879 resultados para Defining Entertainment


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Denna uppsats intresserar sig för professional wrestling och då specifikt bolaget World Wrestling Entertainment, WWE. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur nationalitet representeras i World Wrestling Entertainments produkt. Uppsatsens teoretiska ramverk består utav tre olika författare. Dessa tre är Michael Billig, Stuart Hall och Roland Barthes. Från Michael Billig används begreppen 'hot and banal nationalism' för att definiera nationalism. Från Stuart Hall hämtas teorier om 'representation', vad det är och hur det fungerar samt olika perspektiv på varför det är intressant att studera 'olikhet'. Slutligen använder sig uppsatsen utav Roland Barthes artikel Le monde où l'on catche, the World of Wrestling i den engelska översättningen, som analyserar wrestling på ett semiotiskt vis. Många av de teorier som Barthes presenterar i denna artikel är relevanta än idag trots att han skrev artikeln på 1950-talet. Uppsatsens frågeställning kommer att undersökas genom en multimodal analys. En multimodal analys lämpar sig väl för ett så visuellt fenomen som wrestling. Det möjliggör även för studier av de rent textuella elementen i programmen och inte bara det visuella. Materialet består utav de inledande videomontagen från två olika wrestlingmatcher. Båda matcherna är hämtade från WWEs största årliga pay-per-view Wrestlemania som gått av stapeln varje år sedan år 1985. Den ena matchen är hämtad från Wrestlemania 29 år 2013 och den andra är hämtad från Wrestlemania 31 år 2015. Båda matcherna inkluderar icke-amerikanska karaktärer. Den första matchen ser amerikanen Jack Swagger möta mexikanen Alberto Del Rio och den andra matchen ser amerikanen John Cena möta den ryske Rusev. Efter analysen kunde slutsatsen dras att vad gällde de matcher som analyserats framställdes de ickeamerikanska karaktärerna varken positivt eller negativt. Vad analysen lyckades komma fram till var att de icke-amerikanska karaktärerna var där för att reproducera en bild av den amerikanska nationella identiteten och att de icke-amerikanska karaktärernas nationaliteter egentligen inte var relevanta. Det relevanta var det faktum att de var just icke-amerikaner. Deras faktiska nationaliteter behandlades inte i någon större utsträckning i materialet. Materialet verkade mest kretsa kring USA och dess nationella identitet.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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We utilize anthropic reasoning to demonstrate that we are typical observers of our reference class under a self-sampling assumption by investigating the definition of what a civilization is. With reference to the conflict between such reasoning and the observational lack of extra-terrestrial intelligent life, we conclude that a part of our theoretical understanding of the Universe will be at fault.


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Casenote and comment on Kabushiki Kaisha Sony Computer Entertainment v Stevens in which the High Court found in favour of copyright owners - ruling that the definition of technological protection measures in s 10 of the Copyright Act includes not only those measures that physically prevent copying but also those measures that merely deter or discourage copying.


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Background. Whether current criteria used to define nicotine dependence are informative for genetic research is an important empirical question. The authors used items of the DSM-IV and of the Heaviness of Smoking Index to characterize the nicotine dependence phenotype and to identify salient symptoms in a genetically informative community sample of Australian young adult female and mate twins. Method. Phenotypic and genetic factor analyses were performed on nine dependence symptoms (the seven DSM-IV substance dependence criteria and the two Heaviness of Smoking Index (HSI) items derived from the Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire, time to first cigarette in the morning and number of cigarettes smoked per day). Phenotypic and genetic analyses were restricted to ever smokers. Results. Phenotypic nicotine dependence symptom covariation was best captured by two factors with a similar pattern of factor loadings for women and men. In genetic factor analysis item covariation was best captured by two genetic but one shared environmental factor for both women and men; however, item factor loadings differed by gender. All nicotine dependence symptoms were substantially heritable, except for the DSM-IV criterion of 'giving up or reducing important activities in order to smoke', which was weakly familial. Conclusions. The salient behavioral indices of nicotine dependence are similar for women and men. DSM-IV criteria of tolerance, withdrawal, and experiencing difficulty quitting and HSI items time to first cigarette in the morning and number of cigarettes smoked per day may represent the most highly heritable symptoms of nicotine dependence for both women and men.


