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Radiolarian distribution in surface sediments of 104 stations from northern and central South China Sea show that the abundance and diversity of radiolarians increase with the water depth and are related to radiolarian concentrations from the water column, diminished terrigenous input, variability in calcareous shell content and the rate of silica and carbonate dissolution in the deep sea. According to the appearances of individual species in surface sediments at particular depths, seven faunal boundaries distribution are recognized at water depths of 100, 450, 650, 1000, 1200, 1400 and 2500 m. Four radiolarian assemblages in the sediments were identified by applying clustering procedures. Geographic distributions of these four assemblages coincide with present-day hydrologic features of the surface waters in this area.


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The northern South China Sea margin has experienced a rifting stage and a post-rifting stage during the Cenozoic. In the rifting stage, the margin received lacustrine and shallow marine facies sediments. In the post-rifting thermal subsidence, the margin accumulated shallow marine facies and hemipelagic deposits, and the deepwater basins formed. Petroleum systems of deepwater setting have been imaged from seismic data and drill wells. Two kinds of source rocks including Paleogene lacustrine black shale and Oligocene-Early Miocene mudstone were developed in the deepwater basin of the South China Sea. The deepwater reservoirs are characterized by the deep sea channel rill, mass flow complexes and drowned reef carbonate platform. Profitable capping rocks on the top are mudstones with huge thickness in the post-rifting stage. Meanwhile, the faults developed during the rifting stage provide a migration path favourable for the formation of reservoirs. The analysis of seismic and drilling data suggests that the joint structural and stratigraphic traps could form giant hydrocarbon fields and hydrocarbon reservoirs including syn-rifting graben subaqueous delta, deepwater submarine fan sandstone and reef carbonate reservoirs.


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Protease-producing bacteria are known to play an important role in degrading sedimentary particular organic nitrogen, and yet, their diversity and extracellular proteases remain largely unknown. In this paper, the diversity of the cultivable protease-producing bacteria and their extracellular proteases in the sediments of the South China Sea was investigated. The richness of the cultivable protease-producing bacteria reached 10(6) cells/g in all sediment samples. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that the predominant cultivated protease-producing bacteria are Gammaproteobacteria affiliated with the genera Pseudoalteromonas, Alteromonas, Marinobacter, Idiomarina, Halomonas, Vibrio, Shewanella, Pseudomonas, and Rheinheimera, with Alteromonas (34.6%) and Pseudoalteromonas (28.2%) as the predominant groups. Inhibitor analysis showed that nearly all the extracellular proteases from the bacteria are serine proteases or metalloproteases. Moreover, these proteases have different hydrolytic ability to different proteins, reflecting they may belong to different kinds of serine proteases or metalloproteases. To our knowledge, this study represents the first report of the diversity of bacterial proteases in deep-sea sediments.


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Based upon analyses of grain-size, rare earth element (REE) compositions, elemental occurrence phases of REE, and U-series isotopic dating, the sediment characteristics and material sources of the study area were examined for the recently formed deep-sea clays in the eastern Philippine Sea. The analytical results are summarized as follows. (1) Low accumulation rate, poor sorting and roundness, and high contents of grains coarser than fine silt indicate relatively low sediment input, with localized material source without long distance transport. (2) The REE Contents are relatively high. Shale-normalized patterns of REE indicate weak enrichment in heavy REE (HREE), Ce-passive anomaly, and Eu-positive anomaly. (3) Elemental occurrence phases of REE between the sediments with and without crust are similar. REE mainly concentrate in residual phase and then in ferromanganese oxide phase. The light REE (LREE) enrichment, Ce-positive anomaly, and Eu-positive anomaly occur in residual phase. Ferromanganese oxide phase shows the characteristics of relatively high HREE content and Ce-passive anomaly. (4) There are differences in each above mentioned aspect between the sediments with and without ferromanganese crust. (5) Synthesizing the above characteristics and source discriminant analysis, the study sediments are deduced to mainly result from the alteration of local and nearby volcanic materials. Continental materials transported by wind and/or river (ocean) flows also have minor contributions.


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Characteristics and distribution patterns of elastic minerals (0.063 similar to 0.125 mm) in bottom sediments represent a significant indicator for the identification of the origin of sediment. One hundred and fourteen surface sediment samples, which were collected from the area near the Zhongsha Islands in the South China Sea, were analysed to identify the mineral suites and their distributions in the study area. The area can be divided into three mineral provinces: ( I) a province of biogenic minerals, which mainly originate from the Zhongsha Atoll; ( H) a province of volcanogenic minerals, which are mainly derived from local basaltic seamounts and small-scale volcanoes that are probably erupting, with some influences from the island-are volcanic region around the South China Sea; and (II) a mixed mineral province whose material source includes biogenic minerals, volcanogenic minerals and terrigenous minerals; the last province can be subdivided into a mixed mineral sub-province of the northeastern part of the study area, in which terrigenous minerals are mainly derived from China's Mainland and do not exceed 17 degrees N, and a mixed mineral sub-province of the southeastern part of the study area, in which terrigenous minerals are derived from Kalimantan and Indochina Peninsula and might be further transported into the deep sea basin through submarine canyons.


