947 resultados para Box Bridges
Because of its electronic properties, sulfur plays a major role in a variety of metabolic processes and, more in general, in the chemistry of life. In particular, S-S bridges between cysteines are present in the amino acid backbone of proteins. Protein disulfur radical anions may decay following different paths through competing intra and intermolecular routes, including bond cleavage, disproportionation, protein-protein cross linking, and electron transfer. Indeed, mass spectrometry ECD (electron capture dissociation massspectroscopy) studies have shown that capture of low-energy (<0.2 eV) electrons by multiply protonated proteins is followed by dissociation of S-S bonds holding two peptide chains together. In view of the importance of organic sulfur chemistry, we report on electron interactions with disulphide bridges. To study these interactions we used as prototypes the molecules dimethyl sulfide [(CH3)2S] and dimethyl disulfide [(H3C)S2(CH3)]. We seek to better understand the electron-induced cleavage of the disulfide bond. To explore dissociative processes we performed electron scattering calculations with the Schwinger Multichannel Method with pseudopotentials (SMCPP), recently parallelized with OpenMP directives and optimized with subroutines for linear algebra (BLAS) and LAPACK routines. Elastic cross sections obtained for different S-S bond lengths indicate stabilization of the anion formed by electron attachment to a σ*SS antibonding orbital, such that dissociation would be expected.
Máster en Oceanografía
Nella presente tesi viene affrontato il comportamento di materiali granulari sotto carico dinamico. In particolare, viene presentata la sperimentazione di laboratorio seguita presso il Nottingham Transportation Engineering Centre dell'Università di Nottingham, la costruzione del box test e le prove dinamiche eseguite sul materiale granulare rinforzato e non.
The work for the present thesis started in California, during my semester as an exchange student overseas. California is known worldwide for its seismicity and its effort in the earthquake engineering research field. For this reason, I immediately found interesting the Structural Dynamics Professor, Maria Q. Feng's proposal, to work on a pushover analysis of the existing Jamboree Road Overcrossing bridge. Concrete is a popular building material in California, and for the most part, it serves its functions well. However, concrete is inherently brittle and performs poorly during earthquakes if not reinforced properly. The San Fernando Earthquake of 1971 dramatically demonstrated this characteristic. Shortly thereafter, code writers revised the design provisions for new concrete buildings so to provide adequate ductility to resist strong ground shaking. There remain, nonetheless, millions of square feet of non-ductile concrete buildings in California. The purpose of this work is to perform a Pushover Analysis and compare the results with those of a Nonlinear Time-History Analysis of an existing bridge, located in Southern California. The analyses have been executed through the software OpenSees, the Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation. The bridge Jamboree Road Overcrossing is classified as a Standard Ordinary Bridge. In fact, the JRO is a typical three-span continuous cast-in-place prestressed post-tension box-girder. The total length of the bridge is 366 ft., and the height of the two bents are respectively 26,41 ft. and 28,41 ft.. Both the Pushover Analysis and the Nonlinear Time-History Analysis require the use of a model that takes into account for the nonlinearities of the system. In fact, in order to execute nonlinear analyses of highway bridges it is essential to incorporate an accurate model of the material behavior. It has been observed that, after the occurrence of destructive earthquakes, one of the most damaged elements on highway bridges is a column. To evaluate the performance of bridge columns during seismic events an adequate model of the column must be incorporated. Part of the work of the present thesis is, in fact, dedicated to the modeling of bents. Different types of nonlinear element have been studied and modeled, with emphasis on the plasticity zone length determination and location. Furthermore, different models for concrete and steel materials have been considered, and the selection of the parameters that define the constitutive laws of the different materials have been accurate. The work is structured into four chapters, to follow a brief overview of the content. The first chapter introduces the concepts related to capacity design, as the actual philosophy of seismic design. Furthermore, nonlinear analyses both static, pushover, and dynamic, time-history, are presented. The final paragraph concludes with a short description on how to determine the seismic demand at a specific site, according to the latest design criteria in California. The second chapter deals with the formulation of force-based finite elements and the issues regarding the objectivity of the response in nonlinear field. Both concentrated and distributed plasticity elements are discussed into detail. The third chapter presents the existing structure, the software used OpenSees, and the modeling assumptions and issues. The creation of the nonlinear model represents a central part in this work. Nonlinear material constitutive laws, for concrete and reinforcing steel, are discussed into detail; as well as the different scenarios employed in the columns modeling. Finally, the results of the pushover analysis are presented in chapter four. Capacity curves are examined for the different model scenarios used, and failure modes of concrete and steel are discussed. Capacity curve is converted into capacity spectrum and intersected with the design spectrum. In the last paragraph, the results of nonlinear time-history analyses are compared to those of pushover analysis.
