908 resultados para Computer aided design tool


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Purpose: To investigate the bond strength to dentin of two recent resin-ceramic materials for computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) after 24 hours and after six months storage. Methods and Materials: Ninety cylinders were milled out of Lava Ultimate (3M ESPE) and 90 cylinders out of VITA ENAMIC (VITA Zahnfabrik) (dimension of cylinders: ∅=3.6 mm, h=2 mm). All Lava Ultimate cylinders were sandblasted (aluminium oxide, grain size: 27 μm) and cleaned with ethanol, whereas all VITA ENAMIC cylinders were acid-etched (5% hydrofluoric acid) and cleaned with water-spray. According to the three groups of cements used, the cylinders (n=30/resin-ceramic material) were further pretreated with 1) Scotchbond Universal for RelyX Ultimate (3M ESPE), 2) CLEARFIL Ceramic Primer for PANAVIA F2.0 (Kuraray), or 3) no further pretreatment for Ketac Cem Plus (3M ESPE). The cylinders were then bonded to ground human dentin specimens with 1) Scotchbond Universal and RelyX Ultimate (light-cured), 2) ED PRIMER II and PANAVIA F2.0 (light-cured), or 3) no adhesive system; Ketac Cem Plus (self-cured). Shear bond strength (SBS) was measured after 24 hours for 15 specimens/group and after six months (37°C, 100% humidity) for the other 15 specimens/group. SBS-values were statistically analysed with nonparametric ANOVA followed by exact Wilcoxon rank sum tests (α=0.05). Results: SBS of the two resin-ceramic materials and the three cements after 24 hours and after six months storage are shown in Figure 1. The statistical analysis showed that the duration of storage had a significant effect on SBS of Lava Ultimate for all three cements but had no significant effect on SBS of VITA ENAMIC. For Lava Ultimate SBS-values were (MPa; medians after 24 hours/six months): 13.5/22.5 (p=0.04) for RelyX Ultimate, 11.4/5.8 (p=0.0006) for PANAVIA F2.0, and 0.34/0.09 (p=0.04) for Ketac Cem Plus (Fig. 1). For VITA ENAMIC SBS-values were (MPa; medians after 24 hours/six months): 16.0/21.2 (p=0.10) for RelyX Ultimate, 11.4/14.4 (p=0.06) for PANAVIA F2.0, and 0.43/0.41 (p=0.32) for Ketac Cem Plus (Fig. 1). After 24 hours, there was no significant difference in SBS between Lava Ultimate and VITA ENAMIC for all three cements (p≥0.37). After six months, there was no significant difference in SBS between Lava Ultimate and VITA ENAMIC for RelyX Ultimate and Ketac Cem Plus (p≥0.07) whereas for PANAVIA F2.0, SBS was significantly lower for Lava Ultimate than for VITA ENAMIC (p<0.0001). Conclusion: SBS of Lava Ultimate was more affected by six months storage and by the cement used than was VITA ENAMIC.


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PURPOSE To evaluate technical complications and failures of zirconia-based fixed prostheses supported by implants. MATERIALS AND METHODS Consecutive patients received zirconia-based single crowns (SCs) and fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) on implants in a private clinical setting between 2005 and 2010. One dentist performed all surgical and prosthetic procedures, and one master technician performed and coordinated all laboratory procedures. One-piece computer-aided design/ computer-assisted manufacture technology was used to fabricate abutments and frameworks, which were directly connected at the implant level, where possible. All patients were involved in a recall maintenance program and were finally reviewed in 2012. Data on framework fractures, chipping of veneering ceramics, and other technical complications were recorded. The primary endpoint was failure of the prostheses, ie, the need for a complete remake. A life table analysis was calculated. RESULTS A total of 289 implants supported 193 zirconia-based prostheses (120 SCs and 73 FDPs) in 127 patients (51 men, 76 women; average age: 62.5 ± 13.4 years) who were reviewed in 2012. Twenty-five (13%) prostheses were cemented on 44 zirconia abutments and 168 (87%) prostheses were screw-retained directly at the implant level. Fracture of 3 frameworks (1 SC, 2 FDPs) was recorded, and significant chipping resulted in the remake of 3 prostheses (1 SC, 2 FDPs). The 7-year cumulative survival rate was 96.4% ± 1.99%. Minor complications comprised 5 loose screws (these were retightened), small chips associated with 3 prostheses (these were polished), and dislodgement of 3 prostheses (these were recemented). Overall, 176 prostheses remained free of technical problems. CONCLUSIONS Zirconia-based prostheses screwed directly to implants are clinically successful in the short and medium term.


