966 resultados para Diagnosis-Related Groups.


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Antecedentes: El interés en las enfermedades autoinmunes (EA) y su desenlace en la unidad de cuidado intensivo (UCI) han incrementado debido al reto clínico que suponen para el diagnóstico y manejo, debido a que la mortalidad en UCI fluctúa entre el 17 – 55 %. El siguiente trabajo representa la experiencia de un año de nuestro grupo en un hospital de tercer nivel. Objetivo: Identificar factores asociados a mortalidad particulares de los pacientes con enfermedades autoinmunes que ingresan a una UCI, de un hospital de tercer nivel en Bogotá, Colombia. Métodos: El uso de análisis de componentes principales basado en el método descriptivo multivariado y análisis de múltiple correspondencia fue realizado para agrupar varias variables relacionadas con asociación significativa y contexto clínico común. Resultados: Cincuenta pacientes adultos con EA con una edad promedio de 46,7 ± 17,55 años fueron evaluados. Los dos diagnósticos más comunes fueron lupus eritematoso sistémico y esclerosis sistémica, con una frecuencia de 45% y 20% de los pacientes respectivamente. La principal causa de admisión en la UCI fue la infección seguido de actividad aguda de la EA, 36% y 24% respectivamente. La mortalidad durante la estancia en UCI fue del 24%. El tiempo de hospitalización antes de la admisión a la UCI, el choque, soporte vasopresor, ventilación mecánica, sepsis abdominal, Glasgow bajo y plasmaféresis fueron factores asociados con mortalidad. Dos fenotipos de variables fueron definidos relacionadas con tiempo en la UCI y medidas de soporte en UCI, las cuales fueron asociadas supervivencia y mortalidad. Conclusiones: La identificación de factores individuales y grupos de factores por medio del análisis de componentes principales permitirá la implementación de medidas terapéutica de manera temprana y agresiva en pacientes con EA en la UCI para evitar desenlaces fatales.


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El canal lumbar estrecho de tipo degenerativo, es una enfermedad que se presenta en pacientes entre la quinta y la sexta década de vida; es la causa más común de cirugía lumbar después de los 65 años. Este trabajo busca determinar cuáles son los factores asociados a la presentación de eventos adversos o re-intervención en cirugía de canal lumbar estrecho en la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá en los años comprendidos entre 2003 y 2013. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de prevalencia de tipo analítico, en donde se analizaron 249 pacientes sometidos a intervención quirúrgica por cirugía de canal lumbar estrecho.


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La trombosis relacionada al uso del catéter es un problema que cobra cada vez mayor importancia. Se han descrito factores de riesgo para su presentación en la población pediátrica pero aún no se han realizado estudios en nuestro medio. Objetivo: Determinar los factores de riesgo y la prevalencia de la trombosis asociada a catéter venoso central en los pacientes pediátricos de la Fundación Cardioinfantil hospitalizados durante el periodo comprendido entre Julio 2013 a Julio 2015. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal de asociación. Se incluyeron pacientes clasificados en 4 grupos: trombosis y catéter, trombosis sin catéter, catéter sin trombosis y sin trombosis ni catéter. Se estimaron OR como medidas de asociación utilizando el estadístico mantel haenszel. Resultados: En total se incluyeron 221 pacientes. La prevalencia de la trombosis y uso del catéter fue del 22%. La edad inferior a los 36 meses (OR 2,27 IC95% 1,16-4,44,p<0.001), profilaxis antitrombótica (OR 34,4 IC95% 4,18-282,92, p<0.01), hospitalización en la UCI (OR 3,82, IC95% 1,69-8,65, p<0.001) y el tiempo de hospitalización (OR 16,83 IC95% 7,8-36,27, p<0.001) están asociadas con un mayor riesgo de presentación de la trombosis. Conclusión: La edad, hospitalización en UCI, uso de profilaxis antitrombótica y el tiempo de hospitalización son factores de riesgo que estan relacionados con la presentación de la trombosis en pacientes con cateter.


