496 resultados para Dorothea Orem


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In the late 1970s, FIU had an enrollment of less than 5,000 and two buildings made up the entire campus. Adjunct professor, at the time, Dahlia Morgan was asked to take over the art museum, which was then called the Visual Arts Gallery. During her long career with Florida International University, Dahlia Morgan transformed a modest student gallery on the Miami campus into an internationally celebrated art museum. In 1980, after teaching for five years in the visual arts department she accepted the directorship of the university’s Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum (formerly the Art Museum at FIU). As director and curator, Morgan instituted a lecture series, increased the frequency of exhibitions and developed numerous other programs including a student internship program. The Steven and Dorothea Green Critics’ Lecture Series was started by Morgan in 1981 and has now organized, hosted and presented over 100 lectures by internationally renowned artists, critics and scholars who include Pierre Rosenberg, former Director of the Louvre; Hilton Kramer, Art Critic; Helen Frankenthaler, American artist; and Michael Graves, architect and designer. In 1985 Morgan started the exhibition series “American Art Today,” which featured an annual examination of a specific subject or concept in American Art. Morgan curated and organized over 200 exhibitions during her directorship. Under Morgan, the Frost Art Museum grew to achieve local, national and international recognition as one of South Florida’s key cultural institutions. In 1999 the museum received accreditation from the American Association of Museums and in 2001 became an affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution. With the turn of the 21st Century the initiative to build a new facility took shape and in 2008, the new 46,000 square foot Patricia and Phillip Frost Art Museum opened to the public. Morgan is a four time National Endowment for the Arts Grants Panelist and member of the Art Basel Miami, Host Committee. She is listed in “Who’s Who in American Art” and in “Who’s Who of American Women.” Morgan’s largest accomplishment was seeing the completion of the 45,000 square foot Frost Art Museum built across from the Wertheim Performing Arts Center. Morgan’s fund raising techniques helped her raise over $12 million for its development. For 25 years, Morgan has served as director of FIU’s Frost Art Museum.


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This poetry collection moves from the narrator’s childhood in the marshes of Canada to her coming of age in a new, southern swamp in South Florida. Many of the poems use free verse as well as fairly recent poetic forms like the Golden Shovel and the Pecha Kucha. Others rely on wordplay and nonce forms. Influenced by Hector Veil Temperly, Matthew Zapruder, Dorothea Lasky, Laura Kasischke and Anne Carson, the poems often employ simple language in stream of consciousness, and oscillate between lyric and narrative. These poems are feverish creations inspired by the oracular tradition and induced by the psychic crush of modern life: depression of the body and mind, cultural paranoia, and the decline of nature. The reader is privy not only to the personal biography of the narrator, but also to the inner workings of the narrator’s mind as it encounters and interprets the world.


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The metabolic rate of organisms may either be viewed as a basic property from which other vital rates and many ecological patterns emerge and that follows a universal allometric mass scaling law; or it may be considered a property of the organism that emerges as a result of the organism's adaptation to the environment, with consequently less universal mass scaling properties. Data on body mass, maximum ingestion and clearance rates, respiration rates and maximum growth rates of animals living in the ocean epipelagic were compiled from the literature, mainly from original papers but also from previous compilations by other authors. Data were read from tables or digitized from graphs. Only measurements made on individuals of know size, or groups of individuals of similar and known size were included. We show that clearance and respiration rates have life-form-dependent allometries that have similar scaling but different elevations, such that the mass-specific rates converge on a rather narrow size-independent range. In contrast, ingestion and growth rates follow a near-universal taxa-independent ~3/4 mass scaling power law. We argue that the declining mass-specific clearance rates with size within taxa is related to the inherent decrease in feeding efficiency of any particular feeding mode. The transitions between feeding mode and simultaneous transitions in clearance and respiration rates may then represent adaptations to the food environment and be the result of the optimization of tradeoffs that allow sufficient feeding and growth rates to balance mortality.