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PURPOSE The objective of this study was to evaluate stiffness, strength, and failure modes of monolithic crowns produced using computer-aided design/computer-assisted manufacture, which are connected to diverse titanium and zirconia abutments on an implant system with tapered, internal connections. MATERIALS AND METHODS Twenty monolithic lithium disilicate (LS2) crowns were constructed and loaded on bone level-type implants in a universal testing machine under quasistatic conditions according to DIN ISO 14801. Comparative analysis included a 2 × 2 format: prefabricated titanium abutments using proprietary bonding bases (group A) vs nonproprietary bonding bases (group B), and customized zirconia abutments using proprietary Straumann CARES (group C) vs nonproprietary Astra Atlantis (group D) material. Stiffness and strength were assessed and calculated statistically with the Wilcoxon rank sum test. Cross-sections of each tested group were inspected microscopically. RESULTS Loaded LS2 crowns, implants, and abutment screws in all tested specimens (groups A, B, C, and D) did not show any visible fractures. For an analysis of titanium abutments (groups A and B), stiffness and strength showed equally high stability. In contrast, proprietary and nonproprietary customized zirconia abutments exhibited statistically significant differences with a mean strength of 366 N (Astra) and 541 N (CARES) (P < .05); as well as a mean stiffness of 884 N/mm (Astra) and 1,751 N/mm (CARES) (P < .05), respectively. Microscopic cross-sections revealed cracks in all zirconia abutments (groups C and D) below the implant shoulder. CONCLUSION Depending on the abutment design, prefabricated titanium abutment and proprietary customized zirconia implant-abutment connections in conjunction with monolithic LS2 crowns had the best results in this laboratory investigation.


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PURPOSE To compare time-efficiency in the production of implant crowns using a digital workflow versus the conventional pathway. MATERIALS AND METHODS This prospective clinical study used a crossover design that included 20 study participants receiving single-tooth replacements in posterior sites. Each patient received a customized titanium abutment plus a computer-aided design/computer-assisted manufacture (CAD/CAM) zirconia suprastructure (for those in the test group, using digital workflow) and a standardized titanium abutment plus a porcelain-fused-to-metal crown (for those in the control group, using a conventional pathway). The start of the implant prosthetic treatment was established as the baseline. Time-efficiency analysis was defined as the primary outcome, and was measured for every single clinical and laboratory work step in minutes. Statistical analysis was calculated with the Wilcoxon rank sum test. RESULTS All crowns could be provided within two clinical appointments, independent of the manufacturing process. The mean total production time, as the sum of clinical plus laboratory work steps, was significantly different. The mean ± standard deviation (SD) time was 185.4 ± 17.9 minutes for the digital workflow process and 223.0 ± 26.2 minutes for the conventional pathway (P = .0001). Therefore, digital processing for overall treatment was 16% faster. Detailed analysis for the clinical treatment revealed a significantly reduced mean ± SD chair time of 27.3 ± 3.4 minutes for the test group compared with 33.2 ± 4.9 minutes for the control group (P = .0001). Similar results were found for the mean laboratory work time, with a significant decrease of 158.1 ± 17.2 minutes for the test group vs 189.8 ± 25.3 minutes for the control group (P = .0001). CONCLUSION Only a few studies have investigated efficiency parameters of digital workflows compared with conventional pathways in implant dental medicine. This investigation shows that the digital workflow seems to be more time-efficient than the established conventional production pathway for fixed implant-supported crowns. Both clinical chair time and laboratory manufacturing steps could be effectively shortened with the digital process of intraoral scanning plus CAD/CAM technology.


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PURPOSE The study aims to evaluate three-dimensionally (3D) the accuracy of implant impressions using a new resin splinting material, "Smart Dentin Replacement" (SDR). MATERIALS AND METHODS A titanium model of an edentulous mandible with six implant analogues was used as a master model and its dimensions measured with a coordinate measuring machine. Before the total 60 impressions were taken (open tray, screw-retained abutments, vinyl polysiloxane), they were divided in four groups: A (test): copings pick-up splinted with dental floss and fotopolymerizing SDR; B (test): see A, additionally sectioned and splinted again with SDR; C (control): copings pick-up splinted with dental floss and autopolymerizing Duralay® (Reliance Dental Mfg. Co., Alsip, IL, USA) acrylic resin; and D (control): see C, additionally sectioned and splinted again with Duralay. The impressions were measured directly with an optomechanical coordinate measuring machine and analyzed with a computer-aided design (CAD) geometric modeling software. The Wilcoxon matched-pair signed-rank test was used to compare groups. RESULTS While there was no difference (p = .430) between the mean 3D deviations of the test groups A (17.5 μm) and B (17.4 μm), they both showed statistically significant differences (p < .003) compared with both control groups (C 25.0 μm, D 19.1 μm). CONCLUSIONS Conventional impression techniques for edentulous jaws with multiple implants are highly accurate using the new fotopolymerizing splinting material SDR. Sectioning and rejoining of the SDR splinting had no impact on the impression accuracy.


