950 resultados para Castle Windsor
Departing from Ariovaldo Vidal’s statement, in his foreword to the Brazilian translation of The Castle of Otranto, that the Gothic sources were spread upon literary and social history waiting for someone (Horace Walpole) to collect them in order to create a new literary genre, and connecting imagination to such statement, my purpose in this paper is to make some notes on what would possibly be these sources referred by Vidal. By the means of thinking on the Darkness as a semi-concept, a perspective largely inspired in Fred Botting’s Gothic (2014), I intend to look for the origins of Gothic fiction in texts by Homer, Virgil, Dante, and Milton.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This research work analyzes the theme of the architecture of the city and aims at establishing, by studying the urban project of the new town hall in Ljubljana made by the Slovenian architect Jože Plečnik, the idea that the construction of the city must be carried out through a type of architecture directed at the planning of collective urban spaces. The plan for the new town hall building, drew in three versions – 1932, 1939, and 1940-41 –, is part of a large set of plans concerning the area that Plečnik defines to be the “osrčje” (heart) of Ljubljana, that is, the central area within the castle hill and the distinctive arc of the Ljubljanica River, on the eastern boundary of the old “mesto” (town). Among the Plečnik's projects on urban scale for Ljubljana, the above-mentioned plans, unbuilt and scarcely published, must be considered to be ones of the least known, despite their importance in the professional activity of the architect. The work consists of three parts: the first part describes the background of theories and projects which shaped Plečnik's urban culture, during the years of his education in Vienna and before the beginning of the planning activities this work focuses on; the second part studies the plans for the “heart” of the city; the third part investigates the plan for the new town hall building by means of the graphical reconstruction of the three plan versions made by Plečnik, and it provides insights into the relationships among form, significance and motivation of his work. Since the plans have never been built, the digital tridimensional reconstruction of the building models allowed to show unknown spaces and confirm that Architecture has a particular significance when its goal is the planning of collective urban spaces.
Il lavoro consiste nella traduzione dell’adagio 2001, Herculei labores con commento delle righe 1-116, che comprendono il racconto della fatica di Ercole contro l’idra di Lerna e le interpretazioni che Erasmo ne fornisce per introdurre la filologia come impresa erculea in chiave autobiografica. L’introduzione ha lo scopo di presentare una sintesi degli elementi notevoli del commento e alcune osservazioni sull’autorappresentazione di sé dell’umanista. Erasmo fa dell’identificazione con Ercole un topos della propria descrizione in chiave ironica, ma si propone anche come emulo di Girolamo, di cui cura l’edizione delle lettere. Questo lavoro prende in considerazione infine il ritratto di Erasmo dipinto da Holbein e custodito a Longford Castle in relazione al testo dell’adagio, al quale allude con la scritta in primo piano, ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟΙ ΠΟΝΟΙ.
La ricerca ha per oggetto il progetto del Foro Bonaparte a Milano redatto da Giovanni Antonio Antolini a seguito del decreto del 23 giugno 1800 che stabiliva l’abbattimento delle mura del Castello Sforzesco. Si affronta il tema dell’architettura avendo come obiettivo una lettura critica di tale progetto servendosi dell’analisi compositiva come strumento in grado di stabilire i rapporti che intercorrono tra la città, l’architettura e il tipo. Attraverso lo studio del progetto urbano la ricerca conferma l’ipotesi per la quale la grande forma totalizzante, perentoria e assoluta è capace di mutare la struttura urbana, offrendo un nuovo modello con cui rinnovare la città. L’ambizione di Antolini di veder realizzata l’opera è destinata a svanire nell’arco di pochi anni, ma il progetto per il Foro Bonaparte continuerà per lungo tempo ad evocare la sua idea innovativa fino ai giorni nostri. Sebbene l’opera sia destinata a rimanere un’architettura solo disegnata, le varie pubblicazioni continuano a circolare nelle accademie prima e nelle università successivamente, costituendo un importante patrimonio di studio e di ricerca per generazioni di architetti, fino alla riscoperta avvenuta con Aldo Rossi e Manfredo Tafuri negli anni sessanta del secolo scorso. Dalle lezioni formulate nelle architetture del passato è possibile avanzare nuove ipotesi e alimentare riflessioni e dibattiti sul ruolo dell’architettura nella città contemporanea. La ricerca si occupa del progetto d’architettura per offrire un ulteriore contributo al tema, attraverso una lettura di carattere compositivo, supportata da una serie di schemi e disegni di studio necessari per completare il testo e per verificare i concetti esposti. Dopo aver raccolto, catalogato ed analizzato il materiale iconografico relativo al progetto per il Foro Bonaparte si è scelto di basare il ridisegno sulla raccolta di disegni conservati presso la Biblioteca Nazionale di Francia.
