902 resultados para Composite materials -- Fatigue
Advanced composite materials are increasingly used in the strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. The use of externally bonded strips made of fibre-reinforced plastics (FRP) as strengthening method has gained widespread acceptance in recent years since it has many advantages over the traditional techniques. However, unfortunately, this strengthening method is often associated with a brittle and sudden failure caused by some form of FRP bond failure, originated at the termination of the FRP material or at intermediate areas in the vicinity of flexural cracks in the RC beam. Up to date, little effort in the early prediction of the debonding in its initial instants even though this effect is not noticeable by simple visual observation. An early detection of this phenomenon might help in taking actions to prevent future catastrophes. Fibre-optic Bragg grating (FBG) sensors are able to measure strains locally with high resolution and accuracy. Furthermore, as their physical size is extremely small compared with other strain measuring components, it enables to be embedded at the concrete-FRP interface for determining the strain distribution without influencing the mechanical properties of the host materials. This paper shows the development of a debonding identification methodology based on strains experimentally measured. For, it a simplified model is implemented to simulate the behaviour of FRP-strengthened reinforced concrete beams. This model is taken as a basis to. develop an model updating procedure able to detect minor debonding at the concrete-FRP interface from experimental strains obtained by using FBG sensors embedded at the interface
The influence of singlewalled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) and inorganic fullerenelike tungsten disulfide nanoparticles (IFWS2) on the morphology and thermal, mechanical and electrical performance of multifunctional fibrereinforced polymer composites has been investigated. Significant improvements were observed in stiffness, strength and toughness in poly (ether ether ketone) (PEEK) / (SWCNT) / glass fibre (GF) laminates when a compatibilizer was used for wrapping the CNTs. Hybrid poly(phenylene sulphide) (PPS)/IFWS2/ carbon fibre (CF) reinforced polymer composites showed improved mechanical and tribological properties attributed to a synergetic effect between the IF nanoparticles and CF.
Using inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles and inorganic nanotubes (INT) in organic-inorganic hybrid composite, materials provide the potential for improving thermal, mechanical, and tribological properties of conventional composites. The processing of such high-performance hybrid thermoplastic polymer nanocomposites is achieved via melt-blending without the aid of any modifier or compatibilizing agent. The incorporation of small quantities (0.1-4 wt.%) of IF/INTs (tungsten disulfide, IF-WS2 or molybdenum disulfide, MoS2) generates notable performance enhancements through reinforcement effects and excellent lubricating ability in comparison with promising carbon nanotubes or other inorganic nanoscale fillers. It was shown that these IF/INT nanocomposites can provide an effective balance between performance, cost effectiveness, and processability, which is of significant importance for extending the practical applications of diverse hierarchical thermoplastic-based composites.
Los fenómenos dinámicos pueden poner en peligro la integridad de estructuras aeroespaciales y los ingenieros han desarrollado diferentes estrategias para analizarlos. Uno de los grandes problemas que se plantean en la ingeniería es cómo atacar un problema dinámico estructural. En la presente tesis se plantean distintos fenómenos dinámicos y se proponen métodos para estimar o simular sus comportamientos mediante un análisis paramétrico determinista y aleatorio del problema. Se han propuesto desde problemas sencillos con pocos grados de libertad que sirven para analizar las diferentes estrategias y herramientas a utilizar, hasta fenómenos muy dinámicos que contienen comportamientos no lineales, daños y fallos. Los primeros ejemplos de investigación planteados cubren una amplia gama de los fenómenos dinámicos, como el análisis de vibraciones de elementos másicos, incluyendo impactos y contactos, y el análisis de una viga con carga armónica aplicada a la que también se le añaden parámetros aleatorios que pueden responder a un desconocimiento o incertidumbre de los mismos. Durante el desarrollo de la tesis se introducen conceptos y se aplican distintos métodos, como el método de elementos finitos (FEM) en el que se analiza su