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OBJECTIVE To compare the precision of fit of long-span vs. short-span implant-supported screw-retained fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) made from computer-aided-design/computer-aided-manufactured (CAD/CAM) titanium and veneered with ceramic. The null hypothesis was that there is no difference in the vertical microgap between long-span and short-span FDPs. MATERIALS AND METHODS CAD/CAM titanium frameworks for an implant-supported maxillary FDP on implants with a flat platform were fabricated on one single master cast. Group A consisted of six 10-unit FDPs connected to six implants (FDI positions 15, 13, 11, 21, 23, 25) and group B of six 5-unit FDPs (three implants, FDI positions 21, 23, 25). The CAD/CAM system from Biodenta Swiss AG (Berneck, Switzerland) was used for digitizing (laser scanner) the master cast and anatomical CAD of each framework separately. The frameworks were milled (CAM) from a titanium grade V monobloc and veneered with porcelain. Median vertical distance between implant and FDP platforms from the non-tightened implants (one-screw test on implant 25) was calculated from mesial, buccal, and distal scanning electron microscope measurements. RESULTS All measurements showed values <40 μm. Total median vertical microgaps were 23 μm (range 2-38 μm) for group A and 7 μm (4-24 μm) for group B. The difference between the groups was statistically significant at implant 21 (P = 0.002; 97.5% CI -27.3 to -4.9) and insignificant at implant 23 (P = 0.093; -3.9 to 1.0). CONCLUSIONS CAD/CAM fabrication including laboratory scanning and porcelain firing was highly precise and reproducible for all long- and short-span FDPs. While all FDPs showed clinically acceptable values, the short-span FDPs were statistically more precise at the 5-unit span distance.


