492 resultados para Clostridium tetani


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SAPK/JNK regulieren nach genotoxischem Stress eine Vielzahl von Zielsubstraten, die bedeutsam für Reparatur und Überleben der Zelle sind, somit nehmen sie Einfluss auf das zelluläre Schicksal der Zelle. Ob DNA-Schäden eine Phosphorylierung von Stress-Kinasen nach sich ziehen ist bisher noch wenig untersucht. Mit reparaturdefizienten Zellen wurde der Einfluss von DNA-Schäden, durch Cisplatin/Transplatin/UV-C, auf die SAPK/JNK Aktivierung untersucht. Die Aktivierung der Stress-Kinasen erfolgte agenzspezifisch und abhängig von verschieden Reparaturfaktoren. Die Aktivierung korrelierte in reparaturdefizienten Zellen teilweise mit dem späten Auftreten von DNA-Strangbrüchen, war jedoch unabhängig von erhöhten initialen DNA-Schäden. Diese Befunde zeigten, dass die späte Aktivierung der SAPK/JNK DNA-schadensabhängig verläuft und das Cisplatin und Transplatin bei Verwendung von äquitoxischen Dosen zu einer vergleichbaren Aktivierung von SAPK/JNK führten. Die Hemmung der Rho-GTPasen sowohl durch Statine als auch mittels Clostridium difficile Toxin B zeigte weiterhin, dass Rho-GTPasen möglicherweise die späte DNA-schadensabhängige Aktivierung der Stress-Kinasen vermitteln. Die Hemmung von Rho-GTPasen durch physiologisch relevante Konzentrationen von Statinen führte in primären humanen Endothelzellen (HUVECs) zu einer Protektion vor IR-Strahlung und Doxorubicin. In beiden Fällen konnte eine Hemmung des pro-apoptotischen Transkriptionsfaktors p53 sowie der Chk1, welche einen Zellzyklusarrest reguliert, mit der Statin-Behandlung erreicht werden. Effektor-Caspasen wurden dabei durch den HMG-CoA-Reduktase Hemmer nicht beeinflusst. Ausschließlich bei dem Statin-vermittelten Schutz vor Doxorubicin kam es zu einer Reduktion von initialen DNA-Schäden, in Form von DNA-Strangbrüchen. Die IR-induzierten Strangbrüche in der DNA blieben von der Statin-Inkubation hingegen unbeeinflusst. Aufgrund ihrer protektiven Eigenschaften gegenüber IR- und Doxorubicin-induzierter Zytotoxizität in Endothelzellen und ihrer pro-apoptotischen Wirkung auf Tumorzellen könnten Statine möglicherweise die unerwünschten Nebenwirkungen von Zytostatika und einer Strahlentherapie günstig beeinflussen