A Phase Space Box-counting based Method for Arrhythmia Prediction from Electrocardiogram Time Series
Arrhythmia is one kind of cardiovascular diseases that give rise to the number of deaths and potentially yields immedicable danger. Arrhythmia is a life threatening condition originating from disorganized propagation of electrical signals in heart resulting in desynchronization among different chambers of the heart. Fundamentally, the synchronization process means that the phase relationship of electrical activities between the chambers remains coherent, maintaining a constant phase difference over time. If desynchronization occurs due to arrhythmia, the coherent phase relationship breaks down resulting in chaotic rhythm affecting the regular pumping mechanism of heart. This phenomenon was explored by using the phase space reconstruction technique which is a standard analysis technique of time series data generated from nonlinear dynamical system. In this project a novel index is presented for predicting the onset of ventricular arrhythmias. Analysis of continuously captured long-term ECG data recordings was conducted up to the onset of arrhythmia by the phase space reconstruction method, obtaining 2-dimensional images, analysed by the box counting method. The method was tested using the ECG data set of three different kinds including normal (NR), Ventricular Tachycardia (VT), Ventricular Fibrillation (VF), extracted from the Physionet ECG database. Statistical measures like mean (μ), standard deviation (σ) and coefficient of variation (σ/μ) for the box-counting in phase space diagrams are derived for a sliding window of 10 beats of ECG signal. From the results of these statistical analyses, a threshold was derived as an upper bound of Coefficient of Variation (CV) for box-counting of ECG phase portraits which is capable of reliably predicting the impeding arrhythmia long before its actual occurrence. As future work of research, it was planned to validate this prediction tool over a wider population of patients affected by different kind of arrhythmia, like atrial fibrillation, bundle and brunch block, and set different thresholds for them, in order to confirm its clinical applicability.
This research has focused on the study of the behavior and of the collapse of masonry arch bridges. The latest decades have seen an increasing interest in this structural type, that is still present and in use, despite the passage of time and the variation of the transport means. Several strategies have been developed during the time to simulate the response of this type of structures, although even today there is no generally accepted standard one for assessment of masonry arch bridges. The aim of this thesis is to compare the principal analytical and numerical methods existing in literature on case studies, trying to highlight values and weaknesses. The methods taken in exam are mainly three: i) the Thrust Line Analysis Method; ii) the Mechanism Method; iii) the Finite Element Methods. The Thrust Line Analysis Method and the Mechanism Method are analytical methods and derived from two of the fundamental theorems of the Plastic Analysis, while the Finite Element Method is a numerical method, that uses different strategies of discretization to analyze the structure. Every method is applied to the case study through computer-based representations, that allow a friendly-use application of the principles explained. A particular closed-form approach based on an elasto-plastic material model and developed by some Belgian researchers is also studied. To compare the three methods, two different case study have been analyzed: i) a generic masonry arch bridge with a single span; ii) a real masonry arch bridge, the Clemente Bridge, built on Savio River in Cesena. In the analyses performed, all the models are two-dimensional in order to have results comparable between the different methods taken in exam. The different methods have been compared with each other in terms of collapse load and of hinge positions.
