649 resultados para Bal, Mieke


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The origin of Broad Absorption Line Quasars (BAL QSOs) is still an open issue. Accounting for ~20% of the QSO population, these objects present broad absorption lines in their optical spectra generated from outflows with velocities up to 0.2 c. Nowadays, the hypotheses about their nature are principally related to orientation or evolutionary scenarios. In the first one, absorption lines are produced by outflows originated by the accretion disk, basically present in all QSOs, but seen only when they intercept the line of sight. In the second hypothesis, BAL QSOs would be young or recently re-fueled QSOs, still ejecting their dust cocoon. In this case orientation would not play a role, since the absorption features would be produced by spherically ejected matter. In this work we present the results of a multi-frequency study of a Radio-Loud BAL QSO sample, and a comparison sample of Radio-Loud non-BAL QSOs. We performed observations from radio to Near-Infrared, aiming at collecting useful informations about the orientation, the age, and the morphologies of these objects. Various techniques have been applied, including local and continental radio interferometry, single dish observations and spectroscopy. The comparison with the non-BAL QSO sample allows us to conclude that no particular orientation is present in BAL QSOs. Moreover, various morphologies and ages can be found, analogously to "normal" QSOs. Thus, the solution to this astrophysical problem seems not to reside in a peculiarity of the BAL QSO subclass with respect to non-BAL QSOs, since both the studied models do not completely explain the observed characteristics. Further experiments with future instrumentation will allow us to underline useful differences and test the physical conditions in BAL QSOs.


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Background. Phenylketonuria is the most prevalent inborn error of aminoacid metabolism. Is an autosomal recessive disorder. It results from mutations in the phenylalanine hydroxilase (PAH) gene. Phenotypes can vary from mild hyperphenylalaninemia to a severe phenylketonuria wich, if untreated, results in severe mental retardation. Thanks to neonatal screening programmes, early detection and promp dietetic intervention (phenylalanine restricted diet lifelong) has allowed to avoid neurocognitive complications. Recently, a new therapy is become widely used: the oral supplementation with the PAH cofactor (BH4), wich can alleviate the diet burden. Genotype-phenotype correlation is a reliable tool to predict metabolic phenotype in order to establish a better tailored diet and to assess the potential responsiveness to BH4 therapy. Aim Molecular analysis of the PAH gene, evaluation of genotype-phenotype correlation and prediction of BH4 responsiveness in a group of HPA patients living in Emilia Romagna. Patients and methods. We studied 48 patients affected by PAH deficiency in regular follow-up to our Metabolic Centre. We performed the molecular analysis of these patients using genomic DNA extracted from peripheral blood samples Results. We obtained a full genotipic characterization of 46 patients. We found 87 mutant alleles and 35 different mutations, being the most frequent IVS10-11 G>A (19.3%), R261Q (9.1%), R158Q (9.1%), R408Q (6.8%) and A403V (5.7%), including 2 new ones (L287, N223Y) ever described previously. Notably, we found 15 mutations already identified in BH4-responsive patients, according to the literature. We found 42 different genotipic combinations, most of them in single patients and involving a BH4-responsive mutation. Conclusion. BH4 responsiveness is shown by a consistent number of PAH deficient hyperphenylalaninemic patients. This treatment, combined with a less restricted diet or as monotherapy, can reduce nutritional complications and improve the quality of life of these patients.