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During the last part of the 1990s the chance of surviving breast cancer increased. Changes in survival functions reflect a mixture of effects. Both, the introduction of adjuvant treatments and early screening with mammography played a role in the decline in mortality. Evaluating the contribution of these interventions using mathematical models requires survival functions before and after their introduction. Furthermore, required survival functions may be different by age groups and are related to disease stage at diagnosis. Sometimes detailed information is not available, as was the case for the region of Catalonia (Spain). Then one may derive the functions using information from other geographical areas. This work presents the methodology used to estimate age- and stage-specific Catalan breast cancer survival functions from scarce Catalan survival data by adapting the age- and stage-specific US functions. Methods: Cubic splines were used to smooth data and obtain continuous hazard rate functions. After, we fitted a Poisson model to derive hazard ratios. The model included time as a covariate. Then the hazard ratios were applied to US survival functions detailed by age and stage to obtain Catalan estimations. Results: We started estimating the hazard ratios for Catalonia versus the USA before and after the introduction of screening. The hazard ratios were then multiplied by the age- and stage-specific breast cancer hazard rates from the USA to obtain the Catalan hazard rates. We also compared breast cancer survival in Catalonia and the USA in two time periods, before cancer control interventions (USA 1975–79, Catalonia 1980–89) and after (USA and Catalonia 1990–2001). Survival in Catalonia in the 1980–89 period was worse than in the USA during 1975–79, but the differences disappeared in 1990–2001. Conclusion: Our results suggest that access to better treatments and quality of care contributed to large improvements in survival in Catalonia. On the other hand, we obtained detailed breast cancer survival functions that will be used for modeling the effect of screening and adjuvant treatments in Catalonia


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Background: sip feeds are oral nutritional supplements (ONSs) that are commonly prescribed to malnourished patients to improve their nutritional and clinical status. However, ONSs are poorly consumed and frequently wasted, with sweetness being identified as one of the factors leading to patients’ dislike of ONSs. Objectives: to investigate if age affects sweetness thresholds and if this impacts upon perceived sweetness intensity, hedonic (sweetness and overall) and ranked preference of ONS products. Design: prospective, observational. Subjects: thirty-six young adults (18–33 years) and 48 healthy older adults (63–85 years). Setting: Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences and the Clinical Health Sciences at the University of Reading. Methods: detection and recognition threshold levels, basic taste identification and ‘just about right’ level of sweetness were examined. Three ONSs (chocolate, vanilla, strawberry) and sucrose solutions were evaluated for hedonic sweetness, overall hedonic liking, sweetness intensity and rank preference. Results: significant differences were found in both sweetness detection and recognition thresholds (P = 0.0001) between young and older adults, with older adults more likely to incorrectly identify the taste (P = 0.0001). Despite the deterioration in sweetness sensitivity among the older adults, there were no significant differences found in sweetness intensity perceived for the ONS products presented (P > 0.05) when compared with the young adults. However, across both groups sweetness intensity was found to be correlated with overall product dislike across all flavour variants tested (R = 0.398, P = 0.0001). Conclusions: sweetness appears to be one of many factors contributing to the dislike of ONSs. Manufacturers are encouraged to reconsider the formulations of these products so that beneficial effects of ONSs can be delivered in a more palatable and acceptable form and wastage reduced.


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This study clarifies the taxonomic status of Anemone coronaria and segregates the species and A. coronaria infraspecific variants using morphological and morphometric analyses. Principal component analysis of the coronaria group was performed on 25 quantitative and qualitative characters, and morphometric analysis of the A. coronaria infraspecific variants was performed on 21 quantitative and qualitative characters. The results showed that the A. coronaria group clustered into four major groups: A. coronaria L., A. biflora DC, A. bucharica (Regel) Juz.ex Komarov, and a final group including A. eranthioides Regel and A. tschernjaewii Regel. The data on the A. coronaria infraspecific variants clustered into six groups: A. coronaria L. var. coronaria L., var. cyanea Ard., var. albiflora Rouy & Fouc., var. parviflora Regel, var. ventreana Ard., and var. rissoana Ard. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London


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Previously we described a heterosexual outbreak of HIV-1 subtype B in a town in the north of England (Doncaster) where 11 of 13 infections were shown to be linked by phylogenetic analysis of the env gp120 region. The 11 infections were related to a putative index case, Don1, and further divided into two groups based on the patients' disease status, their viral sequences, and other epidemiological information. Here we describe two further findings. First, we found that viral isolates and gp120 recombinant viruses derived from patients from one group used the CCR5 coreceptor, whereas viruses from the other group could use both the CCR5 and CXCR4 coreceptors. Patients with the X4/R5 dual tropic strains were symptomatic when diagnosed and progressed rapidly, in contrast to the other patient group that has remained asymptomatic, implying a link between the tropism of the strains and disease outcome. Second, we present additional sequence data derived from the index case, demonstrating the presence of sequences from both clades, with an average interclade distance of 9.56%, providing direct evidence of a genetic link between these two groups. This new study shows that Don1 harbored both strains, implying he was either dually infected or that over time intrahost diversification from the R5 to R5/X4 phenotype occurred. These events may account for/have led to the spread of two genetically related strains with different pathogenic properties within the same heterosexual community.