Die räumliche und zeitliche Organisation von Genexpression ist für die Entwicklung und das Funktionieren eines jeden Lebewesens von immenser Bedeutung. Dazu laufen eine Vielzahl von Regulationsprozessen auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen ab. In dieser Arbeit wurden im ersten Teil Untersuchungen zur Genregulation des Drosophila optomotor-blind Genes und zur Funktion des Omb Proteins durchgeführt. Eine Mutante, der ein großer Teil der upstream regulatory region (URR) fehlt wurde erzeugt, aus einer Vielzahl von Linien isoliert und molekular charakterisiert. Die biologischen Auswirkungen dieser Deletion werden in Shen et al. (2008) beschrieben. Plasmide zur Erzeugung transgener Fliegen, mit deren Hilfe eine bereits von Sivasankaran et al. (2000) durchgeführte Enhancer-reporter-Analyse vervollständigt werden sollte, wurden hergestellt. Die bereits bekannte Inversion In(1)ombH31 wurde molekular kartiert. Eine Reihe von Konstrukten mit Punktmutationen in der Omb T-Domäne wurden generiert, die unter anderem über deren Funktion hinsichtlich DNA-Protein Interaktion und einer potentiellen Metallionenbindefähigkeit (ATCUN) hin Aufschluss geben sollen. Des Weiteren wurde eine Reihe von P-Element-Deletionslinien auf den Verlust eines alternativen omb Transkriptionsstartpunktes hin untersucht, mit dem Ziel eine vollständige Protein-Nullmutante zur Verfügung zu haben. Der zweite Abschnitt dieser Arbeit befasste sich mit der Erzeugung von Dpp-GFP-Fusionskonstrukten, mit deren Hilfe weitere Erkenntnisse über den Dpp-Langstreckentransport erhofft werden. Es wurde außerdem damit begonnen bei einem weitern Drosophila T-Box Transkriptionsfaktor, Optomotor-blind related gene-1 (Org-1), eine Reihe von Varianten mit homopolymeren polyAlanin und polyGlutamin Expansionen unterschiedlicher Länge herzustellen. Durch Experimente mit diesen Konstrukten soll Aufschluss darüber gewonnen werden, ob Glutamin-Expansionen, wie in der Literatur vorgeschlagen, aktivierend und Alanin-Expansionen in Transkriptionsfaktoren vielleicht reprimierend auf Genaktivität wirken. Letztlich wurden in dieser Arbeit im Rahmen des DROSDEL Projektes (Ryder et al., 2004, 2007) Deletionen in der distalen Hälfte des Chromosomenarms 3R hergestellt. Der DROSDEL Deletionskit, der durch eine Kooperation europäischer Labore entstand stellt der Drosophila Forschung einen umfassenden Satz molekular basengenau definierter Defizienzen zur Verfügung.
Zusammenfassung:rnrnDas Ziel der Arbeit bestand darin mehr über die Funktion des T-Box Transkriptionsfaktors Omb zu erfahren. Dm omb ist der nächste Verwandte zu Hs Tbx2/3, die wegen ihrer Rolle bei verschiedenen Krebsarten für die Entwicklung neuer Therapien bedeutsam sind. rnIn drei, von Herrn Pflugfelder hergestellten, omb Allelen l(1)omb282, l(1)omb12, l(1)omb15 wurden neue Mutationen kartiert. Dabei handelt es sich um zwei missense-Mutationen und eine Stopmutation. Sie betreffen Aminosäurereste, die in allen T-Box Proteinen konserviert sind und daher vermutlich lebenswichtige Proteinabschnitte betreffen. In EMSA Versuchen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die missense-Mutationen die DNA-Bindung des Omb-T Proteins verhindern.rnFür die Suche nach Omb Zielgenen wurden Gene und phylogenetisch konservierte TBE-Genabschnitte auf ihre Regulation durch Omb getestet. Dabei wurde das Expressionsmuster von Genen mitels in situ und das Muster von enhancer getriebener β-Gal Expression histochemisch oder durch Immunfärbung von wildtypischen und l(1)omb15 Larven des dritten Stadiums verglichen. rnUpstream der mirr Transkriptionseinheit wurde ein cis-regulatorisches TBE-Fragment identifiziert, das ein Aktivitätsmuster in Flügelimaginalscheiben zeigte, welches dem von Mirr nahe kommt. Sowohl ein Omb Verlust als auch die Mutation der TBE Sequenz führten zu einer ähnlichen ektopischen Aktivierung des Fragments, was auf eine Abhängigkeit von Omb hinweist. rnIn der intronischen Sequenz von inv wurde ebenfalls ein TBE-Fragment entdeckt, das eine β-Gal-Aktivität in Flügelscheiben des späten L3 Stadiums anterior der A/P Grenze zeigte. Diese Expression könnte sich mit der späten für en/inv beschriebenen Expression (Blair, 1992) decken. Immunfärbungen bestätigten, dass der Verlust dieser Aktivität in omb0 tatsächlich durch den Verlust von Omb hervorgerufen wird und nicht durch eine Entwicklungsverzögerung der Larven verursacht wird.rnSchließlich wurde durch die Reparatur von TBX Expressionsvektoren eine Konstruktreihe (Legler, 2010) fertiggestellt, mit deren Hilfe die Auswirkungen einer Überexpression auf die Zellmotilität in Drosophila untersucht werden kann. Das soll helfen den Einfluss von TBX Proteinen auf die Invasivität von Krebszellen zu verstehen.rn