resolución tanto por esquemas implícitos como explícitos, y métodos de análisis paramétricos y estadísticos mediante la técnica de Monte Carlo. Más adelante, una vez ya planteadas las herramientas y estrategias de análisis, se estudian fenómenos más complejos, como el impacto a baja velocidad en materiales compuestos, en el que se busca evaluar la resistencia residual y, por lo tanto, la tolerancia al daño de la estructura. Se trata de un suceso que puede producirse por la caída de herramienta, granizo o restos en la pista de aterrizaje. Otro de los fenómenos analizados también se da en un aeropuerto y se trata de la colisión con un dispositivo frangible, el cual tiene que romperse bajo ciertas cargas y, sin embargo, soportar otras. Finalmente, se aplica toda la metodología planteada en simular y analizar un posible incidente en vuelo, el fenómeno de la pérdida de pala de un turbohélice. Se trata de un suceso muy particular en el que la estructura tiene que soportar unas cargas complejas y excepcionales con las que la aeronave debe ser capaz de completar con éxito el vuelo. El análisis incluye comportamientos no lineales, daños, y varios tipos de fallos, y en el que se trata de identificar los parámetros clave en la secuencia del fallo. El suceso se analiza mediante análisis estructurales deterministas más habituales y también mediante otras técnicas como el método de Monte Carlo con el que se logran estudiar distintas incertidumbres en los parámetros con variables aleatorias. Se estudian, entre otros, el tamaño de pala perdida, la velocidad y el momento en el que se produce la rotura, y la rigidez y resistencia de los apoyos del motor. Se tiene en cuenta incluso el amortiguamiento estructural del sistema. Las distintas estrategias de análisis permiten obtener unos resultados valiosos e interesantes que han sido objeto de distintas publicaciones. ABSTRACT Dynamic phenomena can endanger the integrity of aerospace structures and, consequently, engineers have developed different strategies to analyze them. One of the major engineering problems is how to deal with the structural dynamics. In this thesis, different dynamic phenomena are introduced and several methods are proposed to estimate or simulate their behaviors. The analysis is considered through parametric, deterministic and statistical methods. The suggested issues are from simple problems with few degrees of freedom, in order to develop different strategies and tools to solve them, to very dynamic phenomena containing nonlinear behaviors failures, damages. The first examples cover a wide variety of dynamic phenomena such as vibration analysis of mass elements, including impacts and contacts, and beam analysis with harmonic load applied, in which random parameters are included. These parameters can represent the unawareness or uncertainty of certain variables. During the development of the thesis several concepts are introduced and different methods are applied, such as the finite element method (FEM), which is solved through implicit and explicit schemes, and parametrical and statistical methods using the Monte Carlo analysis technique. Next, once the tools and strategies of analysis are set out more complex phenomena are studied. This is the case of a low-speed impact in composite materials, the residual strength of the structure is evaluated, and therefore, its damage tolerance. This incident may occur from a tool dropped, hail or debris throw on the runway. At an airport may also occur, and it is also analyzed, a collision between an airplane and a frangible device. The devise must brake under these loads, however, it must withstand others. Finally, all the considered methodology is applied to simulate and analyze a flight incident, the blade loss phenomenon of a turboprop. In this particular event the structure must support complex and exceptional loads and the aircraft must be able to successfully complete the flight. Nonlinear behavior, damage, and different types of failures are included in the analysis, in which the key parameters in the failure sequence are identified. The incident is analyzed by deterministic structural analysis and also by other techniques such as Monte Carlo method, in which it is possible to include different parametric uncertainties through random variables. Some of the evaluated parameters are, among others, the blade loss size, propeller rotational frequency, speed and angular position where the blade is lost, and the stiffness and strength of the engine mounts. The study does also research on the structural damping of the system. The different strategies of analysis obtain valuable and interesting results that have been already published.
