969 resultados para Beta(3)-adrenoceptors
The purpose of this study was to design microspheres combining sustained delivery and enhanced intracellular penetration for ocular administration of antisense oligonucleotides. Nanosized complexes of antisense TGF-beta2 phosphorothioate oligonucleotides (PS-ODN) with polyethylenimine (PEI), and naked PS-ODN were encapsulated into poly(lactide-co-glycolide) microspheres prepared by the double-emulsion solvent evaporation method. The PS-ODN was introduced either naked or complexed in the inner aqueous phase of the first emulsion. We observed a marked influence of microsphere composition on porosity, size distribution and PS-ODN encapsulation efficiency. Mainly, the presence of PEI induced the formation of large pores observed onto microsphere surface. Introduction of NaCl in the outer aqueous phase increased the encapsulation efficiency and reduced microsphere porosity. In vitro release kinetic of PS-ODN was also investigated. Clearly, the higher the porosity, the faster was the release and the higher was the burst effect. Using an analytical solution of Fick's second law of diffusion, it was shown that the early phase of PS-ODN and PS-ODN-PEI complex release was primarily controlled by pure diffusion, irrespectively of the type of microsphere. Finally, microspheres containing antisense TGF-beta2 nanosized complexes were shown, after subconjunctival administration to rabbit, to significantly increase intracellular penetration of ODN in conjunctival cells and subsequently to improve bleb survival in a rabbit experimental model of filtering surgery. These results open up interesting prospective for the local controlled delivery of genetic material into the eye.
1. We compared the changes in binding energy generated by two mutations that shift in divergent directions the constitutive activity of the human beta(2) adrenergic receptor (beta(2)AR). 2. A constitutively activating mutant (CAM) and the double alanine replacement (AA mutant) of catechol-binding serines (S204A, S207A) in helix 5 were stably expressed in CHO cell lines, and used to measure the binding affinities of more than 40 adrenergic ligands. Moreover, the efficacy of the same group of compounds was determined as intrinsic activity for maximal adenylyl cyclase stimulation in wild-type beta(2)AR. 3. Although the two mutations had opposite effects on ligand affinity, the extents of change were in both cases largely correlated with the degree of ligand efficacy. This was particularly evident if the extra loss of binding energy due to hydrogen bond deletion in the AA mutant was taken into account. Thus the data demonstrate that there is an overall linkage between the configuration of the binding pocket and the intrinsic equilibrium between active and inactive receptor forms. 4. We also found that AA mutation-induced affinity changes for catecholamine congeners gradually lacking ethanolamine substituents were linearly correlated to the loss of affinity that such modifications of the ligand cause for wild-type receptor. This indicates that the strength of bonds between catechol ring and helix 5 is critically dependent on the rest of interactions of the beta-ethanolamine tail with other residues of the beta(2)-AR binding pocket.
The internalization properties of the alpha1a- and alpha1b-adrenergic receptors (ARs) subtypes transiently expressed in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells were compared using biotinylation experiments and confocal microscopy. Whereas the alpha1b-AR displayed robust agonist-induced endocytosis, the alpha1a-AR did not. Constitutive internalization of the alpha1a-AR was negligible, whereas the alpha1b-AR displayed significant constitutive internalization and recycling. We investigated the interaction of the alpha1-AR subtypes with beta-arrestins 1 and 2 as well as with the AP50 subunit of the clathrin adaptor complex AP2. The results from both coimmunoprecipitation experiments and beta-arrestin translocation assays indicated that the agonistinduced interaction of the alpha1a-AR with beta-arrestins was much weaker than that of the alpha1b-AR. In addition, the alpha1a-AR did not bind AP50. The alpha1b-AR mutant M8, lacking the main phosphorylation sites in the receptor C tail, was unable to undergo endocytosis and was profoundly impaired in binding beta-arrestins despite its binding to AP50. In contrast, the alpha1b-AR mutant DeltaR8, lacking AP50 binding, bound beta-arrestins efficiently, and displayed delayed endocytosis. RNA interference showed that beta-arrestin 2 plays a prominent role in alpha1b-AR endocytosis. The findings of this study demonstrate differences in internalization between the alpha1a- and alpha1b-AR and provide evidence that the lack of significant endocytosis of the alpha1a-AR is linked to its poor interaction with beta-arrestins as well as with AP50. We also provide evidence that the integrity of the phosphorylation sites in the C tail of the alpha1b-AR is important for receptor/beta-arrestin interaction and that this interaction is the main event triggering receptor internalization.