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In NawaRo-Biogasanlagen (BGA) kann es durch das Angebot an leicht fermentierbaren Kohlenstoff¬quel¬len zu einer bakteriell bedingten Übersäuerung durch unerwünschte kurzkettige Fettsäuren kommen. Häufiger kommt es zur Akkumulation von Propionsäure. Methanogene Archaea können bei niedrigen pH-Werten nicht mehr wachsen. Somit kann der gesamte Prozess der mikrobiellen Bildung von Biogas zum Erliegen kom¬men, was für die Biogasbetreiber zu erheblichen finanziellen Verlusten führt. Das Ziel dieser Disserta¬tion war die Aufklärung der anaeroben bakteriellen Population, die in Biogasanlagen Propionsäure ab¬bauen kann. Aus Propionat entsteht dabei Acetat und Wasserstoff. Da dieser anaerobe Prozess endergon verläuft, kann Propionsäure anaerob nur abgebaut werden, wenn der Wasserstoffpartialdruck niedrig ge¬halten wird. Diese Aufgabe erfüllen in Biogasanalgen methanogene Archaea. Die sog. sekundären Gärer leben somit in synthropher Kultur mit methanogenen Archaea.rnIn dieser Arbeit wurden die Mikroorganismen von Propionsäure-abbauenden Anreicherungskulturen aus vier NawaRo-BGA‘s identifiziert und ihr Substrat- und Produktspektrum analysiert. Die Anreicherungskul¬turen wurden vom Prüf- und Forschungsinstitut e. V. in Pirmasens zur Verfügung gestellt. Durch Analyse der bakteriellen 16S rDNA-Sequenzen der erhaltenen stabilen Propionsäure-abbauenden Mischkulturen wurde gezeigt, dass sich unter den Bakterien hauptsächlich Verwandte von den Clostridiales, aber auch Bacteroides sp., δ-, ε- so¬wie γ-Proteobakterien, Spirochäten, Synergistales und ungewöhnlicher Weise auch Thermotogales befanden. Aus Propionsäure-abbauenden Mischkulturen und aus Fermentern mesophiler NawaRo-Biogasanlagen wurden anaerobe Bakterien und methanogene Archaea angereichert und isoliert. Es wurden aus den Propionsäure-abbauenden Mischkulturen Stämme in Reinkultur erhalten, die entsprechend der 16S rDNA-Analyse als Clostridium sartagoforme Stamm Ap1a520 und Proteiniphilum acetatigenes Stamm Fp1a520 identifiziert wurden. Sowohl aus Fermentern und Nachgärern von drei NawaRo-BGA‘s als auch aus zwei Laborfermentern des Leibniz-Instituts für Agrartechnik in Potsdam-Bornim e.V. (ATB) wurden Reinkulturen von methanogenen Archaea erhalten. Diese konnten den Species Methanobacterium formicicum, Metha¬noculleus bourgensis, Methanosarcina barkeri, Methanosarcina mazei, Methanosarcina sp., Methanosaeta concilii und Methanomethylovorans sp. zugeordnet werden. Damit wurden in dieser Arbeit unter anderem die typischen bisher nur durch molekularbiologische Methoden identifizierten Species methanogener Ar¬chaea aus unterschiedlichen Fermentern in Reinkultur erhalten. Dabei wurde gezeigt, dass die specifically amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR (SAPD-PCR) eine geeignete Methode darstellt, Stämme der gleichen Art methanogener Archaea voneinander zu unterscheiden. Die Methanproduktion der kultivierten methanoge¬nen Archaea wurde gaschromatographisch analysiert. Es zeigte sich, dass die hydrogenotrophe Metha¬nogenese der effizientere und ergiebigere Weg zur Bildung von Methan ist. Mit der Bestimmung der Zellzahl des Isolates Methanoculleus bourgensis Stamm TAF1.1 bei gleichzeitiger Messung der Methanbildung wurde gezeigt, dass die Methanbildung nicht zwangsläufig mit dem Wachstum korreliert. Ne-ben Pflanzenfasern beinhalteten das hergestellte Reaktorfiltrat in den Kultivierungsansätzen Acetat, die essentielle Aminosäure Valin und den Zuckeralkohol Glycerol. Gezielte Misch¬kul¬turen von sekundären Gärern mit methanogenen Isolaten ergaben einen fördernden Einfluss auf diese Bak¬terien durch hydrogenotrophe Archaea. Diese Bakterien bauten Substrate ab oder bildeten Produkte, die sie unter den gegebenen Bedingungen ohne hydrogenotrophe Archaea nicht umsetzen konnten.


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We report the case of a 24-years old diabetic women hospitalised because of right-sided lower abdominal pain and diarrhea. She fulminantly developed shock before appendectomy could be performed and was transferred to intensive care unit. Hypotension remained and laparoscopy revealed primary peritonitis and toxic shock syndrome by Group A Streptococcus which was cultivated in blood and ascites. Therapy with penicilline and clindamycine resolved symptoms. During hospitalisation Clostridium difficile colitis occurred. This complication leaded to prolonged hospitalisation.