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Zielsetzung: Ziel der Studie war die Bestimmung der Dentinhaftkraft von zwei so-genannten Hybridmaterialien für computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) Restaurationen unter Anwendung von fünf verschiedenen Zementen vor und nach sechsmonatiger Lagerung. Materialien und Methoden: Aus extrahierten menschlichen Molaren wurden 300 Dentinprobekörper hergestellt (n=15 pro Gruppe; 10 Gruppen (2 Hybridkeramiken, 5 Zemente) je nach 24 h/nach sechsmonatiger Lagerung). Aus Hybridkeramikblöcken von Lava Ultimate (3M ESPE) und VITA ENAMIC (VITA Zahnfabrik) wurden Zylinder hergestellt, welche standardisiert aufgeraut wurden. Anschliessend wurden die Hybrid-keramikzylinder mit einem der folgenden fünf Zemente auf die Dentinprobekörper zementiert: mit den Kompositzementen RelyX Ultimate (3M ESPE), PANAVIA F2.0 (Kuraray), Variolink II (Ivoclar Vivadent), els cem (Saremco Dental AG) oder als Negativkontrollgruppe mit dem kunststoffmodifizierten Glasionomerzement Ketac Cem Plus (3M ESPE). Die Dentinhaftkraft der Hybridkeramikzylinder wurde einerseits nach 24 h und andererseits nach sechsmonatiger Lagerung via Scherkrafttest bestimmt. Nach dem Scherkrafttest wurde das Bruchmuster unter einem Lichtmikroskop bei 40-facher Vergrösserung beurteilt. Die Dentinhaftkraftwerte wurden mittels nichtparametrischer ANOVA gefolgt von exakten Wilcoxon Rangsummen-Tests statistisch analysiert (α=0,05). Die Beurteilung des Bruchmusters wurde deskriptiv ausgewertet. Resultate: Für die Hybridkeramik Lava Ultimate und nach 24 h erzielten die Kompositzemente RelyX Ultimate und Variolink II die höchsten Dentinhaftkraftwerte. Die Dentinhaftkraftwerte von RelyX Ultimate und Variolink II unterschieden sich nicht signifikant. Die Dentinhaftkraftwerte von PANAVIA F2.0 unterschieden sich ebenfalls nicht signifikant von denjenigen von RelyX Ultimate, waren jedoch signifikant tiefer als diejenigen von Variolink II. Unter allen Kompositzementen erzielte els cem die tiefsten Dentinhaftkraftwerte. Nach sechsmonatiger Lagerung waren die Dentinhaftkraftwerte für RelyX Ultimate die höchsten, gefolgt von Variolink II, von els cem und anschliessend von PANAVIA F2.0, welcher nach sechsmonatiger Lagerung die tiefsten Dentinhaftkraftwerte der Kompositzemente zeigte. Der kunststoffmodifizierte Glasionomerzement Ketac Cem Plus zeigte sowohl nach 24 h als auch nach sechsmonatiger Lagerung die tiefsten Dentinhaftkraftwerte. Für VITA ENAMIC war die Reihenfolge der Zemente nach Dentinhaftkraft nach 24 h ähnlich wie diejenige nach sechsmonatiger Lagerung: Die Dentinhaftkraft war für RelyX Ultimate und Variolink II am höchsten, gefolgt von PANAVIA F2.0, von els cem und schlussendlich von Ketac Cem Plus mit den tiefsten Dentinhaftkraftwerten. Nach 24 h und für alle fünf Zemente unterschieden sich die Dentinhaftkraftwerte zwischen Lava Ultimate und VITA ENAMIC nicht signifikant. Nach sechsmonatiger Lagerung unterschieden sich die Dentinhaftkraftwerte zwischen Lava Ultimate und VITA ENAMIC ebenfalls nicht signifikant für RelyX Ultimate und els cem im Gegensatz zu den Dentinhaftkraftwerten von PANAVIA F2.0, Variolink II und Ketac Cem Plus, welche signifikant tiefer waren für Lava Ultimate als für VITA ENAMIC. Das häufigste Bruch-muster war für Lava Ultimate nach 24 h und für VITA ENAMIC sowohl nach 24 h als auch nach sechsmonatiger Lagerung adhäsiv zwischen Dentin und Zement. Nach sechs-monatiger Lagerung war für Lava Ultimate das häufigste Bruchmuster tendenziell gemischte Brüche. Schlussfolgerung: Basierend auf den Resultaten kann gesagt werden, dass für beide Hybridkeramiken sowohl RelyX Ultimate als auch Variolink II empfohlen werden können. PANAVIA F2.0 kann für VITA ENAMIC empfohlen werden, für Lava Ultimate allerdings weniger, da die Dentinhaftkraft nach sechsmonatiger Lagerung abnahm. Von einer konventionellen (allerdings nicht indizierten und in dieser Studie experimentellen) Zemen-tierung der beiden Hybridkeramiken mit dem kunststoffmodifizierten Glasionomerzement Ketac Cem Plus muss abgeraten werden.