Astrocytes are responsible for the majority of the clearance of extracellular glutamate released during neuronal activity. dl-threo-beta-benzyloxyaspartate (TBOA) is extensively used as inhibitor of glutamate transport activity, but suffers from relatively low affinity for the transporter. Here, we characterized the effects of (2S, 3S)-3-[3-[4-(trifluoromethyl)benzoylamino]benzyloxy]aspartate (TFB-TBOA), a recently developed inhibitor of the glutamate transporter on mouse cortical astrocytes in primary culture. The glial Na(+)-glutamate transport system is very efficient and its activation by glutamate causes rapid intracellular Na(+) concentration (Na(+)(i)) changes that enable real time monitoring of transporter activity. Na(+)(i) was monitored by fluorescence microscopy in single astrocytes using the fluorescent Na(+)-sensitive probe sodium-binding benzofuran isophtalate. When applied alone, TFB-TBOA, at a concentration of 1 muM, caused small alterations of Na(+)(i). TFB-TBOA inhibited the Na(+)(i) response evoked by 200 muM glutamate in a concentration-dependent manner with IC(50) value of 43+/-9 nM, as measured on the amplitude of the Na(+)(i) response. The maximum inhibition of glutamate-evoked Na(+)(i) increase by TFB-TBOA was >80%, but was only partly reversible. The residual response persisted in the presence of the AMPA/kainate receptor antagonist CNQX. TFB-TBOA also efficiently inhibited Na(+)(i) elevations caused by the application of d-aspartate, a transporter substrate that does not activate non-NMDA ionotropic receptors. TFB-TBOA was found not to influence the membrane properties of cultured cortical neurons recorded in whole-cell patch clamp. Thus, TFB-TBOA, with its high potency and its apparent lack of neuronal effects, appears to be one of the most useful pharmacological tools available so far for studying glial glutamate transporters.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Alpha(1)-adrenoceptor antagonists are extensively used in the treatment of hypertension and lower urinary tract symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Among the side effects, ejaculatory dysfunction occurs more frequently with drugs that are relatively selective for alpha(1A)-adrenoceptors compared with other drugs of this class. This suggests that alpha(1A)-adrenoceptors may contribute to ejaculation. However, this has not been studied at the molecular level. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: The physiological contribution of each alpha(1)-adrenoceptor subtype was characterized using alpha(1)-adrenoceptor subtype-selective knockout (KO) mice (alpha(1A)-, alpha(1B)- and alpha(1D)-AR KO mice) since the subtype-specific drugs available are only moderately selective. We analysed the role of alpha(1)-adrenoceptors in the blood pressure and vascular response as well as ejaculation by determining these variables in alpha(1)-adrenoceptor subtype-selective KO mice and in mice with all their alpha(1)-adrenoceptor subtypes deleted (alpha(1)-AR triple-KO mice). KEY RESULTS: The pregnancy rate was reduced by 50% in alpha(1A)-adrenoceptor KO mice, and this reduction was dramatically enhanced in alpha(1)-adrenoceptor triple-KO mice. Contractile tension of the vas deferens in response to noradrenaline was markedly decreased in alpha(1A)-adrenoceptor KO mice, and this contraction was completely abolished in alpha(1)-adrenoceptor triple-KO mice. This attenuation of contractility was also observed in the electrically stimulated vas deferens. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: These results demonstrate that alpha(1)-adrenoceptors, particularly alpha(1A)-adrenoceptors, are required for normal contractility of the vas deferens and consequent sperm ejaculation as well as having a function in fertility.
