996 resultados para Betula Pubescens
En ny familj av reversibla (switchable) joniska vätskor (SIL) innehållande 1,8-diazobicyklo-[5.4.0]-undek-7-en (DBU), en molekyl innehållande en eller flera hydroxyl- grupper (t.ex. glycerol) och en sur gas (CO2, SO2) syntetiserades via en enkel procedur samt karakteriserades. [DBU][karbonat] eller [sulfonat] bildades ur en respektive icke-jonisk blandning av en molekylär, organisk polyol (eller ennan molekyl innehållande en OH-grupp) och en amidinbas under bubblandet av en sur gas. Därtill kunde den joniska vätskan omvandlas tillbaka till sina beståndsdelar med hjälp av att upphetta och/eller bubbla en inert gas såsom kväve genom vätskan. SIL- strukturerna kartlades med bl.a. NMR- och FTIR- spektroskopi. Omvandlingen från lågpolära (molekylära) vätskor till högpolära joniska vätskor (SIL) bekräftades även genom att observera förändringar i deras fysikaliska egenskaper, såsom viskositet och färg. Nedbrytningstemperaturerna hos SILs bestämdes med hjälp av termogravimetrisk analys (TGA) som antydde att nedbrytningstemperaturen hos de syntetiserade föreningarna log mellan 50 och 200oC. De nya joniska vätskorna uppvisade högre nedbrytningstemperaturer jämfört med i litteraturen tidigare förekommande exempel och kunde därför tillämpas på flera ändamål. Därtill, reversibla (switchable) joniska vätskor uppbyggda av bl.a. alkoholer, antingen hexanol eller butanol, och CO2 samt en amidin (DBU) användes vid upplösning och fraktionering av ved. Joniska vätskor syntetiserade ur glycerol och sura gaser tillsammans med amidiner användes även för fraktionering av andra lignocellulosor såsom färsk björk (Betula pendula). Björkflis utsattes för behandling, för en period på en till fem dagar vid 100oC och under atmosfäriskt tryck. Alla syntetiserade joniska vätskor visade sig vara relativt neutrala i avseende på upplösning och avlägsnandet av lignin. Slutligen, optimala fraktioneringprocessbetingelser för ved med reversibla joniska vätskor kartlades. Fraktionering av vedbiomassa med dessa joniska vätskor uppvisade sig att vara en selektiv och effektiv metod för extraktion av olika komponenter från lignocellulosa. Den olösta fraktionen hos en vedflis, närmast cellulosa, fibrillerades. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tässä työssä kehitettiin perhe uuden tyyppisiä, reversiibeleitä (switchable) ioninesteitä ( SIL ) joka koostuvat orgaanisesta super-emäksestä kuten 1,8- diatsabisyklo [ 5.4.0] undek- 7-eeni (DBU ) ja yhden tai useampia hydroksyyliryhmiä sisältältävästä molekyylistä (esim. glyseroli) ja happamasta kaasusta (CO2 , SO2) yksinkertaisen menetelmän avulla. [DBU] [ karbonaatti] tai [sulfonaatti] syntetisoitiin kunkin lähtöaineen seoksista kuplittamalla seosta happamalla kaasulla jolloin eksoterminen reaktio tapahtui ja ioninen neste syntyi. Ioniset nesteet voitiin palauttaa takaisin lähtöaineseokseksi kuumentamalla ja/tai kuplittamalla neutraalia kaasua (esim. typpi) seoksen läpi. SIL rakenteet määritettiin ja niiden ominaisuudet kartoitettiin eri menetelmillä, mukaan lukien NMR- ja FTIR -spektroskopia. Ionisen, korkeapoläärisen nesteen syntyminen todennettiin myös viskositeettimittauksilla ja värinmuutoksilla käyttäen hyväksi polariteetti-indikaattoria (Nile red). Myös hajoamislämpötilat määritettiin termogravimetrisellä analyysillä (TGA) ja todettiin että syntetisoitujen yhdisteiden hajoamislämpötila oli välillä 50 ja 200oC . Näiden uusien reversiibeleiden ioninesteiden hajoamisämpötilat olivat korkeammat verrattuna kirjallisuudessa aikaisemmin mainittuihin esimerkkeihin joten niitä voidaan soveltaa useisiin tarkoituksiin. Myös ioninesteitä jotka sisälsivät primäärejä alkoholeja rakennusaineina syntetisoitiin ja hyödynnettiin puun fraktioinnissa. Männyn ja kuusen lisäksi tuoreita koivulastuja onnistuttiin fraktioimaan miedoissa olosuhteissa. Kaikkien syntetisoitujen ioninesteiden todettiin olevan suhteellisen neutraaleja ligniinin liuotuksen suhteen. Vielä, optimaaliset fraktiointiolosuhteet määritettiin ryhmälle reversiibeleitä ioninesteitä ja näiden uudenlaisten ioninesteiden todettiin olevan tehokkaita puun ja muiden lignoselluloosien eri fraktioiden liuotuksessa. Liukenematon osa puulastua joka oli lähinnä selluloosaa fibrilloitui.