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Zielsetzung: Das Ziel dieser Studie war, den Einfluss von drei Politursystemen auf die Oberflächenrauigkeit von verschiedenen Materialien für computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) Restaurationen mittels Profilometrie sowie die mikromechanischen Eigenschaften der Materialien mittels Mikrohärtemessgerät zu analysieren. Materialien und Methoden: Von dem CAD/CAM-Kompositmaterial Paradigm MZ100 (3M ESPE), der CAD/CAM-Feldspatkeramik VITABLOCS Mark II (VITA Zahnfabrik) und den CAD/CAM-Hybridmaterialien Lava Ultimate (3M ESPE), VITA ENAMIC (VITA Zahnfabrik) und AMBARINO High-Class (Creamed) wurden je 60 Prüfkörper zugeschnitten, gekennzeichnet und standardisiert aufgerauht. Die standardisierte Aufrauhung wurde mit Baseline-Rauigkeitsmessungen überprüft (Ra und Rz; µm). Die Prüfkörper wurden mit einem von drei Politursystemen poliert (n=20 pro CAD/CAM-Material): 1) Sof-Lex Scheiben (Disc-System, 3 Politurschritte: medium, fein und superfein; 3M ESPE), 2) VITA Polishing Set Clinical (Silikonpolitursystem, 2 Politurschritte: medium und fein; VITA Zahnfabrik) oder 3) KENDA Nobilis (Silikonpolierer, 1 Politurschritt (universal); KENDA Dental). Nach Politur der Prüfkörper wurden Ra und Rz sowie die mikromechanischen Eigenschaften Oberflächenhärte (VHN; Vickers Härte) und Elastizitätsmodul (EM; GPa) gemessen. In den darauf folgenden sechs Monaten wurden die Prüfkörper in Leitungswasser gelagert und insgesamt sechs Mal einem maschinellem Zahnbürsten zugeführt. Anschliessend wurden erneut Ra und Rz sowie VHN und EM gemessen. Ra-, Rz-, VHN- und EM-Werte wurden mittels nichtparametrischer ANOVA global analysiert und die p-Werte mittels Bonferroni-Holm Korrektur für multiples Testen korrigiert. Als post-hoc Tests wurden Kruskal-Wallis-Tests sowie exakte Wilcoxon Rangsummen-Tests verwendet und die p-Werte wurden nicht korrigiert. Das Signifikanzniveau wurde auf α=0,05 festgelegt. Resultate: Für alle drei CAD/CAM-Hybridmaterialien ergaben Sof-Lex Scheiben nach der Politur die tiefste Oberflächenrauigkeit (d. h. die tiefsten Ra- und Rz-Werte), gefolgt von KENDA Nobilis und von dem VITA Polishing Set Clinical. Bei dem CAD/CAM-Kompositmaterial sowie bei der CAD/CAM-Feldspatkeramik ergaben Sof-Lex Scheiben und KENDA Nobilis ähnliche Resultate, gefolgt von dem VITA Polishing Set Clinical. Bei einigen CAD/CAM-Materialien zeigten sich – zum Teil in Abhängigkeit des Politursystems – nach maschinellem Zahnbürsten und Lagerung signifikant höhere Ra- und Rz-Werte. Die CAD/CAM-Materialien zeigten unabhängig des Politursystems und der Lagerung signifikant verschiedene VHN- und EM-Werte. Bei einigen CAD/CAM-Materialien zeigten sich – zum Teil ebenfalls in Abhängigkeit des Politursystems – nach maschinellem Zahn-bürsten und Lagerung signifikant tiefere VHN- und EM-Werte. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Wahl des Politursystems beeinflusste die Oberflächenrauigkeit der CAD/CAM-Materialien markant, wobei Sof-Lex Scheiben insgesamt die besten Politurresultate zeigten, gefolgt von dem Silikonpolierer KENDA Nobilis. Von der Verwendung des Silikonpolitursystems VITA Polishing Set Clinical muss eher abgeraten werden. Das CAD/CAM-Kompositmaterial Paradigm MZ100 und die CAD/CAM-Hybridmaterialien Lava Ultimate und AMBARINO High-Class als weichere und elastischere Materialien liessen sich insgesamt besser polieren, waren aber bezüglich mechanischer Eigenschaften anfälliger auf Lagerung als die härtere CAD/CAM-Feldspatkeramik VITABLOCS Mark II und das CAD/CAM-Hybridmaterial VITA ENAMIC.