Las sociedades desarrolladas generan una gran cantidad de residuos, que necesitan una adecuada gestión. Esta problemática requiere, de este modo, una atención creciente por parte de la sociedad, debido a la necesidad de proteger el medio ambiente. En este sentido, los esfuerzos se centran en reducir al máximo la generación de residuos y buscar vías de aprovechamiento de aquellos que son inevitables, soluciones mucho más aconsejables desde el punto de vista técnico, ecológico y económico que su vertido o destrucción. Las industrias deben adoptar las medidas precisas para fomentar la reducción de estos residuos, desarrollar tecnologías limpias que permitan el ahorro de los recursos naturales que poseemos, y sobre todo buscar métodos de reutilización, reciclado, inertización y valorización de los residuos generados en su producción. La industria de la construcción es un campo muy receptivo para el desarrollo de nuevos materiales en los que incorporar estos residuos. La incorporación de diferentes residuos industriales en matrices cerámicas se plantea como una vía barata de fijar las diferentes especies metálicas presentes en transformación de rocas ornamentales, lodos de galvanización o metalúrgicos, etc. En todos los casos, la adición de estos residuos requiere su caracterización previa y la optimización de las condiciones de conformado y cocción en el caso de su incorporación a la arcilla cocida. Entre los residuos incorporados en materiales de construcción se encuentran las escorias de aluminio. La industria metalúrgica produce durante sus procesos de fusión diferentes tipos de escorias. Su reciclado es una de las líneas de interés para estas industrias. En el caso de las escorias de aluminio, su tratamiento inicial consiste en una recuperación del aluminio mediante métodos mecánicos seguido de un tratamiento químico, o plasma. Este método conduce a que la escoria final apenas contenga aluminio y sea rica en sales solubles lo que limita su almacenamiento en escombreras. La escoria es una mezcla de aluminio metal y productos no metálicos como óxidos, nitruros y carburos de aluminio, sales y otros óxidos metálicos. En este estudio se ha analizado la posibilidad de la adición de escorias de aluminio procedentes de la metalurgia secundaria en materiales de construcción, de forma que tras un procesado de las mismas permita la obtención de materiales compuestos de matriz cerámica. En la presente Tesis Doctoral se ha analizado la viabilidad técnica de la incorporación de las escorias de aluminio procedentes de la metalurgia secundaria en una matriz de arcilla cocida. Para ello se han aplicado diferentes tratamientos a la escoria y se han aplicado diferentes variables en su procesado como la energía de molienda o la temperatura de sinterizacion, además del contenido de escoria. Su compactación con agua entre el 5-10 %, secado y sinterización permite obtener piezas rectangulares de diverso tamaño. Desde el punto de vista del contenido de la escoria, se incorporó entre un 10 y 40% de escoria TT, es decir sometida una calcinación previa a 750ºC en aire. Los mejores resultados alcanzados corresponden a un contenido del 20% ESC TT, sinterizada a 980ºC, por cuanto altos contenidos en escoria condicen a piezas con corazón negro. Los productos obtenidos con la adición de 20% de escoria de aluminio a la arcilla, presentan una baja expansión tras sinterización, mejores propiedades físicas y mecánicas, y mayor conductividad térmica que los productos obtenidos con arcilla sin adiciones. Aumenta su densidad, disminuye su absorción y aumenta sus resistencias de flexión y compresión, al presentar una porosidad cerrada y una interacción escoria-matriz. En todos los casos se produce una exudación superficial de aluminio metálico, cuyo volumen está relacionado con la cantidad de escoria adicionada. Mediante la incorporación de este contenido de escoria, tras un tratamiento de disolución de sales y posterior calcinación (ESC TTQ), se mejoran las propiedades del material compuesto, no sólo sobre la de la escoria calcinada (ESC TT), sino también, sobre la escoria sin tratamiento (ESC). Si además, la adición del 20% de escoria añadida, está tratada, no sólo térmicamente sino también químicamente (ESC TTQ), éstas mejoran aún más las propiedades del material compuesto, siendo el producto más compacto, con menos poros, por lo que los valores de densidad son más elevados, menores son las absorciones y mayores resistencias de flexión y compresión, que los productos obtenidos con la adición de escoria sólo tratada térmicamente. Alcanzando valores de resistencias características a compresión del orden de 109 MPa. Los valores de conductividad térmica obtenidos también son mayores. Los ensayos tecnológicos con piezas de 160 x 30 x 5 mm y el material compuesto optimizado de arcilla+ 20%ESCTTQ, consistieron en la determinación de su expansión por humedad, eflorescencia y heladicidad, mostrando en general un mejor comportamiento