960 resultados para Diagnostic, methods comparison


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The global socioeconomic importance of helminth parasitic disease is underpinned by the considerable clinical impact on millions of people. While helminth polyparasitism is considered common in the Philippines, little has been done to survey its extent in endemic communities. High morphological similarity of eggs between related species complicates conventional microscopic diagnostic methods which are known to lack sensitivity, particularly in low intensity infections. Multiplex quantitative PCR diagnostic methods can provide rapid, simultaneous identification of multiple helminth species from a single stool sample. We describe a multiplex assay for the differentiation of Ascaris lumbricoides, Necator americanus, Ancylostoma, Taenia saginata and Taenia solium, building on our previously published findings for Schistosoma japonicum. Of 545 human faecal samples examined, 46.6% were positive for at least three different parasite species. High prevalences of S. japonicum (90.64%), A. lumbricoides (58.17%), T. saginata (42.57%) and A. duodenale (48.07%) were recorded. Neither T. solium nor N. americanus were found to be present. The utility of molecular diagnostic methods for monitoring helminth parasite prevalence provides new information on the extent of polyparasitism in the Philippines municipality of Palapag. These methods and findings have potential global implications for the monitoring of neglected tropical diseases and control measures.


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Lyme borreliosis (or Lyme disease) has become a virtual household term to the exclusion of other forgotten, emerging or re-emerging borreliae. We review current knowledge regarding these other borreliae, exploring their ecology, epidemiology and pathological potential, for example, for the newly described B. mayonii. These bacteria range from tick-borne, relapsing fever-inducing strains detected in some soft ticks, such as B. mvumii, to those from bat ticks resembling B. turicatae. Some of these emerging pathogens remain unnamed, such as the borrelial strains found in South African penguins and some African cattle ticks. Others, such as B. microti and unnamed Iranian strains, have not been recognised through a lack of discriminatory diagnostic methods. Technical improvements in phylogenetic methods have allowed the differentiation of B. merionesi from other borrelial species that co-circulate in the same region. Furthermore, we discuss members that challenge the existing dogma that Lyme disease-inducing strains are transmitted by hard ticks, whilst the relapsing fever-inducing spirochaetes are transmitted by soft ticks. Controversially, the genus has now been split with Lyme disease-associated members being transferred to Borreliella, whilst the relapsing fever species retain the Borrelia genus name. It took some 60 years for the correlation with clinical presentations now known as Lyme borreliosis to be attributed to their spirochaetal cause. Many of the borreliae discussed here are currently considered exotic curiosities, whilst others, such as B. miyamotoi, are emerging as significant causes of morbidity. To elucidate their role as potential pathogenic agents, we first need to recognise their presence through suitable diagnostic approaches.


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Bivalve aquaculture is seriously affected by many bacterial pathogens that cause high losses in hatcheries as well as in natural beds. A number of Vibrio species, but also members of the genera Nocardia and Roseovarius, are considered important pathogens in aquaculture. The present work provides an updated overview of main diseases and implicated bacterial species affecting bivalves. This review focuses on aetiological agents, their diversity and virulence factors, the diagnostic methods available as well as information on the dynamics of the host-parasite relationship.


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O vírus Zika (Flavivirus) é um arbovírus transmitido sobretudo por mosquitos, mas também, por transmissão materno-fetal e sexual. Existem evidências que as infeções por vírus Zika podem estar associadas à síndrome de Guillian-Barré e a casos congénitos de microcefalia e outras malformações do sistema nervoso central. As infeções por vírus Zika, Dengue e Chikungunya partilham, atualmente, os mosquitos vetores, a sintomatologia e a distribuição geográfica. O Centro de Estudos de Vetores e Doenças Infeciosas do Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge no seu Laboratório Nacional de Referência de Vírus Transmitidos por Vetores tem desenvolvido o diagnóstico e estudos epidemiológicos de vírus transmitidos por artrópodes desde o princípio dos anos 90. O diagnóstico de Zika foi desenvolvido e padronizado em 2007. O laboratório desenvolveu testes de diagnóstico molecular e serológico tendo identificado vários casos de importação para o território português e feito o diagnóstico diferencial com Dengue e Chikungunya e o despiste de infeção em grávidas e em casos de transmissão sexual.