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En la situación actual, tanto las posibilidades de contratar como los resultados económicos de un astillero, dependen de su capacidad para construir un buque en el plazo mas corto posible. Dentro de los trabajos de diseño y construcción de de un buque el trabajo de tuberías ha sido el que tradicionalmente ha condicionado los plazos de construcción. En este estudio se considerara que se han tenido en cuenta los criterios necesarios para que las instalaciones del buque funcionen correctamente y se verá como los sistemas de diseño influyen en el coste y plazo del buque y, por tanto, en la productividad del astillero. Se estudian los distintos procesos de diseño, fabricación y montaje de tuberías, la evolución de estos procesos a lo largo del tiempo, los módulos de armamento que se realizan en los astilleros, los modelos de cámara de máquinas, y los sistemas de ayuda al diseño por ordenador. El autor, en su puesto de Jefe de la Oficina Tecnológica de la Factoría de Sevilla de Astilleros Españoles en los últimos 12 años, ha tomado parte activa en esta evolución, formando parte de un equipo que ha situado a este astillero entre los mas avanzarlos de Europa. Todo lo anterior sirve de base para la segunda parte de este estudio, donde se abordan las que, en opinión del autor, son las nuevas tendencias en el diseño de tuberías en la construcción naval. V Integración del CAD/CAM o CIM : CAD = computer aided design o diseño asistido por ordenador, CAM = computer aided manufacturing o fabricación asistida por ordenador, CIM = computer integrated manufacturing o fabricación integrada por ordenador. Se estudia la integración de los procesos de diseño con el resto de los procesos de gestión y de producción de un astillero, proponiéndose un modelo de cómo el autor ve esta integración. Se comenta la actual tendencia a pasar de las automatizaciones duras con maquinas especializadas para cada proceso, a las automatizaciones blandas en las que un robot puede realizar distintos procesos modificando su programación. Se estudian las nuevas posibilidades de la normal i zacio'n, de los planos parametrizados y de la tecnología de grupos aportando algunos ejemplos. Se estudia también como los procesos anteriores conducirán a una optimización del producto en sí, es decir a conseguir mejores buques. En las conclusiones destacamos como el camino que tienen los países desarrollados, como el nuestro, para mantener una industria competitiva de construcción naval va por la mecanización de los procesos constructivos siguiendo las tendencias anteriores y obteniendo buques optimizados. vi SUMMARY Under the present situation the possibilities to contract and the economical results of a Shipyard depend on its capacity to build a ship within the shortest time. i Within the works of design and construction of a ship, piping work has traditionally conditioned the construction time. In this study it shall be considered that the necessary criteria for the ship installations to operate correctly have been taken into account and it shall be noticed how the design systems influence on the cost and time of a ship and therefore on the Shipyard's productivity. Studies are made of different design processes, manufacturing and installation of piping, evolution of these processes along the time, outfitting modules made in the Shipyard, engine room models and computerized design aid systems. The author, in his post of Chief of the Technological Office of Sevilla Shipyard of Astilleros Españoles for the last 12 years, has taken an active part in this evolution, making part of a team which has placed this Shipyard among the most advanced in Europe. All of the above is used for the second part of this study, whereby an approach is made to those who, in the author's opinion, are the new trends in the piping design of shipbuilding. vii Integration of CAD/CAM or CIM: CAD = computer aided design, CAM = computer aided manufacturing, CIM = computer integrated manufacturing. i A study is made of the integration of design processes with the remaining step and production Shipyard processes, proposing a model of how the author views this integration. Comments are made on the present trend to go from hard automations with specialized machines for each process to soft automations, in which a robot can carry out different processes modifying its programmes. Studies are made of: New possibility of standardization, parametrized drawings and group technology, bringing some examples. It is also studied how the above processes shall lead to optimize the product itself, that is, to obtain better ships. In the conclusions we stand out how the way of developed countries (as ours) to maintain a competitive shipbuilding industry is by computerizing constructive processes, following the above trends and obtaining better ships.


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El objetivo principal de esta tesis es el desarrollo de herramientas numéricas basadas en técnicas de onda completa para el diseño asistido por ordenador (Computer-Aided Design,‘CAD’) de dispositivos de microondas. En este contexto, se desarrolla una herramienta numérica basada en el método de los elementos finitos para el diseño y análisis de antenas impresas mediante algoritmos de optimización. Esta técnica consiste en dividir el análisis de una antena en dos partes. Una parte de análisis 3D que se realiza sólo una vez en cada punto de frecuencia de la banda de funcionamiento donde se sustituye una superficie que contiene la metalización del parche por puertas artificiales. En una segunda parte se inserta entre las puertas artificiales en la estructura 3D la superficie soportando una metalización y se procede un análisis 2D para caracterizar el comportamiento de la antena. La técnica propuesta en esta tesis se puede implementar en un algoritmo de optimización para definir el perfil de la antena que permite conseguir los objetivos del diseño. Se valida experimentalmente dicha técnica empleándola en el diseño de antenas impresas de banda ancha para diferentes aplicaciones mediante la optimización del perfil de los parches. También, se desarrolla en esta tesis un procedimiento basado en el método de descomposición de dominio y el método de los elementos finitos para el diseño de dispositivos pasivos de microonda. Se utiliza este procedimiento en particular para el diseño y sintonía de filtros de microondas. En la primera etapa de su aplicación se divide la estructura que se quiere analizar en subdominios aplicando el método de descomposición de dominio, este proceso permite analizar cada segmento por separado utilizando el método de análisis adecuado dado que suele haber subdominios que se pueden analizar mediante métodos analíticos por lo que el tiempo de análisis es más reducido. Se utilizan métodos numéricos para analizar los subdominios que no se pueden analizar mediante métodos analíticos. En esta tesis, se utiliza el método de los elementos finitos para llevar a cabo el análisis. Además de la descomposición de dominio, se aplica un proceso de barrido en frecuencia para reducir los tiempos del análisis. Como método de orden reducido se utiliza la técnica de bases reducidas. Se ha utilizado este procedimiento para diseñar y sintonizar varios ejemplos de filtros con el fin de comprobar la validez de dicho procedimiento. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran la utilidad de este procedimiento y confirman su rigurosidad, precisión y eficiencia en el diseño de filtros de microondas. ABSTRACT The main objective of this thesis is the development of numerical tools based on full-wave techniques for computer-aided design ‘CAD’ of microwave devices. In this context, a numerical technique based on the finite element method ‘FEM’ for the design and analysis of printed antennas using optimization algorithms has been developed. The proposed technique consists in dividing the analysis of the antenna in two stages. In the first stage, the regions of the antenna which do not need to be modified during the CAD process are initially characterized only once from their corresponding matrix transfer function (Generalized Admittance matrix, ‘GAM’). The regions which will be modified are defined as artificial ports, precisely the regions which will contain the conducting surfaces of the printed antenna. In a second stage, the contour shape of the conducting surfaces of the printed antenna is iteratively modified in order to achieve a desired electromagnetic performance of the antenna. In this way, a new GAM of the radiating device which takes into account each printed antenna shape is computed after each iteration. The proposed technique can be implemented with a genetic algorithm to achieve the design objectives. This technique is validated experimentally and applied to the design of wideband printed antennas for different applications by optimizing the shape of the radiating device. In addition, a procedure based on the domain decomposition method and the finite element method has been developed for the design of microwave passive devices. In particular, this procedure can be applied to the design and tune of microwave filters. In the first stage of its implementation, the structure to be analyzed is divided into subdomains using the domain decomposition method; this process allows each subdomains can be analyzed separately using suitable analysis method, since there is usually subdomains that can be analyzed by analytical methods so that the time of analysis is reduced. For analyzing the subdomains that cannot be analyzed by analytical methods, we use the numerical methods. In this thesis, the FEM is used to carry out the analysis. Furthermore the decomposition of the domain, a frequency sweep process is applied to reduce analysis times. The reduced order model as the reduced basis technique is used in this procedure. This procedure is applied to the design and tune of several examples of microwave filters in order to check its validity. The obtained results allow concluding the usefulness of this procedure and confirming their thoroughness, accuracy and efficiency for the design of microwave filters.