Uma nova espécie, Alchornea anamariae R. Secco, e uma nova combinação, A. pubescens (Britton) R. Secco, baseada em Conceveiba pubescens Britton, são propostas para a Bolívia. A primeira tem maior afinidade com A. bogotensis Pax & K. Hoffm. e a segunda com A. sidifolia Muell. Arg. São apresentadas descrições, ilustrações, comentários sobre relações taxonômicas e distribuição geográfica dessas espécies.
O padrão de agrupamento espacial de três espécies arbóreas, Caryocar brasiliense, Pterodon pubescens e Sclerolobium paniculatum, e duas espécies de palmeiras, Syagrus comosa e S. flexuosa, nativas do cerrado, foi investigado usando três métodos de variância entre parcelas. Os dados foram coletados em uma área de cerrado sensu strictu da Fazenda Água Limpa da Universidade de Brasília, em Brasília, DF, em 128 parcelas contíguas de 5 x 8 m cada. Em cada parcela, foram procurados todos os indivíduos das espécies, anotando o número encontrado e suas alturas. Os dados foram tabelados e analisados usando as técnicas de variância entre blocos de parcelas (BQV), variância móvel entre blocos de parcelas (TTLQV) e variância entre parcelas pareadas (PQV), tanto para todos os indivíduos encontrados quanto para somente os indivíduos lenhosos maiores do que 130 cm em altura. O número total de indivíduos encontrado foi 138 para C. brasiliense, 34 para P. pubescens, 82 para S. paniculatum, oito para S. comosa e 36 para S. flexuosa. Todas as espécies apresentaram um padrão agrupado de distribuição espacial em pelo menos uma das metodologias e três das cinco espécies tiveram resultados semelhantes em todos os métodos. O padrão para C. brasiliense foi semelhante ao encontrado para esta mesma espécie em outra região do cerrado, utilizando a mesma metodologia, com uma distância de aproximadamente 350 m entre grupos.
Neste trabalho foram empregadas 25 parcelas permanentes de 10 m × 25 m e amostrada a vegetação com DAS (Diâmetro à Altura do Solo) igual e superior a 1,0 cm. Em uma área de 0,625 ha foram amostrados 8.454 ind.ha-1, 121 espécies, 74 gêneros e 42 famílias. As espécies de maior IVI foram Ocotea corymbosa (Meissn.) Mez, Pterodon pubescens Benth. e Xylopia aromatica (Lam.) Mart. Os altos valores de PSoR e de IVIA mostraram que O. corymbosa e P. pubescens estão representadas nos três estratos da comunidade, embora essas espécies predominem no estrato superior. O índice de Shannon mostrou alta diversidade florística (H' = 3,47 nat.ind.-1) e o índice de eqüabilidade (J' = 0,40) indicou dominância de P. pubescens e O. corymbosa na área. As distribuições diamétrica e de altura revelaram a abundância no componente da regeneração natural devido ao grande estoque de plantas jovens que compõem o estrato inferior da comunidade. Dentre as 114 espécies consideradas na análise fitossociológica, 20 podem ser classificadas como raras por apresentarem baixa densidade de indivíduos por hectare. O levantamento florístico caracterizou a fitofisionomia da área como cerradão. A estimativa dos parâmetros fitossociológicos verticais permitiu valorar as espécies através da PSoR e do IVIA, associando a estrutura fitossociológica horizontal com a heterogeneidade e irregularidade dos estratos do cerradão da área do Oitocentos Alqueires.