que la arcilla sin adiciones. Así, se han obtenido nuevos materiales compuestos de matriz cerámica para la construcción, mejorando sus propiedades físicas, mecánicas y térmicas, utilizando escorias de aluminio procedentes de la metalurgia secundaria, como opción de valorización de estos residuos, evitando así, que se viertan a vertederos y contaminen el medio ambiente. ABSTRACT Developed societies generate a lot of waste, which need proper management. Thus, this problem requires increased attention from the society, due to the need to protect the environment. In this regard, efforts are focused on to minimize the generation of waste and find ways of taking advantage of those who are inevitable, much more advisable solutions from the technical, ecological and economic viewpoint to disposal or destruction. Industries should adopt precise measures to promote waste reduction, develop clean technologies that allow the saving of natural resources that we possess, and above all seek methods of reuse, recycling, recovery and valorisation of the waste generated in their production. The industry of the construction is a very receptive field for the development of new materials in which to incorporate these residues. The incorporation of different industrial residues in ceramic counterfoils appears as a cheap route to fix the different metallic present species in transformation of ornamental rocks, muds of galvanization or metallurgical, etc. In all the cases, the addition of these residues needs his previous characterization and the optimization of the conditions of conformed and of baking in case of his incorporation to the baked clay. Residues incorporated into construction materials include aluminium slag. The metallurgical industry produces during their fusion processes different types of slags. Recycling is one of the lines of interest to these industries. In the case of aluminium slag, their initial treatment consists of a recovery of the aluminium using mechanical methods followed by chemical treatment, or plasma. This method leads to that final slag just contains aluminium and is rich in soluble salts which limits storage in dumps. The slag is a mixture of aluminium metal and non-metallic such as oxides, nitrides and carbides of aluminium salts products and other metal oxides. The present Doctoral thesis has analysed the technical viability of the incorporation of aluminium slag from secondary Metallurgy in an array of baked clay. So they have been applied different treatments to the slag and have been applied different variables in its processing as the temperature of sintering, in addition to the content of slag or energy grinding. Its compaction with water between 5-10%, drying and sintering allows rectangular pieces of different size. From the point of view of the content of the slag, it is incorporated between 10 and 40% slag TT, that is to say, submitted a calcination prior to 750 ° C in air. The best results achieved correspond to 20% ESC TT, sintered at 980 ° C, as high levels of slag in accordance to pieces with black heart. The products obtained with the addition of 20% of slag from aluminium to clay, present a low expansion after sintering, better physical properties and mechanical, and higher thermal conductivity than the products obtained with clay, without addictions. Its density increases, decreases its absorption and increases its resistance to bending and compression, introducing a closed porosity and slag-matrix interaction. In all cases there is a superficial exudation of metallic aluminium, whose volume is related to the amount of slag added. By incorporating this content of slag, following a treatment of salt solution and subsequent calcination (ESC TTQ), are improved the properties of composite material not only on the calcined slag (ESC TT), but also in the slag without treatment (ESC). If the addition of 20% of slag added, is also treated, not only thermally but also chemically (ESC TTQ), they further improve the properties of the composite material, the product is more compact, less porous, so the values are higher density, minors are absorptions and greater resistance in bending and compression, to the products obtained with the addition of slag only treated thermally. Reaching values of compressive resistance characteristic of the order of 109 MPa. The thermal conductivity values obtained are also higher. Testing technology with pieces of 160 x 30 x 5 mm and optimized composite material of clay 20% ESCTTQ, consisted in the determination of its expansion by moisture, efflorescence and frost resistance, in general, showing a better performance than the clay without additions. Thus, we have obtained new ceramic matrix composite materials for construction, improving its physical, mechanical and thermal properties, using aluminium slag secondary metallurgy, as an option Valuation of these wastes, thus preventing them from being poured to landfills and pollute environment.