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Clostridium perfringens type C causes fatal necrotizing enteritis in different mammalian hosts, most commonly in newborn piglets. Human cases are rare, but the disease, also called pigbel, was endemic in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea. Lesions in piglets and humans are very similar and characterized by segmental necro-hemorrhagic enteritis in acute cases and fibrino-necrotizing enteritis in subacute cases. Histologically, deep mucosal necrosis accompanied by vascular thrombosis and necrosis was consistently reported in naturally affected pigs and humans. This suggests common pathogenetic mechanisms. Previous in vitro studies using primary porcine aortic endothelial cells suggested that beta-toxin (CPB) induced endothelial damage contributes to the pathogenesis of C. perfringens type C enteritis in pigs. In the present study we investigated toxic effects of CPB on cultured primary human macro- and microvascular endothelial cells. In vitro, these cells were highly sensitive to CPB and reacted with similar cytopathic and cytotoxic effects as porcine endothelial cells. Our results indicate that porcine and human cell culture based in vitro models represent valuable tools to investigate the pathogenesis of this bacterial disease in animals and humans.


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With the advent of high through-put sequencing (HTS), the emerging science of metagenomics is transforming our understanding of the relationships of microbial communities with their environments. While metagenomics aims to catalogue the genes present in a sample through assessing which genes are actively expressed, metatranscriptomics can provide a mechanistic understanding of community inter-relationships. To achieve these goals, several challenges need to be addressed from sample preparation to sequence processing, statistical analysis and functional annotation. Here we use an inbred non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse model in which germ-free animals were colonized with a defined mixture of eight commensal bacteria, to explore methods of RNA extraction and to develop a pipeline for the generation and analysis of metatranscriptomic data. Applying the Illumina HTS platform, we sequenced 12 NOD cecal samples prepared using multiple RNA-extraction protocols. The absence of a complete set of reference genomes necessitated a peptide-based search strategy. Up to 16% of sequence reads could be matched to a known bacterial gene. Phylogenetic analysis of the mapped ORFs revealed a distribution consistent with ribosomal RNA, the majority from Bacteroides or Clostridium species. To place these HTS data within a systems context, we mapped the relative abundance of corresponding Escherichia coli homologs onto metabolic and protein-protein interaction networks. These maps identified bacterial processes with components that were well-represented in the datasets. In summary this study highlights the potential of exploiting the economy of HTS platforms for metatranscriptomics.


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In Switzerland, the incidence of equine botulism and acute pasture myodystrophy have remarkably increased in the last five years. Equine fodder-borne botulism in Europe is most likely caused by Clostridium botulinum types C and D that produce the toxins BoNT/C and BoNT/D. Horses showing signs suggestive of botulism (muscle weakness and tremors, reduced tongue tone, slow chewing, salivation and difficulties swallowing, drooping eyelids, mydriasis), especially patients that have fed on suspect fodder (mostly haylage), must be treated with anti-serum as soon as possible.They also need intensive care, which is often difficult to provide and always expensive in the face of a guarded to poor prognosis. Therefore, prevention (high standards of forage quality and vaccination) is all the more important. Pasture myodystrophy is an acute disease with signs of rhabdomyolysis and lethality rate over 90%. It affects grazing horses under frosty, windy and rainy conditions. Preliminary results indicate that Clostridium sordellii and Clostridium bifermentans producing lethal toxin may play a role in pasture myodystrophy. Our efforts concentrate on developing a new subunit vaccine for equine botulism and understanding the ethiology and pathogenesis of pasture myodystrophy with the goal of improving prevention against these highly fatal diseases that present a significant risk to our horse population.


