975 resultados para CD 100
PURPOSE: In placentas from uncomplicated pregnancies, Hofbauer cells either disappear or become scanty after the fourth to fifth month of gestation. Immunohistochemistry though, reveals that a high percentage of stromal cells belong to Hofbauer cells. The aim of this study was to investigate the changes in morphology and density of Hofbauer cells in placentas from normal and pathological pregnancies. METHODS: Seventy placentas were examined: 16 specimens from normal term pregnancies, 10 from first trimester's miscarriages, 26 from cases diagnosed with chromosomal abnormality of the fetus, and placental tissue specimens complicated with intrauterine growth restriction (eight) or gestational diabetes mellitus (10). A histological study of hematoxylin-eosin (HE) sections was performed and immunohistochemical study was performed using the markers: CD 68, Lysozyme, A1 Antichymotrypsine, CK-7, vimentin, and Ki-67. RESULTS: In normal term pregnancies, HE study revealed Hofbauer cells in 37.5% of cases while immunohistochemistry revealed in 87.5% of cases. In first trimester's miscarriages and in cases with prenatal diagnosis of fetal chromosomal abnormalities, both basic and immunohistochemical study were positive for Hofbauer cells. In pregnancies complicated with intrauterine growth restriction or gestational diabetes mellitus, a positive immunoreaction was observed in 100 and 70% of cases, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Hofbauer cells are present in placental villi during pregnancy, but with progressively reducing density. The most specific marker for their detection seems to be A1 Antichymotrypsine. It is remarkable that no mitotic activity of Hofbauer cells was noticed in our study, as the marker of cellular multiplication Ki-67 was negative in all examined specimens.
Surtos de botulismo causados pelos tipos C e D da toxina botulínica são freqüentes no país, estando originalmente associados à osteofagia e à ingestão de alimentos e água contaminados. No presente trabalho são descritos os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínico-patológicos e laboratoriais de sete surtos da intoxicação em bovinos de corte e leite alimentados com cama de frango, ocorridos nos estados de São Paulo e Minas Gerais entre 1989 e 2000. Cinco surtos ocorreram em rebanhos de corte confinados ou criados extensivamente e suplementados com o subproduto, e dois em propriedades leiteiras. De um total de 1.535 animais alimentados regularmente com a cama de frango, 455 (29,64%) morreram em um período que variou de 2 a 4 semanas. A morbidade nos sete surtos estudados variou de 3,47 a 100%, da mesma forma que a mortalidade. Em uma das propriedades a letalidade foi de 60,52%, e em todos os outros surtos ela foi acima de 88,43%; em três propriedades o coeficiente foi de 100%. Os sinais clínicos de paralisia progressiva, dificuldade na locomoção, decúbito e estado mental aparentemente normal, diminuição do tônus da musculatura da língua e cauda, sialorréia e dificuldade respiratória caracterizaram o quadro clínico. À necropsia de 30 animais não foi observada qualquer alteração macroscópica digna de nota. A presença de esporos de Clostridium botulinum foi detectada em amostras de cama de frango colhidas nas sete propriedades. Nas amostras de fígado, líquido ruminal e intestinal, provenientes dos 30 animais necropsiados, foi possível detectar toxinas botulínicas tipos C (5) ou D (9), ou classificada como pertencente ao complexo CD (1), em pelos menos um dos materiais provenientes de 15 animais, confirmando assim o diagnóstico clínico-patológico e epidemiológico de botulismo.