BACKGROUND: RalA and RalB are multifuntional GTPases involved in a variety of cellular processes including proliferation, oncogenic transformation and membrane trafficking. Here we investigated the mechanisms leading to activation of Ral proteins in pancreatic beta-cells and analyzed the impact on different steps of the insulin-secretory process. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We found that RalA is the predominant isoform expressed in pancreatic islets and insulin-secreting cell lines. Silencing of this GTPase in INS-1E cells by RNA interference led to a decrease in secretagogue-induced insulin release. Real-time measurements by fluorescence resonance energy transfer revealed that RalA activation in response to secretagogues occurs within 3-5 min and reaches a plateau after 10-15 min. The activation of the GTPase is triggered by increases in intracellular Ca2+ and cAMP and is prevented by the L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channel blocker Nifedipine and by the protein kinase A inhibitor H89. Defective insulin release in cells lacking RalA is associated with a decrease in the secretory granules docked at the plasma membrane detected by Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence microscopy and with a strong impairment in Phospholipase D1 activation in response to secretagogues. RalA was found to be activated by RalGDS and to be severely hampered upon silencing of this GDP/GTP exchange factor. Accordingly, INS-1E cells lacking RalGDS displayed a reduction in hormone secretion induced by secretagogues and in the number of insulin-containing granules docked at the plasma membrane. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Taken together, our data indicate that RalA activation elicited by the exchange factor RalGDS in response to a rise in intracellular Ca2+ and cAMP controls hormone release from pancreatic beta-cell by coordinating the execution of different events in the secretory pathway.
SUMMARY Cancer is one of the leading causes of disease-related mortality. In most cases, death is due to the spread of cells from the primary tumor to distant sites causing formation of metastases. To become tumorigenic, cells should acquire ability, including self-sufficiency in growth signals, insensitivity to anti-growth signals, resistance to apoptosis, sustained angiogenesis, limitless replicative potential and tissue invasion and metastasis. Tumor progression depends, in part on the relationship between tumor cells and host tissue stroma, characterized by changes of tumor cell adhesion to their microenvironment and activation of a variety of extracellular proteases that play a role in ECM degradation. integrins are adhesion proteins implicated in tumorigenesis. Their main function is to mediate cell adhesion to the ECM or to other cells and to create a link between the ECM and the cytoskeleton. Tumor cells like normal cells use integrins to attach to ECM, migrate into surrounding tissues and derive survival and growth signals. Integrin-dependent adhesion and migration are thought to play an important role in tumor dissemination. A strategy was designed to address the role of β1 integrin tumor growth and dissemination. Murine mammary carcinoma (TA3) cells were stably transfected with a soluble β1 integrin construct, which is anticipated to play a dominant negative role, being able to associate with different α-subunits expressed on the cell surface but unable to transduce signals to the nucleus. Results from studies based on soluble β1 integrin TA3 transfectants showed that 1) the integrin expression pattern at the cell surface changed with an induction of α2β1 and α5β1 heterodimers; 2) adhesion to collagens, especially collagen I was increased; 3) tumor dissemination after intrape-ritoneal injection in syngeneic mice was abolished and 4) local growth after orthotopic injection was maintained but delayed. Taken together, the data presented here suggest that β1 integrin plays a potentially important role in the regulation of tumor behavior. RESUME Le cancer est une des principales causes de mortalité suite à une maladie. Dans la plupart des cas, la mort est la conséquence de la dissémination de cellules, provenant de la tumeur primaire, dans des endroits distants et causant la formation de métastases. Afin de devenir cancéreuse, une cellule doit acquérir certaines capacités, telles qu'une auto-suffisance en facteurs de croissance, une insensibilité aux facteurs empêchant la croissance cellulaire, une résistance à l'apoptose, une angiogénèse soutenue, un potentiel de réplication illimité et une capacité à pénétrer dans les tissus et à former des colonies métastatiques. La progression d'une tumeur dépend, en partie, de la relation entre les cellules tumorales et les cellules tissulaires de l'hôte. Cette relation est caractérisée par des modifications des cellules tumorales quant à leur adhésion au microenvironnement et à l'activation de protéases qui permettent de dégrader la matrice extracellulaire. Les intégrines sont des protéines impliquées dans le développement tumoral. Leur fonction principale est de réguler l'adhésion des cellules à la matrice extracellulaire, ou à d'autres cellules, et de créer un lien entre cette matrice extracellulaire et le cytosquelette. Les cellules tumorales utilisent également les intégrines pour se lier à la matrice extracellulaire, pour migrer dans les tissus adjacents et pour induire des signaux de croissance et de survie. Ces événements d'adhésion et de migration, qui dépendent des intégrines, jouent un rôle primordial dans la dissémination des cellules cancéreuses. Une stratégie a été élaborée afin de définir le rôle de l'intégrine β1 durant la croissance et la dissémination des cellules tumorales. Des cellules provenant d'un carcinome de la glande mammaire (TA3) ont été transfectées de manière stable avec un vecteur contenant la séquence codante de la partie extracellulaire de l'intégrine β1. L'intégrine tronquée doit être capable de se lier aux sous-unités α exprimées à la surface de la cellule, mais doit être incapable de transmettre un signal à l'intérieur de la cellule. Les résultats obtenus avec les cellules TA3 transfectées contenant l'intégrine β1 soluble montrent que I) le répertoire d'expression des intégrines à la surface de la cellule a changé en faveur des hétérodimères α2β1 et α5β1; 2) l'adhésion aux collagènes, particulièrement au collagène de type I a augmenté; 3) la dissémination des cellules tumorales après une injection intrapéritonéale est empêchée; 4) la croissance tumorale après une injection orthotopique est conservée mais retardée. Ces résultats montrent que l'intégrine β1 joue un rôle primordial dans la régulation du comportement tumoral.
