989 resultados para Class relations


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Recently we have reported the effect of (S)-6-aryl urea/thiourea substituted-2-amino-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobenzod]thiazole derivatives as potent anti-leukemic agents. To elucidate further the Structure Activity Relationship (SAR) studies on the anti-leukemic activity of (S)-2,6-diamino-4,5,6,7 tetrahydrobenzod]thiazole moiety, a series of 2-arlycarboxamide substituted-(S)-6-amino-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobenzod]thiazole were designed, synthesized and evaluated for their anti-leukemic activity by trypan blue exclusion, 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assays and cell cycle analysis. Results suggest that the position, number and bulkiness of the substituent on the phenyl ring of aryl carboxamide moiety at 2nd position of 6-amino-4,5,6,7-tetrhydrobenzod]thiazole play a key role in inhibiting the proliferation of leukemia cells. Compounds with ortho substitution showed poor activity and with meta and para substitution showed good activity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The most prominent objective of the thesis is the development of the generalized descriptive set theory, as we call it. There, we study the space of all functions from a fixed uncountable cardinal to itself, or to a finite set of size two. These correspond to generalized notions of the universal Baire space (functions from natural numbers to themselves with the product topology) and the Cantor space (functions from natural numbers to the {0,1}-set) respectively. We generalize the notion of Borel sets in three different ways and study the corresponding Borel structures with the aims of generalizing classical theorems of descriptive set theory or providing counter examples. In particular we are interested in equivalence relations on these spaces and their Borel reducibility to each other. The last chapter shows, using game-theoretic techniques, that the order of Borel equivalence relations under Borel reduciblity has very high complexity. The techniques in the above described set theoretical side of the thesis include forcing, general topological notions such as meager sets and combinatorial games of infinite length. By coding uncountable models to functions, we are able to apply the understanding of the generalized descriptive set theory to the model theory of uncountable models. The links between the theorems of model theory (including Shelah's classification theory) and the theorems in pure set theory are provided using game theoretic techniques from Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé games in model theory to cub-games in set theory. The bottom line of the research declairs that the descriptive (set theoretic) complexity of an isomorphism relation of a first-order definable model class goes in synch with the stability theoretical complexity of the corresponding first-order theory. The first chapter of the thesis has slightly different focus and is purely concerned with a certain modification of the well known Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé games. There we (me and my supervisor Tapani Hyttinen) answer some natural questions about that game mainly concerning determinacy and its relation to the standard EF-game


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A feature common to many adaptive systems for identification and control is the adjustment.of gain parameters in a manner ensuring the stability of the overall system. This paper puts forward a principle which assures such a result for arbitrary systems which are linear and time invariant except for the adjustable parameters. The principle only demands that a transfer function be positive real. This transfer function dependent on the structure of the system with respect to the parameters. Several examples from adaptive identification, control and observer schemes are given as illustrations of the conceptual simplification provided by the structural principle.


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Phase relations in the system CaO-Fe2O3-Y2O3 in air (P-O2/P-o = 0.21) were explored by equilibrating samples representing eleven compositions in the ternary at 1273 K, followed by quenching to room temperature and phase identification using XRD. Limited mutual solubility was observed between YFeO3 and Ca2Fe2O5. No quaternary oxide was identified. An isothermal section of the phase diagram at 1273 K was constructed from the results. Five three-phase regions and four extended two-phase regions were observed. The extended two-phase regions arise from the limited solid solutions based on the ternary oxides YFeO3 and Ca2Fe2O5. Activities of CaO, Fe2O3 and Y2O3 in the three-phase fields were computed using recently measured thermodynamic data on the ternary oxides. The experimental phase diagram is consistent with thermodynamic data. The computed activities of CaO indicate that compositions of CaO-doped YFeO3 exhibiting good electrical conductivity are not compatible with zirconia-based electrolytes; CaO will react with ZrO2 to form CaZrO3.