Kädessäsi on Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulun kaikkia eri tutkintotasojen opiskelijoita koskeva opinto-oppaan yleinen osa. Yleisessä osassa esitetään opiskelijoille välttämätöntä perustietoutta Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulusta, opiskelusta ja tutkinnoista. Muille lukijoille opas on hyvä tietolähde. Opinto-oppaan neljäs luku on opiskelujen kannalta tärkein, koska siinä määritetään sotatieteelliset oppiaineet ja niiden tavoitteet tutkintotasoittain. Opas on laadittu koskemaan jokaista Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulun opiskelijaa, siviiliopiskelijat mukaan luettuna. Oppaasta löytyy tarpeellista tietoa muun muassa opintohallinnosta, opiskeluoikeuksista ja opintoneuvonnasta sekä toimimisesta Santahaminan sotilasalueella. Yleisen osan lisäksi sinun on tunnettava opinto-oppaan eriytyvät osat ja niihin sisältyvät oman tutkintotasosi opintojaksokuvaukset. Lue opinto-oppaat huolella. Näin saat kokonaisvaltaisen kuvan tulevien vuosiesi työskentelystä ja opintojesi tavoitteista. Yksityiskohtaisempia tietoja saat kurssinjohtajalta, oman tutkintotasosi koulutussuunnittelijalta ja ainelaitoksilta. Oppaaseen on koottu opiskeluun liittyviä tärkeitä yhteystietoja helpottamaan opiskelijan arkea. Oppaasta löydät myös Santahaminan kampusalueen kartan. Jos et saa oppaasta tarvitsemaasi tietoa, tai jos jokin asia jää sinulle epäselväksi, otathan yhteyttä Opintoasiainosaston henkilökuntaan. On myös toivottavaa, että annat palautetta opinto-oppaasta Opintoasiainosaston henkilöstölle. Näin voimme kehittää opasta edelleen. Parhaimman opetuksen saanut asevelvollinen ansaitsee parhaimman opetuksen saaneen kouluttajan ja upseerin, sinut.
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of three doses of fumonisin B1 (0, 100, and 200mg/kg of feed) on biological variables (relative weight of liver [RWL], total plasma protein [TPP], albumin [Alb], calcium [Ca], phosphorus [P], uric acid [UA], alanine aminotransferase [ALT], aspartate aminotransferase [AST], gamma glutamyltransferase [GGT], alkaline phosphatase [AP], total cholesterol [Chol], triglycerides [Tri], sphinganine-to-sphingosine ratio [SA:SO], and C-reactive protein [CRP]), morphological evaluation of the small intestine (villus height [VH], crypt depth [CD], and villus-to-crypt ratio [V:C]), histological evaluation, and on performance (body weight [BW], feed intake [FI], and feed conversion rate [FCR]) of broiler chickens. Significant effects of FB were observed on BW and FI (reduced), on RWL, TPP, Ca, ALT, AST, GGT, Chol, and Tri (increased) at both 14 and 28 days evaluations. In addition, significant increase was observed on FCR, Alb, P, SA:SO, and CRP and significant reduction in UA, VH, and V:C only at the 28 days evaluation. Significant histological lesions were observed on liver and kidney of FB inoculated broilers at 14 and 28 days. Those results show that FB has a significant effect on biological and histological variables and on performance of broiler chickens.
O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a influência do exercício físico de intensidade submáxima sobre as concentrações séricas de aspartato aminotransferase (AST), creatinoquinase (CK) e lactato-desidrogenase (LDH) em muares durante prova de enduro de 100 km realizada no estado do Espírito Santo. Para tal foram obtidas amostras de soro de 20 muares em três momentos assim definidos: no repouso (T0); após 54 km de percurso (T1); após 80 km de percurso (T2); e após 100 km de percurso (T3). As referidas amostras foram encaminhadas ao Laboratório Clínico Veterinário (CEMEVES) para processamento. Na avaliação da atividade sérica de AST, os valores médios registrados nos momentos T0, T1, T2 e T3 foram, respectivamente, de 341,7±73,9 UI/L, 403,1±78,4 UI/L, 410,5±70,5 UI/L e 426,5±66,7 UI/L. Na avaliação da atividade sérica da LDH, os valores médios registrados foram de 423,1±101,8 UI/L, 534,4±131,8 UI/L, 628,5±100,6 UI/L e 823,4±273,2 UI/L, respectivamente, nos momentos T0, T1, T2 e T3. Por fim, na avaliação da atividade sérica da CK os valores de mediana foram de 231,3 UI/L, 310,6 UI/L, 253,2 UI/L e 476,0 UI/L, respectivamente nos momentos T0, T1, T2 e T3. A análise dos resultados demonstrou que o exercício físico imposto levou ao aumento significativo das atividades séricas de AST e LDH e não alterou as concentrações séricas de CK.
