992 resultados para Boundary layer


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The comprehensive isotopic composition of atmospheric nitrate (i.e., the simultaneous measurement of all its stable isotope ratios: 15N/14N, 17O/16O and 18O/16O) has been determined for aerosol samples collected in the marine boundary layer (MBL) over the Atlantic Ocean from 65°S (Weddell Sea) to 79°N (Svalbard), along a ship-borne latitudinal transect. In nonpolar areas, the d15N of nitrate mostly deriving from anthropogenically emitted NOx is found to be significantly different (from 0 to 6 per mil) from nitrate sampled in locations influenced by natural NOx sources (-4 ± 2) per mil. The effects on d15N(NO3-) of different NOx sources and nitrate removal processes associated with its atmospheric transport are discussed. Measurements of the oxygen isotope anomaly (D17O = d17O - 0.52 × d18O) of nitrate suggest that nocturnal processes involving the nitrate radical play a major role in terms of NOx sinks. Different D17O between aerosol size fractions indicate different proportions between nitrate formation pathways as a function of the size and composition of the particles. Extremely low d15N values (down to -40 per mil) are found in air masses exposed to snow-covered areas, showing that snowpack emissions of NOx from upwind regions can have a significant impact on the local surface budget of reactive nitrogen, in conjunction with interactions with active halogen chemistry. The implications of the results are discussed in light of the potential use of the stable isotopic composition of nitrate to infer atmospherically relevant information from nitrate preserved in ice cores.


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Instability of the orthogonal swept attachment line boundary layer has received attention by local1, 2 and global3–5 analysis methods over several decades, owing to the significance of this model to transition to turbulence on the surface of swept wings. However, substantially less attention has been paid to the problem of laminar flow instability in the non-orthogonal swept attachment-line boundary layer; only a local analysis framework has been employed to-date.6 The present contribution addresses this issue from a linear global (BiGlobal) instability analysis point of view in the incompressible regime. Direct numerical simulations have also been performed in order to verify the analysis results and unravel the limits of validity of the Dorrepaal basic flow7 model analyzed. Cross-validated results document the effect of the angle _ on the critical conditions identified by Hall et al.1 and show linear destabilization of the flow with decreasing AoA, up to a limit at which the assumptions of the Dorrepaal model become questionable. Finally, a simple extension of the extended G¨ortler-H¨ammerlin ODE-based polynomial model proposed by Theofilis et al.4 is presented for the non-orthogonal flow. In this model, the symmetries of the three-dimensional disturbances are broken by the non-orthogonal flow conditions. Temporal and spatial one-dimensional linear eigenvalue codes were developed, obtaining consistent results with BiGlobal stability analysis and DNS. Beyond the computational advantages presented by the ODE-based model, it allows us to understand the functional dependence of the three-dimensional disturbances in the non-orthogonal case as well as their connections with the disturbances of the orthogonal stability problem.


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Typical streak computations present in the literature correspond to linear streaks or to small amplitude nonlinear streaks computed using DNS or nonlinear PSE. We use the Reduced Navier-Stokes (RNS) equations to compute the streamwise evolution of fully non-linear streaks with high amplitude in a laminar flat plate boundary layer. The RNS formulation provides Reynolds number independent solutions that are asymptotically exact in the limit $Re \gg 1$, it requires much less computational effort than DNS, and it does not have the consistency and convergence problems of the PSE. We present various streak computations to show that the flow configuration changes substantially when the amplitude of the streaks grows and the nonlinear effects come into play. The transversal motion (in the wall normal-streamwise plane) becomes more important and strongly distorts the streamwise velocity profiles, that end up being quite different from those of the linear case. We analyze in detail the resulting flow patterns for the nonlinearly saturated streaks and compare them with available experimental results.