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Dass durch IL-1α die Th1-vermittelte Immunreaktion der kutanen Leishmaniasis beeinflusst werden kann, konnte unsere Arbeitsgruppe bereits zeigen. Daran anknüpfend war das Ziel meiner Dissertation zu prüfen, ob sich diese Erkenntnisse im Modell des murinen allergischen Asthmas reproduzieren lassen, auch im Sinne eines zukünftigen therapeutischen Nutzens für die Behandlung dieser epidemiologisch hochrelevanten Erkrankung. Daneben sollte die Verwendung der gesamten murinen Lunge als Quelle für Untersuchungsmaterial erschlossen werden. Zu diesem Zweck wurden bei BALB/c Mäusen ein (OVA)/Alum-induziertes allergisches Asthma in Gegenwart oder Abwesenheit von IL-1α generiert. Anschließend wurde eine broncheoalveoläre Lavage (BAL) durchgeführt, bzw. die komplette linke Lunge gewonnen und prozessiert. Der Einfluss von IL-1α auf den Phänotyp der Th2-vermittelten Immunantwort ließ sich auf zytomorphologischer, durchflusszytometrischer und Zytokin-Ebene nachweisen. So zeigte ein Teil unserer Ergebnisse, dass nach der frühen Gabe eine Tendenz zur Verlagerung des Gewichtes der Abwehrreaktion von Th2 in Richtung Th1 besteht. Ebenso fanden sich Hinweise für eine relative Augmentation der Th2-Antwort durch den Einsatz von IL-1α zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt. Eine absolute Verstärkung der Th2-Reaktion auf OVA durch IL-1α konnten wir nicht messen. Hier scheint mit OVA allein schon eine maximale Ausprägung erreicht zu sein. Neben den Th1/Th2-Effekten wurden auch einige gegenläufige Beobachtungen gemacht, welche nicht a priori durch das Th1/Th2-Paradigma zu erklären sind, sondern den Einfluß von IL-1α auf andere Systeme belegen, wie z. B. die Wirkung auf CCL28 und regulatorische T-Zellen. Für die Gewinnung von inflammatorischen Zellen aus der kompletten Lunge und deren weitere Untersuchung konnten wir eine Methode entwickeln und standardisieren, welche relativ einfach in der Durchführung ist und zuverlässig eine im Verhältnis zur BAL hohe Zellzahl liefert, was wiederum ein breites Spektrum an weiteren Untersuchungen erlaubt. Durch den Vorgang der mechanischen und enzymatischen Prozessierung scheinen die funktionellen Eigenschaften der Zellen nicht wesentlich beeinträchtigt zu sein. Der Einsatz von IL-1α resultierte letztendlich in einem Mischbild an hervorgerufenen Veränderungen und es bedarf noch weiterer Studien, um die unterschiedlichen induzierten Mechanismen sauber voneinander zu trennen und den therapeutischen Nutzen von IL-1α im allergischen Asthma zu evaluieren.


