1000 resultados para Carcinoma escamo-celular cutâneo
Definite hyperplasia of cells occurs in the skin lesions of the infectious myxoma of rabbits, more visible in such stages in which the intercellular basophilic substance is rather scanty (fig. 2). The increase in number of cells is the result of simplified forms of mitosis (modified type of mitosis, pseudoamitosis) which might readily be mistaken for amitosis in their final stages. Budding (figs. 20, 28, 29, 30) as well as constriction of the nucleus (figs. 18, 31, 32), and the formation of giant-cells (figs. 33, 34) are not rare. During the entire process the nuclear membrane does not desintegrate as in typical mitosis. Division of the cytoplasm following division of the nucleus has been demonstrated (fig. 17). Typical mitosis is practically absent. The cells which undergo hyperplasia present remarkable changes in their dimension, shape, and structure. The nucleus and cell-body are considerably enlarged (figs. 6, 7, 8). The shape of the nucleus is modified (figs. 8, 10, 15). Hypertrophy of nuclein, either as an intranuclear network (spireme?, figs. 9, 23), or in the form conspicuous, deeply staining masses which appear not to be homogeneous but to be composed of small particles closely clumped ("mulberries"?, figs. 12, 13, 14, 25, 26) occurs in most cells. While some of these pictures are probably related to necrosis of the cells as started by most of the previous workers, it is lekely that some of them may represent developmental stages of the modified mitosis (pseudoamitosis) here reported. In fact, fine cytological details not ordinarily preserved in necrotic cells (figs. 35, 36, 37) may be demonstrated in the socalled myxoma-cells subtted to approved cytological methods of study (fixation in B-15 and P. F. A.-3, staining in iron-hematoxylin).
O estudo anatomopatológico baseado em uma coleção de 6823 necrópsias, constantes do arquivo da Seção de Anatomia Patológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, realizadas durante os anos de 1919 a 1944, revelou a existência de 28 casos de carcinoma primário do pâncreas. A incidência deste tipo de tumor entre o total das necropsias examinadas atinge a 0,40% e, entre os casos de câncer observados na referida série de necrópsias, a 4,08%. O tumor localizou-se na cabeça do pâncreas em 20 casos (71,4%); na cauda, em um caso (3,5%); difuso, em cinco casos (17,8%) e sem localização precisada, em dois casos (7,1%). O tipo histológico predominante foi o adenocarcinoma, reconhecido em 2 casos (78,57%); e em seguida o carcinoma acinoso, em seis casos (21,43%). Geralmente se observa o tipo cirrótico e, em alguns casos, era pronunciada a formação de mucina. A incidência das metástases, em relação aos casos de adenocarcinoma, foi de 95,45% (21 vêzes em 22 casos) e, em relação ao carcinoma acinoso, de 100% (6 vêzes em 6 casos). Entre os órgãos atingidos pelas metástases citam-se em ordem decrescente: o fígado e os gânglios linfáticos (70,3%) o peritônio (25,9%), o pulmão (22,2%), a suprarrenal (18,5%), a pleura bago e rim (7,4%), os intestinos, tiróide, pericárdio, epiploon, estomago, ovário e seio venoso longitudinal superior (3,7%).Em um só caso, não houve produção de metástase (3,57%). Em relação às metástases no peritônio, é interessante acentuar a sua maior freqüência nos casos de adenocarcinoma (7 vêzes em 22 casos). A distribuição do tumor, segundo o sexo, foi de 19 casos em indivíduos do sexo masculino (67,8%) e nove casos, para os do sexo feminino (32,1%), fornecendo a relação de cêrca de 2:1. Segundo a nacionalidade, observaram-se 21 casos (75%) em brasileiros e sete casos (25%) em estrangeiros. Segundo a côr, em 15 casos (53,5%) eram indivíduos de côr branca, em oito casos, (28,5%) de côr preta e, em cinco casos (17,8%), de côr parda. O maior número de casos, em referência à idade, ocorreu em indivíduos de 41 a 50 anos, quando a incidência foi de 11 casos ou 39,3% do total dos casos observados. Em referência a ocorrência anual, verifica-se o maior número (22 casos ou 78,9%) nos últimos dez anos, isto e, de 1935 a 1944.