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The typology and flux of settling particulate matter (SPM) were investigated based on sediment trap sampling at six typical stations in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. The settling particulate matter in the neritic seas was sorted into three categories, lithogenic particles, living organisms, and particle aggregates. The mass of individual organisms is an important portion of particulate matter in the neritic waters. The aggregates contain six types, mucus aggregates, fecal pellets, diatom aggregates, silicoflagellate aggregates, tintinnids, and miscellaneous aggregates, of which the silicoflagellate aggregates and tintinnids are the most abundant in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. High particle fluxes, such as 215 to 874 g m(-2). day(-1) SPM in the bottom layer, were found at three stations where the water was well mixed, and the maximum flux was detected in the boundary area between the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, where a wide nepheloid layer was present. Hence, particle flux in neritic waters can be easily shifted by water turbulence. The net vertical flux (123 to 961 mg C day(-1)), the contribution of lateral advection to resuspension flux (5 to 76%), and the particulate organic carbon export ratio (18 to 60%) were estimated for the other three stations where the water was stratified. The highest values were all found in the upwelling area off the Zhejiang coast, suggesting that the area of high productivity provides a high net vertical flux of SPM. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The principal tidal constituents M-2, S-2, K-1 and O-1 in the South China Sea, Gulf of Tonkin and Gulf of Thailand are simulated simultaneously using the numerical scheme of Kwok et al. (1995 Proceedings of the 1st Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, pp. 16-19). The average differences between the computed and observed harmonic constants are mostly within 5 cm and 10 degrees for amplitudes and phase-lags, respectively. The simulated tidal regimes in the present model are believed to be more accurate than the previous numerical results. Our studies confirm that a clockwise rotating M-2 amphidromic system lies in the southeast of the Gulf of Thailand and an S-2 amphidromic system at the near-shore area of the northeast South China Sea. The linear tidal energy equation developed by Garrett (1975 Deep-Sea Research 22, 23-35) is generalized to the nonlinear case. Based on the numerical results, the energy budgets in the South China Sea and its subareas, namely the Taiwan Strait, the Gulf of Tonkin, the Gulf of Thailand and the remaining area are investigated. The tidal motion in the Taiwan Strait is maintained mainly by the energy fluxes from the East China Sea for both semidiurnal and diurnal species and partially from the Luzon Strait for semidiurnal species. For the other parts of the South China Sea, the tidal motion is mainly maintained by the energy fluxes through the Luzon Strait. The energy inputs from the tide-generating force are negative for semidiurnal species and positive for diurnal species. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The area of the southwestern Nansha Trough is one of the most productive areas of the southern South China Sea. It is a typical semi-deep sea area of transition from shoal to abyssal zone. To understand distributions and roles of nitrogen forms involved in biogeochemical cycling in this area, contents of nitrogen in four extractable forms: nitrogen in ion exchangeable form (IEF-N), nitrogen in weak acid extractable form (WAEF-N), nitrogen in strong alkali extractable form (SAEF-N) and nitrogen in strong oxidation extractable form (SOEF-N), as well as in total nitrogen content (TN) in surface sediments were determined from samples collected from the cruise in April-May 1999. The study area was divided into three regions (A, B and C) in terms of clay sediment (< 4 mu m) content at < 40%, 40%-60% and > 60%, respectively. Generally, region C was the richest in the nitrogen of all forms and region A the poorest, indicating that the finer the grain size is, the richer the contents of various nitrogen are. The burial efficiency of total nitrogen in surface sediments was 28.79%, indicating that more than 70% of nitrogen had been released and participated in biogeochemical recycling through sediment-water interface.


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Research related to carbon geochemistry and biogeochemistry in the East China Sea is reviewed in this paper. The East China Sea is an annual net sink for atmospheric CO, and a large net source of dissolved inorganic carbon to the ocean. The sea absorbs CO, from the atmosphere in spring and summer and releases it in autumn and winter. The East China Sea is a CO, sink in summer because Changjiang River freshwater flows into it. The net average sea-air interface carbon flux of the East China Sea is estimated to be about 4.3 X 10(6) t/y. Vertical carbon transport is mainly in the form of particulate organic carbon in spring; more than 98% of total carbon is transported in this form in surface water, and the number exceeds 68% in water near the bottom. In the southern East China Sea, the average particulate organic carbon inventory was about one-tenth that of the dissolved organic carbon. Research indicates that the southern Okinawa Trough is an important site for particulate organic carbon export from the shelf. The annual cross-shelf exports are estimated to be 414 and 106 Gmol/y for dissolved organic carbon and particulate organic carbon, respectively. Near-bottom transport could be the key process for shelf-to-deep sea export of biogenic and lithogenic particles.