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Background: The genomes of several infectious pancreatic necrosis viruses (IPNVs) isolated in Chile were sequenced with a single amplification approach for both segments A and B. The resulting sequences were then used to determine the conservation of the primer-binding regions used in polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based diagnostic methods proposed in the literature. Thus, the robustness of each technique was studied, particularly the eventual effect of further mutations within the primer-binding sites. Results: On analysis, most methods currently used to detect Chilean IPNV varieties were deemed adequate. However, the primers were designed to be genogroup specific, implying that most detection methods pose some risk of detecting all strains prevalent in the country, due to the coexistence of genogroups 1 and 5. Conclusions: Negative resultsmust be interpreted carefully given the high genomic variability of IPNVs. Detection techniques (quantitative reverse transcription (qRT)-PCR) based on degenerate primers can be used to minimize the possibilities of false-negative detections.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Medicina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Patologia Molecular, 2015.


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La neoplasia tiroidea impulsa la búsqueda de métodos diagnósticos para obtener un dictamen precoz y tratamiento oportuno que permitan mayor supervivencia y mejor calidad de vida. Objetivo: determinar la correlación entre estudio citológico e histopatológico en el diagnóstico de Neoplasia Tiroidea en pacientes atendidos en SOLCA – Cuenca, periodo 2009-2013. Metodología: estudio observacional, retrospectivo, analítico y de correlación diagnóstica, elaborado con historias clínicas de pacientes en quienes se realizó punciones (PAAF) para la citología, según el Sistema Bethesda, y con histopatología, para diagnosticar neoplasia tiroidea. Resultados: investigación desarrollada con 415 pacientes con neoplasia tiroidea. Caracterizada por 89.2% de mujeres; edad promedio de 51.8 ± 15.2 años, de 41-55 años fue la mayor categoría (36,9%); 47.2% procedieron de Cuenca y el 37.8% de las provincias vecinas. Estado civil casado/a fue más frecuente, 269 (64,8%), y de profesión “amas de casa” fueron las más afectadas 231 (55,7%). El 96.4% de diagnósticos citológicos Bethesda categoría 6, fueron confirmados por histología. Hubo correlación (r = 0.49) significativa y concordancia moderada (kappa = 0.337) entre citología e histología. Sensibilidad=63% (IC95%: 58 – 69), Especificidad=94% (IC95%: 89 – 98), RVP=10.9 (IC95%: 5 – 22) y RVN=0.39 (IC95%: 0.3 – 0.4). Conclusiones: la citología por PAAF es una herramienta para el estudio, diagnóstico de pacientes con afecciones tiroideas. Una punción realizada por expertos es una técnica rápida, económica, bien tolerada, y produce resultados confiables. La categorización Bethesda representa un sistema confiable, válido para reportar citología de tiroides


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Purpose: To identify effective molecular diagnostic methods for oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) to facilitate treatment of the disease in its initial stages. Methods: To identify molecular markers, OSCC tissue samples were collected from cancer patients and healthy controls. CD44+ cells were sorted using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Immunohistochemistry and immunostaining experiments were performed to identify markers for OSCC. Results: The qRT-PCR data confirmed the presence of oncogenic miR-155 in the OSCC samples. The immunohistochemical and immunostaining results confirmed the expression of Oct-4, an important target for the early diagnosis of OSCC, in oncogenic miR-155-positive OSCCs. Conclusion: Detection of the expression of miR-155 and Oct-4, which are key molecular markers, may be useful in improving the early diagnosis of OSCC.


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi reportar a infecção por Trypanosoma sp. em tuviras (Gymnotus aff. inaequilabiatus) oriundas do Pantanal Sul-mato-grossense, Brasil. Dez peixes provenientes do rio Paraguai, Pantanal Sul-mato-grossense, foram avaliados quanto à presença de hemoflagelados. Tripomastigotas de Trypanosoma sp. foram observados nas extensões sanguíneas de três peixes (30% de prevalência), e algumas formas encontravam-se em divisão. Por meio do exame a fresco e da centrifugação do sangue em capilar de hematócrito como métodos para diagnóstico, a taxa de prevalência foi de 80%. Esse é o primeiro relato de Trypanosoma sp. em tuviras no Brasil.