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We show how, for large classes of systems with purely second-class constraints, further information can be obtained about the constraint algebra. In particular, a subset consisting of half the full set of constraints is shown to have vanishing mutual brackets. Some other constraint brackets are also shown to be zero. The class of systems for which our results hold includes examples from non-relativistic particle mechanics as well as relativistic field theory. The results are derived at the classical level for Poisson brackets, but in the absence of commutator anomalies the same results will hold for the commutators of the constraint operators in the corresponding quantised theories.


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Given a classical dynamical theory with second-class constraints, it is sometimes possible to construct another theory with first-class constraints, i.e., a gauge-invariant one, which is physically equivalent to the first theory. We identify some conditions under which this may be done, explaining the general principles and working out several examples. Field theoretic applications include the chiral Schwinger model and the non-linear sigma model. An interesting connection with the work of Faddeev and Shatashvili is pointed out.


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We propose to compress weighted graphs (networks), motivated by the observation that large networks of social, biological, or other relations can be complex to handle and visualize. In the process also known as graph simplication, nodes and (unweighted) edges are grouped to supernodes and superedges, respectively, to obtain a smaller graph. We propose models and algorithms for weighted graphs. The interpretation (i.e. decompression) of a compressed, weighted graph is that a pair of original nodes is connected by an edge if their supernodes are connected by one, and that the weight of an edge is approximated to be the weight of the superedge. The compression problem now consists of choosing supernodes, superedges, and superedge weights so that the approximation error is minimized while the amount of compression is maximized. In this paper, we formulate this task as the 'simple weighted graph compression problem'. We then propose a much wider class of tasks under the name of 'generalized weighted graph compression problem'. The generalized task extends the optimization to preserve longer-range connectivities between nodes, not just individual edge weights. We study the properties of these problems and propose a range of algorithms to solve them, with dierent balances between complexity and quality of the result. We evaluate the problems and algorithms experimentally on real networks. The results indicate that weighted graphs can be compressed efficiently with relatively little compression error.


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Bayesian networks are compact, flexible, and interpretable representations of a joint distribution. When the network structure is unknown but there are observational data at hand, one can try to learn the network structure. This is called structure discovery. This thesis contributes to two areas of structure discovery in Bayesian networks: space--time tradeoffs and learning ancestor relations. The fastest exact algorithms for structure discovery in Bayesian networks are based on dynamic programming and use excessive amounts of space. Motivated by the space usage, several schemes for trading space against time are presented. These schemes are presented in a general setting for a class of computational problems called permutation problems; structure discovery in Bayesian networks is seen as a challenging variant of the permutation problems. The main contribution in the area of the space--time tradeoffs is the partial order approach, in which the standard dynamic programming algorithm is extended to run over partial orders. In particular, a certain family of partial orders called parallel bucket orders is considered. A partial order scheme that provably yields an optimal space--time tradeoff within parallel bucket orders is presented. Also practical issues concerning parallel bucket orders are discussed. Learning ancestor relations, that is, directed paths between nodes, is motivated by the need for robust summaries of the network structures when there are unobserved nodes at work. Ancestor relations are nonmodular features and hence learning them is more difficult than modular features. A dynamic programming algorithm is presented for computing posterior probabilities of ancestor relations exactly. Empirical tests suggest that ancestor relations can be learned from observational data almost as accurately as arcs even in the presence of unobserved nodes.


