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The influence of a new aeration system on the biopile performance was investigated. The purpose was to increase biodegradation efficiency by optimising airflow through the pile. During a 1-month field trial, the performance of a new system using two perforated vertical pipes with wind-driven turbines was compared with that of a standard pile configuration with two horizontal perforated pipes. Both piles were composed of a similar mix of diesel-contaminated soils, woodchips, compost and NPK fertiliser. Hydrocarbons were recovered using solvent extraction, and determined both gravimetrically and by gas chromatography. Total heterotrophs, pH and moisture content were also assessed. Air pressure measurements were made to compare the efficiency of suction in the pipes. Results at the end of the experiment showed that there was no significant difference between the two piles in the total amount of hydrocarbon biodegradation. The normalised degradation rate was, however, considerably higher in the new system than in the standard one, suggesting that the vertical venting method may have improved the efficiency of the biological reactions in the pile. The pressure measurements showed a significant improvement in the suction produced by the new aeration system. However, many factors other than the airflow (oxygen supply) may influence and limit the biodegradation rates, including moisture content, age of contaminants and the climatic conditions. Additional experiments and modelling need to be carried out to explore further the new aeration method and to develop criteria and guidelines for engineering design of optimal aeration schemes in order to achieve maximum biodegradation in biopiles. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effects of ester plasticizers and copolymers on the mechanical properties of the natural biodegradable polymers, poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) [PHB] and poly(lactic acid) [PLA] have been studied after subjecting to melt processing conditions. Ester plasticizers were synthesized from citric, tartaric and maleic acids using various alcohols. A variety of PLA copolymers have also been prepared from poly(ethylene glycol) derivatives using stannous octanoate catalysed ring opening polymerisations of DL-lactide. A novel PLA star copolymer was also prepared from an ethoxylated pentaerythritol. The structures of these copolymers were determined by NMR spectroscopy. The plasticizing effect of the synthesised additives at various concentrations was determined. While certain additives were capable of improving the mechanical properties of PLA, none were effective in PHB. Moreover, it was found that certain combinations of additives exhibited synergistic effects. Possible mechanisms are discussed. Biotic and abiotic degradation studies showed that the plasticizers (esters and copolymers) did not inhibit the biodegradability of PHB or PLA in compost at 60°C. Simple toxicity tests carried out on compost extract and its ability to support the growth of cress seeds was established. PLA was found to be susceptible to limited thermal degradation under melt processing conditions. Conventional phenolic antioxidants showed no significant effect on this process, suggesting that degradation was not predominantly a free radical process. PLA also underwent photo-oxidative degradation with UV light and the process could be accelerated in the presence of a photoactivator such as iron (III) diisononyl dithiocarbamate. The mechanisms for the above processes are discussed. Finally, selected compounds were prepared on a pilot plant scale. Extruded and blown films were prepared containing these additives with conventional polymer processing equipment. The mechanical properties were similar to those obtained with laboratory produced compression moulded films.


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The casing layer is an essential component of the system employed in the culture of Agaricus bisporus. The literature appropriate to the casing layer is fully reviewed, including aspects relating to fructification and morphogenesis in A.bisporus, together with an appraisal of the various media employed, their properties and functions, and the commercial significance of the casing layer. Equipment is described for use in experiments in mushroom culture, based on a scaled-down version of normal growing technique, allowing the analysis of both weights and number of fruitbodies forming, which was useful in assessing the effects of different casing treatments. The basic steps in the production of fruitbodies in A.bisporus.are described, including a photographic study of the colonisation of casing and fructification. Various alterations to the physical structure of peat/chalk casing mixtures were found to have an effect on fructification; those causing an opening-out of the casing structure tended to give better yields, especially in the early stages of production. It was shown that, in order to obtain greater yield through casing amendment, fructification must be stimulated, giving increased numbers of fruitbodies, disproportionate to their total weight and consequently of lower mean weight. A synthetic casing medium based on the light glass-like mineral, perlite, was developed. The best formula obtained was -.1 part perlite: 1 part montmorillonite clay (by weight): 3 parts 0.01% glucose solution. Perlite/montmorillonite casing could be improved by adding compost colonised by mycelium of A.bisporus, or adding a peat-chalk casing extract. Perlite was also found to be suitable for admixture with the standard casing medium and a mixture of equal parts by volume performed as well as the peat/chalk casing normally used.


