981 resultados para CS-137 CONTAMINATION
Peat deposits in Greenland and Denmark were investigated to show that high-resolution dating of these archives of atmospheric deposition can be provided for the last 50 years by radiocarbon dating using the atmospheric bomb pulse. (super 14) C was determined in macrofossils from sequential one cm slices using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). Values were calibrated with a general-purpose curve derived from annually averaged atmospheric (super 14) CO (sub 2) values in the northernmost northern hemisphere (NNH, 30 degrees -90 degrees N). We present a through review of (super 14) C bomb-pulse data from the NNH including our own measurements made in tree rings and seeds from Arizona as well as other previously published data. We show that our general-purpose calibration curve is valid for the whole NNH producing accurate dates within 1-2 years. In consequence, (super 14) C AMS can precisely date individual points in recent peat deposits within the range of the bomb-pulse (from the mid-1950s on). Comparing the (super 14) C AMS results with the customary dating method for recent peat profiles by (super 210) Pb, we show that the use of (super 137) Cs to validate and correct (super 210) Pb dates proves to be more problematic than previously supposed. As a unique example of our technique, we show how this chronometer can be applied to identify temporal changes in Hg concentrations from Danish and Greenland peat cores.
Hirsch Liwschütz
E. Simonson
Alkylphenols are pollutants that are present in marine sediments and fishes. In earlier work it has been discovered that alkylphenols are present in the Homarus americanus, or the American lobster. Research suggests that alkylphenols could behave as endocrine disruptors as they have been found to affect juvenile hormone activity. It has been hypothesized that lobsters may be able to rid themselves of alkylphenol contamination through secreting these compounds into the environment or sequestering them in their tissues. In this study, I address the question of how lobsters may rid themselves of alkylphenols by analyzing hemolymph, muscle, gill, and shell samples and by looking for the presence of alkylphenols in natural and artificially injected lobsters. A total of thirty lobsters were analyzed. In my first study I found alkylphenols only in the gill tissue samples of natural lobsters after alkylphenols were initially found in the hemolymph, and found none in the muscle and shell samples. The types of alkylphenols found in the gills were often different than the alkylphenols found in the hemolymph. The gills are known as a site for exchange for the lobster. The lobster may not only be excreting alkylphenols from its gill surfaces but these findings suggest that the lobster may also be acquiring alkylphenols in the environment from these surfaces. It is possible that the lobsters may have ingested additional contaminants after the hemolymph samples were taken and before the gill samples were taken. As for the shell and muscle samples, it is possible that by our method the levels were too low to detect since we have a threshold of detection of 1ng/mL. It is also a conclusion that alkylphenols were not sequestered in these tissues. In the second study, an expanded set of muscles samples from natural lobsters were tested as well as additional lobsters that were artificially injected with one of our alkylphenol compounds of interest, compound three. We found that lobsters injected with peak three showed significantly higher alkylphenol concentrations in all tissues, most notably the gill samples. The non-injected lobsters that died shortly after being in the laboratory, showed mostly peak three but their overall values were much less than those of the injected lobsters.
This presentation was made at the Connecticut State Library Service Center, Willimantic, CT, April 14, 2009. It focused on digital capture workflows for both archival and derivative image creation using accepted current standards. Tools used were inexpensive by choice and focused towards the needs of small to mid-sized cultural heritage institutions who wish to begin digital capture in their own facilities.
E. Simonson
A. Levy
Vorbesitzer: Bartholomaeusstift Frankfurt am Main
Vorbesitzer: Dominikanerkloster Frankfurt am Main
57 Briefe und Beilage zwischen Kreuz-Verlag und Max Horkheimer, 1965-1973, sowie Manuskripte von 2 Rundfunksendungen:; a) Ansgar Skriver: Israel im Frühjahr, 1965; b) Reimar Lenz: Zersetzung, Diagnose eines epidemischen Begriffs, 1965; 17 Briefe und Beilage zwischen Professor Gerhard [u. Erna] Krüger und Max Horkheimer, 1952-1955;
u.a.: Wille, Immanuel Kant; Aphorismen zur Lebensweisheit; Parerga und Paralipomena; Vorschlag zur Publikation gegen französische Kritiker; Immanuel Kant;
Vorbesitzer: Dominikanerkloster Frankfurt am Main