PURPOSE: To analyze components of the deposits in the corneal flap interface of granular corneal dystrophy type II (GCD II) patients after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). METHODS: Four corneal GCD II specimens displaying disease exacerbation after LASIK were analyzed. Three of these specimens included the recipient corneal button after penetrating keratoplasty or deep lamellar keratoplasty for advanced GCD II after LASIK. The fourth specimen, a similar case of GCD II after LASIK, included the amputated corneal flap. Specimens were processed for histopathologic and immunohistochemical analyses. RESULTS: Corneal stromal deposits in the LASIK flaps of all specimens were stained with 3 anti-transforming growth factor-beta-induced protein (TGFBIp) antibodies. The deposits displayed bright red color staining with Masson trichrome; however, negative staining was seen with Congo red, suggesting that hyaline is the main component localizing to the TGFBIp deposits rather than amyloid. CONCLUSIONS: Amorphous granular material deposited along the interface of the LASIK flap in GCD II corneas is composed mainly of hyaline deposits.
Este trabalho dá continuidade aos estudos sobre a fauna de Coleoptera do Parque Estadual de Vila Velha, Ponta Grossa, Paraná (PROVIVE). Teve como objeto conhecer a diversidade diferencial, ou seja, avaliar as mudanças que ocorrem na composição de espécies em áreas que sofreram ação antrópica. Os dados foram obtidos a partir de coletas através de armadilha malaise, de setembro de 1999 a agosto de 2000 (52 semanas), em cinco áreas reconhecidas como sendo diferentes habitats num capão de araucária (Floresta Ombrófila Mista), em diferentes níveis de conservação e de manejo:1) uma área de borda de mata (campo - floresta); 2) uma área com povoamento de Araucaria angustifolia, sem manejo; 3) uma área em estágio inicial a intermediário de sucessão vegetal; 4) uma área em estágio intermediário a avançado de sucessão vegetal e 5) uma área em estágio avançado de sucessão vegetal. Foram coletados 10.822 indivíduos de 1.659 espécies. A aplicação de diferentes índices de diversidade beta (b), baseados em medidas de continuidade de espécies e de ganho e perda de espécies, resultaram em altas taxas de mudança, indicando alta diversidade diferencial entre as áreas, onde já havia sido constatada a existência de alta diversidade inventarial (a). A área que mais se diferenciou na composição de espécies foi a borda de mata. As áreas em sucessão vegetal foram as mais assemelhadas entre si, em níveis crescentes da menos para a mais conservada. A alta riqueza de espécies e alta diversidade na composição de espécies de Coleoptera observadas no capão de araucária de Vila Velha, Ponta Grossa, corroboram outros estudos que indicaram ser possível envolver uma grande quantidade da riqueza regional de espécies se for mantido um mosaico de habitats em uma paisagem, envolvendo diferentes níveis de conservação e encraves com plantio de árvores nativas. A fauna de Coleoptera apresentou uma diversidade de composição de espécies que mostram ser um táxon sensível às alterações ambientais em pequena escala espacial, característica importante para ser um indicador de condições ambientais em áreas florestadas.