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The effects of various cultural conditions on the composition and nutritional quality of Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Sing. were investigated. Variation in composition was found between different classes of sample. Sampling techniques were standardised to allow for major variations in the different developmental stages and culture ages. Fruitbodies were found to be of low calorific value but contained protein of high digestibility and quality, containing all the essential amino acids required by man. Quantitative estimates of the sulphur-containing amino acids indicated that fruitbodies were deficient in methionine and cysteine. The extent of water application and the supplementation of conventional substrates with various nitrogen-containing substances, influenced yield and composition, establishing the importance of these two factors in the physiology of fruitbodies and cultural management. Storage conditions influenced composition, high temperatures being deleterious to the nutritional value of fruitbodies. Submerged culture techniques were used to investigate the effects of various nutrients on growth and composition of mushroom mycelium, with special reference to the sulphur-containing amino acids. Yield and composition were greatly affected by the carbon:nitrogen ratio of the medium and by the nitrogen source. Significant increases in mycelial methionine content were observed on the addition of inorganic sulphate, the methionine derivative N-acetyl-L-methionine, and L-methionine. A greater increase in methionine content was obtained when the biomass of a thermophilic bacterium isolated from compost was used as a nitrogen source.


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The changes of the concentration of iron in the growth substrates and the sporophores of Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Pilat that occurred during culture under standard commercial conditions, were observed using atomic absorption spectrophotometry and iron-59 radiotracing techniques. The routes of translocation and sites of iron accumulation within the sporophore were shovn to alter during development and by the use of novel, pelletised substrates the concentration of iron in the mycelium of the substrates and in developing sporophores was observed during culture. Findings indicated that the compost was the major source of iron and that the concentration of iron in the compost mycelium varied cyclically in relation to the periodic appearance of sporophores. In the casing layer the mycelium is organised into strands which are responsible for the movement of iron from the compost into developing sporophores. A photographic technique for estimating sporophore growth rates showed that the accumulation of iron was not concomitant with sporophore growth and this was attributable to a declining quantity of available iron in the compost mycelium during sporophore growth. Variations in the quantity of iron in sporophores resulted primarily from differences in the quantity of water soluble iron in the compost but, the productivity of the crop, the type of casing layer and differences in watering also influenced sporophore composition. Changes in the concentration of extractable iron in the compost and casing layer throughout culture were related to mycelial activity and to a lesser extent were influenced by watering and the bacterial populations of the casing layer. Thus, the findings of this study give some indication of the relative importance that different cultural conditions exert over sporophore composition together with demonstrations of the movement of a single material within the sporophores and substrates during the cultivation of Agaricus bisporus.


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Effluent from pulp and paper production at the Kemsley mill of Bowaters U.K. Paper Company Limited passes through two treatment stages before its discharge into the Swale estuary. Suspended material removed during treatment is deposited on wasteground as a thin sludge. The solids it contains are mainly wood components lost during pulp production, whilst it also has a high salt content, derived from chemicals used in pulping processes. After deposition the sludge undergoes an ageing process during which it dries out and its salt content is reduced. This ageing can be reproduced and accelerated by improved drainage under controlled conditions. The paper mill sludge was investigated as a casing medium in the culture of Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Pilat, the cultivated mushroom. It was unsuitable up to one year from deposition due largely to the inhibitory effect of its salt content on fruiting. Material eighteen months or more in age gave yields comparable to standard peat casing. Before use as a casing the material must be shredded to a satisfactory structure, neutralised with chalk, and pasteurised to eliminate organisms harmful to the crop. The prepared medium has a high water holding capacity and a structure resilient to management procedures, important requirements of a good casing. A passive movement of salts from the compost to the casing was shown to occur during culture, capable of enhancing the natural decline in cropping if sufficiently great. The ions chloride, potassium, sodium and sulphate were shown to be responsible, their damaging effects being due to high conductivity created in the casing. Studies of elements available during culture suggested phosphate availability in the compost could limit crop potential, whilst iron released by mycelium of A.bisporus in the casing may be utilised by associated micro-organisms.