In a prior bioinformatic analysis by Hüyseyin Binbas, potential Tbx targets sequences in wing-related genes have been identified. Guided by this information, enhancer trap/reporter lacZ insertions were characterized by X-gal staining first in wildtype and then in l(1)omb imaginal discs.rnIn several lines I observed an increase in reporter expression in a l(1)omb mutant background. Since Omb is assumed to function predominantly as a transcriptional repressor, this may indicate direct regulation. Repression by Omb was observed e.g. for brk and tkv. These genes are negatively regulated by Dpp, while omb is induced by Dpp. Omb which mediates the effects of Dpp on proliferation could, thus, also mediate the Dpp effect on patterning of the wing disc. However, brk and tkv were not completely derepressed in l(1)omb indicating that Dpp represses these genes also by an Omb-independent mechanism.rnMore frequently I observed loss of reporter expression in an l(1)omb mutant background. In these cases, regulation by Omb presumably is indirect. For example, STAT92E-lacZ expression in the wildtype eye was symmetrically expressed at the dorsal and ventral margins. In l(1)omb, ventral expression was selectively lost. Loss of omb is known to cause ventral overproliferation of the eye by activation of the Jak/STAT pathway. STAT92E expression is negatively regulated by Jak/STAT signaling suggesting that loss of omb activates Jak/STAT further upstream in the pathway.rnRegional overproliferation of eye and wing in the l(1)omb mutant background proved a complicating issue in the search for Omb targets. This effect made it difficult to decide whether an expanded reporter expression pattern was due to tissue expansion or reporter gene derepression. For instance hth-lacZ appeared to expand along the ventral eye disc margin in l(1)omb. Without addtional experiments it cannot be concluded whether this is due to de-repression or to activation in association with the proliferative state. Parallel to my experiments, evidence accumulated in our laboratory that loss of omb may attenuate Wg and Hegehog signaling. Since these diffusible proteins are the main patterning molecules in the wing imaginal disc, with dpp being downstream of Hh, many of the observed effects could be secondary to reduced Wg and Hh activity. Examples are ab-lacZ, Dll-lacZ and vgBE-lacZ (reduced expression on the dorso-ventral boundary) and inv-lacZ (late larval expression in the anterior wing disc compartment is lost) or sal-lacZ. Epistasis experiment will be required to clarifiy these issues.rnFurthermore, loss of omb appeared to induce cell fate changes. It was reported previously that in an omb null mutant, the dorsal determinant apterous (ap) is ectopically expressed in the ventral compartment (an effect I did not observe with the strongly hypomorphic l(1)omb15, indicating strong dose dependence). Ventral repression of ap is maintained by epigenetic mechanisms. The patchy and variable nature of ectopic expression of ap or grn-1.1-lacZ points to an effect of omb on epigenetic stability.rnIn the second part of my thesis, an analysis of Omb expression in the Drosophila embryonic ventral nervous system was performed. Omb was found co-expressed with Eve in the medial aCC and RP2 motorneurons as well as the fpCC interneuron and the mediolateral CQ neurons. Additionally, Omb was detected in the Eg positive NB7-3 GW serotonergic motoneuron and the N2-4 neurons. Omb was not found in Repo positive glial cells. During embryonic stage 14, Omb showed some coepression with Dpn or Pros. At the embryonic stage 16, Omb was expressed in minor subset of Mid and Wg positive cells.
User interfaces are key properties of Business-to-Consumer (B2C) systems, and Web-based reservation systems are an important class of B2C systems. In this paper we show that these systems use a surprisingly broad spectrum of different approaches to handling temporal data in their Web inter faces. Based on these observations and on a literature analysis we develop a Morphological Box to present the main options for handling temporal data and give examples. The results indicate that the present state of developing and maintaining B2C systems has not been much influenced by modern Web Engi neering concepts and that there is considerable potential for improvement.