Quatro espécies de Forsteronia encontradas em regiões de cerrado tiveram sua anatomia foliar investigada com o objetivo de levantar caracteres que auxiliem a identificar indivíduos em estádio vegetativo. Indivíduos de F. australis Müll.Arg., F. glabrescens Müll.Arg., F. pubescens A.DC. e F. thyrsoidea (Vell.) Müll.Arg. foram coletados em Moji-Guaçu e Itirapina (São Paulo, Brasil). De acordo com os dados obtidos, é possível identificar indivíduos em estádio vegetativo através da estrutura foliar. Dois caracteres macromorfológicos e quatro anatômicos diferenciam F. australis de F. glabrescens: 1. contorno do pecíolo em secção transversal; 2. ocorrência de cordão de floema acima do feixe vascular no pecíolo; 3. ocorrência de hipoderme secretora no pecíolo; 4. ocorrência de indumento nas domácias; 5. ocorrência de idioblastos secretores e aspecto da sua secreção; 6. tipo dos coléteres axilares. F. pubescens distingue-se de F. thyrsoidea por oito caracteres: 1. contorno do pecíolo em secção transversal; 2. ocorrência de cordões de floema acima do feixe vascular no pecíolo; 3. formato do feixe vascular; 4. posição dos idioblastos secretores no pecíolo; 5. tipo de mesofilo; 6. ocorrência de idioblastos cristalíferos; 7. ocorrência de idioblastos secretores ao redor do feixe vascular mediano; 8. ocorrência de coléter axilar ramificado. A anatomia das domácias e os coléteres dos tipos séssil e ramificado são ineditamente descritos para órgãos vegetativos de espécies de Apocynaceae. Os caracteres levantados têm importância taxonômica e são úteis na identificação das espécies de Forsteronia, contribuindo dessa forma para uma melhor delimitação das espécies consideradas semelhantes ocorrentes nos cerrados paulistas.
O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever as espécies da subtribo Cranichidinae ocorrentes no Paraná, devido a pouca informação disponível sobre sua flora. Oito espécies de Cranichidinae coletadas em 38 localidades foram encontradas a partir de análises de espécimes de herbários. Cranichidinae são ervas terrestres, com folhas sésseis a pecioladas, inflorescência racemosa e flores não ressupinadas, normalmente verdes ou brancas. Baskervilla Lindl., representada apenas por B. paranaensis (Kraenzl.) Schltr., possui labelo saciforme projetado para trás em bolsa arredondada e pétalas unguiculadas. Cranichis Sw. possui labelo cocleado, branco com manchas verdes, e o gênero é representado por C. muscosa Sw. e C. candida (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn.. Prescottia é o gênero mais diverso, com cinco espécies, P. densiflora (Brongn.) Lindl., P. lancifolia Lindl., P. oligantha (Sw.) Lindl., P. montana Barb. Rodr. e P. stachyodes (Sw.) Lindl., e pode ser reconhecido por possuir labelo calceolado com margens involutas. Cranichidinae ocorrem principalmente em Estepe Ombrófila e Floresta Ombrófila Densa. Baskervilla paranaensis, C. muscosa, P. lancifolia e P. montana são consideradas espécies ameaçadas no Paraná. Cranichis candida, Prescottia epiphyta Barb. Rodr., P. microrhiza Barb. Rodr., P. pubescens Barb. Rodr. e P. nivalis Barb. Rodr. tiveram seus lectótipos determinados. Prescottia epiphyta é considerada como sinônimo novo de P. lancifolia e P. microrhiza e P. nivalis sinônimos de P. oligantha.