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Das allergische Asthma ist eine weit verbreitete, immunologische Erkrankung, deren Prävalenz in den vergangenen 20 Jahren vor allem in industrialisierten Regionen drastisch zugenommen hat. Trotz intensiver Forschung und Entwicklung medikamentöser Therapien steigt die Zahl der Patienten stetig an. Charakteristisch für diese Erkrankung sind entzündliche Veränderungen in der Lunge, erhöhte Atemwegsüberempfindlichkeit (AHR), Mukusproduktion und in chronischen Fällen auch Atemwegsobstruktion. Bei der Entstehung des allergischen Asthmas wird ein anfälliges Individuum durch die Inhalation eines normalerweise unschädlichen, in der Umwelt vorkommenden Antigens (Allergen) sensibilisiert, wodurch im Körper eine eigentlich unangebrachte Immunreaktion in Gang gesetzt wird. CD4+ T-Lymphozyten und ganz besonders die Subpopulationen der T-Helfer 1 (Th1) und Th2 Zellen spielen in dem Prozess eine zentrale Rolle. Obwohl ein Großteil der Asthmatiker mit einer Atemwegseosinophilie und erhöhter Expression der Th2-typischen Zytokine IL-4 und IL-13 ein Th2-typisches Krankheitsbild aufweisen, wurden weitere Asthmaphänotypen identifiziert. Vornehmlich in Patienten, die an schwerem Asthma leiden, sind dominierende Neutrophilie und erhöhte Mengen IFN-γ in den Atemwegen nachweisbar, was auf eine Th1-gesteuerte Immunreaktion hindeutet. Eine effektive, heilende Therapie des Asthmas wurde bislang nicht entwickelt. Die Inhibition der T-Zellantwort etwa durch Applikation allergenspezifischer, regulatorischer T-Zellen (Tregs) gilt als ein vielversprechender, aber nicht vollständig erforschter Ansatz zur Kontrolle der Krankheitssymptome. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Mechanismen und Effekte natürlich vorkommender CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatorischer T-Zellen (nTregs) auf eine Th1 bzw. Th2-induzierte allergische Atemwegserkrankung untersucht. Anhand eines adoptiven Zelltransfermodells unter Einsatz lymphozytendefizienter Rag2-/- Mäuse konnte gezeigt werden, dass sowohl Th1 als auch Th2 Zellen, kombiniert mit mehrfacher, inhalativer Allergenprovokation, eine erhöhte AHR induzieren. Während der Transfer allergenspezifischer Th2 Zellen eine Eosinophilie in der bronchoalveolären Lavage (BAL) und vermehrte Mukusproduktion in den Atemwegen hervorrief, war in Th1-transferierten Tieren zwar eine massive Infiltration neutrophiler Granulozyten zu beobachten, eine Becherzellmetaplasie mit vermehrten, mukusproduzierenden Atemwegsepithelzellen blieb allerdings aus. In vitro und in vivo waren voraktivierte nTregs (preTregs) nur eingeschränkt in der Lage, die Th2-gesteuerte Atemwegserkrankung zu inhibieren. Im Gegensatz dazu konnten die Th1-Effektorfunktionen in vitro und die Th1-induzierte AHR und Atemwegsentzündung in vivo durch preTregs effektiv gehemmt werden, was auf eine unterschiedliche Empfindlichkeit der Th-Subpopulationen weist. Innerhalb der nTreg-vermittelten Suppression wird der sekundäre Botenstoff cAMP auf die zu supprimierende Zelle übertragen und führt zur Hemmung von Proliferation und Zytokinproduktion. Dass dieser Mechanismus nicht nur in vitro, sondern auch in der Suppression der Th2-gesteuerten allergischen Atemwegserkrankung eine Rolle spielt, konnte durch die Störung des intrazellulären cAMP-Abbaus mittels PDE4-Inhibitoren verdeutlicht werden. Sowohl die prophylaktische, als auch die therapeutische Applikation der PDE4-Inhibitoren verstärkte den regulativen Effekt der nTregs auf AHR und Entzündung, korrelierend mit erhöhten, zytosolischen cAMP-Konzentrationen in den Th2 Zellen der Lunge. Trotz des Fortschritts in der Isolation und In vitro-Expansion humaner nTregs ist die Ausbeute an Zellen äußerst limitiert und die Übertragbarkeit größerer Zellmengen nicht zuletzt aufgrund von hohem Kontaminationsrisiko während mehrtägiger In vitro-Expansion fragwürdig. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigen, dass eine Behandlung mit dem PDE4-Inhibitor die suppressive Kapazität der allergenspezifischen nTregs deutlich erhöhte. Den nTreg-vermittelten Suppressionsmechanismus durch den Einsatz von Pharmazeutika zu unterstützen bietet einen viel versprechenden und realistischen Ansatz zur Therapie des allergischen Asthmas.