After going through the more important theories on cellular permeability, researches were undertaken with the purpose of proving the actual influence of the various degrees of cellular permeability on the phenomena of organic resistance against infections, and on the production of antibodies. Three groups of substances known to have action on cellular permeability were used; the first consisting of the following permeable substances: testos-terona, acetylcholine, and the spreading-factor of the staphyloccocus. The second group included substances which help in developing low cellular permeability: atropin, adrenalin and calcium. Finally, the third group consisted of a substance which helps to maintain normal permeability: cortin (an extract of the suprarenal cortex). In order to study the process developed by these elements with regard to organic resistance against infections, adult mice were inoculated with the following germs: K. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa, S. enteriditis and D. pneumoniae, in the smallest possible amount capable of starting a mortal sep infection in approximately 24 hours, exception made of D. pneumonias which causes death in 48 hours. The animals were divided into groups of 10, a before taking the injections containing the germs, they were given the sub lances under observation, through their peritoneum of intramuscularly. T. animals that died were autopsied and blood was taken from their hearts an aseptic process so as not to introduce extraneous organisms. For the purpose of determining the development of antibodies (hem lysins, precipitins and aglutinins), rabbits were used, which had been prep ously immunized by a treatment consisting of 6 intravenous injections of polyvolent antigen made of sheep blood cells, fresh human serum, and of suspension of S. enteriditis. It was concluded that: Cellular permeability plays a very important part in the development infections. Permeable substances help the development of germ infections. Substances helping to develop low permeability proved not to have any influence worth mentioning. Substances helping to maintain normal permeability, such as coffin, it crease resistance against infections. The different substances used which have action on cellular permeability had no influence worth mentioning on the development of certain ant bodies (hemolysins, precipitins and aglutinins). It was admitted that the phenomena under study relative to resistance against infections are closely connected to the dynamics of the cellular elements, which circumstance is basically dependent on the permeability of Citations of cells.
The perchloro-soluble mucroptotein fraction was determined in the cells of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma on the 10th and 12th days post-inoculation of the tumor. After 3 days of a single subcutaneous dose of cyclophosphamide (200 mg/kg) the mucoprotein levels were found considerable lower. This difference was highly significant statistically.
En 98 casos de Leishmaniasis cutánea y cutáneo-mucosa, se encontró relación importante entre infiltrado plasmocitario y la presencia del parásito; en cuanto el infiltrado linfocitario y/o granulomatoso, aparecia en los casos donde el parásito estaba ausente. Por otra parte no se encontró diferencia entre los tipos histopatológicos predominantes en relación con el tiempo de evolución de las lesiones. Estos aspectos son una contribución para la interpretación de material de biopsias en las áreas endémicas de Leishmianiasis.
At an intermediate or advanced stage, i.e. stage B or C, based on the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer classification of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) may be offered as a treatment of palliative intent. We report the case of a patient suffering from acute respiratory distress syndrome after TACE with drug-eluting beads loaded with doxorubicin for HCC. To our knowledge, this is the first case described where a bronchoalveolar lavage was performed, and where significant levels of alveolar eosinophilia and neutrophilia were evident, attributed to a pulmonary toxicity of doxorubicin following liver chemoembolization. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Proyecto de investigación de una estancia en la University of North Carolina, Estados Unidos, de septiembre a diciembre del 2007. Los compuestos de arsénico se han empleado como agentes terapéuticos durante muchos siglos. El trióxido se arsénico ha sido descrito que es capaz de inducir diferenciación y apoptosis en la línea celular NB4, línea derivada de un paciente con leucemia promielocítica aguda (APL). Actualmente, uno de los mayores problemas en los tratamientos contra el càncer són varios mecanismos de resistencia a los fármacos empleados. Los transportadores de membrana celulares ejercen un importante papel en la protección de los tejidos celulares contra compuestos xenobióticos y metabolitos endógenos. Diferencias en la expresión de algunos de estos transportadores conlleva a variaciones en la respuesta a los tratamientos por parte de los pacientes a los tratamientos quimioterápicos. En este trabajo se han estudiado la expresión en presencia y ausencia de arsénico de algunos de estos transportadores, con posible relación con la absorción y excreción del arsénico.
