987 resultados para Davidson, Donald


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The records provide material relating to the accreditation, fundraising, management, planning, policies, programs, and public relations of a hospital that continues to serve the Greater Boston area. The records includes correspondence of various Presidents, Board Members, and Executive Directors; Board and committee minutes; scrapbooks, photographs, videotape, and film created by the Public Relations department; records of various Auxiliary groups; correspondence, reports, surveys, and other documents relating to the Pediatric Rehabilitation Program; and artifacts such as plaques, portraits, and silverware.


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The papers consist of correspondence and reports of Cecelia Razovsky (married name: Davidson), noted social worker specializing in immigration and resettlement of refugees. The collection includes information about her work with the National Council of Jewish Women in the 1920's, and with the National Refugee Service (and predecessor organizations) in the 1930's. Information is included about her work as a Resettlement Supervisor in the post-World War II DP camps in Europe, and as a field worker in the southwestern U.S. for the United Service for New Americans in 1950. The collection contains reports and correspondence from her trips to South America, primarily Brazil: to explore possibilities of refugee settlement in 1937 and 1946; as a representative for United HIAS Service to aid in settling Egyptian and Hungarian refugees in 1957-58; and as a pleasure trip and evaluation of the changes in the Jewish community of the country in 1963. Also included in the collection are many of Razovsky's articles, plays, and pamphlets.


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Rae and Davidson have found a striking connection between the averaging method generalised by Kruskal and the diagram technique used by the Brussels school in statistical mechanics. They have considered conservative systems whose evolution is governed by the Liouville equation. In this paper we have considered a class of dissipative systems whose evolution is governed not by the Liouville equation but by the last-multiplier equation of Jacobi whose Fourier transform has been shown to be the Hopf equation. The application of the diagram technique to the interaction representation of the Jacobi equation reveals the presence of two kinds of interactions, namely the transition from one mode to another and the persistence of a mode. The first kind occurs in the treatment of conservative systems while the latter type is unique to dissipative fields and is precisely the one that determines the asymptotic Jacobi equation. The dynamical equations of motion equivalent to this limiting Jacobi equation have been shown to be the same as averaged equations.