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A disposable microarray was developed for detection of up to 90 antibiotic resistance genes in gram-positive bacteria by hybridization. Each antibiotic resistance gene is represented by two specific oligonucleotides chosen from consensus sequences of gene families, except for nine genes for which only one specific oligonucleotide could be developed. A total of 137 oligonucleotides (26 to 33 nucleotides in length with similar physicochemical parameters) were spotted onto the microarray. The microarrays (ArrayTubes) were hybridized with 36 strains carrying specific antibiotic resistance genes that allowed testing of the sensitivity and specificity of 125 oligonucleotides. Among these were well-characterized multidrug-resistant strains of Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecium, and Lactococcus lactis and an avirulent strain of Bacillus anthracis harboring the broad-host-range resistance plasmid pRE25. Analysis of two multidrug-resistant field strains allowed the detection of 12 different antibiotic resistance genes in a Staphylococcus haemolyticus strain isolated from mastitis milk and 6 resistance genes in a Clostridium perfringens strain isolated from a calf. In both cases, the microarray genotyping corresponded to the phenotype of the strains. The ArrayTube platform presents the advantage of rapidly screening bacteria for the presence of antibiotic resistance genes known in gram-positive bacteria. This technology has a large potential for applications in basic research, food safety, and surveillance programs for antimicrobial resistance.


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This work presents the proceedings of the twelfth symposium which was held at Kansas State University on April 24, 1982. Since a number of the contributions will be published in detail elsewhere, only brief reports are included here. Some of the reports describe current progress with respect to ongoing projects. Requests for further information should be directed to Dr. Peter Reilly at Iowa State University, Dr. V. G. Murphy at Colorado State University, Dr. Rakesh Bajpai at University of Missouri, Dr. Ed Clausen at University of Arkansas, Dr. L. T. Fan and Dr. L. E. Erickson at Kansas State University. ContentsA Kinetic Analysis of Oleaginous Yeast Fermentation by Candida curvata on Whey Permeate, B.D. Brown and K.H. Hsu, Iowa State University Kinetics of Biofouling in Simulated Water Distribution Systems Using CSTR, T.M. Prakash, University of Missouri Kinetics of Gas Production by C. acetobutylicum, Michael Doremus, Colorado State University Large Scale Production of Methane from Agricultural Residues, O.P. Doyle, G.C. Magruder, E.C. Clausen, and J.L. Gaddy, University of Arkansas The Optimal Process Design for Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Wheat Straw, M.M Gharpuray and L.T. Fan, Kansas State University Extractive Butanol Fermentation, Michael Sierks, Colorado State University Yields Associated with Ethyl Alcohol Production, M.D. Oner, Kansas State University Estimation of Growth Yield and Maintenance Parameters for Microbial Growth on Corn Dust, B.O. Solomon, Kansas State University Milling of Ensiled Corn, Andrzej Neryng, Iowa State University Protein Extraction from Alfalfa, Ravidranath Joshi, Colorado State University Analysis of Disaccharides by Capillary Gas Chromatography, Z.L. Nikolov, Iowa State University Characterization of High Viscosity Fermentations in Tower Fermentors, S.A. Patel and C.H. Lee, Kansas State University Utilization of Sugars in Sorghum Molasses by Clostridium acetobutylicum B. Hong, K.C. Shin, and L.T. Fan, Kansas State University


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Fusobacterium nucleatum is a prominent member of the oral microbiota and is a common cause of human infection. F. nucleatum includes five subspecies: polymorphum, nucleatum, vincentii, fusiforme, and animalis. F. nucleatum subsp. polymorphum ATCC 10953 has been well characterized phenotypically and, in contrast to previously sequenced strains, is amenable to gene transfer. We sequenced and annotated the 2,429,698 bp genome of F. nucleatum subsp. polymorphum ATCC 10953. Plasmid pFN3 from the strain was also sequenced and analyzed. When compared to the other two available fusobacterial genomes (F. nucleatum subsp. nucleatum, and F. nucleatum subsp. vincentii) 627 open reading frames unique to F. nucleatum subsp. polymorphum ATCC 10953 were identified. A large percentage of these mapped within one of 28 regions or islands containing five or more genes. Seventeen percent of the clustered proteins that demonstrated similarity were most similar to proteins from the clostridia, with others being most similar to proteins from other gram-positive organisms such as Bacillus and Streptococcus. A ten kilobase region homologous to the Salmonella typhimurium propanediol utilization locus was identified, as was a prophage and integrated conjugal plasmid. The genome contains five composite ribozyme/transposons, similar to the CdISt IStrons described in Clostridium difficile. IStrons are not present in the other fusobacterial genomes. These findings indicate that F. nucleatum subsp. polymorphum is proficient at horizontal gene transfer and that exchange with the Firmicutes, particularly the Clostridia, is common.


