998 resultados para Bound magnetic polarons


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The rupture of a cerebral artery aneurysm causes a devastating subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), with a mortality of almost 50% during the first month. Each year, 8-11/100 000 people suffer from aneurysmal SAH in Western countries, but the number is twice as high in Finland and Japan. The disease is most common among those of working age, the mean age at rupture being 50-55 years. Unruptured cerebral aneurysms are found in 2-6% of the population, but knowledge about the true risk of rupture is limited. The vast majority of aneurysms should be considered rupture-prone, and treatment for these patients is warranted. Both unruptured and ruptured aneurysms can be treated by either microsurgical clipping or endovascular embolization. In a standard microsurgical procedure, the neck of the aneurysm is closed by a metal clip, sealing off the aneurysm from the circulation. Endovascular embolization is performed by packing the aneurysm from the inside of the vessel lumen with detachable platinum coils. Coiling is associated with slightly lower morbidity and mortality than microsurgery, but the long-term results of microsurgically treated aneurysms are better. Endovascular treatment methods are constantly being developed further in order to achieve better long-term results. New coils and novel embolic agents need to be tested in a variety of animal models before they can be used in humans. In this study, we developed an experimental rat aneurysm model and showed its suitability for testing endovascular devices. We optimized noninvasive MRI sequences at 4.7 Tesla for follow-up of coiled experimental aneurysms and for volumetric measurement of aneurysm neck remnants. We used this model to compare platinum coils with polyglycolic-polylactic acid (PGLA) -coated coils, and showed the benefits of the latter in this model. The experimental aneurysm model and the imaging methods also gave insight into the mechanisms involved in aneurysm formation, and the model can be used in the development of novel imaging techniques. This model is affordable, easily reproducible, reliable, and suitable for MRI follow-up. It is also suitable for endovascular treatment, and it evades spontaneous occlusion.


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Gadolinium strontium manganite single crystals of the composition Gd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 were grown using the optical float zone method. We report here the magnetic and magnetotransport properties of these crystals. A large magnetoresistance similar to 10(9)% was observed at 45 K under the application of a 110 kOe field. We have observed notable thermomagnetic anomalies such as open hysteresis loops across the broadened first-order transition between the charge order insulator and the ferromagnetic metallic phase while traversing the magnetic field-temperature (H-T) plane isothermally or isomagnetically. In order to discern the cause of these observed anomalies, the H-T phase diagram for Gd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 is formulated using the magnetization-field (M-H), magnetization-temperature (M-T) and resistance-temperature (R-T) measurements. The temperature dependence of the critical field (i.e. H-up, the field required for transformation to the ferromagnetic metallic phase) is non-monotonic. We note that the non-monotonic variation of the supercooling limit is anomalous according to the classical concepts of the first-order phase transition. Accordingly, H-up values below similar to 20 K are unsuitable to represent the supercooling limit. It is possible that the nature of the metastable states responsible for the observed open hysteresis loops is different from that of the supercooled ones.


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We derive a very general expression of the survival probability and the first passage time distribution for a particle executing Brownian motion in full phase space with an absorbing boundary condition at a point in the position space, which is valid irrespective of the statistical nature of the dynamics. The expression, together with the Jensen's inequality, naturally leads to a lower bound to the actual survival probability and an approximate first passage time distribution. These are expressed in terms of the position-position, velocity-velocity, and position-velocity variances. Knowledge of these variances enables one to compute a lower bound to the survival probability and consequently the first passage distribution function. As examples, we compute these for a Gaussian Markovian process and, in the case of non-Markovian process, with an exponentially decaying friction kernel and also with a power law friction kernel. Our analysis shows that the survival probability decays exponentially at the long time irrespective of the nature of the dynamics with an exponent equal to the transition state rate constant.


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Phase separation (PS) in hole-doped cobaltites (La1-xSrxCoxO3) is drawing renewed interest recently. In particular, the magnetic behavior of La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 has been subjected to a controversial debate for the past several years; while some groups show evidence for magnetic PS, others show spin glass (SG) behavior. Here, an attempt is made to resolve the controversy related to ``PS versus SG'' behavior in this compound. We present the results of a comprehensive investigation of the dc magnetization, ac susceptibility, and the magnetotransport properties of La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 samples. We contemplate that the magnetic PS in La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 is neither intrinsic nor inherent, but it is a consequence of the preparation conditions. It is realized that a low temperature annealed (LTA) sample shows PS whereas the high temperature annealed (HTA) sample shows SG behavior. The Brillouin-like behavior of field cooled dc magnetization and apparently no frequency dependent peak shift in ac susceptibility for the LTA sample characterize it to be of ferromagneticlike whereas a kink in field cooled dc magnetization and a considerable amount (similar to 3 K) of frequency dependent peak shift in the ac susceptibility for the HTA sample characterize it to be of SG state. The magnetotransport properties show that the HTA sample is more semiconducting as compared to the LTA sample. This is interpreted in terms of the presence of isolated as well as coalescing metallic ferromagnetic clusters in the case of LTA sample. The magnetoresistance (MR) at 10 K for the HTA sample exhibits a huge value (similar to 65%) as compared to the LTA sample, and it monotonically decreases with the rise in temperature. Such a high value of MR in the case of HTA sample is strongly believed to be due to the spin dependent part of random potential distribution. Further, the slow decay of remnant magnetization with progress of time and the existence of hysteresis at higher temperatures (up to 200 K) in the case of LTA sample as compared to the HTA sample clearly unveil different magnetic states associated with them.