Early revascularization of pancreatic islet cells after transplantation is crucial for engraftment, and it has been suggested that vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) plays a significant role in this process. Although VEGF gene therapy can improve angiogenesis, uncontrolled VEGF secretion can lead to vascular tumor formation. Here we have explored the role of temporal VEGF expression, controlled by a tetracycline (TC)-regulated promoter, on revascularization and engraftment of genetically modified beta cells following transplantation. To this end, we modified the CDM3D beta cell line using a lentiviral vector to promote secretion of VEGF-A either in a TC-regulated (TET cells) or a constitutive (PGK cells) manner. VEGF secretion, angiogenesis, cell proliferation, and stimulated insulin secretion were assessed in vitro. VEGF secretion was increased in TET and PGK cells, and VEGF delivery resulted in angiogenesis, whereas addition of TC inhibited these processes. Insulin secretion by the three cell types was similar. We used a syngeneic mouse model of transplantation to assess the effects of this controlled VEGF expression in vivo. Time to normoglycemia, intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test, graft vascular density, and cellular mass were evaluated. Increased expression of VEGF resulted in significantly better revascularization and engraftment after transplantation when compared to control cells. In vivo, there was a significant increase in vascular density in grafted TET and PGK cells versus control cells. Moreover, the time for diabetic mice to return to normoglycemia and the stimulated plasma glucose clearance were also significantly accelerated in mice transplanted with TET and PGK cells when compared to control cells. VEGF was only needed during the first 2-3 weeks after transplantation; when removed, normoglycemia and graft vascularization were maintained. TC-treated mice grafted with TC-treated cells failed to restore normoglycemia. This approach allowed us to switch off VEGF secretion when the desired effects had been achieved. TC-regulated temporal expression of VEGF using a gene therapy approach presents a novel way to improve early revascularization and engraftment after islet cell transplantation.
Although the assembly of a ternary complex between the SNARE proteins syntaxin-1, SNAP25 and VAMP2 is known to be crucial for insulin exocytosis, the mechanisms controlling this key event are poorly understood. We found that pancreatic beta-cells express different isoforms of tomosyn-1, a syntaxin-1-binding protein possessing a SNARE-like motif. Using atomic force microscopy we show that the SNARE-like domain of tomosyn-1 can form a complex with syntaxin-1 and SNAP25 but displays binding forces that are weaker than those observed for VAMP2 (237+/-13 versus 279+/-3 pN). In pancreatic beta-cells tomosyn-1 was found to be concentrated in cellular compartments enriched in insulin-containing secretory granules. Silencing of tomosyn-1 in the rat beta-cell line INS-1E by RNA interference did not affect the number of secretory granules docked at the plasma membrane but led to a reduction in stimulus-induced exocytosis. Replacement of endogenous tomosyn-1 with mouse tomosyn-1, which differs in the nucleotide sequence from its rat homologue and escapes silencing, restored a normal secretory rate. Taken together, our data suggest that tomosyn-1 is involved in a post-docking event that prepares secretory granules for fusion and is necessary to sustain exocytosis of pancreatic beta-cells in response to insulin secretagogues.
The aim of this single-blind, placebo-controlled study was to investigate the effects of the new beta-adrenergic compound Ro 40-2148 on resting energy expenditure (REE) at rest and after an oral glucose load in non-diabetic obese women before and after two weeks of treatment. After one week of placebo administration and after an overnight fast and one hour rest, REE and glucose and lipid oxidation rates were measured by indirect calorimetry (hood system) before and for 6 h after a single dose of placebo solution. A 75 g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was performed during this period starting 90 min after the placebo administration. During the following two weeks, using a randomization design, six patients received Ro 40-2148 at a dose of 400 mg diluted in 100 ml water twice a day (i.e. 800 mg per day), while six others continued with the placebo administration. The same tests and measurements were repeated after two weeks, except for the treatment group which received the drug instead of the placebo. The 14-day period of drug administration did not increase REE measured in post-absorptive conditions. Similarly, there was no acute effect on REE of a 400 mg dose of Ro 40-2148. In contrast, glucose-induced thermogenesis was significantly increased after two weeks in the treatment group (means +/- s.e.m.: 3.7 +/- 1.3%, P = 0.047), while no change was observed in the placebo group (-0.8 +/- 0.7%, not significant). Since there was no significant change in the respiratory quotient, the increase in energy expenditure observed in the treatment group was due to stimulation of both lipid and glucose oxidation. The drug induced no variations in heart rate, blood pressure, axillary temperature or in plasma glucose, insulin and free fatty acid levels. In conclusion, this study shows that Ro 40-2148 activates glucose-induced thermogenesis in obese non-diabetic patients.