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Extremely low summer sea-ice coverage in the Arctic Ocean in 2007 allowed extensive sampling and a wide quasi-synoptic hydrographic and d18O dataset could be collected in the Eurasian Basin and the Makarov Basin up to the Alpha Ridge and the East Siberian continental margin. With the aim of determining the origin of freshwater in the halocline, fractions of river water and sea-ice meltwater in the upper 150 m were quantified by a combination of salinity and d18O in the Eurasian Basin. Two methods, applying the preformed phosphate concentration (PO*) and the nitrate-to-phosphate ratio (N/P), were compared to further differentiate the marine fraction into Atlantic and Pacific-derived contributions. While PO*-based assessments systematically underestimate the contribution of Pacific-derived waters, N/P-based calculations overestimate Pacific-derived waters within the Transpolar Drift due to denitrification in bottom sediments at the Laptev Sea continental margin. Within the Eurasian Basin a west to east oriented front between net melting and production of sea-ice is observed. Outside the Atlantic regime dominated by net sea-ice melting, a pronounced layer influenced by brines released during sea-ice formation is present at about 30 to 50 m water depth with a maximum over the Lomonosov Ridge. The geographically distinct definition of this maximum demonstrates the rapid release and transport of signals from the shelf regions in discrete pulses within the Transpolar Drift. The ratio of sea-ice derived brine influence and river water is roughly constant within each layer of the Arctic Ocean halocline. The correlation between brine influence and river water reveals two clusters that can be assigned to the two main mechanisms of sea-ice formation within the Arctic Ocean. Over the open ocean or in polynyas at the continental slope where relatively small amounts of river water are found, sea-ice formation results in a linear correlation between brine influence and river water at salinities of about 32 to 34. In coastal polynyas in the shallow regions of the Laptev Sea and southern Kara Sea, sea-ice formation transports river water into the shelf's bottom layer due to the close proximity to the river mouths. This process therefore results in waters that form a second linear correlation between brine influence and river water at salinities of about 30 to 32. Our study indicates which layers of the Arctic Ocean halocline are primarily influenced by sea-ice formation in coastal polynyas and which layers are primarily influenced by sea-ice formation over the open ocean. Accordingly we use the ratio of sea-ice derived brine influence and river water to link the maximum in brine influence within the Transpolar Drift with a pulse of shelf waters from the Laptev Sea that was likely released in summer 2005.


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The shells of the planktonic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma have become a classical tool for reconstructing glacial-interglacial climate conditions in the North Atlantic Ocean. Palaeoceanographers utilize its left- and right-coiling variants, which exhibit a distinctive reciprocal temperature and water mass related shift in faunal abundance both at present and in late Quaternary sediments. Recently discovered cryptic genetic diversity in planktonic foraminifers now poses significant questions for these studies. Here we report genetic evidence demonstrating that the apparent 'single species' shell-based records of right-coiling N. pachyderma used in palaeoceanographic reconstructions contain an alternation in species as environmental factors change. This is reflected in a species-dependent incremental shift in right-coiling N. pachyderma shell calcite d18O between the Last Glacial Maximum and full Holocene conditions. Guided by the percentage dextral coiling ratio, our findings enhance the use of d18O records of right-coiling N. pachyderma for future study. They also highlight the need to genetically investigate other important morphospecies to refine their accuracy and reliability as palaeoceanographic proxies.


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A multiproxy data set of an AMS radiocarbon dated 46 cm long sediment core from the continental margin off western Svalbard reveals multidecadal climatic variability during the past two millennia. Investigation of planktic and benthic stable isotopes, planktic foraminiferal fauna, and lithogenic parameters aims to unveil the Atlantic Water advection to the eastern Fram Strait by intensity, temperatures, and salinities. Atlantic Water has been continuously present at the site over the last 2,000 years. Superimposed on the increase in sea ice/icebergs, a strengthened intensity of Atlantic Water inflow and seasonal ice-free conditions were detected at ~ 1000 to 1200 AD, during the well-known Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA). However, temperatures of the MCA never exceeded those of the 20th century. Since ~ 1400 AD significantly higher portions of ice rafted debris and high planktic foraminifer fluxes suggest that the site was located in the region of a seasonal highly fluctuating sea ice margin. A sharp reduction in planktic foraminifer fluxes around 800 AD and after 1730 AD indicates cool summer conditions with major influence of sea ice/icebergs. High amounts of the subpolar planktic foraminifer species Turborotalia quinqueloba in size fraction 150-250 µm indicate strengthened Atlantic Water inflow to the eastern Fram Strait already after ~ 1860 AD. Nevertheless surface conditions stayed cold well into the 20th century indicated by low planktic foraminiferal fluxes. Most likely at the beginning of the 20th century, cold conditions of the terminating Little Ice Age period persisted at the surface whereas warm and saline Atlantic Water already strengthened, hereby subsiding below the cold upper mixed layer. Surface sediments with high abundances of subpolar planktic foraminifers indicate a strong inflow of Atlantic Water providing seasonal ice-free conditions in the eastern Fram Strait during the last few decades.


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In Insel Felsenburg, the most popular of the German Robinsonades, the link between this novelistic subgenre and utopia becomes obvious, because, unlike what had been the case in Robinson Crusoe, the island functions as a contrast with respect to the starting point: Europe, conceived as unmoral and far away from God. The Felsenburg Island becomes a symbol of a patriarchal-bourgeois ideal society, whose centre is the family. It is conceivable that this idealized sociability form is reelaborated in the last third of the 18th Century, when the utopian story is temporalized and the Robinsonades lose their force. Novels such as Anton Reiser and Wilhem Meisters Lehjahre testify for these transformations.