La presente ricerca di dottorato consiste in un’analisi di carattere politico ed istituzionale dei poteri signorili e territoriali, collegati a distretti castrensi, documentati nella Romagna nord-occidentale durante il pieno medioevo. L’indagine mira a ricostruire, principalmente attraverso fonti documentarie, alcune delle quali inedite, la geografia dei poteri in un’area sub-regionale, con particolare attenzione al fenomeno della signoria rurale, dei poteri comitali e dell’incastellamento. Partendo dallo studio di una realtà locale, la ricerca arriva a sviluppare argomentazioni di carattere generale, ricollegandosi al dibattito storiografico sui poteri signorili e l’incastellamento. La ricerca risulta incentrata sui soggetti politici, laici ed ecclesiastici, detentori dei castelli e dei poteri pubblici nella Bassa Romagna, in primo luogo gli arcivescovi di Ravenna, i vescovi e i conti di Imola, le famiglie comitali di Cunio, Bagnacavallo e Donigallia nei secoli XI-XIII. L'attenzione si concentra, in particolare, sulla fase del cosiddetto “secondo incastellamento” e sui decenni a cavaliere tra XII e XIII secolo, con il tentativo di espansione dei comuni nel contado e la formalizzazione dei poteri dei signori rurali da parte dei sovrani svevi. Proprio alla complessa interazione con il mondo cittadino e allo stretto rapporto dei Cunio e dei Malvicini con la corte di Federico II viene dato ampio spazio nei capitoli conclusivi del presente lavoro.
Mehr als hundert Jahre archäologischer Forschung haben gezeigt, dass in Mayen in römischer und mittelalterlicher Zeit eines der wichtigsten europäischen Produktionszentren für die Herstellung qualitätsvoller Gebrauchskeramik bestand. Im Rahmen dieser Studie wurden vier Befundkomplexe aus Töpfereisiedlungen vom 4. bis in das 14. Jahrhundert untersucht. Genauer handelt es sich um Keramik aus zwei spätantiken Brennanlagen des 4. Jahrhunderts im Bereich der Flur „Auf der Eich“ an den Straßen „Am Sonnenhang“ und „Frankenstraße“. Weiterhin konnte Material aus zwei Töpferofenfüllungen des 5. bis 9. Jahrhunderts analysiert werden, das 1975 auf dem Grundstück 55 an der „Siegfriedstraße“ in Brennanlagen entdeckt wurde. Hinzu kam Brenngut aus elf Töpferöfen des späten 8. bis 14. Jahrhunderts, welches in den so genannten „Burggärten“ der Genovevaburg von Mayen in den Jahren 1986/87 durch die archäologische Denkmalpflege in Koblenz geborgen wurde. Die mineralogischen Untersuchungen zur Charakterisierung der „Mayener Keramik“ wurden systematisch an den Keramikmaterialien aus diesen Fundstellen durchgeführt. Mittelalterliche Keramik aus Bornheim-Walberberg, Brühl-Eckdorf, Höhr-Grenzhausen, Langerwehe, Frechen, Brühl-Pingsdorf, Paffrath, Raeren, Ratingen-Breitscheid, Siegburg-Seehofstraße, Siegburg-Scherbenhügel, Fredelsloh und Brühl-Badorf konnte für diese Arbeit als Referenzmaterialien ebenfalls untersucht werden. Provenienzanalysen wurden an Keramikproben aus 27 Fundorten, die makroskopisch nach Mayener Ware aussehen, mit mineralogischen Methoden durchgeführt, um sie der Fundregion Mayen eindeutig zuordnen zu können.rnPhasenanalyse, chemische Analyse und thermische Analyse wurden an Keramik sowie Ton durchgeführt. Die Phasenanalyse wurde zur Bestimmung der mineralischen Zusammensetzung von Grundmasse und Magerungsmittel (Röntgendiffraktometrie (XRD), Polarisationsmikroskop, Mikro-Raman-Spektroskopie) verwendet. Die chemische Zusammensetzung wurde durch Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse (RFA) ermittelt. Elektronenstrahlmikroanalyse (ESMA) und Laser-Massenspektrometrie mit induktiv gekoppeltem Plasma (LA-ICP-MS) wurden bei den Proben, bei denen weniger als 2g Material zur Verfügung standen, eingesetzt. Brennexperimente wurden am originalen Rohstoff der Keramik aus den „Burggärten“ der Genovevaburg durchgeführt. Gebrannter Ton wurde durch Röntgendiffraktometrie (XRD), Infrarotspektroskopie (IR) und Differential-Thermoanalyse (DTA) analysiert. rnAnhand der Messergebnisse lässt sich die Mayener