A comprehensive understanding of the complex, autologous cellular interactions and regulatory mechanisms that occur during normal dendritic cell (DC)-stimulated immune responses is critical to optimizing DC-based immunotherapy. We have found that mature, immunogenic human monocyte-derived DCs (moDCs) up-regulate the immune-inhibitory enzyme, indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO). Under stringent autologous culture conditions without exogenous cytokines, mature moDCs expand regulatory T cells (Tregs) by an IDO-dependent mechanism. The priming of resting T cells with autologous, IDO-expressing, mature moDCs results in up to 10-fold expansion of CD4(+)CD25(bright)Foxp3(+)CD127(neg) Tregs. Treg expansion requires moDC contact, CD80/CD86 ligation, and endogenous interleukin-2. Cytofluorographically sorted CD4(+) CD25(bright)Foxp3(+) Tregs inhibit as much as 80% to 90% of DC-stimulated autologous and allogeneic T-cell proliferation, in a dose-dependent manner at Treg:T-cell ratios of 1:1, 1:5, and as low as 1:25. CD4(+)CD25(bright)Foxp3(+) Tregs also suppress the generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes specific for the Wilms tumor antigen 1, resulting in more than an 80% decrease in specific target cell lysis. Suppression by Tregs is both contact-dependent and transforming growth factor-beta-mediated. Although mature moDCs can generate Tregs by this IDO-dependent mechanism to limit otherwise unrestrained immune responses, inhibition of this counter-regulatory pathway should also prove useful in sustaining responses stimulated by DC-based immunotherapy.
ABSTRACTMales of Euglossa mandibularis were consistently captured in scent traps baited with β-ionone in areas of Mixed Ombrophylous Forests or transition between this latter physiognomy and Montane Semideciduous Forest at Parque Nacional do Iguaçu, Paraná state, Brazil. Geographic records for the species and sampling effort (including or not β-ionone among the offered compounds) along Atlantic Forest biome are presented and discussed. We also discuss seasonal and geographic variation in collection of scents by orchid bees.
Mutation of the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta (PPARbeta/delta) severely affects placenta development, leading to embryonic death at embryonic day 9.5 (E9.5) to E10.5 of most, but not all, PPARbeta/delta-null mutant embryos. While very little is known at present about the pathway governed by PPARbeta/delta in the developing placenta, this paper demonstrates that the main alteration of the placenta of PPARbeta/delta-null embryos is found in the giant cell layer. PPARbeta/delta activity is in fact essential for the differentiation of the Rcho-1 cells in giant cells, as shown by the severe inhibition of differentiation once PPARbeta/delta is silenced. Conversely, exposure of Rcho-1 cells to a PPARbeta/delta agonist triggers a massive differentiation via increased expression of 3-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase 1 and integrin-linked kinase and subsequent phosphorylation of Akt. The links between PPARbeta/delta activity in giant cells and its role on Akt activity are further strengthened by the remarkable pattern of phospho-Akt expression in vivo at E9.5, specifically in the nucleus of the giant cells. In addition to this phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt main pathway, PPARbeta/delta also induced giant cell differentiation via increased expression of I-mfa, an inhibitor of Mash-2 activity. Finally, giant cell differentiation at E9.5 is accompanied by a PPARbeta/delta-dependent accumulation of lipid droplets and an increased expression of the adipose differentiation-related protein (also called adipophilin), which may participate to lipid metabolism and/or steroidogenesis. Altogether, this important role of PPARbeta/delta in placenta development and giant cell differentiation should be considered when contemplating the potency of PPARbeta/delta agonist as therapeutic agents of broad application.