En la actualidad muchas estructuras de hormigón armado necesitan ser reforzadas debido a diversas razones: errores en el proyecto o construcción, deterioro debido a efectos ambientales, cambios de uso o mayores requerimientos en los códigos. Los materiales compuestos, también conocidos como polímeros reforzados con fibras (FRP), están constituidos por fibras continuas de gran resistencia y rigidez embebidas en un material polimérico. Los FRP se utilizan cada vez más en aplicaciones estructurales debido a sus excelentes propiedades (elevadas resistencia y rigidez específicas y resistencia a la corrosión). Una de las aplicaciones más atractivas es el refuerzo de pilares mediante confinamiento para incrementar su resistencia y ductilidad. El confinamiento puede conseguirse pegando capas de FRP envolviendo el pilar en la dirección de los cercos (con las fibras orientadas en dirección perpendicular al eje del elemento). Se han realizado numerosos estudios experimentales en probetas cilíndricas pequeñas confinadas con encamisados de FRP y sometidas a compresión axial, y se han propuesto varios modelos sobre el hormigón confinado con FRP. Es sabido que el confinamiento de pilares de sección no circular es menos eficiente. En una sección circular, el FRP ejerce una presión de confinamiento uniforme sobre todo el perímetro, mientras que en una sección rectangular la acción de confinamiento se concentra en las esquinas. Esta tesis presenta los resultados de una investigación experimental sobre el comportamiento de probetas de hormigón de sección cuadrada confinadas con FRP y sometidas a compresión centrada. Se realizaron un total de 42 ensayos investigándose el comportamiento en las direcciones axial y transversal. Las variables del estudio incluyen: la resistencia del hormigón, el tipo de fibras (vidrio o carbono), la cuantía de refuerzo y el radio de curvatura de las esquinas. Los resultados de los ensayos realizados muestran que el confinamiento con FRP puede mejorar considerablemente la resistencia y ductilidad de pilares de hormigón armado de sección cuadrada con las esquinas redondeadas. La mejora conseguida es mayor en los hormigones de baja resistencia que en los de resistencia media. La deformación de rotura de la camisa de FRP es menor que la que se obtiene en ensayos de tracción normalizados del laminado, y la eficiencia del confinamiento depende en gran medida del radio de redondeo de las esquinas. Los resultados se han comparado con los obtenidos según los modelos teóricos más aceptados. Hay dos parámetros críticos en el ajuste de los modelos: el factor de eficiencia de la deformación y el efecto de confinamiento en secciones no circulares. Nowadays, many existing RC structures are in need of repair and strengthening for several reasons: design or construction errors, deterioration caused by environmental effects, change in use of the structures or revisions of code requirements. Composite materials, also known as fibre reinforced polymers (FRP), are composed of high strength and stiffness continuous fibres embedded in a polymer material. FRP materials are being increasingly used in many structural applications due to their excellent properties (high strength- and stiffness-toweight ratio, good corrosion behaviour). One of the most attractive applications of FRP is the confinement of concrete columns to enhance both strength and ductility. Concrete confinement can be achieved by bonding layers of hoop FRP around the column (fibres oriented perpendicular to the longitudinal axis). Many experimental studies have been conducted on small-scale plain concrete specimens of circular cross-sections confined with FRP and subjected to pure axial compressive loading, and several design models have been proposed to describe the behaviour of FRP-confined concrete. It is widely accepted that the confinement of non-circular columns is less efficient than the confinement of circular columns. In a circular cross section, the jacket exerts a uniform confining pressure over the entire perimeter. In the case of a rectangular cross section, the confining action is mostly concentrated at the corners. This thesis presents the results of a comprehensive experimental investigation on the behaviour of axially loaded square concrete specimens confined with FRP. A total of 42 compression tests were conducted, and the behaviour of the specimens in the axial and transverse directions were investigated. The parameters considered in this study are: concrete strength, type of fibres (glass or carbon), amount of FRP reinforcement and corner radius of the cross section. The tests results indicate that FRP confinement can enhance considerably the compressive strength and ductility of RC square columns with rounded corners. The enhancement is more pronounced for low- than for normal-strength concrete. The rupture strain of the FRP jacket is lower than the ultimate strain obtained by standard tensile testing of the FRP material, and the confinement efficiency significantly depends on the corner radius. The confined concrete behaviour was predicted according to the more accepted theoretical models and compared with experimental results. There are two key parameters which critically influence the fitting of the models: the strain efficiency factor and the effect of confinement in non-circular sections.
High performance thermal insulating composite materials can be produced with mineral binders and hydrophobic aerogel particles through a hydrophilization process for the latter with surfactants. The present study is focused on the development of aerogel/calcium sulfate composites by the hydrophilization of hydrophobic silica aerogel particles through a polymer-based surfactant. Its effects on the microstructure and hydration degree are examined as well as their relation to the resulting mechanical and physical properties. Results show that composites with an around 60 % of aerogel by volume can achieve a thermal conductivity <30 mW/m × K. Interestingly, a surfactant addition of 0.1 % by wt% of the water in the mixtures provides better material properties compared to a surfactant wt% addition of 5 %. However, it has been found around 40 % entrained air, affecting the material properties by reducing the binder and aerogel volume fractions within the composites. Moreover, gypsum crystallization starts to be inhibited at aerogel volume fractions >35 %. Towards material optimization, a model for the calculation of thermal conductivity of composites and an equation for the compressive strength are proposed.
