973 resultados para Control (Psychology)
Alcohols and acids can be switched to produce ethers or esters by varying the alcohol to catalyst mol ratio, in a new etherification and esterification method using NbCl5/Al2O3 catalyst under ""solvent free"" conditions and promoted by MW (microwave) irradiation. A ""two sites"" mechanism for the reaction is proposed, in an attempt to clarify the tendency of the catalyst to be dependent on the alcohol alone during the esterification process. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fear-relevant stimuli, such as snakes, spiders and heights, preferentially capture attention as compared to nonfear-relevant stimuli. This is said to reflect an encapsulated mechanism whereby attention is captured by the simple perceptual features of stimuli that have evolutionary significance. Research, using pictures of snakes and spiders, has found some support for this account; however, participants may have had prior fear of snakes and spiders that influenced results. The current research compared responses of snake and spider experts who had little fear of snakes and spiders, and control participants across a series of affective priming and visual search tasks. Experts discriminated between dangerous and nondangerous snakes and spiders, and expert responses to pictures of nondangerous snakes and spiders differed from those of control participants. The current results dispute that stimulus fear relevance is based purely on perceptual features, and provides support for the role of learning and experience.
The Australian Universities Teaching Committee (AUTC) funds projects intended to improve the quality of teaching and learning in specific disciplinary areas. The project brief for 'Learning Outcomes and Curriculum Development in Psychology' for 2004/2005 was to 'produce an evaluative overview of courses ... with a focus on the specification and assessment of learning outcomes and ... identify strategic directions for universities to enhance teaching and learning'. This project was awarded to a consortium from The University of Queensland, University of Tasmania, and Southern Cross University. The starting point for this project is an analysis of the scientist-practitioner model and its role in curriculum design, a review of current challenges at a conceptual level, and consideration of the implications of recent changes to universities relating to such things as intemationalisation of programs and technological advances. The project will seek to bring together stakeholders from around the country in order to survey the widest possible range of perspectives on the project brief requirements. It is hoped also to establish mechanisms for fiiture scholarly discussion of these issues, including the establishment of an Australian Society for the Teaching of Psychology and an annual conference.
A new solution route for the obtainment of highly pure luminescent rare-earth orthophosphates in hydrothermal conditions was developed. By starting from soluble precursors (lanthanide tripolyphosphato complexes. i.e. with P(3)O(10)(5) as a complexing agent and as in orthophosphate source) and by applying surfactants in a water/toluene medium, the precipitations are confined to reverse micelle structures, thus yielding nanosized and homogeneous orthophosphates The method was employed to obtain lanthanide-activated lanthanum phosphates, which can be applied as red (LaPO(4):Eu(3+)), green (LaPO(4):Ce(3+), Tb(3+)) and blue (LaPO(4):Tm(3+)) phosphors The produced materials were analyzed by powder X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy, infrared spectroscopy and luminescence spectroscopy (emission, excitation, lifetimes and chromaticity coordinates) (C) 2009 Elsevier B V All rights reserved
In primates, the observation of meaningful, goaldirected actions engages a network of cortical areas located within the premotor and inferior parietal lobules. Current models suggest that activity within these regions arises relatively automatically during passive action observation without the need for topdown control. Here we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to determine whether cortical activit)' associated with action observation is modulated by the strategic allocation of selective attention. Normal observers viewed movie clips of reach-to-grasp actions while performing an easy or difficult visual discrimination at the fovea. A wholebrain analysis was performed to determine the effects of attentional load on neural responses to observed hand actions. Our results suggest that cortical areas involved in action observation are significantiy modulated by attentional load. These findings have important implications for recent attempts to link the human action-observation system to response properties of "mirror neurons" in monkeys.