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Aus der zunehmenden Prävalenz allergischer Erkrankungen vor allem in den Industrienationen ergibt sich ein erhöhter Bedarf an Grundlagenforschung im Bereich von Allergie und Asthma sowie der Entwicklung innovativer Therapiestrategien. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden die immundefizienten Mausstämme NOD-Scid und NOD-Scid gc als vielversprechender translationaler Schritt zwischen dem reinen Tiermodell und der Erprobung neuer Therapieansätze an Probanden in klinischen Studien beleuchtet. Im experimentellen Verlauf der Arbeit wurde ein humanisiertes Mausmodell der allergischen Atemwegsentzündung zunächst in immundefizienten NOD-Scid und darauffolgend in NOD-Scid gc Mäusen etabliert. Diese Mausstämme zeichnen sich durch das Nichtvorhandensein von B- und T-Zellen aus. Im NOD-Scid gc Stamm resultiert aus einer zusätzlichen Mutation des Gens für die gamma-Kette des IL-2 Rezeptors der Verlust von natürlichen Killerzellen (NK-Zellen), was die Immunität in diesem Stamm weiter herabsetzt und eine Humanisierung erleichtert. Die Humanisierung der Mäuse erfolgte durch die intraperitoneale Injektion von mononukleären Zellen des peripheren Blutes (PBMCs), die unter Anwendung der Ficoll-Dichtezentrifugation aus dem Blut von Probanden isoliert wurden. Für die Gewinnung der PBMCs wurden zum einen Asthma-Patienten mit einer hochgradigen Sensibilisierung gegen Birkenpollen herangezogen. Zum anderen wurden in Kontrollexperimenten PBMCs nicht-allergischer Probanden verwendet. Während sich für den NOD-Scid Stamm 80 Millionen PBMCs als angemessene Transferzahl erwiesen, reichten für die Rekonstitution des NOD-Scid gc Stammes 5 Millionen PBMCs aus. Eine Analyse der Tiere erfolgte 24 Tage nach Injektion der humanen Zellen. Der Transfer der PBMCs allergischer Asthmatiker führte besonders nach additiver Applikation des Birkenallergens sowie des humanen rekombinanten Zytokins IL-4 und darauffolgender nasaler allergener Provokation zu einer starken pulmonalen Entzündung in den Mäusen. Die nasale Allergenprovokation an den Tagen 20-22 nach PBMC-Transfer erwies sich für das Aufkommen der Inflammation als unbedingt erforderlich. Die nasale Provokation mit Phosphat-gepufferter Salzlösung (PBS) mündete in einer herabgesetzten Inflammation ohne Ausprägung einer Atemwegsüberempfindlichkeit (AHR), reduzierten Zellzahlen in der bronchoalveolären Lavage (BAL) sowie verminderten Frequenzen humaner Zellen in den Lungen von Versuchstieren, die mit atopischen PBMCs supplementiert mit Birkenallergen und IL-4 rekonstituiert wurden. Die Allergenabhängigkeit des etablierten Modells wurde anhand von Experimenten untermauert, die verdeutlichten, dass ein Transfer von PBMCs nicht-allergischer Probanden trotz Zugabe des Allergens und humanem IL-4 keine Atemwegsinflammation auslöste. Bei den humanen Zellen, die an Tag 24 nach Rekonstitution in den Mäusen detektiert werden konnten, handelte es sich hauptsächlich um T-Zellen. Innerhalb dieser CD3+ T-Zellen konnten CD4+ und CD8+ T-Zellen differenziert werden. Depletionsexperimente, in denen nach Gewinnung der PBMCs aus dem Blut der Probanden verschiedene T-Zellsubpopulationen (CD3+, CD4+, CD8+) eliminiert wurden, führten zu dem Befund, dass die allergische Atemwegsentzündung in dem System von humanen CD4+ T-Zellen abhängig war. Nach der Etablierung des humanisierten Mausmodells der allergischen Atemwegsentzündung wurde das System zur Analyse des suppressionsfördernden Potentials des HIV-1 - Hüllproteins gp120 genutzt. Die Applikation von gp120 führte zu einer Reduktion der Atemwegsinflammation. Dies äußerte sich in einer Aufhebung der AHR, verminderten Zellzahlen in der BAL sowie dem reduzierten Einstrom humaner T-Zellen in die Lungen der rekonstituierten Tiere. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass die anti-inflammatorische Wirkung des gp120 strikt von der Anwesenheit regulatorischer T-Zellen (Tregs) innerhalb der für die Humanisierung genutzten PBMCs abhängig war. Eine Depletion der Tregs vor Transfer in die Mäuse führte zum Verlust der anti-inflammatorischen Effekte des gp120. Diese Ergebnisse sprechen für die Modulation regulatorischer T-Zellen als hoffnungsvolle Maßnahme in der Behandlung allergischer Erkrankungen. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit gewonnenen Erkenntnisse eröffnen innovative Ansätze zur Analyse neuer Therapiestrategien in einem Testsystem, dass die Erforschung humaner Zellinteraktionen sowie die Wirkung potentieller Arzneistoffe auf humane Zellen unter in vivo Bedingungen erlaubt.


