999 resultados para Comparative achievement


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Research on the attitudes, motivations and social and political behavior of European cadets have been made throughout the last decade. Nowadays Spain also joins those surveys. Thru the analysis of polling data, we can consider the different attitudes of Spanish cadets in relation with the other European ones. The conclusion is that although the Spanish political transition to democracy has not ended already in the military teaching system, there are a lot of similarities among Spanish and European cadets.


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We have compared three cases of payments for water-related environmental services (PES) in Central America, in terms of socioeconomic background, opportunity costs of forest conservation and stakeholders’ perceptions on the conditions of water resources and other issues. We found that, in general, the foregone benefits from land uses alternative to forest cover are larger than the amount paid, which apparently contradicts the economic foundation of PES schemes. A number of possible explanations are explored. The results also suggest that trade-offs between different environmental and social goals are likely to emerge in PES schemes, posing some doubts on their ability to be multipurpose instruments for environmental improvement and rural development. We also found that PES schemes may work as a conflictresolution instrument, facilitating downstream -upstream problem solving, though at the same time they might introduce changes in social perceptions of property rights.


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This work deals with coming and going verbs in three typologically distinct languages: a Romance one (Spanish), a Germanic one (German) and a Slavic one (Polish) within Fillmore`s (1966, 1971, 1975, 1982, 1983) framework. On the grounds of data description it is shown that visible linguistic phenomena, such as deixis or Aktionsart related clearly to the coming and going verbs, can be transcended, resorting to the more abstract notion called by the author, following Winston (1987) and Speas and Tenny (2003), “viewpoint”.


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In search of a suitable vector species for xenodiagnosis of humans and animals with chronic Chagas' disease we first investigated the reactions of different vector species to acute infection with Trypanosoma cruzi. Vector species utilized in this study were: Triatoma infestans, Rhodnius prolixus and Triatoma dimidiata, all well adapted to human habitats; Triatoma rubrovaria and Rhodnius neglectus both considered totally wild species; Panstrongylus megistus, Triatoma sordida, Triatoma pseudomaculata and Triatoma brasiliensis, all essentially sylvatic but some with domiciliary tendencies and others restricted to peridomestic biotopes with incipient colonization of human houses after successful eradication of T. infestans. Results summarized in Table IV suggest the following order of infectivity among the 9 studied vector species: P. megistus with 97.8% of infected bugs, T. rubrovaria with 95% of positive bugs a close second followed by T. Pseudomaculata with 94.3% and R. neglectus with 93.8% of infected bugs, almost identical thirds. R. prolixus, T. infestans and T. dimidiata exhibited low infection rates of 53.1%, 51.6% and 38.2% respectively, coupled with sharp decreases occuring with aging of infection (Fig. 1). The situation was intermediate in T. brasiliensis and T. sordida infection rates being 76.9% and 80% respectively. Results also point to the existence of a close correlation between prevalence and intensity of infection in that, species with high infection rates ranging from 93.8% to 97.8% exhibited relatively large proportions of insects (27.3% - 33.5%) harbouring very dense populations of T. cruzi. In species with low infection rates ranging from 38.2% to 53.1% the proportion of bugs demonstrating comparable parasite densities was at most 6%. No differences attributable to blood-meal size or to greater susceptibility of indigenous vector species to parasites of their own geographical area, as suggested in earlier...


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Experiments reported in the current paper, carried out under semi-field conditions created in the laboratory, have shown that b. straminea has competitive superiority when compared with B. glabrata. The former species has shown higher capabilities of both dispersal and vagility. In addition, B. straminea was able to compete sucessfully with B. glabrata.


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Biomphalaria glabrata and B. straminea were submitted to an out-door laboratory experiment for testing their comparative ability to resist desiccation. Results have shown that B. straminea is significantly higher resistant than B. glabrata. After five months under such distressing condition the survival ratios were: B. glabrata 8.1 per cent and B. straminea 18.4 per cent.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Accurate placement of an external ventricular drain (EVD) for the treatment of hydrocephalus is of paramount importance for its functionality and in order to minimize morbidity and complications. The aim of this study was to compare two different drain insertion assistance tools with the traditional free-hand anatomical landmark method, and to measure efficacy, safety and precision. METHODS: Ten cadaver heads were prepared by opening large bone windows centered on Kocher's points on both sides. Nineteen physicians, divided in two groups (trainees and board certified neurosurgeons) performed EVD insertions. The target for the ventricular drain tip was the ipsilateral foramen of Monro. Each participant inserted the external ventricular catheter in three different ways: 1) free-hand by anatomical landmarks, 2) neuronavigation-assisted (NN), and 3) XperCT-guided (XCT). The number of ventricular hits and dangerous trajectories; time to proceed; radiation exposure of patients and physicians; distance of the catheter tip to target and size of deviations projected in the orthogonal plans were measured and compared. RESULTS: Insertion using XCT increased the probability of ventricular puncture from 69.2 to 90.2 % (p = 0.02). Non-assisted placements were significantly less precise (catheter tip to target distance 14.3 ± 7.4 mm versus 9.6 ± 7.2 mm, p = 0.0003). The insertion time to proceed increased from 3.04 ± 2.06 min. to 7.3 ± 3.6 min. (p < 0.001). The X-ray exposure for XCT was 32.23 mSv, but could be reduced to 13.9 mSv if patients were initially imaged in the hybrid-operating suite. No supplementary radiation exposure is needed for NN if patients are imaged according to a navigation protocol initially. CONCLUSION: This ex vivo study demonstrates a significantly improved accuracy and safety using either NN or XCT-assisted methods. Therefore, efforts should be undertaken to implement these new technologies into daily clinical practice. However, the accuracy versus urgency of an EVD placement has to be balanced, as the image-guided insertion technique will implicate a longer preparation time due to a specific image acquisition and trajectory planning.