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The use of many conventional chemotherapeutic drugs is often severely restricted due to dose-limiting toxicities, as these drugs target the destruction of the proliferating fraction of cells, often with little specificity for tumor cells over proliferating normal body tissue. Many newer drugs attempt to overcome this shortcoming by targeting defective gene products or cellular mechanisms that are specific to the tumor, thereby minimizing the toxicity to normal tissue. Histone deacetylase inhibitors are an example of this type of tumor-directed drug, having significant toxicity for tumors but minimal effects on normal tissue. These drugs can affect the transcriptional program by modifying chromatin structure, but it is not yet clear whether specific transcriptional changes are directly responsible for their tumor-selective toxicity. Recent evidence suggests that transcriptional changes underlie their cytostatic activity, although this is not tumor-selective and affects all proliferating cells. Here we present evidence that supports an alternative mechanism for the tumor-selective cytotoxicity of histone deacetylase inhibitors. The target is still likely to be the chromatin histones, but rather than transcriptional changes due to modification of the transcriptionally active euchromatin, we propose that hyperacetylation and disruption of the transcriptionally inactive heterochromatin, particularly the centromeric heterochromatin, and the inability of tumor cells to cell cycle arrest in response to a specific checkpoint, underlies the tumor-selective cytotoxicity of these drugs.


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This article addresses the centrality of normativity to IR (International Relations) by engaging in an investigation of the meaning of a 'classical' approach (Bull 1969). It demonstrates how a classical approach, properly understood, might provide common ground for IR theorists. The substantive argument is that IR can benefit from reflection on the classical understanding of the relationship between theory and practice, and in particular on the understanding of this relationship provided by philosophical hermeneutics. Philosophical hermeneutics is an approach to the human sciences informed by Aristotle's conception of a practical philosophy. A practical philosophy in the classical sense sees theory as a moral and political inquiry involving a body of knowledge and a philosophy of practice engaging in reflection upon the nature of the good life and the means to achieve it.


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Filaments of galaxies are the dominant feature of modern large-scale redshift surveys. They can account for up to perhaps half of the baryonic mass budget of the Universe and their distribution and abundance can help constrain cosmological models. However, there remains no single, definitive way in which to detect, describe, and define what filaments are and their extent. This work examines a number of physically motivated, as well as statistical, methods that can be used to define filaments and examines their relative merits.


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Objective To describe patients' perceptions of minimum worthwhile and desired reductions in pain and disability upon commencing treatment for chronic low back pain. Design and Setting Descriptive study nested within a community-based randomized controlled trial on prolotherapy injections and exercises. Patients A total of 110 participants with chronic low back pain. Interventions Prior to treatment, participants were asked what minimum percentage reductions in pain and disability would make treatment worthwhile and what percentage reductions in pain and disability they desired with treatment. Outcome Measures. Minimum worthwhile reductions and desired reductions in pain and disability. Results. Median (inter-quartile range) minimum worthwhile reductions were 25% (20%, 50%) for pain and 35% (20%, 50%) for disability. This compared with desired reductions of 80% (60%, 100%) for pain and 80% (50%, 100%) for disability. The internal consistency between pain and disability responses was high (Spearman's coefficient of association of 0.81 and 0.87, respectively). A significant association existed between minimum worthwhile reductions and desired reductions, but no association was found between these two factors and patient age, gender, pain severity or duration, disability, anxiety, depression, response to treatment, or treatment satisfaction. Conclusions. Inquiring directly about patients' expectations of reductions in pain and in disability is important in establishing realistic treatment goals and setting benchmarks for success. There is a wide disparity between the reductions that they regard as minimum worthwhile and reductions that they hope to achieve. However, there is a high internal consistency between reductions in pain and disability that they expect.


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It is shown that in some cases it is possible to reconstruct a block design D uniquely from incomplete knowledge of a minimal defining set for D. This surprising result has implications for the use of minimal defining sets in secret sharing schemes.