987 resultados para Division of Fisheries
issued June 1995
Division of Fisheries, Illinois Department of Natural Resources Grant/Contract No: F-123 R-14
Division of Fisheries, Illinois Department of Natural Resources Grant/Contract No: F-123 R-13
Division of Fisheries, Illinois Department of Natural Resources Grant/Contract No: Federal Aid Project F-123 R-15
The morphogen Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) plays a critical role in the development of different tissues. In the central nervous system, SHH is well known to contribute to the patterning of the spinal cord and separation of the brain hemispheres. In addition, it has recently been shown that SHH signaling also contributes to the patterning of the telencephalon and establishment of adult neurogenic niches. In this work, we investigated whether SHH signaling influences the behavior of neural progenitors isolated from the dorsal telencephalon, which generate excitatory neurons and macroglial cells in vitro. We observed that SHH increases proliferation of cortical progenitors and generation of astrocytes, whereas blocking SHH signaling with cyclopamine has opposite effects. In both cases, generation of neurons did not seem to be affected. However, cell survival was broadly affected by blockade of SHH signaling. SHH effects were related to three different cell phenomena: mode of cell division, cell cycle length and cell growth. Together, our data in vitro demonstrate that SHH signaling controls cell behaviors that are important for proliferation of cerebral cortex progenitors, as well as differentiation and survival of neurons and astroglial cells.
Report year ends June 30.
The South Carolina Foster Care Review Board at the Office of Executive Policy and Programs annually publishes a report with summary of programs, recommendations, demographic and statistical information, and directory of state board and staff.
The South Carolina Foster Care Review Board at the Office of Executive Policy and Programs annually publishes a report with summary of programs, recommendations, demographic and statistical information, and directory of state board and staff.
The South Carolina Foster Care Review Board at the Office of Executive Policy and Programs annually publishes a report with summary of programs, recommendations, demographic and statistical information, and directory of state board and staff.
Currently, the Division of Appeals and Hearings of the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has no specific presence on the agency's website to provide information or to allow for the electronic submission of appeals. This project's focus was developing an online presence for the Division on SCDHHS' website. The page will make the Division's procedures publicly available to beneficiaries, providers, and agency program staff who attend hearings. Additionally, parties will have a secure online portal through which they can file appeals and upload supporting documentation, reducing the need to send appeals via first class mail. The online appeal portal will further the agency' s goal of reducing paper.
Time series of commercial landings from the Algarve (southern Portugal) from 1982 to 1999 were analyzed using min/max autocorrelation factor analysis (MAFA) and dynamic factor analysis (DFA). These techniques were used to identify trends and explore the relationships between the response variables (annual landings of 12 species) and explanatory variables [sea surface temperature, rainfall, an upwelling index, Guadiana river (south-east Portugal) flow, the North Atlantic oscillation, the number of licensed fishing vessels and the number of commercial fishermen]. Landings were more highly correlated with non-lagged environmental variables and in particular with Guadiana river flow. Both techniques gave coherent results, with the most important trend being a steady decline over time. A DFA model with two explanatory variables (Guadiana river flow and number of fishermen) and three common trends (smoothing functions over time) gave good fits to 10 of the 12 species. Results of other models indicated that river flow is the more important explanatory variable in this model. Changes in the mean flow and discharge regime of the Guadiana river resulting from the construction of the Alqueva dam, completed in 2002, are therefore likely to have a significant and deleterious impact on Algarve fisheries landings.
Investigating stock identity of marine species in a multidisciplinary holistic approach can reveal patterns of complex spatial population structure and signatures of potential local adaptation. The population structure of common sole (Solea solea) in the Mediterranean Sea was delineated using genomic and otolith data, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) markers and otolith data. SNPs were correlated with environmental and spatial variables to evaluate the impact of these features on the actual genetic population structure. Integrated holistic approach was applied to combine the tracers with different spatio-temporal scales. SNPs data was also used to illustrate the population structure of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) within the Alboran Sea, extending into the neighboring Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. The aim was to identify patterns of neutral and potential adaptive genetic variation by applying seascape genomic framework. Results from both genetic and otolith data suggested significant divergence among putative populations of common sole, confirming a clear separation between Western, Adriatic Sea and Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Evidence of fine-scale population structure in the Western Mediterranean Sea was observed at outlier loci level and in the Adriatic. Our study not only indicates that separation among Mediterranean sole population is led primarily by neutral processes, but it also suggests the presence of local adaptation influenced by environmental and spatial factors. The holistic approach by considering the spatio-temporal scales of variation confirmed that the same pattern of separation between these geographical sites is currently occurring and has occurred for many generations. Results showed the occurrence of population structure in Merluccius merluccius by detecting westward–eastward differentiation among populations and distinct subgroups at a fine geographical scale using outlier SNPs. These results enhance the knowledge of the population structure of commercially relevant species to support the application of spatial stock assessment models, including a redefinition of fishery management units.
I guess the impetus for laws in our state, really was the action of the city of Boston in 1963, when the Parks and Recreation Department felt that it was time to do something about massive populations of pigeons on the Boston Commons and in the city. The Parks Department came to our agency to find out what could be done. We immediately found as a result of a reorganization and recodification of the laws some 20 years before, that it was illegal to use or apply poisons for the purpose of killing any birds or mammals in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Property owners were given the privilege to destroy animals that were doing damage to their property, but only through mechanical means, certainly not by the use of toxicants. We helped the city of Boston draft a bill in 1963, which allowed our agency, the Division of Fisheries and Game, the agency responsible for all wildlife species in the state, the opportunity to issue certain permits for the use of poison, giving full authority to the director of Fisheries and Game with, of course, approval of my board. This allowed certain discretion on our part.