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This study is on albacore (Thunnus alalunga, Bonnaterre 1788), an epi- and mesopelagic oceanic tuna species cosmopolitan in the tropical and temperate waters of all oceans including the Mediterranean Sea, extending in a broad band between 40°N and 40°S. What it’s known about albacore population structure is based on different studies that used fisheries data, RFLP, mtDNA control region and nuDNA markers, blood lectins analysis, individual tags and microsatellite. At the moment, for T. alalunga six management units are recognized: the North Pacific, South Pacific, Indian, North Atlantic, South Atlantic and Mediterranean stocks. In this study I have done a temporal and spatial comparison of genetic variability between different Mediterranean populations of Thunnus alalunga matching an historical dataset ca. from 1920s composed of 43 individuals divided in 3 populations (NADR, SPAIN and CMED) with a modern dataset composed of 254 individuals and 7 populations (BAL, CYP, LIG, TYR, TUR, ADR, ALB). The investigation was possible using a panel of 94 nuclear SNPs, built specifically for the target species at the University of Basque Country UPV/EHU. First analysis done was the Hardy-Weinberg, then the number of clusters (K) was determined using STRUCTURE and to assess the genetic variability, allele frequencies, the average number of alleles per locus, expected (He) and observed (Ho) heterozygosis, and the index of polymorphism (P) was used the software Genetix. Historical and modern samples gives different results, showing a clear loss of genetic diversity over time leading to a single cluster in modern albacore instead of the two found in historical samples. What this study reveals is very important for conservation concerns, and additional research endeavours are needed.


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Argillaceous formations generally act as aquitards because of their low hydraulic conductivities. This property, together with the large retention capacity of clays for cationic contaminants, has brought argillaceous formations into focus as potential host rocks for the geological disposal of radioactive and other waste. In several countries, programmes are under way to characterise the detailed transport properties of such formations at depth. In this context, the interpretation of profiles of natural tracers in pore waters across the formations can give valuable information about the large-scale and long-term transport behaviour of these formations. Here, tracer-profile data, obtained by various methods of pore-water extraction for nine sites in central Europe, are compiled. Data at each site comprise some or all of the conservative tracers: anions (Cl(-), Br(-)), water isotopes (delta(18)O, delta(2)H) and noble gases (mainly He). Based on a careful evaluation of the palaeo-hydrogeological evolution at each site, model scenarios are derived for initial and boundary pore-water compositions and an attempt is made to numerically reproduce the observed tracer distributions in a consistent way for all tracers and sites, using transport parameters derived from laboratory or in situ tests. The comprehensive results from this project have been reported in Mazurek et al. (2009). Here the results for three sites are presented in detail, but the conclusions are based on model interpretations of the entire data set. In essentially all cases, the shapes of the profiles can be explained by diffusion acting as the dominant transport process over periods of several thousands to several millions of years and at the length scales of the profiles. Transport by advection has a negligible influence on the observed profiles at most sites, as can be shown by estimating the maximum advection velocities that still give acceptable fits of the model with the data. The advantages and disadvantages of different conservative tracers are also assessed. The anion Cl(-) is well suited as a natural tracer in aquitards, because its concentration varies considerably in environmental waters. It can easily be measured, although the uncertainty regarding the fraction of the pore space that is accessible to anions in clays remains an issue. The stable water isotopes are also well suited, but they are more difficult to measure and their values generally exhibit a smaller relative range of variation. Chlorine isotopes (delta(37)Cl) and He are more difficult to interpret because initial and boundary conditions cannot easily be constrained by independent evidence. It is also shown that the existence of perturbing events such as the activation of aquifers due to uplift and erosion, leading to relatively sharp changes of boundary conditions, can be considered as a pre-requisite to obtain well-interpretable tracer signatures. On the other hand, gradual changes of boundary conditions are more difficult to parameterise and so may preclude a clear interpretation.


