1000 resultados para Coffea arabica (L.)


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different irrigation managements on flower induction and bloom of coffee trees. The study was carried out at the experimental area of the Engineering Department at Universidade Federal de Lavras, on Acaia Cerrado MG-1474 coffee cultivar, planted 3.0 meters between rows and 0.6 meters between plants and drip irrigated since planting in 1997. The experimental design was randomized blocks with 4 replicates and 5 irrigation treatment: A= non irrigated; B= irrigated throughout the whole year every time the water available was at most 25% of total available water (TAW); C= irrigated during the whole year every time the water available was at most 75% of TAW; D = treatment C during January, February, March, July, October, November and December and treatment B during April, May, June, August and September; E= treatment C during April, May, June, August and September. Each plot was composed of 10 plants and used 2 plants for the evaluation of secondary branches, number of flowers per flowering, number of fruit and fruit set between September and May during the growing seasons of 2006/2007 and 2007/2008. The different irrigation managements did not significantly influence the total number of flowers, number of branches and percentage of flowers that resulted in fruits. Comparing data from two harvests verified the biennial effect in the total number of flowers, percentage of fruit set and branch gain.


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Coffee is considered the primary host of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). The infestation of C. capitata in the State of São Paulo has reached economic importance in coffee plantations. Although little information about changes caused by the fly on the coffee beverage, it is known that the fruit fly infestation causes rapid change from cherry to raisin stage, causing qualitative damage on the parchment coffee production. The objective of this work was to study the population dynamics and diversity of Tephritidae and Lonchaeidae in coffee cultivars of Icatu Vermelho IAC 4045, Vermelho IAC 99, Novo Mundo 388-17-1, Obatã IAC 1669-20, Icatu Amarelo IAC 2944, grafted on Apoatã (IAC 2258) (Coffea canephora) and Icatu Vermelho IAC 4045 ungrafted and Apoatã (IAC 2258)-grafted with approximately 3 years. The experiment was conducted in Presidente Prudente, São Paulo State, Brazil, from June 2006 to July 2008. The experimental design was a randomized block with four replications in a factorial design (3 years X 6 cultivars). From each plot of 100 plants we randomly collected 250 mature fruits. The samples were taken at 15 day intervals. The population dynamics were evaluated by using one plastic McPhail trap per cultivar. After 26 months a total of 36,932 specimens of C. capitata were trapped in all cultivars, corresponding to 49.27% males and 50.73% females. Approximately 83.3% of the specimens were collected from January to December 2007. The population fluctuation showed population peaks in May, June and July, relative to fruit ripening period. We trapped 21 specimens of A. montei Lima and A. fraterculus (Wied.). The coffee fruits of Presidente Prudente, SP, are infested by the following species of Lonchaeidae: Neosilba pendula (Bezzi), N. zadolicha McAlpine & Steyskal, N. inesperata Strikis & Prado and Neosilba pradoi Strikis & Lerena. Neosilba pendula occurred in all evaluated cultivars and N. inesperata was recoverd only from Icatu Amarelo IAC 2944 and IAC Icatu Vermelho 4045/un-grafted. No Anastrepha specimen was recovered from the fruits. Cultivars did not differ due to tephritid and lonchaeid infestations, but in 2008 the highest infestation by C. capitata occurred in the field.


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In coffee (Coffea arabica)-producing areas, particularly in the southeastern region of Brazil, it is part of the agricultural practice to incorporate coffee fruit peels in organic substrates for the production of vegetables, fruit trees, and even in the coffee cultures, for use not only as an organic amendment but also as a way to control weeds. This study aimed to evaluate the allelopathic potential of dry and fresh coffee fruit peel extracts. Therefore, lettuce, Malaysian cabbage and beggar's tick seeds and seedlings were used as test subjects for the pre-emergence, post-emergence, and mitotic index of meristematic root cell tests. Additionally, the extracts' contents of phenols, flavonoids and caffeine, in addition to their antioxidant activity, were determined. The development of all the tested seedlings was inferred by the extracts from their roots and hypocotyls. The mitotic index was reduced in comparison to the negative control. A considerable quantity of phenols, flavonoids and caffeine was found in both of the extracts. A progressively growing antioxidant activity of the extracts was observed as their concentrations increased. Through the results obtained in this study, it is possible to conclude that C. arabica has allelopathic compounds. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecno³gico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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The aim of this study was evaluate the response of two coffee cultivars (tolerant and sensitive to aluminum - Al), inoculated or not by two arbuscular mycorriza fungi (AMF), Gigaspora margarita and Glomus etunicatum, in cerrado Oxisol, with different base saturation. This experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions, with a complete randomized design, in a 2x3x2 factorial scheme, consisting of 2 cultivars (tolerante and sensitive to Al), 3 treatments with mycorrhizal (inoculated with two species of AMF and without inoculation) and 3 levels of soil base saturation (30, 45 and 53 V%), with five replicates per treatment. The variables were: plant height, stem diameter, leaf area, shoot dry weight, root fresh weight, nitrate reductase activity, chlorophyll concentration, root colonization and number of AMF spores. Mycorrhizae isolates promoted greater response of coffee plants, in acid soil with high concentration of Al, but this response was observed for both cultivars when plants were colonized by G. margarita. The cultivars evaluated showed no differences in Al tolerance when non inoculated.