Keramik aus den vier Fundplätzen in zwei Typen zusammenzufassen: der mit Feldspat-reichem Sand gemagerte römische Typ und der mit Quarz-reichem Sand gemagerte mittelalterliche Typ. Die Änderung des Magerungsmittels von Feldspat- zu Quarzsand weist eine technische Entwicklung zu höheren Brenntemperaturen von der Römerzeit bis in das Mittelalter nach. Nach der Untersuchung und dem Vergleich mit den Referenzkeramikgruppen ist festzustellen, dass durch multivariate Statistikanalysen der chemischen Komponenten die Charakterisierung der Keramik und eine Differenzierung zwischen den Keramikgruppen gelingt. Diese Erkenntnisse bildeten die Basis für Provenienzanalysen. 16 Fundorte können durch Provenienzanalyse sicher als Exportregionen der Mayener Ware festgestellt werden. Gemäß den Brennexperimenten lassen sich die chemischen Reaktionen während des Brandprozesses nachvollziehen. Zwei Methoden wurden mittels Röntgendiffraktometrie (XRD) und Differential-Thermoanalyse (DTA) zur Bestimmung der Brenntemperaturen der Keramik modelliert. Die Töpferöfen der „Burggärten“ können nach der Brenntemperatur in zwei Typen zusammengefasst werden: solche mit einer Brenntemperatur unter 1050°C und solche mit einer Brenntemperatur über 1050°C.rn
In questo lavoro si è avuta la possibilità di studiare e confrontare i reperti ceramici provenienti da tre recenti scavi condotti nella zona della Romagna dall’Università di Bologna: il monastero di San Severo a Classe (RA), il castello di Rontana (Brisighella-RA) e la pieve di S. Reparata a Terra del Sole (FC). Si tratta di scavi ancora inediti differenti tra loro sia per connotazione distrettuale di appartenenza che per tipologia insediativa La cesura cronologica che si è preso in esame va dal XIII a XV secolo. Il XIII secolo corrisponde a un periodo in cui si assiste ad una riapertura dei trasporti a lunga distanza e si diffonde la tendenza al trasferimento dei saperi tecnici da Oriente verso Occidente, fenomeno che include l’introduzione di nuove tecnologie produttive in campo ceramico come l’ingobbio e la maiolica in diversi centri urbani. Si passa poi attraverso il XIV secolo, momento in cui alcune produzioni, come quella della maiolica, raggiungono la loro massima diffusione, con una diversificazione qualitativa dei prodotti, raggiungendo anche l’ambito rurale, e si assiste alla moltiplicazione dei centri di produzione. Si arriva così al XV secolo periodo in cui iniziano ad affermarsi dei veri e propri centri produttivi “industriali”, rappresentativi anche di una specializzazione regionale dei prodotti di qualità medio-alta. La possibilità di confrontare materiali di siti così differenti tra loro ha dato modo di sottolineare analogie e differenze anche tra città e campagna, in un territorio come quello romagnolo che ancora risente del peso della lunga tradizione antiquaria che ha caratterizzato gli studi fino al secolo scorso.
Statistical models have been recently introduced in computational orthopaedics to investigate the bone mechanical properties across several populations. A fundamental aspect for the construction of statistical models concerns the establishment of accurate anatomical correspondences among the objects of the training dataset. Various methods have been proposed to solve this problem such as mesh morphing or image registration algorithms. The objective of this study is to compare a mesh-based and an image-based statistical appearance model approaches for the creation of nite element(FE) meshes. A computer tomography (CT) dataset of 157 human left femurs was used for the comparison. For each approach, 30 finite element meshes were generated with the models. The quality of the obtained FE meshes was evaluated in terms of volume, size and shape of the elements. Results showed that the quality of the meshes obtained with the image-based approach was higher than the quality of the mesh-based approach. Future studies are required to evaluate the impact of this finding on the final mechanical simulations.