Aiming to provide insight and discussing the problems related to the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of canine transmissible venereal tumor (CTVT), especially in its extragenital form, immunohistochemical evaluation was performed and a comparison was established by analysis of the microscopic appearance of 10 genital CTVTs and 13 exclusively extragenital CTVTs previously diagnosed by cytology and histopathology. CTVTs samples were incubated with biotinylated antibodies raised against specific membrane (anti-macrophage) and cytoplasmic antigens (anti-lysozyme, anti-S-100 protein, anti-vimentin and anti-CD18) and subsequently developed using streptavidin-biotin peroxidase and streptavidin-biotin-alkaline phosphatase methods. A strong reactivity with the anti-vimentin antibody was found in 100% of the tumors tested (22/22). No reactivity was found for the anti-lysozyme, anti-macrophage, anti-S-100 protein and anti-CD18. No histopathological or immunoreactivity differences between genital and extragenital CTVTs were found. These findings do not corroborate the hypothesis of histiocytic origin of CTVT (no reactivity to anti-lysozyme, anti-macrophage and anti-CD 18 antibodies). In addition, the antibody panel used is useful to narrow the differential diagnosis for lymphomas, histiocytic tumors, amelanotic melanomas, and poorly differentiated epithelial neoplasias, among others.
Luettelo Kansalliskirjastossa olevan Emil Kaupin arkiston sisällöstä
O uso de glyphosate para o controle de plantas daninhas em soja RR® apresenta características essenciais no conceito de praticabilidade. Entretanto, apesar de não permitido na legislação brasileira, tem-se aumentado a associação com outros herbicidas para manejo de espécies de difícil controle, assim como a sua mistura em tanque em combinação com inseticidas e adjuvantes. Com o objetivo de avaliar a seletividade de cultivares de soja RR® submetidos a misturas em tanque de formulações de glyphosate (Polaris®, Roundup Ready® e Roundup WG®) com chlorimuron-ethyl (Classic®), e suas associações com óleo mineral (Joint Oil®) e inseticidas novaluron (Gallaxy 100 EC®), permethrin (Piredan®) e methomyl (Lannate BR®), um experimento foi conduzido a campo na cidade de Maracaí-SP, na safra 2006/2007. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, em esquema fatorial 16 x 4, sendo 16 as associações das misturas em tanque entre as formulações de glyphosate, óleo mineral e inseticidas e quatro cultivares: Monsoy 7210RR®, Monsoy 7979RR®, BRS 245RR® e CD 214RR®. Sintomas visuais de intoxicação inicial dos cultivares estudados foram caracterizados por clorose e encarquilhamento nas folhas para todas as misturas em tanque das formulações de glyphosate + chlorimuron-ethyl, associadas ou não ao óleo mineral e inseticidas novaluron, permethrin e methomyl. Todas as misturas em tanque não promoveram reduções significativas de produtividade para os cultivares Monsoy 7210RR®, Monsoy 7979RR® e BRS 245RR® e controlaram Ipomoea spp. com eficácia apenas satisfatória a partir dos 21 DAA (dias após aplicação).
Tämä raportti perehtyy aasialaisten gadgettien historiaan ja tulevaisuuden näkymiin. Työn historiakatsauksessa perehdytään 1900- ja 2000-luvun gadget -laitteisiin. Gadget on pieni mekaaninen tai elektroninen laite, jolla on jokin käyttötarkoitus. Japani on viimeisen sadan vuoden aikana tuottanut lukuisia merkittäviä gadgetteja. Tunnetuimpina saavutuksina voidaan esimerkiksi pitää CD- ja DVD -levyjä sekä useita tunnettuja pelikonsoleita. Viime vuosina se on saanut kilpailijoita Itä-Aasiasta. Tulevaisuudessa voidaan mahdollisesti odottaa matkapuhelimiin liittyviä gadgetteja, entistä tarkempia ja taivuteltavia näyttöjä sekä tämänhetkisiä gadgetteja yhdisteleviä laitteita.
Regnellidium diphyllum has its distribution restricted to Southern Brazil and adjoining localities in Uruguay and Argentina. Currently it is on the list of threatened species of Rio Grande do Sul. The conversion of wetlands into agricultural areas or soil contamination by the introduction of waste products and fertilizers may compromise the establishment and survival of this species. Among the pollutants are heavy metals, such as cadmium (Cd). Megaspores were germinated in liquid culture medium, with concentrations 0 (control), 0.39; 0.78; 1.56; 3.12; 6.25; 12.5; 25; 50 and 100 mg L-1 of Cd, starting from a standard solution of Titrisol® at 1000 mg L-1. The increase of Cd in the growth medium to 50 mg L-1 resulted in low germinability (58%), and no germination was observed on 100 mg L-1. In apomictical sporophytes, the growth of primary root and leaf was significantly reduced and no secondary leaf was formed at Cd concentrations of 12.5 and higher than this. The results indicated that R. diphyllum is tolerant to the presence of Cd up to considerably higher concentrations (0.78 mg L-1) than that normally found in unpolluted aquatic ecosystems (0.01 mg L-1), although the sensitivity to higher concentrations might endanger the establishment and permanence of this species in habitats exposed to contamination with this metal.