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Tutkimuksen punaisena lankana kulkee kysymys siitä, millainen on bikerkulttuurin eetos? Miten se on syntynyt, miten sitä ylläpidetään ja miten Misfit MC:n jäsenet sitä tulkitsevat ja toteuttavat omassa elämässään? Tarkastelen eetosta kahdenlaisen aineiston valossa. i) Kenttätyöllä (vuosina 1995-1998 ja 2000-2001) kerätyn aineiston valossa tarkastelen yhtä pääkaupunkiseudulla toimivaa HD-moottoripyöräkerhoa, vuonna 1989 toimintansa aloittanutta Misfit MC:tä. Jäsenet kutsuvat kerhoaan useimmiten talliksi, joskus pajaksi, kerhoksi tai klubiksi. Puhuessaan tallista, miehet voivat viitata kerhorakennukseen ("tuut sä tallille?") mutta myös ryhmään ("meidän talli") ja sen olemassaoloon ajallisesti ja paikallisesti. Aloittaessani kenttätyön vuonna 1995 Misfit MC:n kuului kymmenen 25-30-vuotiasta miestä. ii) Kenttätyöllä kerätyn aineiston lisäksi käytän materiaalia, joka koostuu Harley-Davidson-moottoripyörän ympärille rakentuneen bikerkulttuurin historiasta ja kulttuurituotteista, kuten kertomuksista, elokuvista, musiikista, kuvataiteesta ja moottoripyörälehdistä. Aineiston avulla valotan bikerkulttuurin eetoksen syntyä, alkuvaiheita, leviämistä ja keskeisiä elementtejä. Lähdeaineiston monimuotoisuus ja runsaus palautuu kenttätyöhöni jolloin vakuutuin siitä, että tutkimusmatka bikerkulttuurin historiaan, perinteisiin ja median välittämiin (mieli)kuviin on välttämätöntä, sillä menneisyys ja Harrikkaan ajan kuluessa varastoituneet merkitykset vaikuttavat ja ovat vahvasti läsnä Misfit MC:n toiminnassa ja talliin kuuluvien miesten elämäntyylissä. Tutkimus etenee seuraavanlaisesti. Luku I on Johdanto. Luvussa II Etnografia käsittelen etnografisen tiedon luonnetta niin tutkimusasenteena kuin kenttätyön valossa. Pohdin kenttätyötä ja sen suhdetta etnografian kirjoittamiseen eli miten kenttätyöllä kerätty aineisto muuntuu etnografiseksi monografiaksi. Käsittelen myös kenttätyöni reunaehtoja, kuten tyttöystävyyden ja sukupuolen merkitystä, ja tarkastelen tutussa kulttuurissa tehdyn kenttätyön ominaispiirteitä. Reunaehtojen kuvailu toimii myös johdatuksena bikerkulttuuriin sellaisena kuin se ilmenee Misfit MC:n tallielämässä ja käytänteissä. Lopuksi pohdin "tiheän kuvauksen" mahdollisuuksia ja vaateita aineistoni puitteissa. Luvussa III Bikerkulttuurin eetosta kartoittamassa, kuvailen Harley-Davidson-moottoripyörän ympärille rakentuneen elämäntavan syntyä, levittäytymistä ja keskeisiä elementtejä. Tarkastelen media- ja populaarikulttuurisia tekstejä (elokuvien kertomat tarinat, musiikkikappaleiden sanoitukset ja HD- ja bikerlehtien artikkelit) ja kuvia (elokuvien audiovisuaaliset aspektit, kuvataide ja HD- ja bikerlehtien kuvitus), jotka ovat vaikuttaneet bikerkulttuurin eetokseen. Luvun keskeisiä - aineistosta nousevia ja miessukupuoleen vahvasti sidoksissa olevia - käsitteitä ovat biker, outlaw ja chopper, jotka ovat bikerkulttuurissa säilyneet alkuperäisessä muodossa maantieteellisestä tai kielialueesta riippumatta. Luvussa IV Misfit MC ja bikerkulttuurin eetos temaattinen painopiste siirtyy Suomeen ja Misfit MC:hen. Aluksi käyn läpi suomalaisen bikerkulttuurin muotoutumista ja ominaispiirteitä. Alkukappaleiden jälkeen keskityn Misfit MC:n jäsenten elämäntyylin sävyihin ja heidän käsityksiinsä bikerkulttuurin eetoksesta. Analyysin kiintopisteitä ovat Misfit MC:n jäsenten näkemys bikeriydestä ja tallitoiminnasta, miesten elämäntyylin moraaliset ja esteettiset sävyt, tallirakennus miesyhteisöllisyyttä ja bikerkulttuurin eetosta luovana ja ylläpitävänä sosiaalisena tilana ja Misfit MC miesten yhteisönä. Luvussa V Eetoksen ytimessä: mies ja Harley-Davidson keskityn bikerkulttuurin ytimeen: miehen ja Harley-Davidson-moottoripyörän väliseen suhteeseen. Luvun alussa esittelen ruotsalaisen yhteiskuntatieteilijä Lars Lagergrenin moottoripyörään soveltamaa työkalu - leikkikalu - toteemi - välittäjä -typologiaa ja tarkastelen moottoripyörän olemusta sukupuolittavana ja sukupuolittuvana artefaktina. Johdanto-osion jälkeen siirryn kuvailemaan Misfit MC:n jäsenten suhdetta Harley-Davidson-moottoripyörään. Lähestyn miesten ja moottoripyörien suhdetta kahden toiminnan - moottoripyörän kunnostamisen ja rakentamisen sekä moottoripyörällä ajamisen - kautta. Avainsanat: aineellinen kulttuuri, arvot, biker, bikerkulttuuri, chopper, eetos, elämäntapa, etnografia, Harley-Davidson-moottoripyörä, Harley-Davidson-moottoripyöräkerho, kenttätyö, maskuliinisuus, mieskulttuuri, mieskuva, moottoripyöräily, osakulttuurit, outlaw, populaarikulttuuri, sukupuoliroolit, yhteisöt


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This paper investigates the challenges of delivering parent training intervention for autism over video. We conducted a qualitative field study of an intervention, which is based on a well-established training program for parents of children with autism, called Hanen More Than Words. The study was conducted with a Hanen Certified speech pathologist who delivered video based training to two mothers, each with a son having autism. We conducted observations of 14 sessions of the intervention spanning 3 months along with 3 semi-structured interviews with each participant. We identified different activities that participants performed across different sessions and analysed them based upon their implications on technology. We found that all the participants welcomed video based training but they also faced several difficulties, particularly in establishing rapport with other participants, inviting equal participation, and in observing and providing feedback on parent-child interactions. Finally, we reflect on our findings and motivate further investigations by defining three design sensitivities of Adaptation, Group Participation, and Physical Setup.