Autophagy or "self eating" is frequently activated in tumor cells treated with chemotherapy or irradiation. Whether autophagy represents a survival mechanism or rather contributes to cell death remains controversial. To address this issue, the role of autophagy in radiosensitive and radioresistant human cancer cell lines in response to gamma-irradiation was examined. We found irradiation-induced accumulation of autophagosomes accompanied by strong mRNA induction of the autophagy-related genes beclin 1, atg3, atg4b, atg4c, atg5, and atg12 in each cell line. Transduction of specific target-siRNAs led to down-regulation of these genes for up to 8 days as shown by reverse transcription-PCR and Western blot analysis. Blockade of each autophagy-related gene was associated with strongly diminished accumulation of autophagosomes after irradiation. As shown by clonogenic survival, the majority of inhibited autophagy-related genes, each alone or combined, resulted in sensitization of resistant carcinoma cells to radiation, whereas untreated resistant cells but not sensitive cells survived better when autophagy was inhibited. Similarly, radiosensitization or the opposite was observed in different sensitive carcinoma cells and upon inhibition of different autophagy genes. Mutant p53 had no effect on accumulation of autophagosomes but slightly increased clonogenic survival, as expected, because mutated p53 protects cells by conferring resistance to apoptosis. In our system, short-time inhibition of autophagy along with radiotherapy lead to enhanced cytotoxicity of radiotherapy in resistant cancer cells.
Targeting mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) is an effective approach in the treatment of advanced RCC (renal cell carcinoma). Rapamycin-like drugs (rapalogues) have shown clinical activities and have been approved for the treatment of RCC. Recently, with the development of ATP-competitive inhibitors of mTOR, therapies targeting mTOR have entered a new era. Here, we discuss the biological relevance of blocking mTOR in RCC and review the mechanisms of action of rapalogues in RCC. We also advance some perspectives on the use of ATP-competitive inhibitors of mTOR in RCC.
Purpose: To evaluate the extent of quality of life (QoL) associated adverse events (AEs) following PRECISION TACE with DC Bead compared with conventional transarterial chemoembolisation (cTACE). Methods and Materials: 201 intermediate HCC patients were treated with DC Bead (PRECISION TACE) or conventional TACE (cTACE) with doxorubicin in the PRECISION V clinical study. 93 patients were treated with DC Bead and 108 Patients with cTACE every 2 months and followed up for 6 months. AEs were classified according to the South West Oncology Group criteria. QoL associated AEs were defined as alopecia, constipation, nausea, vomiting, pyrexia, chills, asthenia, fatigue, and headache. Results: The biggest difference in QoL associated AEs was for alopecia: 2 patients (2.2%) for DC-Bead versus 21 patients (19.4%) for cTACE. For other clinical symptoms, constipation (n=10; 10.8% vs. n=13; 12%), vomiting (n=10; 10.8% vs. n=14; 13.0%), pyrexia (n=16; 17.2% vs. n=26; 24.1%), chills (n=1; 1.1% vs. n=5; 4.6%), and headache (n=2; 2.2% vs. n=8; 7.4%) showed lower incidence in the DC Bead group versus cTACE. Nausea, n= 15; 13.9% (n=15; 16.1%) and fatigue, n=6; 5.6% (n=13; 14.0%) were lower for cTACE. Total dose of doxorubicin was on average 35% higher in the DC Bead group. Conclusion: Although patients in the DC Bead group received a higher doxorubicin dose, less QoL associated AEs were reported for this group. Alopecia, the most obvious outward sign of toxicity, was only reported in a tenth of DC Bead patients. Thus, PRECISION TACE with DC Bead improves quality of life associated adverse events.
