488 resultados para Bicommutative Algebras


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A new formalism, called Hiord, for defining type-free higherorder logic programming languages with predicate abstraction is introduced. A model theory, based on partial combinatory algebras, is presented, with respect to which the formalism is shown sound. A programming language built on a subset of Hiord, and its implementation are discussed. A new proposal for defining modules in this framework is considered, along with several examples.


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In this paper, we investigate effect algebras and base normed spaces from the categorical point of view. We prove that the category of effect algebras is complete and cocomplete as well as the category of base normed spaces is complete, and discuss the contravariant functor from the category of effect algebras to the category of base normed spaces.


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We use Voiculescu’s free probability theory to prove the existence of prime factors, hence answering a longstanding problem in the theory of von Neumann algebras.


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Representations of the (infinite) canonical anticommutation relations and the associated operator algebra, the fermion algebra, are studied. A “coupling constant” (in (0,1]) is defined for primary states of “finite type” of that algebra. Primary, faithful states of finite type with arbitrary coupling are constructed and classified. Their physical significance for quantum thermodynamical systems at high temperatures is discussed. The scope of this study is broadened to include a large class of operator algebras sharing some of the structural properties of the fermion algebra.


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Quantum groups have been studied intensively for the last two decades from various points of view. The underlying mathematical structure is that of an algebra with a coproduct. Compact quantum groups admit Haar measures. However, if we want to have a Haar measure also in the noncompact case, we are forced to work with algebras without identity, and the notion of a coproduct has to be adapted. These considerations lead to the theory of multiplier Hopf algebras, which provides the mathematical tool for studying noncompact quantum groups with Haar measures. I will concentrate on the *-algebra case and assume positivity of the invariant integral. Doing so, I create an algebraic framework that serves as a model for the operator algebra approach to quantum groups. Indeed, the theory of locally compact quantum groups can be seen as the topological version of the theory of quantum groups as they are developed here in a purely algebraic context.


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A relatively simple definition of a locally compact quantum group in the C*-algebra setting will be explained as it was recently obtained by the authors. At the same time, we put this definition in the historical and mathematical context of locally compact groups, compact quantum groups, Kac algebras, multiplicative unitaries, and duality theory.


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Nesta dissertação apresentamos um método de quantização matemática e conceitualmente rigoroso para o campo escalar livre de interações. Trazemos de início alguns aspéctos importantes da Teoria de Distribuições e colocamos alguns pontos de geometria Lorentziana. O restante do trabalho é dividido em duas partes: na primeira, estudamos equações de onda em variedades Lorentzianas globalmente hiperbólicas e apresentamos o conceito de soluções fundamentais no contexto de equações locais. Em seguida, progressivamente construímos soluções fundamentais para o operador de onda a partir da distribuição de Riesz. Uma vez estabelecida uma solução para a equação de onda em uma vizinhança de um ponto da variedade, tratamos de construir uma solução global a partir da extensão do problema de Cauchy a toda a variedade, donde as soluções fundamentais dão lugar aos operadores de Green a partir da introdução de uma condição de contorno. Na última parte do trabalho, apresentamos um mínimo da Teoria de Categorias e Funtores para utilizar esse formalismo na contrução de um funtor de segunda quantização entre a categoria de variedades Lorentzianas globalmente hiperbólicas e a categoria de redes de álgebras C* satisfazendo os axiomas de Haag-Kastler. Ao fim, retomamos o caso particular do campo escalar quântico livre.


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"Prepared with the assistance of a grant from the Research Corporation."


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From lectures given at the New York university Institute for mathematica and mechanics, by R. Cournat and others.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Entanglement is defined for each vector subspace of the tensor product of two finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, by applying the notion of operator entanglement to the projection operator onto that subspace. The operator Schmidt decomposition of the projection operator defines a string of Schmidt coefficients for each subspace, and this string is assumed to characterize its entanglement, so that a first subspace is more entangled than a second, if the Schmidt string of the second majorizes the Schmidt string of the first. The idea is applied to the antisymmetric and symmetric tensor products of a finite-dimensional Hilbert space with itself, and also to the tensor product of an angular momentum j with a spin 1/2. When adapted to the subspaces of states of the nonrelativistic hydrogen atom with definite total angular momentum (orbital plus spin), within the space of bound states with a given total energy, this leads to a complete ordering of those subspaces by their Schmidt strings.


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A quantum random walk on the integers exhibits pseudo memory effects, in that its probability distribution after N steps is determined by reshuffling the first N distributions that arise in a classical random walk with the same initial distribution. In a classical walk, entropy increase can be regarded as a consequence of the majorization ordering of successive distributions. The Lorenz curves of successive distributions for a symmetric quantum walk reveal no majorization ordering in general. Nevertheless, entropy can increase, and computer experiments show that it does so on average. Varying the stages at which the quantum coin system is traced out leads to new quantum walks, including a symmetric walk for which majorization ordering is valid but the spreading rate exceeds that of the usual symmetric quantum walk.


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Representations of the superalgebra osp(2/2)(k)((1)) and current superalgebra. osp(2/2)k in the standard basis are investigated. All finite-dimensional typical and atypical representations of osp(2/2) are constructed by the vector coherent state method. Primary fields of the non-unitary conformal field theory associated with osp(2/2)(k)((1)) in the standard basis are obtained for arbitrary level k. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We obtain a diagonal solution of the dual reflection equation for the elliptic A(n-1)((1)) solid-on-solid model. The isomorphism between the solutions of the reflection equation and its dual is studied. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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What interactions are sufficient to simulate arbitrary quantum dynamics in a composite quantum system? It has been shown that all two-body Hamiltonian evolutions can be simulated using any fixed two-body entangling n-qubit Hamiltonian and fast local unitaries. By entangling we mean that every qubit is coupled to every other qubit, if not directly, then indirectly via intermediate qubits. We extend this study to the case where interactions may involve more than two qubits at a time. We find necessary and sufficient conditions for an arbitrary n-qubit Hamiltonian to be dynamically universal, that is, able to simulate any other Hamiltonian acting on n qubits, possibly in an inefficient manner. We prove that an entangling Hamiltonian is dynamically universal if and only if it contains at least one coupling term involving an even number of interacting qubits. For odd entangling Hamiltonians, i.e., Hamiltonians with couplings that involve only an odd number of qubits, we prove that dynamic universality is possible on an encoded set of n-1 logical qubits. We further prove that an odd entangling Hamiltonian can simulate any other odd Hamiltonian and classify the algebras that such Hamiltonians generate. Thus, our results show that up to local unitary operations, there are only two fundamentally different types of entangling Hamiltonian on n qubits. We also demonstrate that, provided the number of qubits directly coupled by the Hamiltonian is bounded above by a constant, our techniques can be made efficient.