973 resultados para Beef Heifers
This study was conducted with 35 Nellore beef cattle to determine the effect of supplementation of two levels and two copper sources (organic and inorganic) on metabolism of lipids and cholesterol of meat. The five treatments used were: Control: without copper supplementation, 110 or 140: 10 or 40 mg/kg DM (as Cu sulfate), O10 or O40: 10 or 40 mg/kg DM (as Cu proteinate). In general, the copper supplementation changed the fatty acid profile of meat (p < 0.05), with a higher proportion of unsaturated fatty acids and reduction of saturated fatty acids. There was no effect of supplementation on blood cholesterol and triglycerides, however; in general, there was a reduction in cholesterol concentration in the L dorsi (p < 0.05) compared to the control treatment through the reduction (p < 0.05) in the concentrations of GSH and GSH/GSSG ratio. The Cu supplementation did have an influence on metabolism of lipids. The production of healthier meat is beneficial to public health by reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The present study deals with the determination of the activation energy for the thermal decomposition of two renewable fuels crude glycerin and beef tallow. The activation energies were investigated by using a thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) in the temperature range of 25-600 degrees C in atmosphere of synthetic air. The TG curves of the thermal decomposition process of both samples were divided into several phases and the second, called PH2, was chosen for the kinetic study because it is associated with the combustion ignition. Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) showed an endothermic event at the PH2 region for the crude glycerin corresponding to devolatilization, while for beef tallow, this step presented an exothermic event, called LTO (low-temperature oxidation), which is correlated with devolatilization followed by combustion. For the entire PH2, activation energy values for crude glycerin were between 90 kJ mol(-1) and 42 kJ mol(-1), while for the beef tallow they ranged from 50 kJ mol(-1) to 113 kJ mol (1). The activation energy values obtained at the pre-ignition stage - conversion between 0 and 0.45 - showed that the crude glycerin with higher values requires an additional energetic support at the start of combustion processes and the beef tallow ignites more easily, presenting lower values. According to the Wolfer's equation, a direct relation between the activation energy and the ignition delay is established and the results of this study provides useful data for the development and design of new combustion chambers and engines when non-traditional fuels are used as feedstock. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study was to develop equations to predict retail product and fat trim (weights and percentages) for Nellore (Bos indicus) cattle. Live ultrasound measurements of the longissimus muscle area, backfat thickness at the 12th rib and rump fat depth and shrunk body weight were obtained from 218 Nellore steers to predict weights and percentages of carcass retail product, pistola retail product and fat trimmings. After slaughter, carcasses were deboned and weighed and percentages of retail cuts were obtained directly. Measurements taken directly in the carcasses explained 97% and 36% of variation in carcass retail product weight and percentage, and 94% and 36% of variation in pistola retail weight and percentage, respectively. Live measurements explained 93% of carcass retail product weight and 39% of carcass retail product percentage. Lower accuracies were observed for pistola retail product weight (R-2=0.87) and percentage (R-2=0.33). Accuracies for fat trimmings weight and percentage were 79% and 55%, respectively. Ultrasound rump fat thickness showed greater correlations with retail product and fat trimmings (weights and percentages) when compared with ultrasound backfat thickness. The weight and percentage of retail products and of trimmable fat can be estimated in Nellore steers from live animal measurements, with similar accuracy to equations developed based on carcass measurements obtained at slaughter.
Validity of comparisons between expected breeding values obtained from best linear unbiased prediction procedures in genetic evaluations is dependent on genetic connectedness among herds. Different cattle breeding programmes have their own particular features that distinguish their database structure and can affect connectedness. Thus, the evolution of these programmes can also alter the connectedness measures. This study analysed the evolution of the genetic connectedness measures among Brazilian Nelore cattle herds from 1999 to 2008, using the French Criterion of Admission to the group of Connected Herds (CACO) method, based on coefficients of determination (CD) of contrasts. Genetic connectedness levels were analysed by using simple and multiple regression analyses on herd descriptors to understand their relationship and their temporal trends from the 19992003 to the 20042008 period. The results showed a high level of genetic connectedness, with CACO estimates higher than 0.4 for the majority of them. Evaluation of the last 5-year period showed only a small increase in average CACO measures compared with the first 5 years, from 0.77 to 0.80. The percentage of herds with CACO estimates lower than 0.7 decreased from 27.5% in the first period to 16.2% in the last one. The connectedness measures were correlated with percentage of progeny from connecting sires, and the artificial insemination spread among Brazilian herds in recent years. But changes in connectedness levels were shown to be more complex, and their complete explanation cannot consider only herd descriptors. They involve more comprehensive changes in the relationship matrix, which can be only fully expressed by the CD of contrasts.
