46.7 O.u. by each kilo of weight each four hours, during 15 days, clinical recovery was obtained more or less in 25 days. The same result was obtained with the dosis of 61.5 and 166.7 O.u. by each kilo of weight, each four hours, during 4 days. But with 100.000 O.u. in fine dosis of 20.000 in a day ou by, clinical recovery was not obtained.
Vint-i-sis desprès de la promulgació de la Constitució espanyola, l’autor fa balanç i arriba a un seguit de conclusions. Entre d’altres, que Espanya viu una etapa de clara partitocràcia que, juntament amb el poder desmesurat dels sindicats, lesiona la vida democràtica; que cal reduir la dualitat suposadament legitimadora entre el Parlament i el carrer; i que malgrat les lloances rebudes, la Constitució de 1976 no ha aconseguit una de les funcions essencials de tota constitució: la tasca integradora.
Foi feita uma revisão critica da literatura sobre cardiopatia da Doença de Chagas, discutindo-se os principais aspectos clínicos desta cardiopatia á luz da experiência por nós adquirida nestes últimos anos. A evolução dos conhecimentos clínicos sobre esquisotripanose pode ser sintetisada em três fases: a) A primeira corresponde á descoberta da doença, feita por Chagas, e á descrição por ele e seus primeiros colaboradores das manifestações clínicas essenciais da nova entidade mórbida, na qual distinguiu a forma aguda e várias formas crônicas. b) Na segunda fase, a pesquisa orientou-se essencialmente pela busca dos casos de infecção aguda, havendo considerável duvida a respeito da realidade clinica das formas crônicas da infecção. Durante um longo período raros casos de cardiopatia crônica foram publicados. Ate o momento acual (1948) encontram-se na literatura estrangeira 134 casos de cardiopatia crônica chagásica, dos quais 9 autopsiados; ate fins de 1944, o numero de casos publicados no Brasil, fora de Lassance, era de 45, dos quais 3 autopsiados. c) A terceira fase ou fase atual, tende a caracterisar-se por um interesse particular nos casos de infecção crônica, orientando-se porém a pesquisa cli¬nica essencialmente pelas manifestações da cardiopatia. Contribuições recentes de ordem clínica e experimental trouxeram ampla confirmação as idéias de Chagas a respeito desta cardiopatia e colocaram-na em posição de entidade clinica de realidade indiscutível. Sua importância social esta sendo determinada e os dados disponíveis já lhe apontam relevante significação em certas regiões. Mais de 600 casos de cardiopatia crônica chagásica foram publicados no Brasil nestes últimos quatro anos.
En el presente trabajo se ponen de manifiesto los numerosos problemas del análisis económico convencional en la evaluación de las políticas de mitigación del cambio climático causado antropogénicamente. Tras señalar las principales características del fenómeno, se destacan las muchas limitaciones, arbitrariedades y omisiones que han caracterizado a la mayoría de modelos aplicados hasta el momento. Éstas actúan de forma casi abrumadora sesgando el resultado hacia la recomendación de una menor agresividad en las políticas de mitigación. En consecuencia, se cuestiona que los resultados obtenidos por los modelos convencionales de evaluación den una respuesta adecuada al problema. A continuación, se señalan algunos de los puntos que deberían tenerse en cuenta para realizar un análisis de las políticas de mitigación coherente con el desarrollo sostenible. Finalmente, se recogen las principales conclusiones del trabajo.
Este ensayo revisa críticamente una gama de informes de medición de la democracia latinoamericana provenientes de diferentes fuentes de la cooperación internacional involucrada en la región. Cuestiona la tendencia a simplificar la democracia con variables atinentes a sus fortalezas e intereses económicos en una visión estadocéntrica, cuantitativista y generalizante. Señala que esta visión restringida no da cuenta de las acciones e iniciativas ciudadanas atinentes a la reivindicación de los derechos cívicos y políticos y a la participación en la búsqueda de soluciones a los problemas obstaculizantes del desarrollo democrático latinoamericano. Concluye propositivamente, señalando la urgencia de complementar estos informes con estudios rigurosos y objetivos fundamentados en el registro de las particularidades idiosincrásicas de cada país de la región.