Isozyme patterns and their genetic control in three Centrosema species are described. Seven isozymatic systems (aspartate aminotransferase, glucose-6-phosphate isomerase, phosphoglucomutase, anodal peroxidase, malate dehydrogenase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, and isocitrate dehydrogenase) were studied in 18 populations and several breeding lines of C. acutifolium, C. brasilianum and C. pubescens, using starch gel electrophoresis techniques. All systems, except glucose-6-phosphate isomerase, are described for the first time in these species. A total of 17 isozyme loci were scored; this represents the largest set of Mendelian loci known up to now in Centrosema species. Isozyme polymorphism and variability within and between populations and species were relatively high and allowed discrimination among species
Effective processes to fractionate the main compounds in biomass, such as wood, are a prerequisite for an effective biorefinery. Water is environmentally friendly and widely used in industry, which makes it a potential solvent also for forest biomass. At elevated temperatures over 100 °C, water can readily hydrolyse and dissolve hemicelluloses from biomass. In this work, birch sawdust was extracted using pressurized hot water (PHWE) flow-through systems. The hypothesis of the work was that it is possible to obtain polymeric, water-soluble hemicelluloses from birch sawdust using flow-through PHW extractions at both laboratory and large scale. Different extraction temperatures in the range 140–200 °C were evaluated to see the effect of temperature to the xylan yield. The yields and extracted hemicelluloses were analysed to obtain sugar ratios, the amount of acetyl groups, furfurals and the xylan yields. Higher extraction temperatures increased the xylan yield, but decreased the molar mass of the dissolved xylan. As the extraction temperature increased, more acetic acid was released from the hemicelluloses, thus further decreasing the pH of the extract. There were only trace amounts of furfurals present after the extractions, indicating that the treatment was mild enough not to degrade the sugars further. The sawdust extraction density was increased by packing more sawdust in the laboratory scale extraction vessel. The aim was to obtain extracts with higher concentration than in typical extraction densities. The extraction times and water flow rates were kept constant during these extractions. The higher sawdust packing degree decreased the water use in the extractions and the extracts had higher hemicellulose concentrations than extractions with lower sawdust degrees of packing. The molar masses of the hemicelluloses were similar in higher packing degrees and in the degrees of packing that were used in typical PHWE flow-through extractions. The structure of extracted sawdust was investigated using small angle-(SAXS) and wide angle (WAXS) x-ray scattering. The cell wall topography of birch sawdust and extracted sawdust was compared using x-ray tomography. The results showed that the structure of the cell walls of extracted birch sawdust was preserved but the cell walls were thinner after the extractions. Larger pores were opened inside the fibres and cellulose microfibrils were more tightly packed after the extraction. Acetate buffers were used to control the pH of the extracts during the extractions. The pH control prevented excessive xylan hydrolysis and increased the molar masses of the extracted xylans. The yields of buffered extractions were lower than for plain water extractions at 160–170 °C, but at 180 °C yields were similar to those from plain water and pH buffers. The pH can thus be controlled during extraction with acetate buffer to obtain xylan with higher molar mass than those obtainable using plain water. Birch sawdust was extracted both in the laboratory and pilot scale. The performance of the PHWE flow-through system was evaluated in the laboratory and the pilot scale using vessels with the same shape but different volumes, with the same relative water flow through the sawdust bed, and in the same extraction temperature. Pre-steaming improved the extraction efficiency and the water flow through the sawdust bed. The extracted birch sawdust and the extracted xylan were similar in both laboratory and pilot scale. The PHWE system was successfully scaled up by a factor of 6000 from the laboratory to pilot scale and extractions performed equally well in both scales. The results show that a flow-through system can be further scaled up and used to extract water-soluble xylans from birch sawdust. Extracted xylans can be concentrated, purified, and then used in e.g. films and barriers, or as building blocks for novel material applications.
Changes in the abundance of top predators have brought about notable, cascading effects in ecosystems around the world. In this thesis, I examined several potential trophic cascades in boreal ecosystems, and their separate interspecific interactions. The main aim of the thesis was to investigate whether predators in the boreal forests have direct or indirect cascading effects on the lower trophic levels. First, I compared the browsing effects of different mammalian herbivores by excluding varying combinations of voles, hares and cervids from accessing the seedlings of silver birch (Betula pendula), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norway spruce (Picea abies). Additionally, I studied the effect of simulated predation risk on vole browsing by using auditory cues of owls. Moving upwards on the trophic levels, I examined the intraguild interactions between the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), and its mesopredator prey, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and the pine marten (Martes martes). To look at an entire potential trophic cascade, I further studied the combined impacts of eagles and mesopredators on the black grouse (Tetrao tetrix) and the hazel grouse (Tetrastes bonasia), predicting that the shared forest grouse prey would benefit from eagle presence. From the tree species studied, birch appears to be the most palatable one for the mammalian