609 resultados para Bliss, Frederick


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Background: Current guidelines for patients with moderate- or high-risk acute coronary syndromes recommend an early invasive approach with concomitant antithrombotic therapy, including aspirin, clopidogrel, unfractionated or low-molecular-weight heparin, and glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors. We evaluated the role of thrombin-specific anticoagulation with bivalirudin in such patients. Methods: We assigned 13,819 patients with acute coronary syndromes to one of three antithrombotic regimens: unfractionated heparin or enoxaparin plus a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor, bivalirudin plus a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor, or bivalirudin alone. The primary end points were a composite ischemia end point (death, myocardial infarction, or unplanned revascularization for ischemia), major bleeding, and the net clinical outcome, defined as the combination of composite ischemia or major bleeding. Results: Bivalirudin plus a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor, as compared with heparin plus a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor, was associated with noninferior 30-day rates of the composite ischemia end point (7.7% and 7.3%, respectively), major bleeding (5.3% and 5.7%), and the net clinical outcome end point (11.8% and 11.7%). Bivalirudin alone, as compared with heparin plus a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor, was associated with a noninferior rate of the composite ischemia end point (7.8% and 7.3%, respectively; P = 0.32; relative risk, 1.08; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.93 to 1.24) and significantly reduced rates of major bleeding (3.0% vs. 5.7%; P<0.001; relative risk, 0.53; 95% CI, 0.43 to 0.65) and the net clinical outcome end point (10.1% vs. 11.7%; P = 0.02; relative risk, 0.86; 95% CI, 0.77 to 0.97). Conclusions: In patients with moderate- or high-risk acute coronary syndromes who were undergoing invasive treatment with glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors, bivalirudin was associated with rates of ischemia and bleeding that were similar to those with heparin. Bivalirudin alone was associated with similar rates of ischemia and significantly lower rates of bleeding. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00093158.)


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o ciclo de produção de cultivares de framboeseiras submetidas à poda drástica nas condições edafoclimáticas do sul de Minas Gerais. As cultivares escolhidas Batum, Autumn Bliss, Heritage e Golden Bliss foram avaliadas nas condições edafoclimáticas do sul de Minas Gerais desde a poda drástica até a produção e desenvolvimento de frutos nas hastes primárias e secundárias, e nas gemas subapicais. As hastes emitidas após a poda de inverno foram marcadas e avaliadas quanto ao início e término das fases de florescimento e frutificação. Para a determinação da curva de desenvolvimento dos frutos, foram feitas amostragens semanais desde o início da formação do fruto até a colheita. Conclui-se que ocorre a emissão de dois surtos de crescimento de rebentos oriundos do sistema radicular. As cultivares diferem quanto ao ciclo de produção nas hastes primárias e secundárias. As gemas subapicais mostram baixa capacidade de brotação e florescimento. Os frutos das diferentes cultivares apresentam padrão de crescimento sigmoidal simples.


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Tutkielmani tarkastelee englantilaisen modernistin Katherine Mansfieldin (1888–1923) novelleja The Woman at the Store, The Little Governess, Bliss, Pictures, Miss Brill ja A Cup of Tea sosiaalisen sukupuolen rakentumisen näkökulmasta. Novellien kirjoitus- ja julkaisuajankohta ajoittuu vuosille 1911–1924. Uudesta-Seelannista Lontooseen muuttanutta Mansfieldia pidetään yhtenä englantilaisen modernistisen kirjallisuuden uranuurtajista, jonka kehittämän modernin novellimuodon keskeisiä innovaatioita olivat tarinan juonettomuus, tajunnanvirta osana kerrontaa ja psykologisen hetken korostaminen. Mansfieldin tuotannon taustalla vaikuttivat voimakkaasti myös ajankohdalle ominaiset diskurssit naisen asemasta ja mahdollisuuksista. Lähestyn aihettani gender-teoreettisesta viitekehyksestä käsin, jonka keskeisin näkemys on käsitys sukupuolesta sosiaalisesti rakentuneena. Ensimmäisessä käsittelyluvussa pohdin niitä naisen ja miehen representaatioita, joita valitsemissani novelleissa esiintyy. Toisessa käsittelyluvussa syvennyn tarkastelemaan naishahmojen suhdetta suurkaupunkiympäristöön, johon monet novelleista sijoittuvat, ja analysoimaan sitä, millä lailla kaupunki tilana muovaa naissubjekteja. Kolmannessa eli viimeisessä käsittelyluvussa kiinnitän huomioni kammottavan kokemukseen, joka on ominainen kaikille käsittelemilleni novelleille ja joka juontuu sekä niiden kerronnallisista keinoista että novellihenkilöiden konflikteista itsensä ja ulkomaailman kanssa, joilla näen vahvan yhteyden sukupuolitematiikkaan. Sigmund Freud on määritellyt kammottavan joksikin ammoin tutuksi ja torjutuksi, joka on yhtäkkiä murtautunut esiin. Tätä ajatusta kehitellyt Julia Kristeva näkee kammottavan ilmenevän muukalaisena meissä itsessämme. Edellä esitetyin tavoin on mahdollista hahmottaa myös sitä novellien loppuratkaisua, jossa arkinen muuttuu yllättäen uhkaavaksi ja pelottavaksi ja päähenkilöille avautuu jokin uusi tietoisuus itsestään ja ympäröivästä maailmasta. Mansfieldin naiskuva osoittautuu analyysini pohjalta melko monipuoliseksi, mutta miehet esitetään novelleissa lähes poikkeuksetta hegemonisen maskuliinisina. Tällä on yhteytensä novellien kirjoitusajankohtaan ja sen kiivaaseen yhteiskunnalliseen keskusteluun naisen roolista. 1900-luvun alussa naiset alkoivat enenevässä määrin ottaa haltuunsa julkista tilaa. Tarkastelemani novellit ilmentävät monin tavoin sitä ”toisin toistamisen” vaikeutta, minkä totunnaisista sukupuolirooleista poikkeaminen tuottaa. Novellien naishenkilöitä leimaa halu vapautua, mutta rajat tulevat vastaan viimeistään julkisessa tilassa. Käsittelemäni novellit tuovat oivaltavasti esille sukupuolten keskinäisiä valtarakenteita, joita säännöstelee pitkälti vallassa oleva heteronormatiivinen maskuliinisuus. Novellien lopussa henkilöt joutuvat kohtaamaan itsensä uudella tavalla ja määrittelemään uudelleen suhteensa omaan sukupuoleensa ja seksuaalisuuteensa.