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El diseño y desarrollo de sistemas de suspensión para vehículos se basa cada día más en el diseño por ordenador y en herramientas de análisis por ordenador, las cuales permiten anticipar problemas y resolverlos por adelantado. El comportamiento y las características dinámicas se calculan con precisión, bajo coste, y recursos y tiempos de cálculo reducidos. Sin embargo, existe una componente iterativa en el proceso, que requiere la definición manual de diseños a través de técnicas “prueba y error”. Esta Tesis da un paso hacia el desarrollo de un entorno de simulación eficiente capaz de simular, analizar y evaluar diseños de suspensiones vehiculares, y de mejorarlos hacia la solución optima mediante la modificación de los parámetros de diseño. La modelización mediante sistemas multicuerpo se utiliza aquí para desarrollar un modelo de autocar con 18 grados de libertad, de manera detallada y eficiente. La geometría y demás características de la suspensión se ajustan a las del vehículo real, así como los demás parámetros del modelo. Para simular la dinámica vehicular, se utiliza una formulación multicuerpo moderna y eficiente basada en las ecuaciones de Maggi, a la que se ha incorporado un visor 3D. Así, se consigue simular maniobras vehiculares en tiempos inferiores al tiempo real. Una vez que la dinámica está disponible, los análisis de sensibilidad son cruciales para una optimización robusta y eficiente. Para ello, se presenta una técnica matemática que permite derivar las variables dinámicas dentro de la formulación, de forma algorítmica, general, con la precisión de la maquina, y razonablemente eficiente: la diferenciación automática. Este método propaga las derivadas con respecto a las variables de diseño a través del código informático y con poca intervención del usuario. En contraste con otros enfoques en la bibliografía, generalmente particulares y limitados, se realiza una comparación de librerías, se desarrolla una formulación híbrida directa-automática para el cálculo de sensibilidades, y se presentan varios ejemplos reales. Finalmente, se lleva a cabo la optimización de la respuesta dinámica del vehículo citado. Se analizan cuatro tipos distintos de optimización: identificación de parámetros, optimización de la maniobrabilidad, optimización del confort y optimización multi-objetivo, todos ellos aplicados al diseño del autocar. Además de resultados analíticos y gráficos, se incluyen algunas consideraciones acerca de la eficiencia. En resumen, se mejora el comportamiento dinámico de vehículos por medio de modelos multicuerpo y de técnicas de diferenciación automática y optimización avanzadas, posibilitando un ajuste automático, preciso y eficiente de los parámetros de diseño. ABSTRACT Each day, the design and development of vehicle suspension systems relies more on computer-aided design and computer-aided engineering tools, which allow anticipating the problems and solving them ahead of time. Dynamic behavior and characteristics are thus simulated accurately and inexpensively with moderate computational times and resources. There is, however, an iterative component in the process, which involves the manual definition of designs in a trialand-error manner. This Thesis takes a step towards the development of an efficient simulation framework capable of simulating, analyzing and evaluating vehicle suspension designs, and automatically improving them by varying the design parameters towards the optimal solution. The multibody systems approach is hereby used to model a three-dimensional 18-degrees-of-freedom coach in a comprehensive yet efficient way. The suspension geometry and characteristics resemble the ones from the real vehicle, as do the rest of vehicle parameters. In order to simulate vehicle dynamics, an efficient, state-of-the-art multibody formulation based on Maggi’s equations is employed, and a three-dimensional graphics viewer is developed. As a result, vehicle maneuvers can be simulated faster than real-time. Once the dynamics are ready, a sensitivity analysis is crucial for a robust optimization. To that end, a mathematical technique is introduced, which allows differentiating the dynamic variables within the multibody formulation in a general, algorithmic, accurate to machine precision, and reasonably efficient way: automatic differentiation. This method propagates the derivatives with respect to the design parameters throughout the computer code, with little user interaction. In contrast with other attempts in the literature, mostly not generalpurpose, a benchmarking of libraries is carried out, a hybrid direct-automatic differentiation approach for the computation of sensitivities is developed, and several real-life examples are analyzed. Finally, a design optimization process of the aforementioned vehicle is carried out. Four different types of dynamic response optimization are presented: parameter identification, handling optimization, ride comfort optimization and multi-objective optimization; all of which are applied to the design of the coach example. Together with analytical and visual proof of the results, efficiency considerations are made. In summary, the dynamic behavior of vehicles is improved by using the multibody systems approach, along with advanced differentiation and optimization techniques, enabling an automatic, accurate and efficient tuning of design parameters.