The emerging wildlife disease white-nose syndrome is causing widespread mortality in hibernating North American bats. White-nose syndrome occurs when the fungus Geomyces destructans infects the living skin of bats during hibernation, but links between infection and mortality are underexplored. We analyzed blood from hibernating bats and compared blood electrolyte levels to wing damage caused by the fungus. Sodium and chloride tended to decrease as wing damage increased in severity. Depletion of these electrolytes suggests that infected bats may become hypotonically dehydrated during winter. Although bats regularly arouse from hibernation to drink during winter, water available in hibernacula may not contain sufficient electrolytes to offset winter losses caused by disease. Damage to bat wings from G. destructans may cause life-threatening electrolyte imbalances.
This study examined the impact of the Nursing Home Reform Act of 1987 on resident-and-facility-level risk factors for physical restraint use in nursing homes. Data on the 1990 and 1993 cohorts were obtained from 268 facilities in 10 states, and data on a 1996 cohort were obtained from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, which sampled more than 800 nursing homes nationwide. Multivariate logistic regression models were generated for each cohort to identify the impact of resident- and facility-level risk factors for restraint use. The results indicate that the use of physical restraints continues to decline. Thirty-six percent of the 1990 cohort, 26 percent of the 1993 cohort, and 17 percent of the 1996 cohort were physically restrained. Although there was a reduced rate of restraint use from 1990 to 1996, similar resident-level factors but different facility-level factors were associated with restraint use at different points in time.
Laboratory measurements of the rate coefficient for quenching of O3(nu2) by ground-state atomic oxygen, kO(nu2), at room temperature are presented. kO(nu2) is currently not well known and is necessary for appropriate nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium modeling of the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere. In this work, a 266 nm laser pulse photolyzes a small amount of O3 in a slow-flowing gas mixture of O3, Xe, and Ar. This process simultaneously produces atomic oxygen and increases the temperature of the gas mixture slightly, thereby increasing the population in the O3(nu2) state. Transient diode laser absorption spectroscopy is used to monitor the populations of the O3(nu2) and ground vibrational states as the system re-equilibrates. Relaxation rates are measured over a range of quencher concentrations to extract the rate coefficient of interest. The value of kO(nu2) was determined to be (2.2 0.5) * 10(-12) cm(3) s(-1).
The Copper County Strike of 1913 was heroic, tragic, and large in meaning, both for those who lived in it and for those haunted by it in the years that followed. Carl Ross was born in Hancock only hours before the strike erupted. His father was a printer for Työmies. I had the good fortune to meet Carl and work with him for some twenty years. Carl spoke often of the strike—of what it meant for him, his family, and the radical Finnish community in Superior, Wisconsin, where he grew up. I had never heard of the Copper Country strike before I met Carl, but what I heard about that strike resonated with some of my own experiences. I grew up in New Castle, Indiana, a town that left-wing journalist I.F. Stone called a “labor citadel” in the midst of hostile territory. I want to use these two recollections, Carl’s 1913 Strike reminiscences and my memories of New Castle, to talk about how some strikes carry a moral vision of enormous importance. The presentation will have three parts. In the first part I will relate a little of what Carl had to say about the Copper Country Strike. In the second part I will talk about strikes of my own experience. In the final part, I will talk about the differences in the structures of labor movements and the ethical implications of those differences.
The exotic emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), was first discovered in North America in southeastern Michigan, USA, and Windsor, Ontario, Canada in 2002. Significant ash (Fraxinus spp.) mortality has been caused in areas where this insect has become well established, and new infestations continue to be discovered in several states in the United States and in Canada. This beetle is difficult to detect when it invades new areas or occurs at low density. Girdled trap tree and ground surveys have been important tools for detecting emerald ash borer populations, and more recently, purple baited prism traps have been used in detection efforts. Girdled trap trees were found to be more effective than purple prism traps at detecting emerald ash borer as they acted as sinks for larvae in an area of known low density emerald ash borer infestation. The canopy condition of the trap trees was not predictive of whether they were infested or not, indicating that ground surveys may not be effective for detection in an area of low density emerald ash borer population. When landing rates of low density emerald ash borer populations were monitored on non-girdled ash trees, landing rates were higher on larger, open grown trees with canopies that contain a few dead branches. As a result of these studies, we suggest that the threshold for emerald ash borer detection using baited purple prism traps hung at the canopy base of trees is higher than for girdled trap trees. In addition, detection of developing populations of EAB may be possible by selectively placing sticky trapping surfaces on non-girdled trap trees that are the larger and more open grown trees at a site.