The objective of this study was to describe the VNTR polymorphism of the mucin 1 gene (MUC1) in three Nelore lines selected for yearling weight to determine whether allele and genotype frequencies of this polymorphism were affected by selection for growth. In addition, the effects of the polymorphism on growth and carcass traits were evaluated. Birth, weaning and yearling weights, rump height, Longissimus muscle area, backfat thickness, and rump fat thickness, were analyzed. A total of 295 Nelore heifers from the Beef Cattle Research Center, Instituto de Zootecnia de Sertozinho, were used, including 41 of the control line, 102 of the selection line and 152 of the traditional. The selection and traditional lines comprise animals selected for higher yearling weight, whereas control line animals are selected for yearling weight close to the average. Five alleles were identified, with allele 1 being the most frequent in the three lines, especially in the lines selected for higher means for yearling weight. Heterozygosity was significantly higher in the control line. Association analyses showed significant effects of allele 1 on birth weight and weaning weight while the allele 3 exert significant effects on yearling weight and back fat thickness. Despite these findings, application of this marker to marker-assisted selection requires more consistent results based on the genotyping of a larger number of animals in order to increase the accuracy of the statistical analyses.
This study aimed to enumerate and identify lactic acid bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae from spoiled and nonspoiled chilled vacuum-packaged beef and determine their potential to cause blown pack spoilage. These microbial groups were also enumerated in nonspoiled samples and detected in abattoir samples. The potential of isolates to cause blown pack spoilage of vacuum-packaged beef stored at chilled temperature (4 degrees C) and abuse temperature (15 degrees C) was investigated. Populations of lactic acid bacteria in exudate of spoiled and nonspoiled samples were not significantly different (P > 0.05), whereas the number of lactic acid bacteria on the surface was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in spoiled samples as compared to nonspoiled samples. The population of Enterobacteriaceae species in exudate and on the surface of samples were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in spoiled packs in comparison with nonspoiled packs. Results of the deterioration potential showed that blown pack spoilage was noticeable after 7 days at 15 degrees C and after 6 weeks at 4 degrees C for samples inoculated with Hafnia alvei.
Food safety is a global concern. Meat represents the most important protein source for humans. Thus, contamination of meat products by nonessential elements is a ready source of human exposure. In addition, knowledge of the concentration of essential elements is also relevant with respect to human nutrition. The aim of the present study was to determine the concentration of 17 elements in pork, beef, and chicken produced in Brazil. Meat samples were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The estimated daily intake for nonessential elements including arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), and antimony (Sb) through meat consumption is below the toxicological reference values. However, high levels were detected for the nonessential element cesium (Cs), mainly in beef samples, an observation that deserves future studies to identify the source of contamination and potential adverse consequences.
The objectives of the present study were to characterize and define homogenous production environments of composite beef cattle in Brazil in terms of climatic and geographic variables using multivariate exploratory techniques and to use them to assess the presence of G x E for birth weight (BW) and weaning weight (WW). Data from animals born between 1995 and 2008 on 36 farms located in 27 municipalities of the Brazilian states were used. Fifteen years of climate observations (mean minimum and maximum annual temperature and mean annual rainfall) and geographic (latitude, longitude and altitude) data were obtained for each municipality where the farms were located for characterization of the production environments. Hierarchical and nonhierarchical cluster analysis was used to group farms located in regions with similar environmental variables into clusters. Six clusters of farms were formed. The effect of sire-cluster interaction was tested by single-trait analysis using deviance information criterion (DIC). Genetic parameters were estimated by multi-trait analysis considering the same trait to be different in each cluster. According to the values of DIC, the inclusion of sire-cluster effect did not improve the fit of the genetic evaluation model for BW and WW. Estimates of genetic correlations among clusters ranged from -0.02 to 0.92. The low genetic correlation among the most studied regions permits us to suggest that a separate genetic evaluation for some regions should be undertaken. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study correlated the composition of the spoilage bacterial flora with the main gaseous and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found in the package headspace of spoiled, chilled, vacuum-packed meat. Fifteen chilled, vacuum-packed beef samples, suffering from blown pack spoilage, were studied using 16S rRNA clone sequencing. More than 50% of the bacteria were identified as lactic acid bacteria (LAB), followed by clostridia and enterobacteria. Fifty-one volatile compounds were detected in the spoiled samples. Although the major spoilage compounds were identified as alcohols and aldehydes, CO2 was identified as the major gas in the spoiled samples by headspace technique. Different species of bacteria contribute to different volatile compounds during meat spoilage. LAB played an important role in blown pack deterioration of the Brazilian beef studied.
