968 resultados para Cheyenne Indians


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La Constitución Política del Ecuador, al igual que instrumentos internacionales sobre derechos de los indígenas, ha reconocido la potestad de las autoridades indígenas para ejercer jurisdicción en sus conflictos y que puedan resolverlos de conformidad con sus propias normas. Lamentablemente estos principios constitucionales no han sido desarrollados por una ley y tampoco han merecido un trato serio, salvo contadas excepciones, por parte de la Función Judicial y el Ministerio Público. En este ensayo se reflexiona sobre las tensiones entre la jurisdicción indígena y los derechos humanos, entre la jurisdicción indígena y ordinaria, se establecen algunos parámetros para determinar la validez del sistema ancestral de solución de conflictos y las obligaciones que tienen los operadores de justicia frente al derecho consuetudinario indígena. Finalmente, se insiste en la necesidad de reconocer, con todas sus implicancias, el pluralismo jurídico.


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La autora lee la Brevísima, de Bartolomé de las Casas, en el contexto del auge del imaginario caballeresco en el siglo XVI español, propiciado por las empresas de la Conquista y la Colonia, y que alcanzó igualmente a las gestas religiosas. Estudia este reflejo caballeresco –ensombrecido tal vez por el dramatismo y la violencia de lo narrado, entre otras razones–, empezando por la promesa lascasiana de ennoblecer a campesinos pacíficos a cambio de que colonizaran con justicia, resalta el carácter cortés y pacífico de los indios, así como de sus valores de tinte caballeresco («lo mismo los varones que las mujeres, muertas antes que entregar su honra o faltar a sus esposos», destaca su respeto a la jerarquía, natural o adquirida, y a las responsabilidades de cada cual, incluidas las del buen rey, que protege a sus vasallos y defiende los límites de su territorio), incluso distingue su delicadeza corporal como signo de nobleza. El patrón narrativo de la Brevísima es similar al de muchas obras de la tradición caballeresca. Utiliza todos estos elementos en un retrato civilizado de los indios, presentados viviendo en sociedad y según las virtudes cristianas antes de la llegada de los españoles, en un equilibrio que sería amenazado por los afanes desmedidos de los conquistadores.


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El ensayo analiza el surgimiento de la ciudad de Manta como estación de enlace entre la región de Manabí y el mercado mundial en el siglo XIX. Esta región económica estuvo integrada por un sistema de pequeñas localidades, cada una de las cuales cumplía una función determinada. El puerto de Manta experimentó un sorprendente despegue debido al auge manufacturero de los sombreros de paja toquilla y, más tarde, al auge agroexportador de la tagua y el cacao. Estudia, además, el proceso de recolonización por parte de grupos blanco-mestizos y la segmentación del espacio entre los nuev s inmigrantes y los descendientes de los antiguos indios.


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Este estudio analiza las diversas posiciones asumidas por los indígenas frente a la Revolución de Quito de 1809. Siguiendo a dos personajes clave del Corregimiento de Riobamba, un cacique y un indio, busca las causas de la adhesión o del rechazo. Con ese propósito se estudian varias coyunturas que empiezan a mediados del siglo XVIII, desde las peticiones caciquiles y el posterior reacomodo de las autoridades indígenas efectuadas por los reformistas borbónicos, las continuas imposiciones tributarias y el terremoto de 1797, que desembocan en el levantamiento indígena de 1803. El artículo muestra una ruptura radical entre los indios del común y el pensamiento criollo fundador de la nación.


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El artículo ofrece una caracterización general de los indios de Portoviejo, en la zona central de la Costa ecuatoriana, a lo largo del período colonial. Se analizan las reacciones de las parcialidades indígenas ante las regulaciones de la administración colonial y las frecuentes disputas con los sectores blancos y mestizos de la región por el control del territorio y la mano de obra. Seguidamente, el artículo describe algunos de los viajes que algunas autoridades étnicas emprendieron hacia España, en procura de que sus quejas y demandas fuesen oídas directamente por el Rey y su corte. Palabras clave: Indígenas, caciques, poderes locales, Colonia, comercio, redes de sociabilidad, tributo, faccionalismo, viajes, Corte española.