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Immediately after planting, tree seedlings face adverse environmental and biotic stresses that must be overcome to ensure survival and to yield a desirable growth. Hardening practices in the nursery may help improve seedling stress resistance through reduction of aboveground plant tissues and increased root volume and biomass. We conducted an assay to quantify changes in the morphogenesis following application of ethephon on seedlings of Pachystroma longifolium (Ness) I. M. Johnst.during hardening. The results showed no effect of the ethephon treatments on the number of leaves but a reduction of up to 50% in seedling height increment, and an increase in stem diameter increment of up to 44% with the 600 mg L-1 ethephon treatment, which consequently altered seedling Dickson Quality Index. Our results indicate that ethephon may help to promote desired morphological changes that occur during seedling hardening in nurseries.


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While the pre-harvest sugarcane burning is a disused practice, green harvest requires changes concerning ratoon cultivation due to the presence of a thick layer of straw. The experiment, conducted in a mechanical green harvesting area cultivated with sugarcane, consisted of two stages: in the first stage, the mechanical straw cutting performance of flat disks with different geometry edges was evaluated, considering two types of disks and 10 replications in a completely randomized design; in the second stage, the effect of soil chiseling on both sides of planting lines, using shanks with straw cutting flat disks, was assessed, as well as fertilizer deposition form. The experimental design in the second stage was completely randomized, with seven treatments and five replications. Treatments consisted of a combination of two straw cutting disks (smooth or toothed edge), chiseling presence or absence, and fertilizer deposition forms (broadcast, on the planting line, and incorporated into chiseling furrows). The toothed disk differed from the smooth one, presenting lower values of horizontal and vertical forces, and torque. The agroindustrial variables pol (%), brix (%), fiber (%), and ATR (kg Mg-1) were not influenced by the fertilizer deposition form and soil chiseling. However, the localized fertilizer deposition increased crop yield when compared with broadcast fertilization.


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Rio +20, or the United Nations Conference for Sustainable Development, will take place at the end of this month of June 2012. In this paper, our central argument is that Brazil, as the host of Rio+20, has a historic opportunity to make the conference a success and take a decisive step in becoming a world leader in the shift from the traditional development paradigm to a new, sustainable development paradigm. To do that, Brazil will have to resolve a paradox: on the one hand the country has modern legislation and world class science, and on the other hand very poor social and environmental decision-making in recent times. In this column, we examine the green economy as a trajectory that leads to sustainable development and describe some pilot experiences at the sub-national level in Brazil. We discuss how science, and particularly plant sciences, will be essential to the transition to sustainable development. Finally, we propose immediate actions that we call upon the Brazilian government to commit to and to announce during this pivotal Rio+20 moment, which should serve as a milestone for all nations in building a sustainable future.


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1 kartta :, käsinvär. ;, 44,2 x 53,4 cm, lehti 53 x 62 cm


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Julkaisussa: De zee-atlas ofte water-waereld, vertoonende alle de zee-kusten van het bekende deel des aerd-bodems, met een generale bechrijvinge van dien


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Koordinaattiasteikko: E30°-110°, N[70°]65°-50°.


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Amstelodami ex officina I. Covens et C. Mortens cum privilegio ord Hollandie et Westfrisiae.


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Amstelodami cum privilegio potentiss D. D. ordinum Hollandie et Westfrisie.