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Reactions of [Mo(eta(3)-C3H5)Br(CO)(2)(NCMe)(2)] with the bidentate nitrogen ligands 2-(2'-pyridyl)imidazole (L1), 2-(2'-pyridyl)benzimidazole (L2), N,N'-bis(2'-pyridinecarboxamido)-1,2-ethane (L3), and 2,2'-bisimidazole (L4) led to the new complexes [Mo(eta(3)-C3H5)Br(CO)(2)(L)] (L = L1, 1; L2, 2; L4, 4) and [{Mo(eta(3)-C3H5) Br(CO)(2)}(2)(mu-L-3)] (3). The reaction of complexes 2 and 3 with Tl[CF3SO3] afforded [Mo(eta(3)-C3H5)(CF3SO3)(CO)(2)(L2)] (2T) and [{Mo(eta(3)-C3H5)(CF3SO3)(CO)(2)}(2)(mu-L-3)] (3T). Complexes 3 and 2T were structurally characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction, showing the facial allyl/carbonyls arrangement and the formation of the axial isomer. In 2T, two molecules are assembled in a hydrogen bond dimer. The four complexes 1-4 were tested as precursors in the catalytic epoxidation of cyclooctene and styrene, in the presence of t-butylhydroperoxide (TBHP), with moderate conversions and turnover frequencies for complexes 1-3 and very low ones for 4. The increasing number of N-H groups in the complexes seems to be responsible for the loss of catalytic activity, compared with other related systems. The cytotoxic activities of all the complexes were evaluated against HeLa cells. The results showed that compounds 1,2,4, and 2T exhibited significant activity, complexes 2 and 2T being particularly promising. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The inaugural meeting of the International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) was held May 3 to May 5 2002 in London, Ontario, Canada. A group of 63 academic and industrial scientists from around the world convened to discuss current issues in the science of probiotics and prebiotics. ISAPP is a non-profit organization comprised of international scientists whose intent is to strongly support and improve the levels of scientific integrity and due diligence associated with the study, use, and application of probiotics and prebiotics. In addition, ISAPP values its role in facilitating communication with the public and healthcare providers and among scientists in related fields on all topics pertinent to probiotics and prebiotics. It is anticipated that such efforts will lead to development of approaches and products that are optimally designed for the improvement of human and animal health and well being. This article is a summary of the discussions, conclusions, and recommendations made by 8 working groups convened during the first ISAPP workshop focusing on the topics of: definitions, intestinal flora, extra-intestinal sites, immune function, intestinal disease, cancer, genetics and genomics, and second generation prebiotics. Humans have evolved in symbiosis with an estimated 1014 resident microorganisms. However, as medicine has widely defined and explored the perpetrators of disease, including those of microbial origin, it has paid relatively little attention to the microbial cells that constitute the most abundant life forms associated with our body. Microbial metabolism in humans and animals constitutes an intense biochemical activity in the body, with profound repercussions for health and disease. As understanding of the human genome constantly expands, an important opportunity will arise to better determine the relationship between microbial populations within the body and host factors (including gender, genetic background, and nutrition) and the concomitant implications for health and improved quality of life. Combined human and microbial genetic studies will determine how such interactions can affect human health and longevity, which communication systems are used, and how they can be influenced to benefit the host. Probiotics are defined as live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host.1 The probiotic concept dates back over 100 years, but only in recent times have the scientific knowledge and tools become available to properly evaluate their effects on normal health and well being, and their potential in preventing and treating disease. A similar situation exists for prebiotics, defined by this group as non-digestible substances that provide a beneficial physiological