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Tomando como caso de estudio los festejos en honor de la canonización de Raimundo de Peñafort en Quito, en 1603, el artículo ofrece una reflexión alrededor de la cultura barroca en Hispanoamérica desde el punto de vista de la soberanía. El texto muestra cómo las élites quiteñas se apropiaron de las festividades organizadas en Quito en honor al santo catalán. Los criollos utilizaron las celebraciones en honor a San Raimundo como una estrategia política para solicitar a la Corona que deroguen los castigos impuestos a la ciudad luego de la Rebelión de las Alcabalas (1593).


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Este artículo aborda el papel de los abogados semiprofesionales, conocidos como tinterillos, en las comunidades indígenas de la sierra ecuatoriana, a partir de mediados del siglo XIX, quienes adquirieron una presencia aparentemente ubicua en las comunidades rurales del Ecuador. Muchas veces los tinterillos fueron parte de las élites locales con algo de educación. Inspiraban respeto entre los indígenas (quienes, en su mayoría, eran analfabetos) debido a su habilidad a manejar documentos escritos. Estos intermediarios comúnmente explotaron su posición privilegiada para su propio beneficio económico, social y político. Sin embargo, los indígenas llegaron a depender del apoyo de los tinterillos para denunciar ante el gobierno los abusos de los terratenientes. En ocasiones, en lugar de sentirse impotentes o víctimas, los indígenas aprendieron a negociar sus relaciones con esos intermediarios para su beneficio. El estudio de los tinterillos permite examinar las relaciones de poder que se negociaron entre diferentes culturas y a través de profundas divisiones de clase.


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Escritas durante la primera mitad del siglo XX, Canaima, La vorágine, y Sangama son tres novelas de la selva en las cuales aparece una representación del mundo indígena del Amazonas o del Orinoco. Se ha repetido que se trataba de novelas progresistas, que encerraban una crítica del sistema social de la época, y más particularmente del genocidio acarreado por la explotación del caucho durante el “ciclo da borracha”. Sin embargo estas ficciones nos proporcionan un enfoque ambiguo de la realidad indígena. Una visión impregnada por las mismas concepciones del siglo XIX que favorecieron los excesos, maltratos y masacres que dichas novelas pretenden denunciar. Este ensayo se propone analizar la matriz científica de estas representaciones, insistiendo en el paradigma racialista decimónico, derivado de la teoría evolucionista y de la ideología del progreso. Los indios de las ficciones se desplazan como fantasmas en un universo mágico, embrujado, o infernal que carece de realidad. Este “flor” romántico es la proyección literaria de una estrategia biopolítica que se da en las sociedades de la época: la cuestión gira en torno a la construcción del pueblo nacional. Los “aparecidos” del espacio novelesco son un momento de unas estrategias discursivas más globales: se trata de construir una homegeneidad nacional a partir de una etnicidad ficticia que requiere el rechazo del “otro atrasado”. El espectro es la huella o el testigo de esta violencia fundadora.


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BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of polymorphisms of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARG) gene and peroxisome proliferators-activated receptor gamma co-activator 1 alpha (PPARGC1A) gene with diabetic nephropathy (DN) in Asian Indians. METHODS: Six common polymorphisms, 3 of the PPARG gene [-1279G/A, Pro12Ala, and His478His (C/T)] and 3 of the PPARGC1A gene (Thr394Thr, Gly482Ser, and +A2962G) were studied in 571 normal glucose-tolerant (NGT) subjects, 255 type 2 diabetic (T2D) subjects without nephropathy, and 141 DN subjects. Genotypes were determined by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and direct sequencing. Logistic regression analysis was performed to assess the covariables associated with DN. RESULTS: Among the 6 polymorphisms examined, only the Gly482Ser of the PPARGC1A gene was significantly associated with DN. The genotype frequency of Ser/Ser genotype of the PPARGC1A gene was 8.8% (50/571) in NGT subjects, 7.8% (20/255) in T2D subjects, and 29.8% (42/141) in DN subjects. The odds ratios (ORs) for DN for the susceptible Gly/Ser and Ser/Ser genotype after adjusting for age, sex, body mass index, and duration of diabetes were 2.14 [95% confidence interval (CI), 1.23-3.72; P = 0.007] and 8.01 (95% CI, 3.89-16.47; P < 0.001), respectively. The unadjusted OR for DN for the XA genotype of the Thr394Thr polymorphism was 1.87 (95% CI, 1.20-2.92; P = 0.006) compared to T2D subjects. However, the significance was lost (P = 0.061) when adjusted for age, sex, BMI, and duration of diabetes. The +A2962G of PPARGC1A and the 3 polymorphisms of PPARG were not associated with DN. CONCLUSION: The Gly482Ser polymorphism of the PPARGC1A gene is associated with DN in Asian Indians.