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BACKGROUND: The pathology of pediatric severe therapy-resistant asthma (STRA) is little understood. OBJECTIVES: We hypothesized that STRA in children is characterized by airway eosinophilia and mast cell inflammation and is driven by the T(H)2 cytokines IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13. METHODS: Sixty-nine children (mean age, 11.8 years; interquartile range, 5.6-17.3 years; patients with STRA, n = 53; control subjects, n = 16) underwent fiberoptic bronchoscopy, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), and endobronchial biopsy. Airway inflammation, remodeling, and BAL fluid and biopsy specimen T(H)2 cytokines were quantified. Children with STRA also underwent symptom assessment (Asthma Control Test), spirometry, exhaled nitric oxide and induced sputum evaluation. RESULTS: Children with STRA had significantly increased BAL fluid and biopsy specimen eosinophil counts compared with those found in control subjects (BAL fluid, P < .001; biopsy specimen, P < .01); within the STRA group, there was marked between-patient variability in eosinophilia. Submucosal mast cell, neutrophil, and lymphocyte counts were similar in both groups. Reticular basement membrane thickness and airway smooth muscle were increased in patients with STRA compared with those found in control subjects (P < .0001 and P < .001, respectively). There was no increase in BAL fluid IL-4, IL-5, or IL-13 levels in patients with STRA compared with control subjects, and these cytokines were rarely detected in induced sputum. Biopsy IL-5(+) and IL-13(+) cell counts were also not higher in patients with STRA compared with those seen in control subjects. The subgroup (n = 15) of children with STRA with detectable BAL fluid T(H)2 cytokines had significantly lower lung function than those with undetectable BAL fluid T(H)2 cytokines. CONCLUSIONS: STRA in children was characterized by remodeling and variable airway eosinophil counts. However, unlike in adults, there was no neutrophilia, and despite the wide range in eosinophil counts, the T(H)2 mediators that are thought to drive allergic asthma were mostly absent.


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Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is characterized by an uncontrolled accumulation and activation of lung fibroblasts. A modulation of fibroblast activation has been observed in various systems with octreotide, a synthetic somatostatin analog with strong affinity for the somatostatin receptor subtype 2 (sst2). One aim of our study was to evaluate the expression of somatostatin receptors in the lungs of patients with IPF. A second aim was to evaluate the relationship between 111In-octreotide uptake and the effect of pulmonary fibrosis as assessed by lung function tests and parameters and by radiologic findings. METHODS: We investigated 11 patients with IPF, 6 patients with pulmonary fibrosis associated with systemic sclerosis (SSc), and 19 patients with disease not of the lung (control patients). The expression of somatostatin receptors was evaluated in vivo using 111In-octreotide scintigraphy. We evaluated the relationship between 111In-octreotide uptake and the activity of pulmonary fibrosis as assessed by lung function tests, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) cellularity, and high-resolution CT (HRCT) of the chest. Planar images and thoracic SPECT (24 h) were performed after injection of 222 MBq of 111In-octreotide. Lung uptake was quantified using the lung-to-background ratio (L/B). In addition, the expression of sst2 was evaluated in vitro, in frozen lung-tissue samples using autoradiography, and in human cultures of lung fibroblasts using a ligand-binding assay. RESULTS: Compared with lung uptake in control patients (median L/B, 1.25; range, 1.14-1.49), lung uptake was increased in all 11 IPF patients (median L/B, 2.63; range, 1.59-3.13; P < 0.001) and in 4 of 6 SSc patients (median L/B, 1.68; range, 1.42-2.16). The L/B was lower in SSc patients than in IPF patients (P = 0.011). Increased uptake correlated with the alteration of lung function (carbon monoxide diffusing capacity [rho = -0.655; P = 0.038], diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide and alveolar volume ratio [rho = -0.627; P = 0.047], vital capacity [rho = -0.609; P = 0.054], and total lung capacity [rho = -0.598; P = 0.058]) and with the intensity of alveolitis (total BAL cellularity [rho = 0.756; P = 0.045], neutrophil counts [rho = 0.738; P = 0.05]), and HRCT fibrosis score (rho = 0.673; P = 0.007). Autoradiography suggested that vascular structures were a prominent binding site. Lung fibroblasts expressed somatostatin receptors in vitro as measured by binding assay. CONCLUSION: Our preliminary results identified an increased expression of sst2 in (mainly idiopathic) pulmonary fibrosis. Lung uptake correlates with the alteration of lung function and with the intensity of alveolitis.