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The suitability of cow slurry as a substrate for vermicomposting by Eisenia fetida was investigated. Particular attention was given to the effects of the earthworm on the decomposition and stabilisation of the slurry; and to the interactions between E. fetida and the microflora of the substrate. Assessment of the chemical and microbiological changes in cow slurry stored under forced aeration, and subsequently in shallow trays, showed that neither method was suitable for the treatment of slurry. A comparison of two methods of vermicomposting showed that top-feeding of slurry was more efficient in promoting earthworm growth and cocoon production than the mixing of slurry with solid materials. Management practices were found to have an important influence on the efficiency of the process. An investigation o:f the effect of E. fetida. on the decomposition of slurry indicated that the presence of this earthworm enhanced the stabilisation of the substrate and increased the plant-available nitrogen content. Specific nutritional interactions were observed between E. fetida and micro-organisms in sand/cellulose microcosms. The earthworms were found to be feeding directly upon the cells of certain micro-organisms. Other species were found to be toxic to E. fetida.. A technique was developed :for the production of axenic E. fetida., and the use of such earthworms in :feeding experiments confirmed the importance of some micro-organisms in earthworm nutrition. The seeding of vermiculture beds with one such micro-organism stimulated earthworm growth and consumption of the substrate. Vermicomposted mixtures of cow slurry and spent mushroom compost were shown to have potential application as casing materials in mushroom cultivation. The findings of this study indicate the suitability of vermicomposting as a method for the stabilisation of intensively-produced cow slurry, and give some indication of the importance of micro-organisms in the nutrition of E. fetida.


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This paper marks the first in a series of studies into the potential use of pyrolysis products in the development of more sustainable practices within the agricultural industry. In this study, the immediate benefits of the application of biochar to crop yields of Raphanus sativus (radishes) are assessed. Furthermore, the study reports on the preliminary findings into the potential application of pyroligneous acid (wood vinegar) as a biocidal agent against crop disease. Although germination tests undertaken on biochar/compost blends of up to 1: 2, by weight, showed no significant adverse effect from the addition of the nutrient rich carbonaceous solid, evidence of substantial increases in crop yield through the addition of biochar were not observed. In sharp contrast, zones of inhibition were observed at 3-10 vol. % upon application of pyroligneous acid to two causal agents responsible for certain diseases in vegetable and fruit crops, i.e. Rhizobium radiobacter (agrobacterium tumefaciens) and Xanthomonas campestris, highlighting the versatility in the application of pyrolysis products and avenues for exploration in the development of this biomass conversion technology.


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Permeable reactive barriers (PRB) are constructed from soil solid amendments to support the growth of bacteria that are capable of degrading organic contaminants. The objective of this study was to identify low-cost soil solid amendments that could retard the movement of trichloroethylene (TCE) while serving as long-lived carbon sources to foster its biodegradation in shallow groundwater through the use of a PRB. The natural amendments high in organic carbon content such as eucalyptus mulch, compost, wetland peat, organic humus were compared based on their geophysical characteristics, such as pHw, porosity and total organic carbon (TOC), and as well as TCE sorption potentials. The pHw values were within neutral range except for pine bark mulch and wetland peat. All other geophysical characteristics of the amendments showed suitability for use in a PRB. While the Freundlich model showed better fit for compost and pine bark mulch, the linear sorption model was adequate for eucalyptus mulch, wetland peat and Everglades muck within the concentration range studied (0.2-0.8 mg/L TCE). According to these results, two composts and eucalyptus mulch were selected for laboratory column experiments to evaluate their effectiveness at creating and maintaining conditions suitable for TCE anaerobic dechlorination. The columns were monitored for pH, ORP, TCE degradation, longevity of nutrients and soluble TOC to support TCE dechlorination. Native bacteria in the columns had the ability to convert TCE to DCEs; however, the inoculation with the TCE-degrading culture greatly increased the rate of biodegradation. This caused a significant increase in by-product concentration, mostly in the form of DCEs and VC followed by a slow degradation to ethylene. Of the tested amendments eucalyptus mulch was the most effective at supporting the TCE dechlorination. The experimental results of TCE sequential dechlorination took place in eucalyptus mulch and commercial compost from Savannah River Site columns were then simulated using the Hydrus-1D model. The simulations showed good fit with the experimental data. The results suggested that sorption and degradation were the dominant fate and transport mechanisms for TCE and DCEs in the column, supporting the use of these amendments in a permeable reactive barrier to remediate the TCE.


