969 resultados para British Naval History


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Traces the ideological formations of British colonialism using the techniques of modern European cartography to examine the practices of spatial production in Hong Kong's capital city, Victoria. This examination demonstrates how notions of British cultural identity and self-representation were inscribed throughout the colonial urban environment by considering the ways in which the British colonial authorities sought to condition, control, and maintain the organisation of space.


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Explores the meanings generated by and through the establishment of Beth Shalom, Great Britain's first memorial center to the Jewish Holocaust. Memorial's location near Laxton in Nottinghamshire, England; Ways in which the mnemonic site's relationship with its surrounding location is important in the making of meaning; Relevance of the Holocaust to past and contemporary British social relations.


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Australia's cultural cringe towards Britan does not just focus on the monarchy. Many in the ALP and the media pay undue deference to Tony Blair's so-called new Third Way. This book shows why the ALP needs to reassess its own history and examines the complex reality of how it compaes with the British Labor Party.


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This article describes constitutional and socio-historical background to the referendum that led to the inserrion of s 51(xxiijA) into the Commonwealth Constitution. It traces judicial interpretations of the clause 'but not so as to authorise any fonn of civil conscription' through the major cases, including British Medical Association v Commonwealth, General Practitioners Society v Commonwealth, and Alexandra Private Geriatric Hospital Pty Ud v Commonwealth. The issue of the powers of the Commonwealth to regulate private medical practice without infringing the constitutional guarantee against civil conscription is analysed in the context of the development of National Health Care Schemes for financing medical benefits (Health Insurance Commission v Peverill). Constitutional aspects of the 1995 legislation enabling the introduction into Australia of purchaser-provider agreements ('managed care ') are also examined. Finally, the article questions the constitutionality of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission s powers to regulate the essential elements of the patient-doctor relationship.


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The dynamism and mobility of architects in their approach to architecturaldesign practice provides a context that emphasises that architecture, likeculture, is not static or rooted in place, but is intricately configured throughthe dual processes of locality and mobility – both physical and theoretical. Theproduction of architecture in Australia, as in other immigrant-rich societies,provides a case for reinforcing the theory that architectural mobility and travelare integral to the architecture of place.This issues paper sets out to re-examine the contribution of geo-culturalinfluences upon Australia’s architectural lineage and considers a diverse rangeof themes across an equally broad timeframe; British colonial transpositions; thedissemination of Modernism in Australia; the latent contribution of mid-twentiethcentury European émigré architects; and the secreted history of Australia’sAsian architecture. Common to all, however, is the notion of architecturaltranslation as a process of influences transmitted, transposed or adapted toother contexts. It uses Australia as the focus from which to consider how globalcriticism, ideas and theories have travelled and continue to travel transverselyacross time and place, from the late-eighteenth century well into the twenty-first.This paper investigates translations through narratives, processes, networks andtraces of architectural manifestations and begins to draw lines of influence.


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Details the operations of the Victorian Navy for the period 1883 to 1886, including information on ships, training, stores, list of officers on the active and unattached list, list of ships including their armament, and the regulations under which the navy ran.


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This paper sets out an ambitious critique of contemporary political scientists, political historians and others concerned with the history of democracy. It argues that overwhelmingly the history of democracy relies on an overtly Eurocentric narrative that emphasizes the keystone moments of Western civilization. According to this narrative, democracy has a clear trajectory that can be traced from ancient experiments with participatory government in Greece and to a lesser extent in Rome, through the development of the British parliament, the American Declaration of Independence and the French Revolution, and then finally onto the triumphant march of the liberal model of democracy across the globe over the last 200 years, particularly under Western tutelage. Histories of democracy that focus exclusively on these events not only privilege Europe and its successful colonies, but also miss the broader human story of the struggle for and achievement of democracy.This presents us with a distinct challenge. For those whose heritage does not include a direct link to Greek assemblies, the American Congress or the French Revolution, the ‘standard history of democracy’ provides a distant and exclusive narrative, which limits one’s ability to embrace democracy. This paper concludes by noting that, as democracy spreads out across the world today, political scientists not only need to break down the intellectual orthodoxy that democracy has exclusively Western roots, but also to embrace a more global view of democracy as a political practise that has been present at various times and in sometimes unfamiliar ways in the complex histories and rich cultural traditions of most of the people of the earth.


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Este Trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar os reflexos da política desenvolvimentista de Juscelino Kubitschek, que por meio de dispositivos legais implantou a indústria de construção naval no Brasil e os desdobramentos dessa política na construção naval militar, tendo o Arsenal de Marinha do Rio de Janeiro (AMRJ) como representante deste processo. O Brasil é levado a uma mobilização de desenvolvimento baseado na industrialização e nesse sentido vale enfatizar três aspectos importantes.As medidas do governo JK na indústria naval e como refletiram no Arsenal de Marinha do Rio de Janeiro. Outro aspecto é o momento histórico dos anos 1950 vivenciando o palco da guerra fria entre as potências Estadas Unidos (EUA) e União Soviética (URSS) e que traz desdobramentos como a partir acordos militares entre os EUA e seus aliados, estando o acordo Brasil e EUA inserido nesse contexto. A implantação da indústria de construção naval militar no país na segunda metade da década de cinquenta no Brasil trouxe repercussões significativas na área militar naval, sobretudo nos anos 1970, quando a Marinha brasileira recuperou sua capacidade de projetar e construir navios de guerra modernos.