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Corepresentations of a coalgebra over a quadratic operad are defined, and various characterizations of them are given. Cohomology of such an operadic coalgebra with coefficients in a corepresentation is then studied.


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Donald Horne famously wrote, ‘Australia was born urban and quickly grew suburban’ (1964), an observation that carries a weight of assumptions about suburban living. Historically, the Australian suburbs have been regarded as places of retreat, family life and female activity, and subsequently as a place where not much of interest happens. By contrast, a city's central areas are seen as more dynamic spaces and, with recent creative city thinking and planning, as potential powerhouses of innovation and creativity. This article challenges assumptions about suburban living as passive places of retreat through an examination of women in the creative workforce who are living and working in the suburbs. It draws on historical accounts of creative suburban activity and a research project that mapped and investigated the experience of creative workers in the outer suburbs of Brisbane and Melbourne. The study finds that there is much creative work occurring in suburban localities, but this is not as unusual as might be expected.


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Background In order to increase the efficient allocation of soil-transmitted helminth (STH) disease control resources in the Philippines, we aimed to describe for the first time the spatial variation in the prevalence of A. lumbricoides, T. trichiura and hookworm across the country, quantify the association between the physical environment and spatial variation of STH infection and develop predictive risk maps for each infection. Methodology/Principal Findings Data on STH infection from 35,573 individuals across the country were geolocated at the barangay level and included in the analysis. The analysis was stratified geographically in two major regions: 1) Luzon and the Visayas and 2) Mindanao. Bayesian geostatistical models of STH prevalence were developed, including age and sex of individuals and environmental variables (rainfall, land surface temperature and distance to inland water bodies) as predictors, and diagnostic uncertainty was incorporated. The role of environmental variables was different between regions of the Philippines. This analysis revealed that while A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura infections were widespread and highly endemic, hookworm infections were more circumscribed to smaller foci in the Visayas and Mindanao. Conclusions/Significance This analysis revealed significant spatial variation in STH infection prevalence within provinces of the Philippines. This suggests that a spatially targeted approach to STH interventions, including mass drug administration, is warranted. When financially possible, additional STH surveys should be prioritized to high-risk areas identified by our study in Luzon.


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Flood extent mapping is a basic tool for flood damage assessment, which can be done by digital classification techniques using satellite imageries, including the data recorded by radar and optical sensors. However, converting the data into the information we need is not a straightforward task. One of the great challenges involved in the data interpretation is to separate the permanent water bodies and flooding regions, including both the fully inundated areas and the wet areas where trees and houses are partly covered with water. This paper adopts the decision fusion technique to combine the mapping results from radar data and the NDVI data derived from optical data. An improved capacity in terms of identifying the permanent or semi-permanent water bodies from flood inundated areas has been achieved. Computer software tools Multispec and Matlab were used.


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This paper addresses the challenges of flood mapping using multispectral images. Quantitative flood mapping is critical for flood damage assessment and management. Remote sensing images obtained from various satellite or airborne sensors provide valuable data for this application, from which the information on the extent of flood can be extracted. However the great challenge involved in the data interpretation is to achieve more reliable flood extent mapping including both the fully inundated areas and the 'wet' areas where trees and houses are partly covered by water. This is a typical combined pure pixel and mixed pixel problem. In this paper, an extended Support Vector Machines method for spectral unmixing developed recently has been applied to generate an integrated map showing both pure pixels (fully inundated areas) and mixed pixels (trees and houses partly covered by water). The outputs were compared with the conventional mean based linear spectral mixture model, and better performance was demonstrated with a subset of Landsat ETM+ data recorded at the Daly River Basin, NT, Australia, on 3rd March, 2008, after a flood event.