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Steel slag, an abundant by-product of the steel-making industry, after it is aged, has a huge potential for use as an aggregate in road construction. However, the high pH of steel slag seepage (pH≥12) is a major impediment in its beneficial use. Analyses on aged steel slag samples demonstrated that the alkalinity producing capacity of aged steel slag samples strongly correlated to Ca(OH)2 dissolution and that prolonged aging periods have marginal effects on overall alkalinity. Treatment methods that included bitumen-coating, bathing in Al(III) solutions and addition of an alum-based drinking water treatment residual (WTR) were evaluated based on reduction in pH levels and leachate alkalinity. 10% (wt./wt.) alum-based drinking water treatment residual (WTR) addition to slag was determined to be the most successful mitigation method, providing 65−70% reduction in alkalinity both in batch-type and column leach tests, but final leachate pH was only 0.5−1 units lower and leachates were contaminated by dissolved Al(+III) (≥3−4 mM). Based on the interpretation of calculated saturation indices and SEM and EDX analyses, formation of calcium sulfoaluminate phases (i.e., ettringite and monosulfate) was suggested as the mechanism behind alkalinity mitigation upon WTR-modification. The residual alkalinity in WTR-amended slag leachates was able to be completely eliminated utilizing a biosolids compost with high base neutralization capacity. In column leach tests, effluent pH levels below 7 were maintained for 58−74 pore volumes worth of WTR-amended slag leachate using 0.13 kg compost (dry wt.) per 1 kg WTR-amended slag on average; also, dissolved Al(+III) was strongly retained on the compost.


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La catalyse joue un rôle essentiel dans de nombreuses applications industrielles telles que les industries pétrochimique et biochimique, ainsi que dans la production de polymères et pour la protection de l’environnement. La conception et la fabrication de catalyseurs efficaces et rentables est une étape importante pour résoudre un certain nombre de problèmes des nouvelles technologies de conversion chimique et de stockage de l’énergie. L’objectif de cette thèse est le développement de voies de synthèse efficaces et simples pour fabriquer des catalyseurs performants à base de métaux non nobles et d’examiner les aspects fondamentaux concernant la relation entre structure/composition et performance catalytique, notamment dans des processus liés à la production et au stockage de l’hydrogène. Dans un premier temps, une série d’oxydes métalliques mixtes (Cu/CeO2, CuFe/CeO2, CuCo/CeO2, CuFe2O4, NiFe2O4) nanostructurés et poreux ont été synthétisés grâce à une méthode améliorée de nanocasting. Les matériaux Cu/CeO2 obtenus, dont la composition et la structure poreuse peuvent être contrôlées, ont ensuite été testés pour l’oxydation préférentielle du CO dans un flux d’hydrogène dans le but d’obtenir un combustible hydrogène de haute pureté. Les catalyseurs synthétisés présentent une activité et une sélectivité élevées lors de l’oxydation sélective du CO en CO2. Concernant la question du stockage d’hydrogène, une voie de synthèse a été trouvée pour le composét mixte CuO-NiO, démontrant une excellente performance catalytique comparable aux catalyseurs à base de métaux nobles pour la production d’hydrogène à partir de l’ammoniaborane (aussi appelé borazane). L’activité catalytique du catalyseur étudié dans cette réaction est fortement influencée par la nature des précurseurs métalliques, la composition et la température de traitement thermique utilisées pour la préparation du catalyseur. Enfin, des catalyseurs de Cu-Ni supportés sur silice colloïdale ou sur des particules de carbone, ayant une composition et une taille variable, ont été synthétisés par un simple procédé d’imprégnation. Les catalyseurs supportés sur carbone sont stables et très actifs à la fois dans l’hydrolyse du borazane et la décomposition de l’hydrazine aqueuse pour la production d’hydrogène. Il a été démontré qu’un catalyseur optimal peut être obtenu par le contrôle de l’effet bi-métallique, l’interaction métal-support, et la taille des particules de métal.