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In Cambodia, water has a special purpose as a source of life and livelihoods. Along with agriculture, fishing and forest use, industry, hydropower, navigation and tourism compete for the water resources. When rights and responsibilities related to essential and movable water are unclear, conflicts emerge easily. Therefore, water management is needed in order to plan and control the use of water resources. The international context is characterized by the Mekong River that flows through six countries. All of the countries by the river have very different roles and interests already depending on their geographical location. At the same time, water is also a tool for cooperation and peace. Locally, the water resources and related livelihoods create base for well-being, for economical and human resources in particular. They in turn are essential for the local people to participate and defend their rights to water use. They also help to construct the resource base of the state administration. Cambodia is highly dependent on the Mekong River. However, Cambodia has a volatile history whose effects can be seen for example in population structure, once suspended public institutions and weakened trust in the society. Relatively stable conditions came to the country as late as in the 1990s, therefore Cambodia for example has a weak status within the Mekong countries. This Master s thesis forms international, national and local interest groups of water use and analyzes their power relations and resources to affect water management. The state is seen as the salient actor as it has the formal responsibility of the water resources and of the coordination between the actions of different levels. In terms of water use this study focuses on production, in management on planning and in power relations on the resources. Water resources of Cambodia are seen consisting of the Mekong River and Tonle Sap Lake and the time span of the study is between the years 1991 and 2006. The material consists of semi-structured interviews collected during summer 2006 in Finland and in Cambodia as well as of literature and earlier studies. The results of the study show that the central state has difficulties to coordinate the actions of different actors because of its resource deficit and internal conflicts. The lessons of history and the vested interests of the actors of the state make it difficult to plan and to strengthen legislation. It seems that the most needed resources at the central state level are intangible as at the village level instead, the tangible resources (fulfilling the basic needs) are primarily important. The local decision-making bodies, NGOs and private sector mainly require legislation and legitimacy to support their role. However, the civil society and the international supporters are active and there are possibilities for new cooperation networks. Keywords: Water management, resources, participation, Cambodia, Mekong


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The isothermal sections of the phase diagram for the system Ca-Cu-0 at 1073 and 1223 K have been determined. Several compositions in the ternary system were quenched after equilibration, and the phases present were identified by optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and electron probe microanalysis. Two ternary compounds Ca2CuO3 and Cao.8&uO1.9s were identified at 1073 K. However, only Ca2CuO3 was found to be stable at 1223 K. The thermodynamic properties of the two ternary compounds were determined using solid-state cells incorporating either an oxide or a fluoride solid electrolyte. The results for both types of cells were internally consistent. The compound C ~ O . ~ & U Ow~h.i~ch~ c, a n also be represented as Ca15Cu18035h, as been identified in an earlier investigation as Cao.828CuOz. Using a novel variation of the galvanic cell technique, in which the emf of a cell incorporating a fluoride electrolyte is measured as a function of the oxygen potential of the gas phase in equilibrium with the condensed phase electrodes, it has been confirmed that the compound Cao.828CuO1.93 (Ca15Cu18035d) oes not have significant oxygen nonstoichiometry. Phase relations have been deduced from the thermodynamic data as a function of the partial pressure of oxygen for the system Ca-Cu-0 at 873, 1073, and 1223 K.


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The phase relations in the system Cu-Gd-O have been determined at 1273 K by X-ray diffrac- tion, optical microscopy, and electron microprobe analysis of samples equilibrated in quartz ampules and in pure oxygen. Only one ternary compound, CuGd2O4, was found to be stable. The Gibbs free energy of formation of this compound has been measured using the solid-state cell Pt, Cu2O + CuGd2O4 + Gd2O3 // (Y2O3) ZrO2 // CuO + Cu2O, Pt in the temperature range of 900 to 1350 K. For the formation of CuGd2O4 from its binary component oxides, CuO (s) + Gd2O3 (s) → CuGd2O4 (s) ΔG° = 8230 - 11.2T (±50) J mol-1 Since the formation is endothermic, CuGd2O4 becomes thermodynamically unstable with respect to CuO and Gd2O3 below 735 K. When the oxygen partial pressure over CuGd2O4 is lowered, it decomposes according to the reaction 4CuGd2O4 (s) → 4Gd2O3 (s) + 2Cu2O (s) + O2 (g) for which the equilibrium oxygen potential is given by Δμo 2 = −227,970 + 143.2T (±500) J mol−1 An oxygen potential diagram for the system Cu-Gd-O at 1273 K is presented.