Reinforcement Omission Effects (ROEs), indicated by higher rate of responses after nonreinforced trials in a partial reinforcement schedule, have been interpreted as behavioral transient facilitation after nonreinforcement induced by primary frustration, and/or behavioral transient inhibition after reinforcement induced by demotivation or temporal control. The size of the ROEs should depend directly on the reinforcement magnitude. The present experiment aimed to clarify the relationship between reinforcement magnitude and the omission effects manipulating the magnitude linked to discriminative stimuli in a partial reinforcement FI schedule. The results showed that response rates were higher after omission than after reinforcement delivery. Besides, response rates were highest immediately after the reinforcement omission of a larger magnitude than of a smaller magnitude. These data are interpreted in terms of ROEs multiple process behavioral facilitation after nonreinforcement, and behavioral transient inhibition after reinforcement. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present study used a temporal bisection task to investigate whether music affects time estimation differently from a matched auditory neutral stimulus, and whether the emotional valence of the musical stimuli (i.e., sad vs. happy music) modulates this effect. The results showed that, compared to sine wave control music, music presented in a major (happy) or a minor (sad) key shifted the bisection function toward the right, thus increasing the bisection point value (point of subjective equality). This indicates that the duration of a melody is judged shorter than that of a non-melodic control stimulus, thus confirming that ""time flies"" when we listen to music. Nevertheless, sensitivity to time was similar for all the auditory stimuli. Furthermore, the temporal bisection functions did not differ as a function of musical mode. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The evolution of the historiography of psychology in Brazil is surveyed, to describe how the field has evolved from the seminal works of the pioneer, mostly self-taught, psychologists, to the now professional historians working from a variety of theoretical models and methods of inquiry. The first accounts of the history of psychology written by Brazilians and by foreigners are surveyed, as well as the recent works made by researchers linked to the Work Group on the History of Psychology of the Brazilian Association of Research and Graduate Education in Psychology and published in periodicals such as Memorandum and Mnemosine. The present historiography focuses mainly the relationship of psychological knowledge to specific social and cultural conditions, emphasizing themes such as women`s participation in the construction of the field, the development of psychology as a science and as a profession in education and health, and the development of psychology as an expression of Brazilian culture and of the experience of resistance of local communities to domination. To reveal this process of identity construction, a cultural historiography is an important tool, coupled with methodological pluralism.
Rats were trained in a Pavlovian serial ambiguous target discrimination, in which a target cue was reinforced if it was preceded by one stimulus (P -> T+) but was not reinforced if it was preceded by another stimulus (N -> T-). Test performance indicated that stimulus control by these features was weaker than that acquired by features trained within separate serial feature positive (P -> T+, T-) and serial feature negative (N -> W-, W+) discriminations. The form of conditioned responding and the patterns of transfer observed suggested that the serial ambiguous target discrimination was solved by occasion setting. The data are discussed in terms of the use of retrospective coding strategies when solving Pavlovian serial conditional discriminations, and the acquisition of special properties by both feature and target stimuli. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.
The amygdala, the dorsal periaqueductal gray (dPAG), and the media] hypothalamus have long been recognized to be a neural system responsible for the generation and elaboration of unconditioned fear in the brain. It is also well known that this neural substrate is under a tonic inhibitory control exerted by GABA mechanisms. However, whereas there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that the amygdala and dPAG are also able to integrate conditioned fear, it is still unclear, however, how the distinct hypothalamic nuclei participate in fear conditioning. In this work we aimed to examine the extent to which the gabaergic mechanisms of this brain region are involved in conditioned fear using the fear-potentiated startle (FPS). Muscimol, a GABA-A receptor agonist, and semicarbazide, an inhibitor of the GABA synthesizing enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), were used as an enhancer and inhibitor of the GABA mechanisms, respectively. Muscimol and semicarbazide were injected into the anterior hypothalamus (AHN). the dorsomedial part of the ventromedial nucleus (VMHDM), the dorsomedial (DMH) or the dorsal premammillary (PMD) nuclei of male Wistar rats before test sessions of the fear conditioning paradigm. The injections into the DMH and PMD did not produce any significant effects on FPS. On the other hand, muscimol injections into the AHN and VMHDM caused significant reduction in FPS. These results indicate that injections of muscimol and semicarbazide into the DMH and PMD fail to change the FPS, whereas the enhancement of the GABA transmission in the AHN and VMHDM produces a reduction of the conditioned fear responses. On the other hand, the inhibition of this transmission led to an increase of this conditioned response in the AHN. Thus, whereas DMH and PMD are known to be part of the caudal-most region of the medial hypothalamic defensive system, which integrates unconditioned fear, systems mediating conditioned fear select the AHN and VMHDM nuclei that belong to the rostral-most portion of the hypothalamic defense area. Thus, distinct subsets of neurons in the hypothalamus could mediate different aspects of the defensive responses. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Joint pedological, geochemical, hydrological and geophysical investigations were performed to study the coexistence or saline and freshwater lakes in close proximity and similar climatic conditions in the Nhecolandia region, Pantanal wetlands in Brazil. The saline lakes are concentrically surrounded by green sandy loam horizons, which cause differential hydrological regimes. Mg-calcite, K-silicates, and amorphous silica precipitate in the soil cover, whereas Mg-silicates and more soluble Na-carbonates are concentrated in the topsoil along the shore of the saline lake. In saline solutions, some minor elements (As, Se) reach values above the water quality recommendations, whereas others are controlled and incorporated in solid phases (Ba, Sr). Locally, the destruction of the sandy loam horizons generates very acidic soil solution (pH similar to 3.5) through a process not yet understood. The soil distributions indicate that some freshwater lakes are former saline lakes. They are invaded by freshwater after destruction of the sandy loam green horizons, then the freshwater becomes enriched in K(+), SO(4)(2-), Fe, Al, and a stream of minor and trace elements. The formation of these green sandy loam horizons in the saline environment and their destruction in the non-saline one emphasizes the dynamic nature of this environment (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This article discusses the challenges that Bobaljik and Landau (2009) pose to Boeckx and Hornstein`s (2006) movement-based analysis of control in Icelandic. We show in detail that contrary to what Bobaljik and Landau claim, the movement theory of control (with a modification to accommodate quirky Case, a specialty of Icelandic) makes the right empirical cuts regarding the issues they raise, namely, (a) the differences in Case agreement between control and raising constructions, (b) the different patterns of Case transmission (un)available, and (c) the fact that allegedly Case-marked PROs are phonetically null. We argue that rather than being problematic, the data bearing on these issues actually provide independent support to the movement theory of control.
In an article in this journal, Boeckx & Hornstein (2006a) present data from Brazilian Portuguese (BP) as an argument in favor of the Movement Theory of Control (MTC). In this reply, I show that the data presented by those authors do not necessarily argue for a movement analysis of BP finite subjects nor of nonfinite control. I also show that BP provides arguments against the MTC when inflected infinitives are considered. Inflected infinitives may be used in BP in partial control structures, which makes it explicit that a singular matrix argument may control a syntactically plural null subject and shows that these two positions cannot be related by movement. Additionally, I show that the MTC makes the wrong predictions when a language with inflected infinitives is considered.
We compared the responsiveness of the LGN and the early retinotopic cortical areas to stimulation of the two cone-opponent systems (red - green and blue - yellow) and the achromatic system. This was done at two contrast levels to control for any effect of contrast. MR images were acquired on seven subjects with a 4T Bruker MedSpec scanner. The early visual cortical areas were localised by phase encoded retinotopic mapping with a volumetric analysis (Dumoulin et al, 2003 NeuroImage 18 576 - 587). We initially located the LGN in four subjects by using flickering stimuli in a separate scanning session, but subsequently identified it using the experimental stimuli. Experimental stimuli were sine-wave counterphasing rings (2 Hz, 0.5 cycle deg-1), cardinal for the selective activation of the L/M cone-opponent (RG), S cone-opponent (BY), and achromatic (Ach) systems. A region of interest analysis was performed. When presented at equivalent absolute contrasts (cone contrast = 5% - 6%), the BOLD response of the LGN is strongest to isoluminant red - green stimuli and weakest to blue - yellow stimuli, with the achromatic response falling in between. Area V1, on the other hand, responds best to both chromatic stimuli, with the achromatic response falling below. The key change from the LGN to V1 is a dramatic boost in the relative blue - yellow response, which occurred at both contrast levels used. This greatly enhanced cortical response to blue - yellow relative to the red - green and achromatic responses may be due to an increase in cell number and/or cell response between the LGN and V1. We speculate that the effect might reflect the operation of contrast constancy across colour mechanisms at the cortical level.