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Zooplankton plays a vital role in marine ecosystems. Variations in the zooplankton species composition, biomass, and secondary production will change the structure and function of the ecosystem. How to describe this process and make it easier to be modeled in the Yellow Sea ecosystem is the main purpose of this paper. The zooplankton functional groups approach, which is considered a good method of linking the structure of food webs and the energy flow in the ecosystems, is used to describe the main contributors of secondary produciton of the Yellow Sea ecosystem. The zooplankton can be classified into six functional groups: giant crustaceans, large copepods, small copepods, chaetognaths, medusae, and salps. The giant crustaceans, large copepods, and small copepods groups, which are the main food resources for fish, are defined depending on the size spectrum. Medusae and chaetognaths are the two gelatinous carnivorous groups, which compete with fish for food. The salps group, acting as passive filter-feeders, competes with other species feeding on phytoplankton, but their energy could not be efficiently transferred to higher trophic levels. From the viewpoint of biomass, which is the basis of the food web, and feeding activities, the contributions of each functional group to the ecosystem were evaluated; the seasonal variations, geographical distribution patterns, and species composition of each functional group were analyzed. The average zooplankton biomass was 2.1 g dry wt m(-2) in spring, to which the giant crustaceans, large copepods, and small copepods contributed 19, 44, and 26%, respectively. High biomasses of the large copepods and small copepods were distributed at the coastal waters, while the giant crustaceans were mainly located at offshore area. In summer, the mean biomass was 3.1 g dry wt m(-2), which was mostly contributed by the giant crustaceans (73%), and high biomasses of the giant crustaceans, large copepods, and small copepods were all distributed in the central part of the Yellow Sea. During autumn, the mean biomass was 1.8 g dry wt m(-2), which was similarly constituted by the giant crustaceans, large copepods, and small copepods (36, 33, and 23%, respectively), and high biomasses of the giant crustaceans and large copepods occurred in the central part of the Yellow Sea, while the small copepods were mainly located at offshore stations. The giant crustaceans and large copepods dominated the zooplankton biomass (2.9 g dry wt m(-2)) in winter, contributing respectively 57 and 27%, and they, as well as the small copepods, were all mainly located in the central part of the Yellow Sea. The chaetognaths group was mainly located in the northern part of the Yellow Sea during all seasons, but contributed less to the biomass compared with the other groups. The medusae and salps groups were distributed unevenly, with sporadic dynamics, mainly along the coastline and at the northern part of the Yellow Sea. No more than 10 species belonging to the respective functional groups dominated the zooplankton biomass and controlled the dynamics of the zooplankton community. The clear picture of the seasonal and spatial variations of each zooplankton functional group makes the complicated Yellow Sea ecosystem easier to be understood and modeled. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The distributions of heterotrophic bacterial abundance and production were investigated in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea during the autumn of 2000 and spring of 2001. Bacterial abundance varied in the range 3.2-15.7 (averaging 5.7) x 10(5) and 2.3-13.6 (averaging 6.2) x 10(5) cells cm(-3) in the spring and autumn, respectively. During autumn, bacterial production (BP) (0.27-7.77 mg C m(-3) day(-1)) was on average 3 fold that in spring (0.001-2.04 mg C m(-3) day(-1)). Bacterial average turnover rate (ratio of bacterial production:bacterial biomass, mu=0.21 day(-1)) in autumn was 3 times as high as in spring (0.07 day(-1)). The ratio of integrated bacterial biomass to integrated phytoplankton biomass in the euphotic zone ranged from 4 to 101% (averaging 35%) in spring and 24 to 556% (averaging 121%) in autumn. The results indicate that the distributions of heterotrophic bacteria were controlled generally by temperature in spring and additionally by substrate supply in autumn. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Multiproxy temperature estimation requires careful attention to biological, chemical, physical, temporal, and calibration differences of each proxy and paleothermometry method. We evaluated mid-Pliocene sea surface temperature (SST) estimates from multiple proxies at Deep Sea Drilling Project Holes 552A, 609B, 607, and 606, transecting the North Atlantic Drift. SST estimates derived from faunal assemblages, foraminifer Mg/Ca, and alkenone unsaturation indices showed strong agreement at Holes 552A, 607, and 606 once differences in calibration, depth, and seasonality were addressed. Abundant extinct species and/or an unrecognized productivity signal in the faunal assemblage at Hole 609B resulted in exaggerated faunal-based SST estimates but did not affect alkenone-derived or Mg/Ca-derived estimates. Multiproxy mid-Pliocene North Atlantic SST estimates corroborate previous studies documenting high-latitude mid-Pliocene warmth and refine previous faunal-based estimates affected by environmental factors other than temperature. Multiproxy investigations will aid SST estimation in high-latitude areas sensitive to climate change and currently underrepresented in SST reconstructions. Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union.