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Brain functioning relies on the interaction of several neural populations connected through complex connectivity networks, enabling the transmission and integration of information. Recent advances in neuroimaging techniques, such as electroencephalography (EEG), have deepened our understanding of the reciprocal roles played by brain regions during cognitive processes. The underlying idea of this PhD research is that EEG-related functional connectivity (FC) changes in the brain may incorporate important neuromarkers of behavior and cognition, as well as brain disorders, even at subclinical levels. However, a complete understanding of the reliability of the wide range of existing connectivity estimation techniques is still lacking. The first part of this work addresses this limitation by employing Neural Mass Models (NMMs), which simulate EEG activity and offer a unique tool to study interconnected networks of brain regions in controlled conditions. NMMs were employed to test FC estimators like Transfer Entropy and Granger Causality in linear and nonlinear conditions. Results revealed that connectivity estimates reflect information transmission between brain regions, a quantity that can be significantly different from the connectivity strength, and that Granger causality outperforms the other estimators. A second objective of this thesis was to assess brain connectivity and network changes on EEG data reconstructed at the cortical level. Functional brain connectivity has been estimated through Granger Causality, in both temporal and spectral domains, with the following goals: a) detect task-dependent functional connectivity network changes, focusing on internal-external attention competition and fear conditioning and reversal; b) identify resting-state network alterations in a subclinical population with high autistic traits. Connectivity-based neuromarkers, compared to the canonical EEG analysis, can provide deeper insights into brain mechanisms and may drive future diagnostic methods and therapeutic interventions. However, further methodological studies are required to fully understand the accuracy and information captured by FC estimates, especially concerning nonlinear phenomena.


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OBJECTIVE: Meta-analysis of studies of the accuracy of diagnostic tests currently uses a variety of methods. Statistically rigorous hierarchical models require expertise and sophisticated software. We assessed whether any of the simpler methods can in practice give adequately accurate and reliable results. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: We reviewed six methods for meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy: four simple commonly used methods (simple pooling, separate random-effects meta-analyses of sensitivity and specificity, separate meta-analyses of positive and negative likelihood ratios, and the Littenberg-Moses summary receiver operating characteristic [ROC] curve) and two more statistically rigorous approaches using hierarchical models (bivariate random-effects meta-analysis and hierarchical summary ROC curve analysis). We applied the methods to data from a sample of eight systematic reviews chosen to illustrate a variety of patterns of results. RESULTS: In each meta-analysis, there was substantial heterogeneity between the results of different studies. Simple pooling of results gave misleading summary estimates of sensitivity and specificity in some meta-analyses, and the Littenberg-Moses method produced summary ROC curves that diverged from those produced by more rigorous methods in some situations. CONCLUSION: The closely related hierarchical summary ROC curve or bivariate models should be used as the standard method for meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy.


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Respiratory virus infections are the main cause of infant hospitalization and are potentially severe in children with congenital heart disease (CHD). Rapid and sensitive diagnosis is very important to early introduction of antiviral treatment and implementation of precautions to control transmission, reducing the risk of nosocomial infections. In the present study we compare different techniques in the diagnosis of respiratory viruses in CHD infants. Thirty-nine samples of nasopharyngeal aspirate were obtained from CHD infants with symptoms of respiratory infection. The Multiplex PCR (Seeplex® RV 12 ACE Detection) driven to the detection of 12 respiratory viruses was compared with the direct immunofluorescence assay (DFA) and PCR, both targeting seven respiratory viruses. The positivity found by DFA, Multiplex and PCR was 33.3%, 51.3% and 48.7%, respectively. Kappa index comparing DFA and Multiplex, DFA and PCR and PCR and Multiplex PCR was 0.542, 0.483 and 0.539, respectively. The concordance between techniques was considered moderate. Both Multiplex PCR (p = 0.001) and PCR (p = 0.002) detected significantly more respiratory virus than DFA. As the performance of the tests may vary, the combination of two or more techniques may increase diagnostic sensitivity favoring the diagnosis of co-infections, early introduction of antiviral therapy and implementation of appropriate measures.


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Purpose: To investigate the accuracy of 4 clinical instruments in the detection of glaucomatous damage. Methods: 102 eyes of 55 test subjects (Age mean = 66.5yrs, range = [39; 89]) underwent Heidelberg Retinal Tomography (HRTIII), (disc area<2.43); and standard automated perimetry (SAP) using Octopus (Dynamic); Pulsar (TOP); and Moorfields Motion Displacement Test (MDT) (ESTA strategy). Eyes were separated into three groups 1) Healthy (H): IOP<21mmHg and healthy discs (clinical examination), 39 subjects, 78 eyes; 2) Glaucoma suspect (GS): Suspicious discs (clinical examination), 12 subjects, 15 eyes; 3) Glaucoma (G): progressive structural or functional loss, 14 subjects, 20 eyes. Clinical diagnostic precision was examined using the cut-off associated with the p<5% normative limit of MD (Octopus/Pulsar), PTD (MDT) and MRA (HRT) analysis. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were calculated for each instrument. Results: See table Conclusions: Despite the advantage of defining glaucoma suspects using clinical optic disc examination, the HRT did not yield significantly higher accuracy than functional measures. HRT, MDT and Octopus SAP yielded higher accuracy than Pulsar perimetry, although results did not reach statistical significance. Further studies are required to investigate the structure-function correlations between these instruments.