Työn tavoitteena ovat valtakunnalliset liikenneturvallisuustavoitteet vuoteen 2020 mennessä ja niiden saavuttaminen tienpitäjän toimenpitein.Tässä työssä tarkasteltiin maanteitä, joilla on kesäaikana voimassa 100 km/h nopeusrajoitus. Työssä vertailtiin nykyisten 100 km/h väylien tierekisteritietoja uusiin nopeus-rajoitusohjeisiin (LVM:n yleisohje 2009) sekä vertailtiin ko. tiejaksojen onnettomuustiheyksiä ja -asteita valtakunnallisiin lukuihin (Liikennevirasto, 2012). Lisäksi 100 km/h tieosuuksien ympäristön asukastiheyttä tarkasteltiin Rakennus- ja huoneistorekisteritietojen perusteella. Näiden tietojen perusteella muodostuivat mahdolliset nopeusrajoituksen alentamista vaativat tiejaksot. Nopeusrajoituksen alentamista liikenneturvallisuustilanteen parantamiseksi tarkasteltiin seuraavien priorisointiperiaatteiden mukaisesti: 1. 0-vision ja ihmisen kestokyvyn mukainen priorisointi: • Millä 100 km/h tiejaksoilla ei ole keskikaidetta? 2. Vastaavatko 100 km/h tiejaksot nykyisiä nopeusrajoitusohjeita? 3. Esiintyykö 100 km/h tiejaksoilla korkeita onnettomuustiheyksiä ja -asteita? Varsinais-Suomen ELY-keskuksen liikennevastuualueen johtotiimin päätöksen mukaisesti nopeusrajoitusta alennetaan 80 km/h:iin yhteensä 23 kilometrin matkalla. Lisäksi talvinopeusrajoitusta alennetaan yhteensä 9 kilometrin pituisella tiejaksolla. Nopeusrajoitustoimenpiteiden lisäksi yhden liittymän kohdalle päätettiin asettaa ohituskiellot ja yhdelle tiejaksolle esitettiin tehtäväksi puuston raivausta. Toimenpiteillä saavutetaan noin 0,78 vuosittainen vähenemä henkilövahinkoon johtaneissa onnettomuuksissa. Toimenpiteiden yhteiskuntataloudelliset kustannukset ovat yhteensä 600 000 euroa/vuosi.
Nosocomial dissemination of glycopeptide-resistant enterococci represents a major problem in hospitals worldwide. In Brazil, the dissemination among hospitals in the city of São Paulo of polyclonal DNA profiles was previously described for vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium. We describe here the dissemination of VanA phenotype E. faecalis between two hospitals located in different cities in the State of São Paulo. The index outbreak occurred in a tertiary care university hospital (HCUSP) in the city of São Paulo and three years later a cluster caused by the same strain was recognized in two patients hospitalized in a private tertiary care hospital (CMC) located 100 km away in the interior of the state. From May to July 1999, 10 strains of vancomycin-resistant E. faecalis were isolated from 10 patients hospitalized in the HCUSP. The DNA genotyping using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) showed that all isolates were originated from the same clone, suggesting nosocomial dissemination. From May to July 2002, three strains of vancomycin-resistant E. faecalis were isolated from two patients hospitalized in CMC and both patients were colonized by the vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus in skin lesions. All isolates from CMC and HCUSP were highly resistant to vancomycin and teicoplanin. The three strains from CMC had minimum inhibitory concentration >256 µg/ml for vancomycin, and 64 (CMC 1 and CMC 2) and 96 µg/ml (CMC 3) for teicoplanin, characterizing a profile of VanA resistance to glycopeptides. All strains had the presence of the transposon Tn1546 detected by PCR and were closely related when typed by PFGE. The dissemination of the E. faecalis VanA phenotype among hospitals located in different cities is of great concern because E. faecalis commonly colonizes the gastrointestinal tract of patients and healthy persons for periods varying from weeks to years, which, together with the persistence of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus in hospital rooms after standard cleaning procedures, increases the risk of the dissemination and reservoir of the bacteria.