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A caracterização e isolamento do gene com expressão específica em raiz de café (Coffea arabica) que codifica uma peroxidase (CaPOX) e suas respectivas regiões promotoras, permitiu realizar a caracterização da expressão desse gene em reposta a estresse biótico (infecção por nematóides) assim como a análise funcional do seu promotor. Promotores tecido-específicos responsáveis pela regulação de genes responsivos a estresses bióticos tornam-se fundamentais em programas biotecno³gicos que visam o aumento da resistência e tolerância vegetal. Partindo desse princípio, realizou-se a quantificação da expressão relativa do gene CaPOX em raízes de café utilizando plantas de Coffea arabica de um cultivar susceptível (Mundo Novo) e de outro cultivar resistente (IAC 388-17-1) a nematóides, respectivamente. Em paralelo utilizou- se plantas transgênicas de tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum SR1) contendo a versão completa do promotor do gene CaPOX em fusão transcricional ao gene repórter uidA (que codifica a β-glucuronidase; GUS) . A partir disso, pode-se observar que o gene CaPOX tem sua expressão aumentada em resposta a infecção por nematóides, sendo que a indução observada ocorre nos tempos iniciais pós-inoculação. Da mesma maneira, o promotor do gene CaPOX é responsivo a infecção por nematóides, sendo ativado nos tempos iniciais pós-inoculação


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A grande diversidade das formigas implica na enorme variedade de hábitats de nidificação, preferências alimentares e comportamento social com divisão de trabalho, a©m da estruturação de seu ninho que por sua vez, podem revelar parte de sua história evolutiva. Camponotus textor é uma espécie tece£, a qual constrói seu ninho a partir da seda produzida pelas suas próprias larvas, garantindo um dos mais notáveis exemplos de cooperação social. É uma formiga arborícola e de grande importância para a agricultura, já que pode nidificar no cafeeiro (Coffea arabica) e ser usada como agente de controle bio³gico impedindo o estabelecimento de outras pragas. Atualmente, existem poucos estudos abordando comportamento, fisiologia, genética, endossimbiontes e filogenia desse grupo. Segundo dados da literatura, o DNA mitocondrial tem sido utilizado em análises de filogenia devido ao ótimo número de cópias por célula, altas taxas mutacionais e pouca ou nenhuma recombinação. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho visa realizar o sequenciamento de um fragmento do DNA mitocondrial de populações distintas de Camponotus textor para ser utilizado como marcador molecular, tornandose uma ferramenta para diferenciação de populações e determinação das relações filogenéticas entre outras espécies de formigas relacionadas. Foi feita a extração do DNA em TNES (Tris, NaCl, EDTA, SDS), seguida da amplificação da região COI (citocromo oxidase I) do DNA mitocondrial utilizando-se os primers elaborados para este trabalho e o sequencimento foi realizado no 3130 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems). As seqüências obtidas foram editadas no BioEdit, e posteriormente comparadas com o banco de dados GenBank, utilizando-se a ferramenta BLAST, e assim a construção da análise filogenética através do programa MEGA. Foi possível a separação das cinco populações em duas linhagens distantes geograficamente


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the productive and economic performance of Arabica coffee and macadamia nut intercropping, under rainfed and drip-irrigation conditions, as well as the financial viability of treatments in three coffee price scenarios. A completely randomized design was used, with six treatments (rainfed sole coffee, irrigated sole coffee, rainfed coffee-macadamia nut intercropping, irrigated coffee-macadamia nut intercropping, rainfed sole macadamia nut, and irrigated sole macadamia nut) and ten replicates. The productivity, the area equivalency index, and the economic outcomes of the treatments were evaluated in three coffee price scenarios. Drip irrigation and intercropping increased coffee and macadamia nut yields, in comparison to rainfed monocultures, and generally promoted the same productivity as the coffee irrigated monocultures, as well as higher productivity than the macadamia nut irrigated monocultures. The combined use of intercropping and drip irrigation promotes land-use efficiency 5-fold greater than the averages of rainfed monocultures. Irrigated intercropping promotes higher profitability and faster return on investment, making it a viable alternative, especially in periods of lower coffee prices.