Neste trabalho é proposto um modelo mecanobiológico de remodelagem óssea para a estimativa de variações, provocadas por perturbações mecânicas ou biológicas, na matriz de rigidez estrutural da escala macroscópica e na densidade mineral em uma região do osso. Na cooperação entre as áreas da saúde e da engenharia, como nos estudos estruturais de biomecânica no sistema esquelético, as propriedades mecânicas dos materiais devem ser conhecidas, entretanto os ossos possuem uma constituição material altamente complexa, dinâmica e variante entre indivíduos. Sua dinâmica decorre dos ciclos de absorção e deposição de matriz óssea na remodelagem óssea, a qual ocorre para manter a integridade estrutural do esqueleto e adaptá-lo aos estímulos do ambiente, sejam eles biológicos, químicos ou mecânicos. Como a remodelagem óssea pode provocar alterações no material do osso, espera-se que suas propriedades mecânicas também sejam alteradas. Na literatura científica há modelos matemáticos que preveem a variação da matriz de rigidez estrutural a partir do estímulo mecânico, porém somente os modelos mais recentes incluíram explicitamente processos biológicos e químicos da remodelagem óssea. A densidade mineral óssea é um importante parâmetro utilizado no diagnóstico de doenças ósseas na área médica. Desse modo, para a obtenção da variação da rigidez estrutural e da densidade mineral óssea, propõe-se um modelo numérico mecanobiológico composto por cinco submodelos: da dinâmica da população de células ósseas, da resposta das células ao estímulo mecânico, da porosidade óssea, da densidade mineral óssea e, baseado na Lei de Voigt para materiais compósitos, da rigidez estrutural. Os valores das constantes das equações dos submodelos foram obtidos de literatura. Para a solução das equações do modelo, propõe-se uma implementação numérica e computacional escrita em linguagem C. O método de Runge-Kutta-Dorman-Prince, cuja vantagem consiste no uso de um passo de solução variável, é utilizado no modelo para controlar o erro numérico do resultado do sistema de equações diferenciais. Foi realizada uma avaliação comparativa entre os resultados obtidos com o modelo proposto e os da literatura dos modelos de remodelagem óssea recentes. Conclui-se que o modelo e a implementação propostos são capazes de obter variações da matriz de rigidez estrutural macroscópica e da densidade mineral óssea decorrentes da perturbação nos parâmetros mecânicos ou biológicos do processo de remodelagem óssea.
De modo a satisfazer aspectos de resistência, custo ou conforto, o aperfeiçoamento do desempenho das estruturas é uma meta sempre almejada na Engenharia. Melhorias têm sido alcançadas dado ao crescente uso de materiais compósitos, pois estes apresentam propriedades físicas diferenciadas capazes de atender as necessidades de projeto. Associado ao emprego de compósitos, o estudo da plasticidade demonstra uma interessante alternativa para aumentar o desempenho estrutural ao conferir uma capacidade resistente adicional ao conjunto. Entretanto, alguns problemas podem ser encontrados na análise elastoplástica de compósitos, além das próprias dificuldades inerentes à incorporação de fibras na matriz, no caso de compósitos reforçados. A forma na qual um compósito reforçado por fibras e suas fases têm sua representação e simulação é de extrema importância para garantir que os resultados obtidos sejam compatíveis com a realidade. À medida que se desenvolvem modelos mais refinados, surgem problemas referentes ao custo computacional, além da necessidade de compatibilização dos graus de liberdade entre os nós das malhas de elementos finitos da matriz e do reforço, muitas vezes exigindo a coincidência das referidas malhas. O presente trabalho utiliza formulações que permitem a representação de compósitos reforçados com fibras sem que haja a necessidade de coincidência entre malhas. Além disso, este permite a simulação do meio e do reforço em regime elastoplástico com o objetivo de melhor estudar o real comportamento. O modelo constitutivo adotado para a plasticidade é o de von Mises 2D associativo com encruamento linear positivo e a solução deste modelo foi obtida através de um processo iterativo. A formulação de elementos finitos posicional é adotada com descrição Lagrangeana Total e apresenta as posições do corpo no espaço como parâmetros nodais. Com o intuito de averiguar a correta implementação das formulações consideradas, exemplos para validação e apresentação das funcionalidades do código computacional desenvolvido foram analisados.
