954 resultados para Digitizatin Project of Kindred Languages
Sabin 58729; Wagner 70.
Bicentennial project of the Texas Woman's University and Forest Service, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture."
Rear of building. William L. Jenney, architect. Originally University Museum, built 1880-1881. Roof replaced 1894. Museum moved in 1928. Housed Department of Romance Languages after 1928. Building razed in 1958
State Street side of building (front). William L. Jenney, architect. Originally University Museum, built 1880-1881. Roof replaced 1894. Museum moved in 1928. Housed Department of Romance Languages after 1928. Building razed in 1958
State Street side of building (front). Tennis Court to right. William L. Jenney, architect. Originally University Museum, built 1880-1881. Roof replaced 1894. Museum moved in 1928. Housed Department of Romance Languages after 1928. Building razed in 1958. Image includes tennis courts. On verso: From Michigan Historical Collections, University of Michigan, 168 Rackham Building, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
State Street side of building (front). William L. Jenney, architect. Originally University Museum, built 1880-1881. Roof replaced 1894. Museum moved in 1928. Housed Department of Romance Languages after 1928. Building razed in 1958. Image includes Alumni Memorial Hall, Graduate Library, Old University Hall, Chemistry Building, and Observatory. On verso: View from the Union
State Street side of building (front). William L. Jenney, architect. Originally University Museum, built 1880-1881. Roof replaced 1894. Museum moved in 1928. Housed Department of Romance Languages after 1928. Building razed in 1958
State Street side of building (front). William L. Jenney, architect. Originally University Museum, built 1880-1881. Roof replaced 1894. Museum moved in 1928. Housed Department of Romance Languages after 1928. Building razed in 1958
State Street side of building (front). Tappan Hall on right. Old Library in rear. William L. Jenney, architect. Originally University Museum, built 1880-1881. Roof replaced 1894. Museum moved in 1928. Housed Department of Romance Languages after 1928. Building razed in 1958. On verso: W.A. Lewis 6/15 1897 [Lewis was a student at UM in the late 1890's]
A study of the genesis of ‘European civilisation’ as a concept of 20th-C EU political practice & as a specific project of a transnational network of EU elites, examining how they sought to rehabilitate EU identity as a response to a crisis of belonging following the 1917-1920 revolutions & the collapse of the Hohenzollern, Habsburg & RU Empires.
At head of title: Public schools of the District of Columbia.
Most practitioners teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) will agree that students come with some expectations about course content and teaching methodology and that these expectations play a vital role in student motivation and learning. However, the study of student expectations has been a surprising omission from Second Language Acquisition research. In the studies reported here, the authors develop a model of student expectations by adapting the Expectation Disconfirmation paradigm, widely used in consumer psychology. Student and teacher perspectives on student expectations were gathered by interviews. Responses shed light on the nature of expectations, factors causing expectations and effects of expectation fulfilment (or lack of it). The findings provide new avenues for research on affective factors as well as clarify some ambiguities in motivational research in second language acquisition. The model presented here can be used by teachers or institutions to conduct classroom-based research, thus optimising students' learning and performance, and enhancing student morale.