Despite advances in the diagnosisand treatment of head and neck cancer,survival rates have not improvedover recent years. New therapeuticstrategies, including immunotherapy,are the subject of extensive research.In several types of tumors, the presenceof tumor infiltrating lymphocytes(TILs), notably CD8+ T cellsand dendritic cells, has been correlatedwith improved prognosis. Moreover,some T cells among TILs havebeen shown to kill tumor cells in vitroupon recognition of tumor-associatedantigens. Tumor associated antigensare expressed in a significant proportionof squamous cell carcinoma ofthe head and neck and apparently mayplay a role in the regulation of cancercell growth notably by inhibition ofp53 protein function in some cancers.The MAGE family CT antigens couldtherefore potentially be used as definedtargets for immunotherapy andtheir study bring new insight in tumorgrowth regulation mechanisms. Between1995 - 2005 54 patients weretreated surgically in our institution forsquamous cell carcinoma of the oralcavity. Patient and clinical data wasobtained from patient files and collectedinto a computerized database.For each patient, paraffin embeddedtumor specimens were retrieved andexpression of MAGE CT antigens,p53, NY-OESO-1 were analyzed byimmunohistochemistry. Results werethen correlated with histopathologicalparameter such as tumor depth,front invasion according to Bryne andboth, local control and disease freesurvival. MAGE-A was expressed in52% of patients. NY-ESO-1 and p53expression was found in 7% and 52%cases respectively. A higher tumordepth was significantly correlatedwith expression of MAGE-Aproteins(p = 0.03). No significant correlationcould be made between the expressionof both p53 andNY-OESO-1 andhistopathological parameters. Expressionof tumor-associated antigendid not seem to impact significantlyon patient prognosis. As does thedemonstration of p53 function inhibitionby CT antigens of MAGE family,our results suggest, that tumor associatedantigens may be implicated in tumorprogression mechanisms. Thishypothesis need further investigationto clarify the relationship betweenhost immune response and local tumorbiology.
BACKGROUND: Sunitinib (SU) is a multitargeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor with antitumor and antiangiogenic activity. The objective of this trial was to demonstrate antitumor activity of continuous SU treatment in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Key eligibility criteria included unresectable or metastatic HCC, no prior systemic anticancer treatment, measurable disease, and Child-Pugh class A or mild Child-Pugh class B liver dysfunction. Patients received 37.5 mg SU daily until progression or unacceptable toxicity. The primary endpoint was progression-free survival at 12 weeks (PFS12). RESULTS: Forty-five patients were enrolled. The median age was 63 years; 89% had Child-Pugh class A disease and 47% had distant metastases. PFS12 was rated successful in 15 patients (33%; 95% confidence interval, 20%-47%). Over the whole trial period, one complete response and a 40% rate of stable disease as the best response were achieved. The median PFS duration, disease stabilization duration, time to progression, and overall survival time were 1.5, 2.9, 1.5, and 9.3 months, respectively. Grade 3 and 4 adverse events were infrequent. None of the 33 deaths were considered drug related. CONCLUSION: Continuous SU treatment with 37.5 mg daily is feasible and has moderate activity in patients with advanced HCC and mild to moderately impaired liver dysfunction. Under this trial design (>13 PFS12 successes), the therapy is considered promising. This is the first trial describing the clinical effects of continuous dosing of SU in HCC patients on a schedule that is used in an ongoing, randomized, phase III trial in comparison with the current treatment standard, sorafenib (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier, NCT00699374).
Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) offers a survival benefit to patients with intermediate hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). A widely accepted TACE regimen includes administration of doxorubicin-oil emulsion followed by gelatine sponge-conventional TACE. Recently, a drug-eluting bead (DC Bead) has been developed to enhance tumor drug delivery and reduce systemic availability. This randomized trial compares conventional TACE (cTACE) with TACE with DC Bead for the treatment of cirrhotic patients with HCC. Two hundred twelve patients with Child-Pugh A/B cirrhosis and large and/or multinodular, unresectable, N0, M0 HCCs were randomized to receive TACE with DC Bead loaded with doxorubicin or cTACE with doxorubicin. Randomization was stratified according to Child-Pugh status (A/B), performance status (ECOG 0/1), bilobar disease (yes/no), and prior curative treatment (yes/no). The primary endpoint was tumor response (EASL) at 6 months following independent, blinded review of MRI studies. The drug-eluting bead group showed higher rates of complete response, objective response, and disease control compared with the cTACE group (27% vs. 22%, 52% vs. 44%, and 63% vs. 52%, respectively). The hypothesis of superiority was not met (one-sided P = 0.11). However, patients with Child-Pugh B, ECOG 1, bilobar disease, and recurrent disease showed a significant increase in objective response (P = 0.038) compared to cTACE. DC Bead was associated with improved tolerability, with a significant reduction in serious liver toxicity (P < 0.001) and a significantly lower rate of doxorubicin-related side effects (P = 0.0001). TACE with DC Bead and doxorubicin is safe and effective in the treatment of HCC and offers a benefit to patients with more advanced disease.