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The phase relations in the systems Cu–O–R2O3(R = Tm, Lu) have been determined at 1273 K by X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy and electron probe microanalysis of samples equilibrated in evacuated quartz ampules and in pure oxygen. Only ternary compounds of the type Cu2R2O5 were found to be stable. The standard Gibbs energies of formation of the compounds have been measured using solid-state galvanic cells of the type, Pt|Cu2O + Cu2R2O5+ R2O3‖(Y2O3)ZrO2‖CuO + Cu2O‖Pt in the temperature range 950–1325 K. The standard Gibbs energy changes associated with the formation of Cu2R2O5 compounds from their binary component oxides are: 2CuO(s)+ Tm2O3(s)→Cu2Tm2O5(s), ΔG°=(10400 – 14.0 T/K)± 100 J mol–1, 2CuO(s)+ Lu2O3(s)→Cu2Lu2O5(s), ΔG°=(10210 – 14.4 T/K)± 100 J mol–1 Since the formation is endothermic, the compounds become thermodynamically unstable with respect to component oxides at low temperatures, Cu2Tm2O5 below 743 K and Cu2Lu2O5 below 709 K. When the chemical potential of oxygen over the Cu2R2O5 compounds is lowered, they decompose according to the reaction, 2Cu2R2O5(s)→2R2O3(s)+ 2Cu2O(s)+ O2(g) The equilibrium oxygen potential corresponding to this reaction is obtained from the emf. Oxygen potential diagrams for the Cu–O–R2O3 systems at 1273 K are presented.


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We address risk minimizing option pricing in a regime switching market where the floating interest rate depends on a finite state Markov process. The growth rate and the volatility of the stock also depend on the Markov process. Using the minimal martingale measure, we show that the locally risk minimizing prices for certain exotic options satisfy a system of Black-Scholes partial differential equations with appropriate boundary conditions. We find the corresponding hedging strategies and the residual risk. We develop suitable numerical methods to compute option prices.


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The cell envelope of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) is composed of a variety of lipids including mycolic acids, sulpholipids, lipoarabinomannans, etc., which impart rigidity crucial for its survival and pathogenesis. Acyl CoA carboxylase (ACC) provides malonyl-CoA and methylmalonyl-CoA, committed precursors for fatty acid and essential for mycolic acid synthesis respectively. Biotin Protein Ligase (BPL/BirA) activates apo-biotin carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP) by biotinylating it to an active holo-BCCP. A minimal peptide (Schatz), an efficient substrate for Escherichia coli BirA, failed to serve as substrate for M. tuberculosis Biotin Protein Ligase (MtBPL). MtBPL specifically biotinylates homologous BCCP domain, MtBCCP87, but not EcBCCP87. This is a unique feature of MtBPL as EcBirA lacks such a stringent substrate specificity. This feature is also reflected in the lack of self/promiscuous biotinylation by MtBPL. The N-terminus/HTH domain of EcBirA has the selfbiotinable lysine residue that is inhibited in the presence of Schatz peptide, a peptide designed to act as a universal acceptor for EcBirA. This suggests that when biotin is limiting, EcBirA preferentially catalyzes, biotinylation of BCCP over selfbiotinylation. R118G mutant of EcBirA showed enhanced self and promiscuous biotinylation but its homologue, R69A MtBPL did not exhibit these properties. The catalytic domain of MtBPL was characterized further by limited proteolysis. Holo-MtBPL is protected from proteolysis by biotinyl-59 AMP, an intermediate of MtBPL catalyzed reaction. In contrast, apo-MtBPL is completely digested by trypsin within 20 min of co-incubation. Substrate selectivity and inability to promote self biotinylation are exquisite features of MtBPL and are a consequence of the unique molecular mechanism of an enzyme adapted for the high turnover of fatty acid biosynthesis.


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In the distributed storage setting introduced by Dimakis et al., B units of data are stored across n nodes in the network in such a way that the data can be recovered by connecting to any k nodes. Additionally one can repair a failed node by connecting to any d nodes while downloading at most beta units of data from each node. In this paper, we introduce a flexible framework in which the data can be recovered by connecting to any number of nodes as long as the total amount of data downloaded is at least B. Similarly, regeneration of a failed node is possible if the new node connects to the network using links whose individual capacity is bounded above by beta(max) and whose sum capacity equals or exceeds a predetermined parameter gamma. In this flexible setting, we obtain the cut-set lower bound on the repair bandwidth along with a constructive proof for the existence of codes meeting this bound for all values of the parameters. An explicit code construction is provided which is optimal in certain parameter regimes.