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The goal of this communication is to offer, through computer-aided design tools, a methodology to recover and virtually reconstruct disappeared buildings of our industrial historical heritage. It will be applied to the case of the flour factory "El Puente Colgante" (The Suspended Bridge) in Aranjuez, which was demolished in 2001. The process is as follows: After a historical analysis of the evolution in time of the flour factory, a field work provides data allowing an info graphic reconstruction of the factory. Once this information has been processed, a lifting of the current state is made with AutoCAD, and a three-dimensional model is built with the Rhinoceros application. Then images of the ensemble are obtained with the applications Rhinoceros and V-Ray, ending with a postproduction with Photoshop. The proposed methodology has permitted to obtain a three-dimensional model of the flour factory ?El Puente Colgante? in Aranjuez, with an accurate virtual reconstruction of its original state prior to demolition. The procedure exposed is susceptible to be generalized for any other example of industrial architecture.


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The possibility of manufacturing textured materials and devices, with surface properties controlled from the design stage, instead of being the result of machining processes or chemical attacks, is a key factor for the incorporation of advanced functionalities to a wide set of micro and nanosystems. Recently developed high-precision additive manufacturing technologies, together with the use of fractal models linked to computer-aided design tools, allow for a precise definition and control of final surface properties for a wide set of applications, although the production of larger series based on these resources is still an unsolved challenge. However, rapid prototypes, with controlled surface topography, can be used as original masters for obtaining micromold inserts for final large-scale series manufacture of replicas using microinjection molding. In this study, an original procedure is presented, aimed at connecting rapid prototyping with microinjection molding, for the mass production of two different microtextured microsystems, linked to tissue engineering tasks, using different thermoplastics as ultimate materials.


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There is a growing need within the footwear sector to customise the design of the last from which a specific footwear style is to be produced. This customisation is necessary for user comfort and health reasons, as the user needs to wear a suitable shoe. For this purpose, a relationship must be established between the user foot and the last with which the style will be made; up until now, no model has existed that integrates both elements. On the one hand, traditional customised footwear manufacturing techniques are based on purely artisanal procedures which make the process arduous and complex; on the other hand, geometric models proposed by different authors present the impossibility of implementing them in an industrial environment with limited resources for the acquisition of morphometric and structural data for the foot, apart from the fact that they do not prove to be sufficiently accurate given the non-similarity of the foot and last. In this paper, two interrelated geometric models are defined, the first, a bio-deformable foot model and the second, a deformable last model. The experiments completed show the goodness of the model, with it obtaining satisfactory results in terms of comfort, efficiency and precision, which make it viable for use in the sector.


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Federal Highway Administration, Office of Safety and Traffic Operations, Washington, D.C.