867 resultados para Critical analysis


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Australia has experienced difficulties engaging with Asia-Pacific regional integration. Despite Australian attempts to punch above its weight in regional forums and to be a regional leader, it is still not regarded as a full member or as quite fitting into the region. It is an ‘awkward partner’ in the Asian context, and has experienced the ‘liminality’ of being neither here nor there. The former Rudd government’s proposal for an ‘Asia Pacific Community’ (APC) by the year 2020 was a substantive initiative in Australia’s ongoing engagement with Asia. It has, however, attracted a high level of criticism both at home and abroad. The main critical analysis of the proposal has focused on institutional building or architecture, or its relationship with existing regional institutions, but overlooks a host of often fraught questions about culture,
norms, identities, and international power relations. The APC concept needs to be scrutinized in terms of these questions with a critical eye. This paper examines the cultural, cognitive, and normative dimensions of Rudd’s proposal. It analyses four dilemmas or awkward problems that the APC faces.


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Over the past three decades, debates about legal reforms to lethal violence have been evident across Australia and in other jurisdictions. While these debates have often arisen from shared concerns, the resulting reforms have taken different approaches to reformulating the defences to murder. This article considers the divergent approaches taken to reform and the process of law reform itself, documenting the significance of localised histories and high profile cases. It also questions whether reforms to the defences to murder have responded adequately to the varying contexts within which men and women kill. The analysis reveals the limitations of law reform inquiries that fail to take a comprehensive approach to considering the operation of the laws in this area. The article calls for ongoing critical analysis of homicide within and beyond the law.


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This performative, multi-media lecture re-reads Guy Debord’s book, The Society of the Spectacle (1967) with reference to the global Occupy movement, and the role social media and the Internet play in the facilitation and hindrance of this recent form of political activism. Debord claims that all ‘having’ — that is, all forms of accumulating capital — ‘derives its immediate prestige and its ultimate purpose from appearances’, and that individual reality, which is shaped by social forces, can ‘appear only if it is not actually real (Debord, thesis 18).’ Using the multiple functions and staggering proliferation of various image making technologies used to record and represent OCCUPY actions as a starting point, we respond to Debord’s proposition by examining the ways his analysis of the spectacle both enables and impedes a thorough critique of social media as a spectacular technology par excellence. Part reflective essay, part critical analysis, and part performance, ‘Click if You Like This’ connects various situationist strategies of ‘artistic interference’ — such as the dérive and détournement — with expanded cinema in order to generate a series of questions and provocations about the politics of place, the degradation of social space, networked images and the ubiquity of contemporary ‘spectacular’ technologies, which have colonized all forms of everyday life. This presentation questions whether contemporary forms and strategies of interference are the same as their historical precedents.


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This research book presents a critical analysis of mandatory food fortification as a technology for protecting and promoting public health. Increasing numbers of foods fortified with novel amounts and combinations of nutrients are being introduced into the food supplies of countries around the world to raise populations’ nutrient intakes. Three topical food fortification case studies representing the different public health rationales for adding nutrients to food were assessed for their public health benefits, risks and ethical considerations: Universal salt iodisation (USI) to help prevent iodine deficiency disorders; mandatory flour fortification with folic acid (MFFFA) to help prevent neural tube defects; and mandatory milk fortification with vitamin D (MMFVD) to help prevent vitamin D deficiency. These assessments found that whereas USI performs strongly as a public health intervention, MFFFA and MMFVD are associated with more risks and less ethical justification than an alternative policy option. Food fortification can be a blunt policy response to complex policy problems. The findings highlight that the primary predictor of a mandatory food fortification policy’s benefits, risks and ethics is its ability to address the underlying cause of the policy problem. The analysis of the policy-making processes for each case study found that certain powerful actors use their influence to determine what counts as evidence in policy processes to privilege food fortification activities over alternative policy options. Policy-making frequently was notable for the low prominence it afforded ethical considerations and its lack of public engagement. Priority activities to help strengthen policy processes and outcomes are suggested.