Composite materials made of porous SiO2 matrices filled with single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) were deposited on electrodes by an electroassisted deposition method. The synthesized materials were characterized by several techniques, showing that porous silica prevents the aggregation of SWCNT on the electrodes, as could be observed by transmission electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. Different redox probes were employed to test their electrochemical sensing properties. The silica layer allows the permeation of the redox probes to the electrode surface and improves the electrochemical reversibility indicating an electrocatalytic effect by the incorporation of dispersed SWCNT into the silica films.
A synthetic procedure to prepare novel materials (surface-mediated fillings) based on robust hierarchical monoliths is reported. The methodology includes the deposition of a (micro- or mesoporous) silica thin film on the support followed by growth of a porous monolithic SiO2 structure. It has been demonstrated that this synthesis is viable for supports of different chemical nature with different inner diameters without shrinkage of the silica filling. The formation mechanism of the surface-mediated fillings is based on a solution/precipitation process and the anchoring of the silica filling to the deposited thin film. The interaction between the two SiO2 structures (monolith and thin film) depends on the porosity of the thin film and yields composite materials with different mechanical stability. By this procedure, capillary microreactors have been prepared and have been proved to be highly active and selective in the total and preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide (TOxCO and PrOxCO).
In the field of energy saving, finding composite materials with the ability of coloring upon both illumination and change of the applied electrode potential keeps on being an important goal. In this context, chemical bath deposition of Ni(OH)2 into nanoporous TiO2 thin films supported on conducting glass leads to electrodes showing both conventional electrochromic behavior (from colorless to dark brown and vice versa) together with photochromism at constant applied potential. The latter phenomenon, reported here for the first time, is characterized by fast and reversible coloration upon UV illumination. The bleaching kinetics shows first order behavior with respect to the NiIII centers in the film, and an order 1.2 with respect to electrons in the TiO2 film. From a more applied point of view, this study opens up the possibility of having two-mode smart windows showing not only conventional electrochromism but also reversible darkening upon illumination.
The knowledge of thermophysical properties of liquid Co-Si alloys is a key requirement for manufacturing of composite materials by infiltration method. Despite this need, the experimental and predicted property data of the Co-Si system are scarce and often inconsistent between the various sources. In the present work the mixing behaviour of Co-Si melts has been analysed through the study of the concentration dependence of various thermodynamic, surface (surface tension and surface composition) and structural properties (concentration fluctuations in the long-wavelength limit and chemical short-range order parameter) in the framework of the Compound Formation Model (CFM) and Quasi Chemical Approximation for regular solutions (QCA). In addition, the surface tension of the Co22·5Si77.5 (in at%) eutectic alloy, that is proposed to be used as the infiltrant, has been measured by the pendant drop method at temperatures ranging from 1593 to 1773 K. The results obtained were discussed with respect to both, temperature and concentration, and subsequently compared with the model predictions and literature data.
O desenvolvimento técnico e científico em torno das blindagens tem procurado contrariar o constante aperfeiçoamento dos projéteis e do seu poder de penetração. Para cumprir este objetivo, é necessário recorrer a soluções inovadoras tanto em termos dos materiais utilizados no fabrico, como ao nível do formato da própria blindagem. Com este trabalho pretende-se dar os primeiros passos na produção e teste de materiais em situação de tiro real, bem como na modelação e simulação dos mesmos com o objetivo de adquirir capacidades, técnicas e procedimentos para trabalhos futuros. O trabalho teve início com a realização da pesquisa bibliográfica sobre vários aspetos desde o fabrico até à avaliação do desempenho de blindagens balísticas. O trabalho teórico desta tese incidiu na modelação por elementos finitos dos elementos balísticos (proteções e projétil) tendo como objetivo a simulação numérica da sua interação em condições de impacto. O trabalho experimental foi realizado no campo de tiro da Escola das Armas onde foram testados os alvos com os materiais compósitos produzidos e com placas de alumínio, com diferentes combinações. A análise de resultados permitiu comparar e avaliar as diferenças entre as estimativas teóricas e as suas limitações com as observações experimentais do tiro real.
In clause is given robotic a complex for drilling and milling sandwich shells from polymeric composites. The machining of polymeric composite materials has technological problems. At drilling sandwich shells there is a probability of destruction of a drill from hit of the tool in a partition. The system sensibilization robotic complex for increase of reliability of work of the cutting tool of the small size is offered.