Os autores apresentam 69 casos de afecções respiratórias em crianças que atribuem a agentes não bacterianos, provavelmente virais. Usam para isto um critério clínico, outro morfológico, em uma revisão de 372 pneumopatias infecciosas em casos de autópsias. Caracterizaram morfologicamente a resposta à agressão viral pela presença de: infiltrado mononuclear intersticial, predominantemente peribronquilar; alterações degenerativas ou mesmo necrose e hiperplasia do epitélio respiratório; membrana hialina; descamação epitelial; células gigantes sinciciais alveolares e bronquiolares; inclusões nucleares e citoplasmáticas; edema proteináceo alveolar e septal, proliferação intersticial conjuntiva incipiente. Criticam o erro por excesso de diagnósticos de "pneumonia mononuclear intesticial" e o erro por falta quando o acometimento bacteriano dificulta o diagnóstico de lesão atribuível a vírus. Além disso realçam a importância de achado de bonquiolite aguda como fundamental para o diagnóstico. Estas lesões - ao lado de achados clínicos-radiológicos e epidemiológicos - cosntituem o que a experiência adquirida julga como reação do pulmão a vários vírus conhecidos (Adenovírus, Influenza, Parainfluenza, Vírus Sincicial Respiratório e Sarampo).
Introduction: We previously reported the results of a phase II study for patients with newly diagnosed primary CNS lymphoma (PCNSL) treated with autologous peripheral blood stem-cell transplantation (aPBSCT) and responseadapted whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT). The purpose of this report is to update the initial results and provide long-term data regarding overall survival, prognostic factors, and the risk of treatment-related neurotoxicity.Methods: A long-term follow-up was conducted on surviving primary central nervous system lymphoma patients having been treated according to the ,,OSHO-53 study", which was initiated by the Ostdeutsche Studiengruppe Hamatologie-Onkologie. Between August 1999 and October 2004 twentythree patients with an average age of 55 and median Karnofsky performance score of 70% were enrolled and received high-dose mthotrexate (HD-MTX) on days 1 and 10. In case of at least a partial remission (PR), high-dose busulfan/ thiotepa (HD-BuTT) followed by aPBSCT was performed. Patients without response to induction or without complete remission (CR) after HD-BuTT received WBRT. All patients (n=8), who are alive in 2011, were contacted and Mini Mental State examination (MMSE) and the EORTC QLQ-C30 were performed.Results: Eight patients are still alive with a median follow-up of 116,9 months (79 - 141, range). One of them suffered from a late relapse eight and a half years after initial diagnosis of PCNSL, another one suffers from a gall bladder carcinoma. Both patients are alive, the one with the relapse of PCNSL has finished rescue therapy and is further observed, the one with gall baldder carcinoma is still under therapy. MMSE and QlQ-C30 showed impressive results in the patients, who were not irradiated. Only one of the irradiated patients is still alive with a clear neurologic deficit but acceptable quality of life.Conclusions: Long-term follow-up of our patients, who were included in the OSHO-53 study show an overall survival of 30 percent. If WBRT can be avoided no long-term neurotoxicity has been observed and the patients benefit from excellent Quality of Life. Induction chemotherapy with two cycles of HD-MTX should be intensified to improve the unsatisfactory OAS of 30 percent.
Experimental techniques that we have found useful during our studies of insect blood-feeding behaviour are reviewed. Some of the principal findings resulting from these techniques are discussed. Where directly applicable, the work of others is included, but no complete review of the subject has been attempted.
INTRODUCTION: Solid tumors are known to have an abnormal vasculature that limits the distribution of chemotherapy. We have recently shown that tumor vessel modulation by low-dose photodynamic therapy (L-PDT) could improve the uptake of macromolecular chemotherapeutic agents such as liposomal doxorubicin (Liporubicin) administered subsequently. However, how this occurs is unknown. Convection, the main mechanism for drug transport between the intravascular and extravascular spaces, is mostly related to interstitial fluid pressure (IFP) and tumor blood flow (TBF). Here, we determined the changes of tumor and surrounding lung IFP and TBF before, during, and after vascular L-PDT. We also evaluated the effect of these changes on the distribution of Liporubicin administered intravenously (IV) in a lung sarcoma metastasis model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A syngeneic methylcholanthrene-induced sarcoma cell line was implanted subpleurally in the lung of Fischer rats. Tumor/surrounding lung IFP and TBF changes induced by L-PDT were determined using the wick-in-needle technique and laser Doppler flowmetry, respectively. The spatial distribution of Liporubicin in tumor and lung tissues following IV drug administration was then assessed in L-PDT-pretreated animals and controls (no L-PDT) by epifluorescence microscopy. RESULTS: L-PDT significantly decreased tumor but not lung IFP compared to controls (no L-PDT) without affecting TBF. These conditions were associated with a significant improvement in Liporubicin distribution in tumor tissues compared to controls (P < .05). DISCUSSION: L-PDT specifically enhanced convection in blood vessels of tumor but not of normal lung tissue, which was associated with a significant improvement of Liporubicin distribution in tumors compared to controls.