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This chapter begins with an exploration of the digital divide in the Australian context. This discussion is followed by an examination of online education, professional development and the capacity of ICT to enhance the well-being of practitioners. The chapter then focuses on the use of ICT in human services and the rise of computer mediated self help and support groups. The potential for ICT to promote and extend political participation is also explored as well as the role of ICT in global development. Throughout, the potential for inclusion and exclusion is highlighted, using examples and critical analysis for exploring the inclusionary and exclusionary capacity of ICT.


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Problem Statement
This paper responds to criticism of Kurt Lewin’s three step model of organizational change in increasingly turbulent environments. It explores whether the refreeze step of Kurt Lewin’s notable three step model is still applicable to organizational change processes in the age of globalisation and digitalisation.

Literature review and critical analysis of applied examples are used to provide an overview of Kurt Lewin’s three-step change model. Authors’ observations and reflections are integrated in the discussion. The changing contemporary environment and the implications for the refreeze step of Lewin’s model are accordingly discussed.

The paper concludes that a balance of stability and movement; of discrete and emergent change; is the reality for today’s organizations, and forms the touchstone for Lewin’s formulation of change theories. Alignment is observed between notions of desired equilibrium in Lewin’s model and the contemporary underpinnings of sustainability. Technology and the modern pace of organizational change are also factors to consider. There has hence been an adaptation of his theoretical heritage that is current and sufficiently robust to withstand the criticisms of the refreeze stage.


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This paper raises the t/horny question of performing (as opposed to reading) Joyce’s representation of the body. It emerges out of twenty years of performance of Joyce’s texts, and the challenges they represent, specifically in the matter of enacting abjection, on the stage. When the abject is theorized, it is frequently in the contexts of power, or melancholia or horror. What is fascinating about Joyce’s treatment of bodies is that the context is usually that of comedy, and the rigorous and critical analysis of codes and conventions surrounding the right and proper body. While it is tempting to play for laughs and shock effects that elicit laughter, and directors frequently do, the paper asks if there are limits to staging Joyce’s most abject moments, and whether to do so is to dishonor or cheapen Joyce’s insanely meticulous methods of building character.


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The thesis consists of a creative component, two short stories, 'The Conservatory' and 'Psychosis', and a novella, 'The Lady of Tangiers', in the genre of Gothic fiction, and accompanying theoretical component with a psychological interpretation of literature, including theories of C.G.Jung, identifying psychological elements including symbolism of the unconscious, transformation and individuation in the short stories 'The Conservatory' and 'Psychosis', and an analysis of the novella 'The Lady of Tangiers', discussing the essay 'The Uncanny' by Sigmund Freud. The critical analysis and interpretation of the writing reflects the psychological development of the individual.


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This paper raises issues concerning the relationship between student assessment and the values which academic institutions propagate. It argues that many current assessment practices are incompatible with the goals of independence, thoughtfulness and critical analysis to which most academics would subscribe; that forms of assessment which are commonplace are not consistent with the behaviour of academics in their own contributions to knowledge; and that there is evidence to suggest that the assessment policy of many departments undermines deep approaches to learning on the part of students. Some indications are given of possible strategies to address the problems which have been identified, drawing upon ideas from academic and professional practice in general and self-assessment and peer review in particular.


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Although many schools and educational systems, from elementary to tertiary level, state that they endorse anti-homophobic policies, pedagogies and programs, there appears to be an absence of education about, and affirmation of, bisexuality and minimal specific attention paid to bi-phobia. Bisexuality appears to be falling into the gap between the binary of heterosexuality and homosexuality that informs anti-homophobic policies, programs, and practices in schools initiatives such as health education, sexuality education, and student welfare. These erasures and exclusions leave bisexual students, family members and educators feeling silenced and invisibilized within school communities. Also absent is attention to intersectionality, or how indigeneity, gender, class, ethnicity, rurality and age interweave with bisexuality. Indeed, as much research has shown, erasure, exclusion, and the absence of intersectionality have been considered major factors in bisexual young people, family members and educators in school communities experiencing worse mental, emotional, sexual and social health than their homosexual or heterosexual counterparts.This book is the first of its kind, providing an international collection of empirical research, theory and critical analysis of existing educational resources relating to bisexuality in education. Each chapter addresses three significant issues in relation to bisexuality and schooling: erasure, exclusion, and the absence of intersectionality. From indigenous to rural schools, from tertiary campuses to elementary schools, from films to picture books as curriculum resources, from educational theory to the health and wellbeing of bisexual students, this book's contributors share their experiences, expertise and ongoing questions.