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The need for special education (SE) is increasing. The majority of those whose problems are due to neurodevelopmental disorders have no specific aetiology. The aim of this study was to evaluate the contribution of prenatal and perinatal factors and factors associated with growth and development to later need for full-time SE and to assess joint structural and volumetric brain alterations among subjects with unexplained, familial need for SE. A random sample of 900 subjects in full-time SE allocated into three levels of neurodevelopmental problems and 301 controls in mainstream education (ME) provided data on socioeconomic factors, pregnancy, delivery, growth, and development. Of those, 119 subjects belonging to a sibling-pair in full-time SE with unexplained aetiology and 43 controls in ME underwent brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Analyses of structural brain alterations and midsagittal area and diameter measurements were made. Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) analysis provided detailed information on regional grey matter, white matter, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) volume differences. Father’s age ≥ 40 years, low birth weight, male sex, and lower socio-economic status all increased the probability of SE placement. At age 1 year, one standard deviation score decrease in height raised the probability of SE placement by 40% and in head circumference by 28%. At infancy, the gross motor milestones differentiated the children. From age 18 months, the fine motor milestones and those related to speech and social skills became more important. Brain MRI revealed no specific aetiology for subjects in SE. However, they had more often ≥ 3 abnormal findings in MRIs (thin corpus callosum and enlarged cerebral and cerebellar CSF spaces). In VBM, subjects in full-time SE had smaller global white matter, CSF, and total brain volumes than controls. Compared with controls, subjects with intellectual disabilities had regional volume alterations (greater grey matter volumes in the anterior cingulate cortex bilaterally, smaller grey matter volume in left thalamus and left cerebellar hemisphere, greater white matter volume in the left fronto-parietal region, and smaller white matter volumes bilaterally in the posterior limbs of the internal capsules). In conclusion, the epidemiological studies emphasized several factors that increased the probability of SE placement, useful as a framework for interventional studies. The global and regional brain MRI findings provide an interesting basis for future investigations of learning-related brain structures in young subjects with cognitive impairments or intellectual disabilities of unexplained, familial aetiology.


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Asymmetric diadenosine tetraphosphate (Ap(4)A) hydrolases degrade the metabolite Ap(4)A back into ATP and AMP. The three-dimensional crystal structure of Ap(4)A hydrolase (16 kDa) from Aquifex aeolicus has been determined in free and ATP-bound forms at 1.8 and 1.95 angstrom resolution, respectively. The overall three-dimensional crystal structure of the enzyme shows an alpha beta alpha-sandwich architecture with a characteristic loop adjacent to the catalytic site of the protein molecule. The ATP molecule is bound in the primary active site and the adenine moiety of the nucleotide binds in a ring-stacking arrangement equivalent to that observed in the X-ray structure of Ap(4)A hydrolase from Caenorhabditis elegans. Binding of ATP in the active site induces local conformational changes which may have important implications in the mechanism of substrate recognition in this class of enzymes. Furthermore, two invariant water molecules have been identified and their possible structural and/or functional roles are discussed. In addition, modelling of the substrate molecule at the primary active site of the enzyme suggests a possible path for entry and/or exit of the substrate and/or product molecule.


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3C resonances of carbonyl and methyl groups in amides are shifted down-field on interaction with alkali and alkaline earth metal salts. The magnitude of the shift depends on the ionic potential of the cation. Ions like Li+ bind to the amide carbonyl group both in neat amide solutions as well as in concentrated salt solutions in water.


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It is shown that a magnetic-pressure-dominated, supersonic jet which expands (or contracts) in response to variations in the confining external pressure can dissipate magnetic energy through field-line reconnection as it relaxes to a minimum-energy configuration. In order for a continuous dissipation to take place, the effective reconnection time must be a fraction ɛ ⪉ 1 of the expansion time. The amount of energy dissipation is calculated, and it is concluded that magnetic energy dissipation could, in principle, power the observed synchrotron emission in extragalactic radio jets such as NGC 6251. However, this mechanism is only viable if the reconnection time is substantially shorter than the nominal resistive tearing time in the jet.


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The Taylor hypothesis has provided a model for the relaxed magnetic configurations of not only laboratory plasmas, but also of astrophysical plasmas. However, energy dissipation is possible only for systems which depart from a strict Taylor state, and hence a parameter describing that departure must be introduced, when the Taylor hypothesis is used to estimate the dissipation. An application of the Taylor hypothesis to the problem of coronal heating provides an insight into this difficult problem. When particular sorts of footpoint motions put energy and helicity in the corona, the conservation of helicity puts a constraint on how much of the energy can be dissipated. However, on considering a random distribution of footpoint motions, this constraint gets washed away, and the Taylor hypothesis is probably not going to play any significant role in the actual calculation of relevant physical quantities in the coronal heating problem.


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The equation of motion for a toroidal flux ring in a stellar convective envelope is derived, and the equilibrium of such a ring is considered. Necessary conditions for the stability of toroidal flux rings are derived, and results of stability calculations for a particular model of the meridional flow are presented. The motions of the flux rings when the rings are far from their equilibrium position or when equilibrium does not exist are considered. The results confirm the linear stability analysis, and show that in the absence of stable equilibrium, the rings move toward the solar surface along a trajectory which is parallel to the rotation axis. It is expected that viscosity will tend to reduce the rotational velocity difference between the flux ring and its surroundings, thus reducing the Coriolis force and altering the equilibrium. The storage time of toroidal flux rings is estimated, and some implications for the sun are discussed.