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submeter a teoria do déficit de autocuidado de Orem a uma reflexão crítica. Metodologia: estudo teórico sobre os aspectos Importância e Aplicabilidade contidos no Modelo de Análise Crítica de Chinn e Kramer para análise crítica da teoria do déficit de autocuidado. Desenvolvido no período de outubro a dezembro de 2008. Resultados: o posicionamento da teoria do déficit de autocuidado está essencialmente relacionado à filosofia da enfermagem e demonstra potencial para influenciar ações de enfermagem, em especial relativas à educação para o autocuidado em pacientes portadores de cardiopatia isquêmica. Conclusões: a enfermagem, mediante a teoria do déficit de autocuidado, pode oferecer condições mais saudáveis e de maior autonomia ao indivíduo portador de cardiopatia isquêmica


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Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit afrikaspezifischen Veranstaltungen der entwicklungspolitischen Bildungsarbeit und den durch Referent/inn/en vermittelten Inhalten über den Lebensalltag in afrikanischen Ländern. Es wird aufgezeigt, dass der Prozess der Herausbildung des vermittelten Wissens in den Veranstaltungen durch das Zusammenspiel verschiedener Aspekte charakterisiert ist. Dazu gehören die institutionelle und diskursive Einordnung entwicklungspolitischer Bildungsarbeit in die Gesellschaft, die biographischen Hintergründe der Referent/inn/en und ihre Wahrnehmung gesellschaftlicher Wirklichkeit. (DIPF/Orig.)


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submeter a teoria do déficit de autocuidado de Orem a uma reflexão crítica. Metodologia: estudo teórico sobre os aspectos Importância e Aplicabilidade contidos no Modelo de Análise Crítica de Chinn e Kramer para análise crítica da teoria do déficit de autocuidado. Desenvolvido no período de outubro a dezembro de 2008. Resultados: o posicionamento da teoria do déficit de autocuidado está essencialmente relacionado à filosofia da enfermagem e demonstra potencial para influenciar ações de enfermagem, em especial relativas à educação para o autocuidado em pacientes portadores de cardiopatia isquêmica. Conclusões: a enfermagem, mediante a teoria do déficit de autocuidado, pode oferecer condições mais saudáveis e de maior autonomia ao indivíduo portador de cardiopatia isquêmica


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Explicar el efecto de la resolución de problemas en el AC de DMT2: (alimentación, ejercicio y medicamentos), sobre el control glucémico en función del apoyo social, edad, sexo y años de diagnóstico (factores condicionantes básicos de DMT2). Establecer la validez de la escala de resolución de problemas en el autocuidado (AC) de Diabetes para identificar los factores encontrados en relación a los estilos de resolución de problemas propuestos. Los conceptos y relaciones seleccionadas se derivaron de la Teoría del Déficit de Autocuidado de Orem (TDAC). La muestra fue de 238 adultos, calculada mediante el paquete n´Query Advisor versión 4.0 para un nivel de significancia de .05, una potencia de prueba de 90%, tamaño de efecto de .07 (R2) en el contraste de no significancia del modelo de regresión lineal múltiple con 6 variables independientes. El muestreo fue por conveniencia, se invitó a participar a las personas que acudieron a consulta para control de DMT2 en la Asociación Mexicana de Diabetes de Monterrey Nuevo León. Para medir las variables de interés se utilizaron instrumentos de lápiz y papel y mediciones antropométricas (peso, estatura, circunferencia de cintura) y bioquímicas (A1C a 50 pacientes seleccionados aleatoriamente de la base de datos de la Asociación). Contribuciones y Conclusiones: Del total de la muestra estudiada el 59.7% correspondió a mujeres, el promedio de edad fue de 54.61 años, con 11 años de escolaridad. En promedio tenían 10 años (DE = 1.84; 1-42) de haber sido diagnosticados con DMT2 y habían recibido en promedio 9.7 sesiones de educación sobre su tratamiento en alimentación, ejercicio y medicamentos. Se realizó la adaptación del instrumento para medir resolución de problemas en el cuidado de DMT2, el cual obtuvo confiabilidad aceptable (.84) y validez (3 factores que explicaron el 49% de la varianza total). Los hallazgos sugieren que las habilidades de los pacientes para resolver problemas y realizar las actividades de AC están condicionadas por la edad (β = .16, p ˂ .01) y apoyo social (β = .25, p ˂ .01). Se confirma la proposición teórica de la TGAC de que las habilidades para el AC están condicionadas por la edad. El estilo efectivo mostró asociación con AC en alimentación (rs = .22; p <.01). El estilo evitativo, mostró que a mayor puntaje en este estilo menor AC de alimentación (rs = -.37; p < .01), ejercicio (rs = -.17; p < .01) y medicamentos (rs = -.30; p <. 01). En este estudio no se encontró asociación de la resolución de problemas con HbA1c (rs = -.07; p = .65).


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Juan Manuel Echavarria discusses his exhibition which includes 24 paintings created by men and women who participated in Colombia’s war. All 35 participants were rank and file soldiers demobilized either under the Ley de Justicia y Paz (Justice and Peace Law), or because they deserted or were wounded in combat. They spent two years painting their personal experiences, illustrating the rural tragedy; witnessing the involvement of drug traffickers, capturing the painful repertoire of violence in Colombia, which for years has played out alongside daily life, blending in with normality. Introduction by Carol Damien.