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Conjugates of goat anti-HBs IgG and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) prepared by two different methods, one using NaIO4 and the other SPDP, were compared. Anti-HBs antibodies obtained from goat, rabbit and guinea-pig were tested as capture serum. The ELISA showed a sensitivity similar to RIA and a level of antigen captation ranging from 4.37 to 8.75 nanograms/ml was obtained when rabbit or guinea-pig captures were used combined with both NaIO4 or SPDP conjugates.


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The photosensitizing properties of m-tetrahydroxyphenylchlorin (mTHPC) and polyethylene glycol-derivatized mTHPC (pegylated mTHPC) were compared in nude mice bearing human malignant mesothelioma, squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma xenografts. Laser light (20 J/cm2) at 652 nm was delivered to the tumour (surface irradiance) and to an equal-sized area of the hind leg of the animals after i.p. administration of 0.1 mg/kg body weight mTHPC and an equimolar dose of pegylated mTHPC, respectively. The extent of tumour necrosis and normal tissue injury was assessed by histology. Both mTHPC and pegylated mTHPC catalyse photosensitized necrosis in mesothelioma xenografts at drug-light intervals of 1-4 days. The onset of action of pegylated mTHPC seemed slower but significantly exceeds that of mTHPC by days 3 and 4 with the greatest difference being noted at day 4. Pegylated mTHPC also induced significantly larger photonecrosis than mTHPC in squamous cell xenografts but not in adenocarcinoma at day 4, where mTHPC showed greatest activity. The degree of necrosis induced by pegylated mTHPC was the same for all three xenografts. mTHPC led to necrosis of skin and underlying muscle at a drug-light interval of 1 day but minor histological changes only at drug-light intervals from 2-4 days. In contrast, pegylated mTHPC did not result in histologically detectable changes in normal tissues under the same treatment conditions at any drug-light interval assessed. In this study, pegylated mTHPC had advantages as a photosensitizer compared to mTHPC. Tissue concentrations of mTHPC and pegylated mTHPC were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography in non-irradiated animals 4 days after administration. There was no significant difference in tumour uptake between the two sensitizers in mesothelioma, adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma xenografts. Tissue concentration measurements were of limited use for predicting photosensitization in this model.


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OBJECTIVE: To examine the relation between depression and substance use in adolescents and the concomitant courses of both disorders. METHODS: Four individual interviews were administered to 85 adolescent substance users aged 14-19 years (mean 17.1 years, SD 1.4) over a 3.5 year period using the Adolescent Drug Abuse Interview (ADAD) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-13). RESULTS: No predictive effect was observed on one dimension over the other, but each dimension was predictive of its own course. A decrease in substance-use severity paralleled a decrease in depressive state. Similarly, stable substance-use rates, either at a low or a high level, tended to be associated with low or high levels of depression, respectively. However, an increase in substance use was not accompanied by an increase in depressive states. Moreover, depression varied greatly between adolescents, and according to gender and age. CONCLUSIONS: Depressive states and substance use in adolescents can vary considerably overtime, and are closely but rather synchronically related. Since most of the adolescents do not seek help for substance-related problems, substance use should be systematically assessed in adolescents presenting with a depressive state.


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Ce travail traite de la catégorie du « héros » et s'articule autour d'une comparaison entre les récits de la Grèce antique, principalement la poésie épique, et le Proche-Orient ancien, essentiellement les textes vétérotestamentaires - une étude dont l'objet est dès lors principalement textuel. Partant du constat, si simple mais lourd de conséquence, que le mot français « héros » vient du substantif grec rjpcoç, le texte débute par un travail de décentrement face aux référents contemporains liés à l'emploi du terme dans nos langues modernes : le « héros » n'est pas forcément le rjpcoç. Riche de cette analyse, la deuxième partie du travail se tourne vers l'Antiquité grecque, et plus précisément vers les poésies homérique et hésiodique. L'analyse de l'emploi du vocabulaire héroïque au sein de ces récits permet de cerner plus précisément les diverses figures appelées rjpcoç - figures qui semblent si différentes les unes des autres alors qu'elles partagent un qualificatif commun. Fort de cet apport quant à la compréhension du rjpcoç épique grec, une troisième partie questionne la présence de la catégorie du « héros » dans la Bible hébraïque mais aussi dans ses traductions en langues modernes. Constatant que le mot « héros » n 'apparaît jamais dans les langues anciennes que sont le grec de la LXX ou le latin de la Vulgate, les figures vétérotestamentaires sont repensées dans leur contexte proche- oriental, les voyant sous la lumière du Levant - lumière qui est la leur - et ce grâce au vocabulaire somme toute fort précis de la langue hébraïque. Finalement, une partie conclusive tente de mettre en exergue ce que la comparaison des récits grecs épiques et vétérotestamentaires a permis de soulever quant à leurs catégories « héroïques » respectives. L'enjeu est également de penser de manière critique ce que les cultures occidentales contemporaines nomment « héros », s'appuyant si souvent sur un « double héritage » gréco-romain et judéo-chrétien.