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Integrin adhesion molecules have both positive and negative potential in the regulation of peripheral blood T cell (PB T cell) activation, yet their mechanism of action in the mediation of human T lymphocyte function remains largely undefined. The goals of this study then were to elucidate integrin signaling mechanisms in PB T cells.^ By ligating $\beta$1 integrins with mAb 18D3, it was demonstrated that costimulation of PB T cell proliferation induced by coimmobilizing antibodies specific for $\beta$1, $\beta$2, and $\beta$7 integrin subfamilies in conjunction with the anti-CD3 mAb OKT3 was inhibited. Costimulation of T cell proliferation induced by non-integrins CD4, CD26, CD28, CD44, CD45RA, or CD45RO was unaffected. Inhibition of costimulation correlated with diminished IL-2 production. In his manner, $\beta$1 integrins could regulate heterologous integrins of the $\beta$2 and $\beta$7 subfamilies in a transdominant fashion. It was also demonstrated that integrin costimulation of T cell activation was acutely sensitive to the structural conformation of $\beta$1 integrins. Using the cyclic hexapeptide CWLDVC (TBC772, which is based on the $\alpha4\beta1$ integrin binding site in fibronectin) in soluble form, it was shown that integrins locked into a conformation displaying a neo-epitope called the ligand induced binding site (LIBS) recognized by mAb 15/7 were inhibited from sending mitogenic signals to T cells. When BSA-conjugated TBC772 was coimmobilized with anti-CD3 mAb OKT3, costimulation of proliferation occurred. This suggested that temporally uncoupling integrin receptor occupancy from receptor crosslinking inhibited $\beta$1 integrin signaling mechanisms. When subsets of PB T cells were examined to determine those initially activated by integrins within 6 hours of activation, costimulation induced intracellular accumulation of IL-2 predominantly in the CD4$\sp+$ and CD45RO$\sp+$ T cell subsets. This was similar to a number of PB T cell costimulatory molecules including CD26, CD43, CD44. Only CD28 costimulated IL-2 production from both CD45RA$\sp+$ and CD45RO$\sp+$ subpopulations.^ The GTPase Rho has been implicated in regulating integrin mediated stress fiber formation and anchorage dependent growth in fibroblasts, so studies were initiated to determine if Rho played a role in integrin dependent T cell function. In order to perform this, a technique based on scrape-loading was developed to incorporate macromolecules into PB T cells that maintained their functional activity. With this technique, C3 exoenzyme from Clostridium botulinum was incorporated into PB T cells. C3 ADP-ribosylates Rho proteins on Asn$\sp{41},$ which is in close proximity to the Rho effector domain, rendering it inactive. It was demonstrated that functional Rho is not required for basal or upregulated PB T cell adhesion to $\beta$1 integrin substrates, however PB T cell homotypic aggregation induced by PMA, which is an event mediated predominantly by the integrin $\rm\alpha L\beta2,$ was delayed. PB T cells lacking Rho function displayed altered cell morphology on $\beta$1 integrin ligands, producing stellate, dendritic-like pseudopodia. Rho activity was also found to be required for integrin dependent costimulation of proliferation. When intracellular accumulation of IL-2 was measured, inactivation of Rho prevented both integrin and CD28 costimulatory activity. Rho was identified to lie upstream of signals mediating PKC activation and Ca$\sp{++}$ fluxes, as PMA and ionomycin activation of PB T cells was unaffected by the inactivation of Rho. ^


