995 resultados para Domenico Gnoli
We show that global properties of gauge groups can be understood as geometric properties in M-theory. Different wrappings of a system of N M5-branes on a torus reduce to four-dimensional theories with AN−1 gauge algebra and different unitary groups. The classical properties of the wrappings determine the global properties of the gauge theories without the need to impose any quantum conditions. We count the inequivalent wrappings as they fall into orbits of the modular group of the torus, which correspond to the S-duality orbits of the gauge theories.
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Darstellung der (stadt)römischen Revolution 1848/49. Von dem italienischen Wirtschaftshistoriker Demarco
We calculate the anomalous dimensions of operators with large global charge J in certain strongly coupled conformal field theories in three dimensions, such as the O(2) model and the supersymmetric fixed point with a single chiral superfield and a W = Φ3 superpotential. Working in a 1/J expansion, we find that the large-J sector of both examples is controlled by a conformally invariant effective Lagrangian for a Goldstone boson of the global symmetry. For both these theories, we find that the lowest state with charge J is always a scalar operator whose dimension ΔJ satisfies the sum rule J2ΔJ−(J22+J4+316)ΔJ−1−(J22+J4+316)ΔJ+1=0.04067 up to corrections that vanish at large J . The spectrum of low-lying excited states is also calculable explcitly: for example, the second-lowest primary operator has spin two and dimension ΔJ+3√. In the supersymmetric case, the dimensions of all half-integer-spin operators lie above the dimensions of the integer-spin operators by a gap of order J+12. The propagation speeds of the Goldstone waves and heavy fermions are 12√ and ±12 times the speed of light, respectively. These values, including the negative one, are necessary for the consistent realization of the superconformal symmetry at large J.
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