effect on the host by selectively stimulating the favorable growth or activity of a limited number of indigenous bacteria. Prebiotics function complementary to, and possibly synergistically with, probiotics. Numerous studies are providing insights into the growth and metabolic influence of these microbial nutrients on health. Today, the science behind the function of probiotics and prebiotics still requires more stringent deciphering both scientifically and mechanistically. The explosion of publications and interest in probiotics and prebiotics has resulted in a body of collective research that points toward great promise. However, this research is spread among such a diversity of organisms, delivery vehicles (foods, pills, and supplements), and potential health targets such that general conclusions cannot easily be made. Nevertheless, this situation is rapidly changing on a number of important fronts. With progress over the past decade on the genetics of lactic acid bacteria and the recent, 2,3 and pending, 4 release of complete genome sequences for major probiotic species, the field is now armed with detailed information and sophisticated microbiological and bioinformatic tools. Similarly, advances in biotechnology could yield new probiotics and prebiotics designed for enhanced or expanded functionality. The incorporation of genetic tools within a multidisciplinary scientific platform is expected to reveal the contributions of commensals, probiotics, and prebiotics to general health and well being and explicitly identify the mechanisms and corresponding host responses that provide the basis for their positive roles and associated claims. In terms of human suffering, the need for effective new approaches to prevent and treat disease is paramount. The need exists not only to alleviate the significant mortality and morbidity caused by intestinal diseases worldwide (especially diarrheal diseases in children), but also for infections at non-intestinal sites. This is especially worthy of pursuit in developing nations where mortality is too often the outcome of food and water borne infection. Inasmuch as probiotics and prebiotics are able to influence the populations or activities of commensal microflora, there is evidence that they can also play a role in mitigating some diseases. 5,6 Preliminary support that probiotics and prebiotics may be useful as intervention in conditions including inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, allergy, cancer (especially colorectal cancer of which 75% are associated with diet), vaginal and urinary tract infections in women, kidney stone disease, mineral absorption, and infections caused by Helicobacter pylori is emerging. Some metabolites of microbes in the gut may also impact systemic conditions ranging from coronary heart disease to cognitive function, suggesting the possibility that exogenously applied microbes in the form of probiotics, or alteration of gut microecology with prebiotics, may be useful interventions even in these apparently disparate conditions. Beyond these direct intervention targets, probiotic cultures can also serve in expanded roles as live vehicles to deliver biologic agents (vaccines, enzymes, and proteins) to targeted locations within the body. The economic impact of these disease conditions in terms of diagnosis, treatment, doctor and hospital visits, and time off work exceeds several hundred billion dollars. The quality of life impact is also of major concern. Probiotics and prebiotics offer plausible opportunities to reduce the morbidity associated with these conditions. The following addresses issues that emerged from 8 workshops (Definitions, Intestinal Flora, Extra-Intestinal Sites, Immune Function, Intestinal Disease, Cancer, Genomics, and Second Generation Prebiotics), reflecting the current scientific state of probiotics and prebiotics. This is not a comprehensive review, however the study emphasizes pivotal knowledge gaps, and recommendations are made as to the underlying scientific and multidisciplinary studies that will be required to advance our understanding of the roles and impact of prebiotics, probiotics, and the commensal microflora upon health and disease management.