The objective of this study was to evaluate, in Nellore heifers, intake and digestibility of hydrolyzed sugarcane stored for different periods. The experimental design used was a 4 × 4 Latin square, four diets, four Nellore heifers with ruminal cannulas (initial body weight 285.4±23.08 kg and average initial age 14 months) and four periods of 21 days. The diets were composed by fresh sugarcane (time zero) or hydrolyzed sugarcane with addition of 0.5% of hydrated lime, stored for 24, 48 or 72 hours, as the unique forage. Intake and digestibility of feed fractions, nitrogen balance, microbial synthesis efficiency, total number of ruminal protozoans and ammoniacal nitrogen did not significantly change by storing sugarcane with addition of 0.5% of hydrated lime. Sugarcane pH varied quadratically for storage time, with maximum pH of 7.02 after 24 hours from lime addition. Ruminal liquid pH values were higher for heifers fed fresh sugarcane, in comparison with those fed hydrolyzed sugarcane. Sugarcane treated with 0.5% of hydrated lime stored for up to 72 hours does not change ruminal digestion to alter the amount of feed consumed by pubescent Nellore heifers. Thus, lime is a viable technology, once it allows long-duration storage and bee control on treated forage, which contributes to animal feeding logistics.
In fall 2004, a survey of a representative sample of 1185 Swiss suckler beef farmers was carried out by questionnaire (return rate 51.9%). 32.7% of the respondents castrated their calves without the help of a veterinarian, 37.8% mandated a veterinarian to carry out the castrations and 29.4% did not castrate their bull calves at all. On average, 8 calves were castrated per farm and year at an average age of 7 days when the castration was carried out by a farmer or 34 days when the castration was carried out by a veterinarian. Almost all farmers castrated their calves with the rubber ring, and a majority considered no other method as feasible. 73.9% of the veterinarians used the Burdizzo technique, 14.9% applied rubber rings, and 11.2% performed a surgical procedure. 22.6% of the farmers and 85.4% of the veterinarians used sedation; local anaesthesia was performed in 32.1% of the castrations carried out by farmers and in 84.5% of the castrations carried out by veterinarians. 65.7% of the farmers were concerned by the change of the Swiss Animal Protection Ordinance (2001), when pain relief became mandatory. 47.6% of these farmers changed their castration routine: 53.1% now mandated a veterinarian, 33.0% used sedation or local anaesthesia and 8.9% abandoned castration of their calves. 59.8% of the farmers intended to participate in a future course for laymen, to study and train the technique of local anaesthesia for castration. Castration of their calves is for many suckler beef farmers an inevitable husbandry procedure. The political goal, that all calves shall be castrated with local anaesthesia can only be reached when livestock owners are informed about the distress caused by the castration and convinced of the benefit of the local anaesthesia.Veterinarians are important information carriers in this process. The implementation also produces work, be it the more complex castration procedure or the education of the farmers who want to carry out the local anaesthesia themselves.
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of rumen-protected tryptophan (125g tryptophan per day) in heifers and dairy cows. Blood samples from dairy cows and heifers were collected for 24h in 3-h intervals on the day before tryptophan supplementation, on day 2, 5 and 7 of tryptophan supplementation, and in heifers additionally on d 14 after tryptophan supplementation was ceased. Plasma tryptophan, melatonin, serotonin, and prolactin concentrations were determined. Tryptophan plasma concentrations on d 5 were augmented at day (11:00h) and nighttime (02:00h), (P<0.05) in response to tryptophan supplementation in heifers by 119% and in dairy cows by 47%, respectively, as compared with d 0. Melatonin increased (P<0.05) in response to tryptophan supplementation in heifers, but not in cows. The effect of tryptophan supplementation on plasma tryptophan and melatonin was reversible as demonstrated in heifers on d 14 after cessation of tryptophan supplementation. Serotonin and prolactin in plasma did not respond to tryptophan supplementation. However, milk yield during morning milking increased significantly in tryptophan supplemented cows on d 1, 3 and 4 as compared to the day before tryptophan supplementation. Additional blood samples were taken during afternoon milking in cows at 1-min intervals for the analyses of oxytocin and prolactin on the day before the start and on d 7 of tryptophan supplementation. Milk flow curves were recorded during milking. No effect of tryptophan supplementation on the milking related release of oxytocin and prolactin and on any characteristic of milk flow was observed. In conclusion, tryptophan supplementation caused increased plasma tryptophan in cows and heifers and plasma melatonin in heifers. However, plasma serotonin, prolactin and oxytocin release in cows remained unchanged by tryptophan supplementation. Milk yield at morning milking increased slightly and transiently in response to tryptophan supplementation.
Clinical examination, skin biopsies, skull radiographs, and DNA analysis of a 2-day-old Red Angus-Charolais-Simmental cross bull calf confirmed the diagnosis of congenital hypotrichosis and anodontia defect (HAD), also called anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, which is a rare anomaly caused by a deletion in the bovine EDA gene on the X chromosome.