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A common complication of antibiotic use is the development of diarrheal illness. The pathogenesis of antibiotic associated diarrhea (AAD) may be mediated through alteration of intestinal microbiota, overgrowth of opportunistic pathogens, and direct drug toxicity on the gut. Alterations in the intestinal microbiota result in metabolic imbalances, loss of colonization resistance and in turn allow proliferation of opportunistic pathogens. Currently less than 33% of AAD cases can be attributable to Clostridium difficile leaving a large number of cases undiagnosed and poorly treated. Although the pathogenesis of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) has been well documented, the role of other putative microbial etiologies (Clostridium perfringens, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella oxytoca, Candida species) and their pathogenic mechanisms in AAD has been unclear. This review provides a comprehensive and systematic approach to the existing data on AAD and includes concise descriptions of the pathogenesis of CDI and non-CDI AAD in the form of figures.^


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The symposium reported here was the thirteenth of a series devoted to talks by students on their biochemical engineering research. The first, third, fifth, ninth, and twelfth were at Kansas State University, the second and fourth were at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, the sixth was in Kansas City and was hosted by Iowa State University, the seventh and tenth were at Iowa State, and the eighth and eleventh were at the University of Missouri–Columbia and Colorado State University, respectively. All symposia have been followed by proceedings edited by faculty of the host institution. Because final publication usually takes place elsewhere, papers here are brief, and often cover research in progress. ContentSequential Utilization of Mixed Sugars by Clostridium acetobutylicum, B. Hong, N. H. Choi, and L. T. Fan, Kansas State University The Effects of Dilution Rate on the Kinetics. of Anaerobic Acidogenesis, C. J. Huang, Colorado State University Ethanol Production by Zymomonas mobilis in Anaerobic Glucose-Limited Culture: A Yield Study, Mehmet D. Oner, Kansas State University Hydrolysis of Cellulosics by Enterobacteria, Michael R. Sierks, Iowa State University The Cellulase System of Chaetomium cellulolyticum, Nikhil Mehta, Colorado State University DNA Measurement as a Tool for Estimating Biomass Concentration in the Presence of Interfering Solids, Bamidele 0. Solomon, Kansas State University The Effect of Cellulose Crystallinity on Enzymatic Hydrolysis, Maria S. Bertran, Colorado State University High Performance Liquid Chromatography of Di- and Trisaccharides, Michael M. Meagher, Iowa State University Dynamics of Bubble Size .Distributions in Air-Lift Fermentors, c. H. Lee and Snehal A. Patel, Kansas State University A Thermal Coagulation Study of Alfalfa Leaf Proteins by Differential Scanning Calorimeter, Khalif Ahmed and Bruce Dale, Colorado State University Thermodynamic Efficiency of Photoautotrophic Growth, Hyeon Y. Lee, Kansas State University


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This work represents the proceedings of the fifteenth symposium which convened at Colorado State University on May 24, 1985. The two day meeting was scheduled one month later than usual, i.e., after the spring semester, so that travelers from the Midwest (Iowa State University, Kansas State University and University of Missouri) could enjoy the unique mountain setting provided at Pingree Park. The background of the photograph on the cover depicts the beauty of the area. ContentsGreg Sinton and S.M. Leo, KSU. Models for the Biodegration of 2.4-D and Related Xenobiotic Compounds. V. Bringi, CSU. Intrinsic Kinetics from a Novel Immobilized Cell CSTR. Steve Birdsell, CU. Novel Microbial Separation Techniques. Mark Smith, MU. Kinetic Characterization of Growth of E. coli on Glucose. Michael M. Meagher, ISU. Kinetic Parameters of Di- and Trisaccharaide Hydrolysis by Glucoamylase II. G.T. Jones and A.K. Ghosh Hajra, KSU. Modeling and Simulation of Legume Modules with Reactive Cores and Inert Shells. S.A. Patel and C.H. Lee, KSU. Energetic Analysis and Liquid Circulation in an Airlift Fermenter. Rod R. Fisher, ISU. The Effects of Mixing during Acid Addition of Fractionally Precipitated Protein. Mark M. Paige, CSU. Fed-batch Fermentations of Clostridium acetobutylicum. Michael K. Dowd, ISU. A Nonequilibirium Thermodynamic Description of the Variation of Contractile Velocity and Energy Use in Muscle. David D. Drury, CSU. Analysis of Hollow Fiber Bioreactor Performance for MAmmalian Cells by On-Line MMR. H.Y. Lee, KSU. Process Analysis of Photosynthetic Continuous Culture Systems. C.J. Wang, MU. Kinetic Consideration in Fermentation of Cheese Whey to Ethanol.