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Composts can provide a source of organic carbon and nutrients for soil biota and increase soil fertility as well as provide other biological and structural benefits hence compost addition to cotton soils is seen as a way to improve cotton soil biological health and fertility. In a six month incubation experiment we analysed the changes in microbial populations and activities related to C and N cycling following the application of feedlot, poultry manure and gin trash compost materials. A significant variation in the chemical composition, e.g. major nutrients and trace elements, was found between the three compost products. The feedlot compost generally contained higher levels of dissolved organic carbon, total nitrogen and bicarbonate extractable phosphorus whereas the Gin trash compost had lower carbon and nutrient concentrations. The effect of compost addition @ 5 and 10t/ha generally increased microbial activity but the effect was only evident during the first two weeks of incubation. Composts effects on the abundance of total bacteria (16S), nitrifying (amoA), nitrogen fixing (nifH) and denitrifying bacteria (nosZ) and total fungi (ITS gene) varied between different composts. The addition of feedlot and poultry compost material significantly increased the levels of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) in soil compared to that in control soils while ‘Gin trash’ compost had no effect. These differences reflected in the microbial catabolic diversity changes in the compost amended soils. Therefore, chemical analysis of the compost material before application is recommended to more fully consider its’ potential benefits.


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A utilização de vermicompostos de diferentes resíduos agroindustriais na produção de mudas de acácianegra pode ser uma alternativa de reutilização de resíduos e aumentar a produção de mudas. Assim, os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar o crescimento e a concentração de nutrientes em mudas de acácianegra, cultivadas em substratos com diferentes vermicompostos de resíduos orgânicos agroindustriais. Instalou-se em casa de vegetação 11 diferentes tratamentos: T1) vermicomposto de esterco bovino (EB); T2) vermicomposto de esterco ovino (EO); T3) vermicomposto de lodo de parbolização de arroz (LP); T4) tratamento controle (sem adubação); T5) tratamento controle com adução mineral (NPK); T6) mistura de EB e LP; T7) mistura de EO e LP; T8) mistura de EB e vermicomposto de resíduos de alimentos (RA); T9) mistura de EO e RA; T10) mistura de EB e vermicomposto de resíduos de frutas (RF); T11) mistura de EO e RF. Após 180 dias de cultivo em recipiente com capacidade de cinco litros, foram analisadas a massa seca e a concentração de nutrientes na parte aérea da acácia-negra, e a concentração de nutrientes no solo, após o cultivo. A adição do esterco bovino, bem como a mistura de esterco bovino e resíduos alimentícios favoreceram o incremento de matéria seca das plantas de acácia-negra. Os resultados mostraram que as concentrações de nutrientes nas plantas, com exceção de Fe e Mn, variaram com adição de vermicompostos no solo. Os tratamentos T3 e T6 elevaram as concentrações em P, N, Zn de Cu nas folhas de acácia-negra. Além disso, a adição dos vermicompostos ao solo aumentou a disponibilidade de nutrientes para as plantas, mesmo após o cultivo, especialmente com relação ao fósforo, potássio e magnésio, sendo uma alternativa viável e eficaz na produção de mudas, podendo substituir a utilização de adubação mineral.