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Instability analysis of compressible orthogonal swept leading-edge boundary layer flow was performed in the context of BiGlobal linear theory. 1, 2 An algorithm was developed exploiting the sparsity characteristics of the matrix discretizing the PDE-based eigenvalue problem. This allowed use of the MUMPS sparse linear algebra package 3 to obtain a direct solution of the linear systems associated with the Arnoldi iteration. The developed algorithm was then applied to efficiently analyze the effect of compressibility on the stability of the swept leading-edge boundary layer and obtain neutral curves of this flow as a function of the Mach number in the range 0 ≤ Ma ≤ 1. The present numerical results fully confirmed the asymptotic theory results of Theofilis et al. 4 Up to the maximum Mach number value studied, it was found that an increase of this parameter reduces the critical Reynolds number and the range of the unstable spanwise wavenumbers.


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En esta tesis se integran numéricamente las ecuaciones reducidas de Navier Stokes (RNS), que describen el flujo en una capa límite tridimensional que presenta también una escala característica espacial corta en el sentido transversal. La formulación RNS se usa para el cálculo de “streaks” no lineales de amplitud finita, y los resultados conseguidos coinciden con los existentes en la literatura, obtenidos típicamente utilizando simulación numérica directa (DNS) o nonlinear parabolized stability equations (PSE). El cálculo de los “streaks” integrando las RNS es mucho menos costoso que usando DNS, y no presenta los problemas de estabilidad que aparecen en la formulación PSE cuando la amplitud del “streak” deja de ser pequeña. El código de integración RNS se utiliza también para el cálculo de los “streaks” que aparecen de manera natural en el borde de ataque de una placa plana en ausencia de perturbaciones en la corriente uniforme exterior. Los resultados existentes hasta ahora calculaban estos “streaks” únicamente en el límite lineal (amplitud pequeña), y en esta tesis se lleva a cabo el cálculo de los mismos en el régimen completamente no lineal (amplitud finita). En la segunda parte de la tesis se generaliza el código RNS para incluir la posibilidad de tener una placa no plana, con curvatura en el sentido transversal que varía lentamente en el sentido de la corriente. Esto se consigue aplicando un cambio de coordenadas, que transforma el dominio físico en uno rectangular. La formulación RNS se integra también expresada en las correspondientes coordenadas curvilíneas. Este código generalizado RNS se utiliza finalmente para estudiar el flujo de capa límite sobre una placa con surcos que varían lentamente en el sentido de la corriente, y es usado para simular el flujo sobre surcos que crecen en tal sentido. Abstract In this thesis, the reduced Navier Stokes (RNS) equations are numerically integrated. This formulation describes the flow in a three-dimensional boundary layer that also presents a short characteristic space scale in the spanwise direction. RNS equations are used to calculate nonlinear finite amplitude “streaks”, and the results agree with those reported in the literature, typically obtained using direct numerical simulation (DNS) or nonlinear parabolized stability equations (PSE). “Streaks” simulations through the RNS integration are much cheaper than using DNS, and avoid stability problems that appear in the PSE when the amplitude of the “streak” is not small. The RNS integration code is also used to calculate the “streaks” that naturally emerge at the leading edge of a flat plate boundary layer in the absence of any free stream perturbations. Up to now, the existing results for these “streaks” have been only calculated in the linear limit (small amplitude), and in this thesis their calculation is carried out in the fully nonlinear regime (finite amplitude). In the second part of the thesis, the RNS code is generalized to include the possibility of having a non-flat plate, curved in the spanwise direction and slowly varying in the streamwise direction. This is achieved by applying a change of coordinates, which transforms the physical domain into a rectangular one. The RNS formulation expressed in the corresponding curvilinear coordinates is also numerically integrated. This generalized RNS code is finally used to study the boundary layer flow over a plate with grooves which vary slowly in the streamwise direction; and this code is used to simulate the flow over grooves that grow in the streamwise direction.