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BACKGROUND: Repeated bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) has been used in animals to induce surfactant depletion and to study therapeutical interventions of subsequent respiratory insufficiency. Intratracheal administration of surface active agents such as perfluorocarbons (PFC) can prevent the alveolar collapse in surfactant depleted lungs. However, it is not known how BAL or subsequent PFC administration affect the intracellular and intraalveolar surfactant pool. METHODS: Male wistar rats were surfactant depleted by BAL and treated for 1 hour by conventional mechanical ventilation (Lavaged-Gas, n = 5) or partial liquid ventilation with PF 5080 (Lavaged-PF5080, n = 5). For control, 10 healthy animals with gas (Healthy-Gas, n = 5) or PF5080 filled lungs (Healthy-PF5080, n = 5) were studied. A design-based stereological approach was used for quantification of lung parenchyma and the intracellular and intraalveolar surfactant pool at the light and electron microscopic level. RESULTS: Compared to Healthy-lungs, Lavaged-animals had more type II cells with lamellar bodies in the process of secretion and freshly secreted lamellar body-like surfactant forms in the alveoli. The fraction of alveolar epithelial surface area covered with surfactant and total intraalveolar surfactant content were significantly smaller in Lavaged-animals. Compared with Gas-filled lungs, both PF5080-groups had a significantly higher total lung volume, but no other differences. CONCLUSION: After BAL-induced alveolar surfactant depletion the amount of intracellularly stored surfactant is about half as high as in healthy animals. In lavaged animals short time liquid ventilation with PF5080 did not alter intra- or extracellular surfactant content or subtype composition.


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The case of a patient with a newly diagnosed HIV infection and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia is presented. Despite treatment with high-dose trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX) and prednisone with initial improvement, the patient acutely deteriorated with severe acidosis and died on the 4th day of hospitalization. Cryptococcus neoformans grew the next day in broncheoalveolar lavage (BAL) and blood culture. As simultaneous presence of more than one opportunistic infection can occur in these patients, systematic workup for other common opportunistic infections must be performed.


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BACKGROUND: The surfactant proteins B (SP-B) and C (SP-C) are important for the stability and function of the alveolar surfactant film. Their involvement and down-regulation in inflammatory processes has recently been proposed, but their level during neutrophilic human airway diseases are not yet known. METHODS: We used 1D-electrophoresis and Western blotting to determine the concentrations and molecular forms of SP-B and SP-C in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid of children with different inflammatory airway diseases. 21 children with cystic fibrosis, 15 with chronic bronchitis and 14 with pneumonia were included and compared to 14 healthy control children. RESULTS: SP-B was detected in BAL of all 64 patients, whereas SP-C was found in BAL of all but 3 children; those three BAL fluids had more than 80% neutrophils, and in two patients, who were re-lavaged later, SP-C was then present and the neutrophil count was lower. SP-B was mainly present as a dimer, SP-C as a monomer. For both qualitative and quantitative measures of SP-C and SP-B, no significant differences were observed between the four evaluated patient groups. CONCLUSION: Concentration or molecular form of SP-B and SP-C is not altered in BAL of children with different acute and chronic inflammatory lung diseases. We conclude that there is no down-regulation of SP-B and SP-C at the protein level in inflammatory processes of neutrophilic airway disease.


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BACKGROUND: Endobronchial biopsies are an important tool for the study of airway remodeling in children. We aimed to evaluate the impact of performing endobronchial biopsies as a part of fiberoptic bronchoscopy on the length of the procedure. METHODS: Clinically indicated fiberoptic bronchoscopy at which endobronchial biopsy was attempted as a part of a research protocol was performed in 40 children (median age 6 years, range 2 months-16 years). Time needed for airway inspection, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) with three aliquots of 1 ml/kg of 0.9% saline, sampling of three macroscopically adequate biopsies, teaching, and other interventions (e.g., removal of plugs) was recorded. The bronchoscopist was not aware that the procedure was being timed. RESULTS: Median (range) duration (min) was 2.5 (1.0-8.2) for airway inspection, 2.8 (1.7-9.4) for BAL, 5.3 (2.5-16.6) for biopsy sampling, 2.4 (1.5-6.6) for teaching and 4.1 (0.8-18.5) for other interventions. Three adequate biopsies were obtained in 33 (83%) children. Use of 2.0 mm biopsy forceps (via 4.0 and 4.9 mm bronchoscopes) rather than 1.0 mm (via 2.8 and 3.6 mm bronchoscopes) significantly reduced biopsy time (4.6 min vs. 8.4 min, P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: It takes a median of just over 5 min to obtain three endobronchial biopsies in children, which we consider an acceptable increase in the duration of fiberoptic bronchoscopy for the purpose of research.