RESUM Recepción y difusión internacionales de Mercè Rodoreda: obra original, crítica y traducción té per objecte determinar la recepció i la difusió de l’obra original de Mercè Rodoreda, així com de l’obra crítica i de les traduccions, en el context internacional a partir de la interpretació de quatre bases de dades: obra literària de Mercè Rodoreda, obra crítica de Mercè Rodoreda i la seva obra, traductors i traduccions en funció de la llengua i de l’obra i, per últim, presència documental de Mercè Rodoreda a les Biblioteques Nacionals del món. El treball de recerca s’estructura de la següent manera. En primer lloc, plantegem i delimitem el tema, els objectius, la metodologia i la descripció de les bases de dades. Acte seguit, interpretem les bases de dades i exposem algunes consideracions. A continuació, presentem les conclusions finals que hem desenvolupat en cadascun dels àmbits en els que se centra la nostra recerca, així com el projecte de tesi doctoral i les noves línies de recerca. Per últim, exposem la bibliografia i els annexes, en els que incloem les bases de dades i reproduim els estudis traductològics comentats en el treball. Amb l’elaboració d’aquest treball de recerca pretenem, entre d’altres, donar a conèixer els gèneres literaris que va cultivar Mercè Rodoreda; recopilar l’obra crítica al voltant de l’autora i distingir la seva temàtica per determinar el nombre d’estudis crítics sobre traducció; identificar quins títols de l’obra de Mercè Rodoreda s’han traslladat a altres llengües, així com confirmar quina és l’obra més traduïda i quines les llengües a les que s’ha traslladat la seva obra; i, per últim, constatar la presència d’obres originals, estudis crítics i traduccions a les Biblioteques Nacionals del món i identificar-ne les possibles àrees d’expansió.
BACKGROUND: EMD 521873 (Selectikine), an immunocytokine comprising a DNA-targeting antibody, aimed at tumour necrosis, fused with a genetically modified interleukin-2 (IL-2) moiety, was investigated in this first-in-human phase I study. METHODS: Patients had metastatic or locally advanced solid tumours failing previous standard therapy. Selectikine was administered as a 1-hour intravenous infusion on 3 consecutive days, every 3weeks. A subgroup of patients also received 300mg/m(2) cyclophosphamide on day 1 of each cycle. Escalating doses of Selectikine were investigated with the primary objective of determining the maximum tolerated dose (MTD). RESULTS: Thirty-nine patients were treated with Selectikine alone at dose levels from 0.075 to 0.9mg/kg, and nine were treated at doses of 0.45 and 0.6mg/kg in combination with cyclophosphamide. A dose-dependent linear increase of peak serum concentrations and area under curve was found. The dose-limiting toxicity was grade 3 skin rash at the 0.9mg/kg dose-level; the MTD was 0.6mg/kg. Rash and flu-like symptoms were the most frequent side-effects. No severe cardiovascular side-effects (hypotension or vascular leak) were observed. At all dose-levels, transient increases in total lymphocyte, eosinophil and monocyte counts were recorded. No objective tumour responses, but long periods of disease stabilisation were observed. Transient and non-neutralising Selectikine antibodies were detected in 69% of patients. CONCLUSIONS: The MTD of Selectikine with or without cyclophosphamide administered under this schedule was 0.6mg/kg. The recommended phase II dose was 0.45-0.6mg/kg. Selectikine had a favourable safety profile and induced biological effects typical for IL-2.