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The aim of this thesis is to study the mechanisms of instability that occur in swept wings when the angle of attack increases. For this, a simplified model for the a simplified model for the non-orthogonal swept leading edge boundary layer has been used as well as different numerical techniques in order to solve the linear stability problem that describes the behavior of perturbations superposed upon this base flow. Two different approaches, matrix-free and matrix forming methods, have been validated using direct numerical simulations with spectral resolution. In this way, flow instability in the non-orthogonal swept attachment-line boundary layer is addressed in a linear analysis framework via the solution of the pertinent global (Bi-Global) PDE-based eigenvalue problem. Subsequently, a simple extension of the extended G¨ortler-H¨ammerlin ODEbased polynomial model proposed by Theofilis, Fedorov, Obrist & Dallmann (2003) for orthogonal flow, which includes previous models as particular cases and recovers global instability analysis results, is presented for non-orthogonal flow. Direct numerical simulations have been used to verify the stability results and unravel the limits of validity of the basic flow model analyzed. The effect of the angle of attack, AoA, on the critical conditions of the non-orthogonal problem has been documented; an increase of the angle of attack, from AoA = 0 (orthogonal flow) up to values close to _/2 which make the assumptions under which the basic flow is derived questionable, is found to systematically destabilize the flow. The critical conditions of non-orthogonal flows at 0 _ AoA _ _/2 are shown to be recoverable from those of orthogonal flow, via a simple analytical transformation involving AoA. These results can help to understand the mechanisms of destabilization that occurs in the attachment line of wings at finite angles of attack. Studies taking into account variations of the pressure field in the basic flow or the extension to compressible flows are issues that remain open. El objetivo de esta tesis es estudiar los mecanismos de la inestabilidad que se producen en ciertos dispositivos aerodinámicos cuando se aumenta el ángulo de ataque. Para ello se ha utilizado un modelo simplificado del flujo de base, así como diferentes técnicas numéricas, con el fin de resolver el problema de estabilidad lineal asociado que describe el comportamiento de las perturbaciones. Estos métodos; sin y con formación de matriz, se han validado utilizando simulaciones numéricas directas con resolución espectral. De esta manera, la inestabilidad del flujo de capa límite laminar oblicuo entorno a la línea de estancamiento se aborda en un marco de análisis lineal por medio del método Bi-Global de resolución del problema de valores propios en derivadas parciales. Posteriormente se propone una extensión simple para el flujo no-ortogonal del modelo polinomial de ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias, G¨ortler-H¨ammerlin extendido, propuesto por Theofilis et al. (2003) para el flujo ortogonal, que incluye los modelos previos como casos particulares y recupera los resultados del analisis global de estabilidad lineal. Se han realizado simulaciones directas con el fin de verificar los resultados del análisis de estabilidad así como para investigar los límites de validez del modelo de flujo base utilizado. En este trabajo se ha documentado el efecto del ángulo de ataque AoA en las condiciones críticas del problema no ortogonal obteniendo que el incremento del ángulo de ataque, de AoA = 0 (flujo ortogonal) hasta valores próximos a _/2, en el cual las hipótesis sobre las que se basa el flujo base dejan de ser válidas, tiende sistemáticamente a desestabilizar el flujo. Las condiciones críticas del caso no ortogonal 0 _ AoA _ _/2 pueden recuperarse a partir del caso ortogonal mediante el uso de una transformación analítica simple que implica el ángulo de ataque AoA. Estos resultados pueden ayudar a comprender los mecanismos de desestabilización que se producen en el borde de ataque de las alas de los aviones a ángulos de ataque finitos. Como tareas pendientes quedaría realizar estudios que tengan en cuenta variaciones del campo de presión en el flujo base así como la extensión de éste al caso de flujos compresibles.


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The nonlinear streamwise growth of a spanwise periodic array of steady streaks in a flat plate boundary layer is numerically computed using the well known Reduced Navier-Stokes formulation. It is found that the flow configuration changes substantially when the amplitude of the streaks grows and the nonlinear effects come into play. The transversal motion (in the wall normal-spanwise plane), which is normally not considered, becomes non-negligible in the nonlinear regime, and it strongly distorts the streamwise velocity profiles, which end up being quite different from those predicted by the linear theory. We analyze in detail the resulting flow patterns for the nonlinearly saturated streaks, and compare them with available experimental results.