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AIMS: Lipoprotein lipase (LPL), a pivotal enzyme in lipoprotein metabolism, catalyzes the hydrolysis of triglycerides of very low-density lipoproteins and chylomicrons. Assuming that the variants in the promoter of the LPL gene may be associated with changes in lipid metabolism leading to obesity and type 2 diabetes, we examined the role of promoter variants (-T93G and -G53C) in the LPL gene in an urban South Indian population. METHODS: The study subjects (619 type 2 diabetic and 731 normal glucose-tolerant (NGT) subjects) were chosen from the Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study, an ongoing population-based study in southern India. The polymorphisms were genotyped using polymerase chain reaction-restriction-fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Linkage disequilibrium (LD) was estimated from the estimates of haplotypic frequencies. RESULTS: The two polymorphisms studied were not in LD. The -T93G was not associated with type 2 diabetes but was associated with obesity. 11.5% of the obese subjects (62/541) had the XG(TG+GG) genotype compared with 6.4% of the nonobese subjects (52/809; P=0.001). The odds ratio for obesity for the XG genotype was 1.766 (95% CI: 1.19-2.63, P=0.005). Subjects with XG genotype also had higher body mass index and waist circumference compared with those with TT genotype. With respect to G53C, subjects with the XC(GC+CC) genotype had 0.527 and 0.531 times lower risk for developing type 2 diabetes and obesity, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Among Asian Indians, the -T93G SNP of the LPL gene is associated with obesity but not type 2 diabetes, whereas the -G53C SNP appears to be protective against both obesity and type 2 diabetes.


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The aim of the study was to assess the relation of adiponectin levels with the metabolic syndrome in Asian Indians, a high-risk group for diabetes and premature coronary artery disease. The study was conducted on 100 (50 men and 50 women) type 2 diabetic subjects and 100 age and sex matched subjects with normal glucose tolerance selected from the Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study, an ongoing population study in Chennai in southern India. Metabolic syndrome was defined using modified Adult Treatment Panel III (ATPIII) guidelines. Adiponectin values were significantly lower in diabetic subjects (men: 5.2 vs 8.3 microg/mL, P=.00l; women: 7.6 vs 11.1 microg/mL, P<.00l) and those with the metabolic syndrome (men: 5.0 vs 6.8 microg/mL, P=.01; women: 6.5 vs 9.9 microg/mL, P=.001) compared with those without. Linear regression analysis revealed adiponectin to be associated with body mass index (P<.05), waist circumference (P<.01), fasting plasma glucose (P=.001), glycated hemoglobin (P<.001), triglycerides (P<.00l), high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (P<.001), cholesterol/HDL ratio (P<.00l), and insulin resistance measured by homeostasis assessment model (P<.00l). Factor analysis identified 2 factors: factor 1, negatively loaded with adiponectin and HDL cholesterol and positively loaded with triglycerides, waist circumference, and insulin resistance measured by homeostasis assessment model; and factor 2, with a positive loading of waist circumference and systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Logistic regression analysis revealed adiponectin to be negatively associated with metabolic syndrome (odds ratio [OR], 0.365; P<.001) even after adjusting for age (OR, 0.344; P<.00l), sex (OR, 0.293; P<.001), and body mass index (OR, 0.292; P<.00l). Lower adiponectin levels are associated with the metabolic syndrome per se and several of its components, particularly, diabetes, insulin resistance, and dyslipidemia in this urban south Indian population.