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Aim: To describe how quantitative data obtained from applying a series of indicators for preventable drug related morbidity (PDRM) in the electronic patient record in English general practice can be used to facilitate changes aimed at helping to improve medicines management. Design: A multidisciplinary discussion forum held at each practice facilitated by a clinical researcher. Subjects and setting: Eight English general practices. Outcome measures: Issues discussed at the multidisciplinary discussion forum and ideas generated by practices for tackling these issues. Progress made by practices after 1, 3, and 6 months. Results: A number of clinical issues were raised by the practices and ideas for moving them forward were discussed. The issues that were easiest and most straightforward to deal with (for example, reviewing specific patient groups) were quickly addressed in most instances. Practices were less likely to have taken steps towards addressing issues at a systems level. Conclusions: Data generated from applying PDRM indicators can be used to facilitate practice-wide discussion on medicines management. Different practices place different priority levels on the issues they wish to pursue. Individual practice "ownership'' of these, together with having a central committed figure at the practice, is key to the success of the process.


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Objective: To explore the causes of preventable drug-related admissions (PDRAs) to hospital. Design: Qualitative case studies using semi-structured interviews and medical record review; data analysed using a framework derived from Reason's model of organisational accidents and cascade analysis. Participants: 62 participants, including 18 patients, 8 informal carers, 17 general practitioners, 12 community pharmacists, 3 practice nurses and 4 other members of healthcare staff, involved in events leading up to the patients' hospital admissions. Setting: Nottingham, UK. Results: PDRAs are associated with problems at multiple stages in the medication use process, including prescribing, dispensing, administration, monitoring and help seeking. The main causes of these problems are communication failures ( between patients and healthcare professionals and different groups of healthcare professionals) and knowledge gaps ( about drugs and patients' medical and medication histories). The causes of PDRAs are similar irrespective of whether the hospital admission is associated with a prescribing, monitoring or patient adherence problem. Conclusions: The causes of PDRAs are multifaceted and complex. Technical solutions to PDRAs will need to take account of this complexity and are unlikely to be sufficient on their own. Interventions targeting the human causes of PDRAs are also necessary - for example, improving methods of communication.


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This study has explored the underlying causes of preventable drug-related admissions to hospital, from primary care through semi-structured interviews and review of patients’ medical records. Analysis of the data has revealed that communication failures between different groups of healthcare professionals and between healthcare professionals and patients contribute to preventable drug-related admissions, as do knowledge gaps about medication in both healthcare professionals and patients. In addition, working conditions for community pharmacists severely limit their ability to effectively act as a safety barrier to patients receiving inappropriate medication. Limitations include heavy workloads, lack of access to patients’ clinical information, poor relationships with general practitioners and time restrictions. The results of this study represent an important addition to our understanding of the contribution of human error as an underlying cause of preventable drug-related morbidity, and the factors which contribute to errors occurring in the primary healthcare setting.


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Background and purpose: Molecular mechanisms underlying the links between dietary intake of flavonoids and reduced cardiovascular disease risk are only partially understood. Key events in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease, particularly thrombosis, are inhibited by these polyphenolic compounds via mechanisms such as inhibition of platelet activation and associated signal transduction, attenuation of generation of reactive oxygen species, enhancement of nitric oxide production and binding to thromboxane A2 receptors. In vivo, effects of flavonoids are mediated by their metabolites, but the effects and modes of action of these compounds are not well-characterized. A good understanding of flavonoid structure–activity relationships with regard to platelet function is also lacking. Experimental approach: Inhibitory potencies of structurally distinct flavonoids (quercetin, apigenin and catechin) and plasma metabolites (tamarixetin, quercetin-3′-sulphate and quercetin-3-glucuronide) for collagen-stimulated platelet aggregation and 5-hydroxytryptamine secretion were measured in human platelets. Tyrosine phosphorylation of total protein, Syk and PLCγ2 (immunoprecipitation and Western blot analyses), and Fyn kinase activity were also measured in platelets. Internalization of flavonoids and metabolites in a megakaryocytic cell line (MEG-01 cells) was studied by fluorescence confocal microscopy. Key results: The inhibitory mechanisms of these compounds included blocking Fyn kinase activity and the tyrosine phosphorylation of Syk and PLCγ2 following internalization. Principal functional groups attributed to potent inhibition were a planar, C-4 carbonyl substituted and C-3 hydroxylated C ring in addition to a B ring catechol moiety. Conclusions and implications: The structure–activity relationship for flavonoids on platelet function presented here may be exploited to design selective inhibitors of cell signalling.


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While selenium (Se) is an essential micronutrient for humans, epidemiological studies have raised concern that supranutritional Se intake may increase the risk to develop Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). We aimed to determine the impact of Se at a dose and source frequently ingested by humans on markers of insulin sensitivity and signalling. Male pigs were fed either a Se-adequate (0.17 mg Se/kg) or a Se-supranutritional (0.50 mg Se/kg; high-Se) diet. After 16 weeks of intervention, fasting plasma insulin and cholesterol levels were non-significantly increased in the high-Se pigs, whereas fasting glucose concentrations did not differ between the two groups. In skeletal muscle of high-Se pigs, glutathione peroxidase activity was increased, gene expression of forkhead box O1 transcription factor and peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptor- coactivator 1 were increased and gene expression of the glycolytic enzyme pyruvate kinase was decreased. In visceral adipose tissue of high-Se pigs, mRNA levels of sterol regulatory element-binding transcription factor 1 were increased, and the phosphorylation of Akt, AMP-activated kinase and mitogen-activated protein kinases was affected. In conclusion, dietary Se oversupply may affect expression and activity of proteins involved in energy metabolism in major insulin target tissues, though this is probably not sufficient to induce diabetes.