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Novel and useful ideas and creative behaviours originate in varied work environments, yet the characteristics of work environments that stimulate and foster such creative behaviours are not well defined. The aim of this study was to identify the influences that contribute to creative behaviours in the work environment of a global project-based professional service organization. This article is based on an investigation of the work environment of one project team undertaking interdisciplinary work in the construction of a processing plant in a remote location. This multi-disciplinary team encouraged creative behaviours through regular team meetings, ensuring the presentation of diverse views and commitments to regular interaction and collaboration in co-located environments. In addition, a technology manager dedicated to identifying potential opportunities for patenting and commercialization further extended the creative behaviours of the team by focusing on the best solution for each situation. The study contributes new knowledge to research regarding work environments that facilitate creative behaviours.


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A detailed study is presented of the expected performance of the ATLAS detector. The reconstruction of tracks, leptons, photons, missing energy and jets is investigated, together with the performance of b-tagging and the trigger. The physics potential for a variety of interesting physics processes, within the Standard Model and beyond, is examined. The study comprises a series of notes based on simulations of the detector and physics processes, with particular emphasis given to the data expected from the first years of operation of the LHC at CERN.


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Det är helt naturligt att konsumenterna sprider marknadsinformation genom att sinsemellan prata om sina konsumtionserfarenheter. Även om man i marknadsföringslitteraturen betonar den konsumentdominerade informella marknadskommunikationens genuina karaktär jämfört med den företagsdominerade formella marknadskommunikationen, så har man rätt dåliga kunskaper om företagets möjligheter att systematiskt utnyttja denna typ av marknadskommunikation. Min analys tyder på att den beteendevetenskapliga och den företagsekonomiska word-of-mouth-forskningen anlägger olika perspektiv som inte möter varandra. Den beteendevetenskapliga word-of-mouth-forskningen har tydligare satt fokus på själva företeelsen informell marknadskommunikation, men perspektivet har inte varit speciellt företagsorienterat. Den företagsekonomiska word-of-mouth-forskningen har i sin tur varit betydligt tydligare fokuserad på möjligheterna att använda informell marknadskommunikation, men däremot har man inte fäst speciellt mycket uppmärksamhet vid själva företeelsen informell marknadskommunikation. Min kontribution till den vetenskapliga diskussionen om företagens möjligheter att systematisera utnyttjandet av informell marknadskommunikation består i att överbrygga denna dualism inom word-of-mouth-forskningen genom att anlägga ett företagsperspektiv på den sociala dynamiken för informell marknadskommunikation. Denna ansats har sin teoretiska förankring hos de s.k. moderna men bortglömda pionjärerna, med vilka jag avser Johan Arndt, Donald Cox och Ernest Dichters kontribution till den företagsorienterade word-of-mouth-forskningen redan i slutet av 1960-talet. Efter det har deras synpunkter och insikter varken förts vidare eller vidareutvecklats, vilket jag betraktar som ett bakslag för den företagsorienterade word-of-mouth-forskningen. Föreliggande studie har bidragit till word-of-mouth-forskningen på tre olika sätt: genom 1) bidrag baserat på litteraturanalys, 2) bidrag baserat på empirianalys och 3) bidrag baserat på begreppsligande av informell marknadskommunikation. Min litteraturanalys framställer word-of-mouth-forskningens uppkomst och utveckling i ny dager. Min empirianalys har genererat empiriska begrepp, dels för att beskriva informell marknadskommunikation som företeelse, dels för att beskriva företagens förfarande för att systematisera utnyttjandet av sådan marknadskommunikation. Den begreppsliga kontributionen accentueras i informell marknadskommunikation som ett samlingsbegrepp för olika typer av interkonsumentkommunikation.


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CMPs enable simultaneous execution of multiple applications on the same platforms that share cache resources. Diversity in the cache access patterns of these simultaneously executing applications can potentially trigger inter-application interference, leading to cache pollution. Whereas a large cache can ameliorate this problem, the issues of larger power consumption with increasing cache size, amplified at sub-100nm technologies, makes this solution prohibitive. In this paper in order to address the issues relating to power-aware performance of caches, we propose a caching structure that addresses the following: 1. Definition of application-specific cache partitions as an aggregation of caching units (molecules). The parameters of each molecule namely size, associativity and line size are chosen so that the power consumed by it and access time are optimal for the given technology. 2. Application-Specific resizing of cache partitions with variable and adaptive associativity per cache line, way size and variable line size. 3. A replacement policy that is transparent to the partition in terms of size, heterogeneity in associativity and line size. Through simulation studies we establish the superiority of molecular cache (caches built as aggregations of molecules) that offers a 29% power advantage over that of an equivalently performing traditional cache.