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Acer saccharum Marsh., is one of the most valuable trees in the northern hardwood forests. Severe dieback was recently reported by area foresters in the western Upper Great Lakes Region. Sugar Maple has had a history of dieback over the last 100 years throughout its range and different variables have been identified as being the predisposing and inciting factors in different regions at different times. Some of the most common factors attributed to previous maple dieback episodes were insect defoliation outbreaks, inadequate precipitation, poor soils, atmospheric deposition, fungal pathogens, poor management, or a combination of these. The current sugar maple dieback was evaluated to determine the etiology, severity, and change in dieback on both industry and public lands. A network of 120 sugar maple health evaluation plots was established in the Upper Peninsula, Michigan, northern Wisconsin, and eastern Minnesota and evaluated annually from 2009-2012. Mean sugar maple crown dieback between 2009-2012 was 12.4% (ranging from 0.8-75.5%) across the region. Overall, during the sampling period, mean dieback decreased by 5% but individual plots and trees continued to decline. Relationships were examined between sugar maple dieback and growth, habitat conditions, ownership, climate, soil, foliage nutrients, and the maple pathogen sapstreak. The only statistically significant factor was found to be a high level of forest floor impacts due to exotic earthworm activity. Sugar maple on soils with lower pH had less earthworm impacts, less dieback, and higher growth rates than those on soils more favorable to earthworms. Nutritional status of foliage and soil was correlated with dieback and growth suggesting perturbation of nutrient cycling may be predisposing or contributing to dieback. The previous winter's snowfall totals, length of stay on the ground, and number of days with freezing temperatures had a significant positive relationship to sugar maple growth rates. Sapstreak disease, Ceratocystis virescens, may be contributing to dieback in some stands but was not related to the amount of dieback in the region. The ultimate goal of this research is to help forest managers in the Great Lakes Region prevent, anticipate, reduce, and/or salvage stands with dieback and loss in the future. An improved understanding of the complex etiology associated with sugar maple dieback in the Upper Great Lakes Region is necessary to make appropriate silvicultural decisions. Forest Health education helps increase awareness and proactive forest management in the face of changing forest ecosystems. Lessons are included to assist educators in incorporating forest health into standard biological disciplines at the secondary school curricula.


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INTRODUCTION: The simple bedside method for sampling undiluted distal pulmonary edema fluid through a normal suction catheter (s-Cath) has been experimentally and clinically validated. However, there are no data comparing non-bronchoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage (mini-BAL) and s-Cath for assessing lung inflammation in acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure. We designed a prospective study in two groups of patients, those with acute lung injury (ALI)/acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and those with acute cardiogenic lung edema (ACLE), designed to investigate the clinical feasibility of these techniques and to evaluate inflammation in both groups using undiluted sampling obtained by s-Cath. To test the interchangeability of the two methods in the same patient for studying the inflammation response, we further compared mini-BAL and s-Cath for agreement of protein concentration and percentage of polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs). METHODS: Mini-BAL and s-Cath sampling was assessed in 30 mechanically ventilated patients, 21 with ALI/ARDS and 9 with ACLE. To analyse agreement between the two sampling techniques, we considered only simultaneously collected mini-BAL and s-Cath paired samples. The protein concentration and polymorphonuclear cell (PMN) count comparisons were performed using undiluted sampling. Bland-Altman plots were used for assessing the mean bias and the limits of agreement between the two sampling techniques; comparison between groups was performed by using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney-U test; continuous variables were compared by using the Student t-test, Wilcoxon signed rank test, analysis of variance or Student-Newman-Keuls test; and categorical variables were compared by using chi-square analysis or Fisher exact test. RESULTS: Using protein content and PMN percentage as parameters, we identified substantial variations between the two sampling techniques. When the protein concentration in the lung was high, the s-Cath was a more sensitive method; by contrast, as inflammation increased, both methods provided similar estimates of neutrophil percentages in the lung. The patients with ACLE showed an increased PMN count, suggesting that hydrostatic lung edema can be associated with a concomitant inflammatory process. CONCLUSIONS: There are significant differences between the s-Cath and mini-BAL sampling techniques, indicating that these procedures cannot be used interchangeably for studying the lung inflammatory response in patients with acute hypoxaemic lung injury.