herbivores. I observed growth reductions in the presences of cervids and low survival associated with hares and voles, which suggests that they all weaken regeneration in birch stands. Furthermore, the simulated owl predation risk appeared to reduce vole browsing on birches in late summer, although the preferred grass forage is then old and less palatable. Browsing by voles and hares had a negative effect on the condition and survival of Scots pine, but in contrast, the impact of mammalian herbivores on spruce was found to be small, at least when more preferred food is available. I observed that the presence of golden eagles had a negative effect on the abundance of adult black grouse but a positive, protective effect on the proportion of juveniles in both black grouse and hazel grouse. Yet, this positive effect was not dependent on the abundance foxes or martens, nor did eagles seem to effectively decrease the abundance of these mesopredators. Conversely, the protection effect on grouse could arise from fear effects and also be mediated by other mesopredators. The results of this thesis provide important new information about trophic interactions in the boreal food webs. They highlight how different groups of mammalian herbivores vary in their effects on the growth and condition of different tree seedlings. Lowered cervid abundances could improve birch regeneration, which indirectly supports the idea that the key predators of cervids could cause cascading effects also in Fennoscandian forests. Owls seem to reduce vole browsing through an intimidation effect, which is a novel result of the cascading effects of owl vocalisation and could even have applications for protecting birch seedlings. In the third cascade examined in this thesis, I found the golden eagle to have a protective effect on the reproducing forest grouse, but it remains unclear through which smaller predators this effect is mediated. Overall, the results of this thesis further support the idea that there are cascading effects in the forests of Northern Europe, and that they are triggered by both direct and non‐lethal effects of predation.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of increased soil moisture levels on
the decomposition processes in a peat-extracted bog. Field experiments, in which soil
moisture levels were manipulated, were conducted using 320 microcosms in the
Wainfleet Bog from May 2002 to November 2004. Decomposition was measured using
litter bags and monitoring the abundance of macro invertebrate decomposers known as
Collembola. Litter bags containing wooden toothpicks (n=2240), filter paper (n=480)
and Betula pendula leaves (n=40) were buried in the soil and removed at regular time
intervals up to one year. The results of the litter bag studies demonstrated a significant
reduction of the decomposition of toothpicks (p<0.001), filter paper (p<0.001), and
Betula pendula leaves (p
Changes in the configuration of a tree stern result insignificant differences in its total volume and in the proportion of that volume that is merchantable timber. Tree allometry, as represented by stem-fo~, is the result of the vertical force of gravity and the horizontal force of wind. The effect of wind force is demonstrated in the relationship between stem-form, standclosure and site-conditions. An increase in wind force on the individual tree due to a decrease in stand density should produce a more tapered tree. The density of the stand is determined by the conditions that the trees are growing under. The ability of the tree to respond to increased wind force may also be a function of these conditions . This stem-form/stand-closure/site-conditions relationship was examined using a pre-existing database from westcentral Alberta. This database consisted of environmental, vegetation, soils and timber data covering a wide range of sites. There were 653 sample trees with 82 variables that formed the basis of the analysis. There were eight tree species consisting of Pinus contorta, Picea mariana, Picea engelmannii x glauca, Abies lasiocarpa, Larix laricina, Populus tremuloides, Betula papyrifera and Populus balsamifera plus a comprehensive all-species data set. As the actual conformation of the stern is very individual, stem-fo~was represented by the diameter at breast height to total height r~tio. The four stand-closure variables, crown closure, total basal area, total volume and total number of stems were reduced to total basal area and total number of stems utilizing a bivariate correlation matrix by species. Site-conditions were subdivided into macro, meso and micro variables and reduced in number 3 using cross-tabulations, bivariate correlation and principal components analysis as screening tools. The stem-fo~/stand-closure relationship was examined using bivariate correlation coefficients for stem-fo~ with total number of stems and stem-fo~ with total basal area. The stem-fo~/site-conditions and the stand-closure/site- conditions relationships were examined using multiple correlation coefficients. The stem-form/stand-closure/site-conditions relationship was examined using multiple correlation coefficients in separate analyses for both total number of stems and total basal area. An increase in stand-closure produced a decrease in stem-form for both total number of stems and total basal area for most species. There was a significant relationship between stem-form and site-conditions and between stand-closure and site-conditions for both total number of stems and total basal area for most species. There was a significant relationship between the stemform and site-conditions, including the stand-closure, for most species; total number of stems was involved independently of the site-conditions in the prediction of stem-form and total basal area was not. Larix laricina and Betula papyrifera were the exceptions to the trends observed with most species. The influence of both stand-closure (total number of stems in particular) and site-conditions (elevation in particular) suggest that forest management practices should include these- ecological parameters in determining appropriate restocking levels.
Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych: Instytut Geoekologii i Geoinformacji
The input to soils made by pollen and its subsequent mineralization has rarely been investigated from a soil microbiological point of view even though the small but significant quantities of C and N in pollen may make an important contribution to nutrient cycling. The relative resistance to decomposition of pollen exines (outer layers) has led to much of the focus of pollen in soil being on its preservation for archaeological and palaeo-ecological purposes. We have examined aspects of the chemical composition and decomposition of pollen from birch (Betula alba) and maize (Zea mays) in soil. The relatively large N contents, small C-to-N ratios and large water-soluble contents of pollen from both species indicated that they would be readily mineralized in soil. When added to soil and incubated at 16 degrees C an amount of C equivalent to 22-26% of the added pollen C was lost as CO2 within 22 days, with the Z. mays pollen decomposing faster. For B. alba pollen, the water-soluble fraction decomposed faster than the whole pollen and the insoluble fraction decomposed more slowly over 22 days. By contrast, there were no significant differences in the decomposition rates of the different fractions from Z. mays pollen. Solid-state C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) revealed no gross chemical differences between the pollen of these two species, with strong resonances in the alkyl- and methyl-C region (0-45 p.p.m.) indicative of aliphatic compounds, the O-alkyl-C (60-90 p.p.m.) and the acetal- and ketal-C region (90-110 p.p.m.) indicative of polysaccharides, and the carbonyl-C region indicative of peptides and carboxylic acids. In addition, both pollens gave a small but distinct resonance at 55 p.p.m. attributed to N-alkyl-C. The resonances attributed to polysaccharides were lost completely or substantially reduced after decomposition.
The role of indirect interactions in structuring communities is becoming increasingly recognised. Plant fungi can bring about changes in plant chemistry which may affect insect herbivores that share the same plant, and hence the two may interact indirectly. This study investigated the indirect effects of a fungal pathogen (Marssonina betulae) of silver birch (Betula pendula) on an aphid (Euceraphis betulae), and the processes underpinning the interaction. There was a strong positive association between natural populations of the aphid and leaves bearing high fungal infection. In choice tests, significantly more aphids settled on leaves inoculated with the fungus than on asymptomatic leaves. Individual aphids reared on inoculated leaves were heavier, possessed longer hind tibiae and displayed enhanced embryo development compared with aphids reared on asymptomatic leaves; population growth rate was also positively correlated with fungal infection when groups of aphids were reared on inoculated branches. Changes in leaf chemistry were associated with fungal infection with inoculated leaves containing higher concentrations of free-amino acids. This may reflect a plant-initiated response to fungal attack in which free amino acids from the degradation of mesophyll cells are translocated out of infected leaves via the phloem. These changes in plant chemistry are similar to those occurring during leaf senescence, and are proposed as the mechanistic basis for the positive interaction between the fungus and aphid.
1. The spatial and temporal abundance of the aphid Euceraphis betulae was investigated in relation to heterogeneity in host plant ( Betula pendula) vigour and pathogenic stress. The performance of aphids feeding on vigorous and stressed foliage was also examined. 2. The plant stress and plant vigour hypotheses have been suggested as opposing ways in which foliage quality influences herbivore abundance. In many plants, however, vigorous growing foliage co-exists with stressed or damaged foliage. 3. There was a negative correlation between branch growth ( vigour) and branch stress ( leaf chlorosis), with the most vigorous branches displaying little or no stress, and the most stressed branches achieving poor growth. There was a similar negative correlation between vigour and stress at the level of individual trees, which themselves represented a continuum in quality. 4. At the beginning of the season, E. betulae were intermittently more abundant on vigorous branches than on branches destined to become stressed, but aphids became significantly more abundant on stressed branches later in the season, when symptoms of stress became apparent. Similar patterns of aphid abundance were seen on vigorous and stressed trees in the following year. 5. Euceraphis betulae performance was generally enhanced when feeding on naturally stressed B. pendula leaves, but there was some evidence for elevated potential reproduction when feeding on vigorous leaves too. 6. Overall, plant stress probably influences E. betulae distribution more than plant vigour, but the temporal and spatial variability in plant quality suggests that plant vigour could play a role in aphid distribution early in the season.