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 Dr Wake presents a comprehensive thesis of Australian journalism education and training in the context of foreign aid and policy, particularly as applied in the Solomon Islands. Although it is essentially about journalism, the thesis also adds to the field of development studies. Dr Wake has used Bourdieu’s field theory to underpin her critical analysis.


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A atividade postal se constitui numa das formas mais antigas de prestação de serviços da história da humanidade e tem início com a necessidade de comunicação das pessoas. O setor postal se organiza de acordo com a legislação dos Países, normalmente, em prestação de serviços públicos, a exemplo do que ocorre no Brasil. A realidade mercadológica do mundo tem mudado o relacionamento das organizações com os seus clientes, principalmente em função da globalização. O setor postal Brasileiro experimenta estas mudanças e passa a dedicar mais atenção aos clientes, através das atividades que desenvolve. Uma das maneiras de conferir se a atividade produz o resultado que se espera é a medição. E, analisando o caso dos Correios da Bahia, encontrou-se a oportunidade de implementar um modelo de avaliação de desempenho e gestão que poderá reorientar as atividades da organização, considerando outras variáveis além das operacionais, como financeiras, do ambiente interno, dos clientes e da responsabilidade social da organização. O caso foi estudado a partir de três modelos de avaliação de desempenho e gestão, com a opção por um deles. A escolha do modelo está vinculada aos objetivos do estudo, que são voltados à análise crítica dos indicadores de desempenho e a conseqüente proposição de um modelo capaz de corrigir desvios e adequar o processo de gestão. Dentre os modelos analisados, encontram-se o Quantum (HRONEC), o Capital Intelectual (STEWART) e o Balanced Scorecard (KAPLAN & NORTON), sendo que este último foi o proposto para o acompanhamento da gestão. Em razão das características e particularidades dos Correios da Bahia, foi sugerida uma alteração na arquitetura original do Balanced Scorecard, sendo incluída a perspectiva da responsabilidade social e do aspecto legal no campo das medições. O modelo é composto por cinco perspectivas com seus respectivos objetivos estratégicos, vinculados aos fatores críticos de sucesso e foi adaptado da obra Organização voltada para a estratégia dos autores KAPLAN & NORTON (2001). Com a adoção do modelo proposto é possível que as distorções verificadas na pesquisa sejam corrigidas e a gestão dos Correios da Bahia seja conduzida para o futuro de forma equilibrada.


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Neste relatório apresentaremos a análise crítica do tema Paradoxos Organizacionais e apresentaremos 3 estudos de caso onde pode compreender a aplicação do conceito de paradoxos organizacionais em situações de mudanças organizacionais. Utilizaremos o paradigma da Sociologia Interpretativa em nossas análises, mais especificamente os trabalhos de Peter Berger e Thomas Luckmann e a metodologia Etnográfica para estudo de caso, conforme apresentado no corpo do trabalho.


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Vários autores defendem a evolução dos sistemas de produção atuais para o que seria um modelo pós-industrial ou informacional, revendo alguns conceitos fundamentais no campo da administração, como a padronização da produção, as economias de escala, os fatores de motivação do grupos organizacionais e a estrutura organizacional. Autores como Alvin Tofler e Daniel Bell falaram em industrialismo e informacionalismo (ou pós-industrialismo). (Tofler, 1970, 1980; Bell, 1970). Estes conceitos estão sendo retomados por outros autores, atualmente, para descrever a evolução da sociedade ocidental e das organizações. (Castells, 1999) (De Masi, 2000). O surgimento do conceito de aprendizagem organizacional a partir de um certo momento, entrou na moda e passou a fazer parte do discurso empresarial padrão, estando associado ao modelo Pós-Industrial. Pretende-se, neste projeto, fazer uma análise crítica da evolução do conceito de aprendizagem nas organizações, definindo-se e analisando-se as diversas teorias que tratam deste tema.