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Background Lifestyle factors such as diet and physical activity have been shown to modify the association between fat mass and obesity–associated (FTO) gene variants and metabolic traits in several populations; however, there are no gene-lifestyle interaction studies, to date, among Asian Indians living in India. In this study, we examined whether dietary factors and physical activity modified the association between two FTO single nucleotide polymorphisms (rs8050136 and rs11076023) (SNPs) and obesity traits and type 2 diabetes (T2D). Methods The study included 734 unrelated T2D and 884 normal glucose-tolerant (NGT) participants randomly selected from the urban component of the Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study (CURES). Dietary intakes were assessed using a validated interviewer administered semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Physical activity was based upon the self-report. Interaction analyses were performed by including the interaction terms in the linear/logistic regression model. Results There was a significant interaction between SNP rs8050136 and carbohydrate intake (% energy) (Pinteraction = 0.04), where the ‘A’ allele carriers had 2.46 times increased risk of obesity than those with ‘CC’ genotype (P = 3.0 × 10−5) among individuals in the highest tertile of carbohydrate intake (% energy, 71 %). A significant interaction was also observed between SNP rs11076023 and dietary fibre intake (Pinteraction = 0.0008), where individuals with AA genotype who are in the 3rd tertile of dietary fibre intake had 1.62 cm lower waist circumference than those with ‘T’ allele carriers (P = 0.02). Furthermore, among those who were physically inactive, the ‘A’ allele carriers of the SNP rs8050136 had 1.89 times increased risk of obesity than those with ‘CC’ genotype (P = 4.0 × 10−5). Conclusions This is the first study to provide evidence for a gene-diet and gene-physical activity interaction on obesity and T2D in an Asian Indian population. Our findings suggest that the association between FTO SNPs and obesity might be influenced by carbohydrate and dietary fibre intake and physical inactivity. Further understanding of how FTO gene influences obesity and T2D through dietary and exercise interventions is warranted to advance the development of behavioral intervention and personalised lifestyle strategies, which could reduce the risk of metabolic diseases in this Asian Indian population.


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The objective of this paper is to summarise epidemiological information about the distribution of dental caries among Indigenous peoples in Brazil. The authors also present a case study of a specific group of Xavante Indians, one of the most numerous of Brazil`s Indigenous peoples, describing how their oral health has deteriorated over recent decades, and showing how an oral health programme is attempting to reverse the present trend of increase in caries. The programme at Etenheritipa Xavante village incorporated three principal components: educational, preventive, and clinical. From the beginning, the programme included epidemiological record keeping for monitoring the level of caries in the population. Transversal studies of the condition of oral health among the Xavante of Etenheritipa were undertaken in 1999, 2004, and 2007. In the period from 2004 to 2007 the DMFS values in the 11-15 age cohort had a significant reduction in caries experience. The mean DMFS score fell from 4.95 in 2004 to 2.39 in 2007 (p<0.01). An increase in the percent of individuals who were free from caries was also noted: in 1999, 20% of adolescents 11-15 had no caries; in 2007, the proportion had risen to 47%. The Xavante case is a prime example of the transition in oral health that is taking place among the Indigenous peoples of the Americas, and it highlights the importance of oral health promotion through preventive measures such as access to fluoridation and basic care in reducing the inequality between Indians and non-Indians.


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A thesis presented on the political history of Fiji from cession to Britain in 1874 compares and analyses the country’s four political coups. A military coup occurred in 1987 by Lt. Col Sitiveni Rabuka. Six months later he staged a self-coup. In 2000 George Speight staged an armed civilian coup or putsch, and in 2006 Commodore Frank Bainimarama, head of Fiji’s military forces, overthrew the government of Laisenia Qarase. This paper is an internal comparison of the four coups of which the aim is to examine why coups occur in Fiji. The conclusion is that the level of influence of the country’s traditional paramount chiefs is a strong causal factor in events leading to the political overthrows. Issues such as ethnicity, constitutionalism, democracy, traditionalism, and modernity make the study of the Fiji coups complex. All of the major actors involved have been present or have been somehow linked to each coup. Questions of leadership arise as do issues regarding pluralism and multiculturalism. These issues are discussed in this paper. The end result is that if the question of traditional leadership is not addressed within a democratic framework then Fiji will continue to have coups.