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Background: Studies of oyster microbiomes have revealed that a limited number of microbes, including pathogens, can dominate microbial communities in host tissues such as gills and gut. Much of the bacterial diversity however remains underexplored and unexplained, although environmental conditions and host genetics have been implicated. We used 454 next generation 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing of individually tagged PCR reactions to explore the diversity of bacterial communities in gill tissue of the invasive Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas stemming from genetically differentiated beds under ambient outdoor conditions and after a multifaceted disturbance treatment imposing stress on the host. Results: While the gill associated microbial communities in oysters were dominated by few abundant taxa (i.e. Sphingomonas, Mycoplasma) the distribution of rare bacterial groups correlated to relatedness between the hosts under ambient conditions. Exposing the host to disturbance broke apart this relationship by removing rare phylotypes thereby reducing overall microbial diversity. Shifts in the microbiome composition in response to stress did not result in a net increase in genera known to contain potentially pathogenic strains. Conclusion: The decrease in microbial diversity and the disassociation between population genetic structure of the hosts and their associated microbiome suggest that disturbance (i.e. stress) may play a significant role for the assembly of the natural microbiome. Such community shifts may in turn also feed back on the course of disease and the occurrence of mass mortality events in oyster populations.


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La neurotoxina botulínica es producida por la bacteria anaerobia Clostridium botulinum (NTBo). Bloquea la transmisión neuromuscular por lo cual es utilizada para el tratamiento de enfermedades con hiperactividad muscular, bloqueando la liberación de acetilcolina y así la transmisión sináptica en la unión neuromuscular, lo que lleva al debilitamiento y atrofia de los músculos. Este mecanismo de acción motivó el uso de la toxina botulínica en las enfermedades con elevado tono muscular, como la distonía y la espasticidad, por lo cual también ha revolucionado la opción de tratamiento de los trastornos autónomos de hipersecreción. La sialorrea es un síntoma común en diversas enfermedades neurológicas. Las inyecciones de toxina botulínica, guiadas por ultrasonidos en las glándulas salivales, produce una disminución de la salivación excesiva en niños con deficiencias neurológicas como parálisis cerebral. La utilización de la toxina botulínica tipo A ha sido sugerida como tratamiento de la sialorrea en pacientes con parálisis cerebral (PC). Esta recomendación ha sido hecha por el efecto anticolinérgico de esta sustancia, principalmente por su capacidad para bloquear la liberación de acetilcolina a nivel de las membranas pre-sinápticas Aunque la respuesta al tratamrento es distinta en cada niño, en general se ha observado que cuanto más a menudo se utiliza la toxlna botulínica y más alta es la dosis utilizada, los resultados son mejores. Los expertos consideran conveniente el procedimiento porque muchos de estos pacientes están utilizando la toxina botulínica para sus problemas musculares y las distrntas condiciones pueden ser tratadas al mismo tiempo Se reporta la descripción de la aplicación de toxina botulínica en una paciente niña que concurre al Instituto de Rehabilitación Infantil TELETON de la ciudad de Valparaíso, Chile, con un trastorno motor severo y con salivación incontrolada persistente que provoca enfermedades respiratorias a repetición