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The rediscovery of the enigmatic subterranean characiform Stygichthys typhlops is reported almost a half-century after the collection of the holotype, the only specimen previously known. Thirty-four specimens were collected in two shallow hand-dug wells at the region of the type locality, c. 13 km south-west of the town of Jaiba, Minas Gerais, Brazil. These specimens provide new information on the morphology of this species, and for the first time on its life history. The conservation status of S. typhlops is discussed. The species is severely threatened by habitat loss caused by exploitation of the aquifer. (C) 2010 The Authors Journal compilation (C) 2010 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles


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[EN] The 1883 eruption of Krakatau is one of the best known volcanic events in the world, although it was not the largest, nor the deadliest of known eruptions. However, the eruption happened in a critical moment (just after the first global telegraph network was established) and in a strategic place (the Sunda Straits were a naval traffic hot spot at that time). The lecture will explore these events in some detail before presenting an outline on ongoing multidisciplinary efforts to unravel the past and present day plumbing systems of the 1883 eruption and that of the active Anak Krakatau cone. A mid- and a lower-crustal magma storage level exist beneath the volcano, placing significant emphasis on magma-crust interaction in the uppermost, sediment-rich crust. This final aspect shares similarities with the 2011/2012 El Hierro eruption, highlighting the relevance of the interaction between ascending magmas and marine deposits that oceanic magmas have to pass. At Krakatau, shallow-level crustal contamination offers a possible explanation for the explosive nature of the 1883 eruption and also for those of the presently active Anak Krakatau edifice and helps constrain location, style and processes of subvolcanic magma storage.


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This article examines the role of domestic spaces and images in mid-nineteenth-century science writing for children. Analyses of John Mill’s The Fossil Spirit, A.L.O.E.’s Fairy Frisket, John Cargill Brough’s The Fairy Tales of Science, Annie Carey’s “Autobiography of a Lump of Coal,” and an assortment of boxed games reveal a variety of ways in which overwhelming scientific concepts are domesticated. Moreover, juvenile science literature contributes this appeasing domestication to the broader scientific discourse, consistently framing natural history in terms of human experience.


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Research councils, universities and funding agencies are increasingly asking for tools to measure the quality of research in the humanities. One of their preferred methods is a ranking of journals according to their supposed level of internationality. Our quantitative survey of seventeen major journals of medical history reveals the futility of such an approach. Most journals have a strong national character with a dominance of native language, authors and topics. The most common case is a paper written by a local author in his own language on a national subject regarding the nineteenth or twentieth century. American and British journals are taken notice of internationally but they only rarely mention articles from other history of medicine journals. Continental European journals show a more international review of literature, but are in their turn not noticed globally. Increasing specialisation and fragmentation has changed the role of general medical history journals. They run the risk of losing their function as international platforms of discourse on general and theoretical issues and major trends in historiography, to international collections of papers. Journal editors should therefore force their authors to write a more international report, and authors should be encouraged to submit papers of international interest and from a more general, transnational and methodological point of view.


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In this thesis, I will document and analyze historical aspects of the British debate over adopting a common currency with the European Community primarily during the last half of the twentieth century until the present. More specifically, while on the surface such a decision would seem to turn on economic or political considerations, I will show that this historic British decision not to surrender their pound sterling in exchange for the euro was rooted in the nation's cultural identity. During this decades long British debate over the euro, two opposing, but strongly held, positions developed; one side believed that Britain had a compelling interest in bonding with the rest of Europe economically as well as politically, the other side believed that Britain's independent heritage was deeply rooted in many of its traditions including maintaining control of its own monetary matters, which included keeping its pound sterling. As part of this thesis, I have conducted interviews with business leaders, economists, and social scientists as well as researched public records in order to assess many of the arguments favoring and opposing Britain's adoption of the euro. Many Britons strongly believed that it was time to join other Europeans, who were willing to sacrifice their sovereign currency to a bold common currency experiment, while other Britons viewed the pound sterling as too integral a part of British heritage to abandon. Ultimately, British leaders and citizens had to determine whether such a currency tradeoff would be worth it to them as a nation. It was a gamble that twelve other nations (at the time of the euro's 2002 launch) were ready to take, optimistically calculating that easier credit and reduced exchange transaction costs would lead to greater economic prosperity. Many asserted that only with ! ! such a united European monetary coalition would Europe's nations be able to compete trade-wise with powerful economic nations like the United States and China. My conclusion is that Britain's refusal to join the euro was a decision that had less to do with economic opportunity or political motivations and much more to do with how the British people viewed themselves culturally and their identity as an independent nation.